How do elementary particles see, hear and feel? I was raised as, lived as and still am an Atheist. I don't see any reason to believe in Gods or any transcendent entities. Why do I stress that? Because here is the "but" that you may have seen coming...

1. If everything consists of elementary particles or strings or such, why do we see trees, rocks etc.? As the are only clouds of elementary particles.
2. Photons react with the atoms/elementary particles in the eye, then from the eye electrons and co. travel inwards to the neurons of the brain, which either react or don't react with their own output, regarding the input they receive.
3. All particles of the entire universe would fit in the palm of a hand. Not just the Earth, not just the Sun. Not just our Galaxy. Not just the thousands of Galaxies in our cluster.. but the entire universe
4. How dense and real can any thing seen then actually be?
5. Seeing means that one thing sees another. But if all things are made of elementary particles and are distant to one another, how could they see each other?
6. Consider, that you have never seen the sun, but at best photons from the sun smashed in your retina and it translated that input via electrons and co. to your neurons, which are clouds of elementary particles
7. Do brain-cells create images, sounds and dreams? And if yes - Where? From what? How? To whom or what? Consider what neurons actually are
8. At which stage of evolution did consciousness arise? Do complex molecules have consciousness? Do bacteria have consciousness? Aren't the cells of our bodies symbiotic protozoons?
9. If everything, including your brain, is mainly a vast void with a few elementary particles between. Where are things seen? And if all is elementary particles, why would there be things to be seen?

That said, I assume the vast majority of post will be of the kind "If you believe that kind of stuff and it were true, why do you post this!". To that i have no good reply. Other than that I don't believe in any positive, but I have so far only been able to negate the impossible.