Thread: DCI: Last Alliance - Open Beta released, NEW: 10 October 2020 new patch released, contains Ents - Wolves - Spiders crashes fix! (and more)

  1. #2661

    Default Re: DCI: Last Alliance - Gil-galad & Cirdan preview (page 133) + Cinematic video and Galadriel preview (page 132)

    Quote Originally Posted by Fahnat View Post
    I find the Gil-galad model is so awesome that i want to make another video like the previous one dedicated to him.

    Gil-galad was an Elven-king.
    Of him the harpers sadly sing;
    the last whose realm was fair and free
    between the Mountains and the Sea.
    Hey, did you guys check this out:

  2. #2662
    Fahnat's Avatar Ordinarius

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    Default Re: DCI: Last Alliance - Gil-galad & Cirdan preview (page 133) + Cinematic video and Galadriel preview (page 132)

    Quote Originally Posted by Hirundo View Post
    Hey, did you guys check this out:
    Well...i might have look into it.

  3. #2663
    Ngugi's Avatar TATW & Albion Local Mod
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    Default DCI: Last Alliance - Elrond & Gildor preview (page 134) + Gil-galad & Cirdan preview (page 133)

    As thanks to all who made us an Upcoming Mod-candidate at ModDB and supported us thereafter, the DCI team presents

    Lindon Lords II

    The Kingdom of Lindon once held dominion over Eriador from the Mountains to the Sea, and Wandering Companies still traverse the land at at their leasure. The stronghold known as Imladris ward Eriador from intrusion and has done so ever since Eregion's fall centuries ago.
    Lindon was founded by refugees from Beleriand when the Second Age dawned, and here mingle Nandor and Sindar Elves under the Noldor.

    Gildor Inglorion of the House of Finrod

    What is known about Gildor Inglorion comes from his customs and own accounts. He is a High Elf of the Noldor, and presenting himself as being of the House of Finrod, we might discern that he was living under the household of Finrod Felgaund, king of Nargothrond in Beleriand, in the First Age.

    The country by the Gulf of Lhûn had of old been named Lindon by the Noldor, and this name it bore thereafter. Many of the Eldar who did not cross the Sea to Valinor when the Second Age began settled there, lingering, unwilling yet to forsake Middle-earth where they had fought and laboured long. Gil-galad was their king.

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    Gildor travel with the Wandering Companies through Eriador; singing the praise of Elbereth Gilthoniel, even the mighty Ringwraiths warily turn away, and the shadows of evil flee.

    In the forest of the region of Woody End (that in the Third Age became the eastern part of the Shire) the Wandering Companies has a campground. On three sides the woods press upon it; but eastward the low lands lie dim and flat under the stars.

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    Even in the face of mortal danger Gildor is of good hope, as he says "Courage is found in unlikely places".
    The Companies act as eyes and ears on their travels, and can quickly get message to Imladris or Lindon at need. Gildor Inglorion himself has wisdom to perceive both truth and reason from small pieces of information.

    But wisdom also makes him careful with advice. Elves seldom give unguarded advice, for advice is a dangerous gift, even from the wise to the wise, and all courses may run ill. Yet he will for friendship’s sake give it, if earnestly asked.

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    Gildor Inglorion is made by Araval

    Gildor is based on the work by Louis Lux, Bilwit and Arthalion.

    Elrond Half-elven, Vice-regent of Lindon

    Elrond and his twin brother Elros were born in Beleriand some sixty years before the First Age ended. His parents were Eärendil the Mariner and Elwing; each descended from both Elves and Men, and therefore the sons were known as Half-elven.

    Eärendil father was the human Tuor, the cousin of Túrin Turambar. His mother was Idril, daughter of Turgon of Gondolin, son of Fingolfin, son of Finwë, kings of the Noldor.
    Elwing was the grand-daughter of the human hero Beren and Lúthien Tinúviel, the Elven heroine who became mortal out of love. Lúthien's father was the Sindar High King Thingol of Doriath, while her mother was Melian, a divine Maiar spirit, kin of the Valar.

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    The Valar may not withdraw the gift of death, which comes to Men, but in the matter of the Half-elven the sons of Eärendil were given choice of their own destiny.
    Elrond chose to remain with the Firstborn, and to him the life of the Firstborn was granted. Elros chose to live, and finally die, with Men, and founded the royal house of the Númenóreans.
    From these brethren alone has come among Men the blood of the Firstborn and a strain of the spirits divine that were before the world.

    In Lindon Elrond became close to his distant kinsman Gil-galad, and supported the rejection of Annatar, a stranger that appeared about year 1200, and who later was revealed to be Sauron.

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    Sauron set out to invade Eriador in 1695 to capture the Rings of Power. When news of this reached Gil-galad he sent out a force under Elrond Half-elven. Sauron made at once for the realm of Eregion in the east of Eriador, Mordor's hosts were to powerful to be stopped and Eregion was destroyed in 1697.

    Elrond had gathered such a few of the Elves of Eregion as had escaped, but he had no force to withstand the onset of Sauron's host. He would indeed have been overwhelmed had not Sauron host been attacked in the rear by a force of Dwarves from Khazad-dûm, and with them came Elves of Lórinand led by Amroth.

    Elrond was able to extricate himself, but he was forced away northwards, and he established a refuge and stronghold at Imladris (Rivendell).

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    In 1700 Sauron had mastered all Eriador, save only besieged Imladris and the Grey Havens that Gil-galad and some Númenórean allies were holding in desperate defence.
    Then in the very nick of time the hosts of Númenor landed and Sauron's main force was defeated. The army that was besieging Imladris was caught between Elrond and Gil-galad, and utterly destroyed. Eriador was cleared of the enemy, but lay largely in ruins.

    At this time the first White Council was held, and it was there determined that an Elvish stronghold in the east of Eriador should be maintained at Imladris rather than in the ruined Eregion. At that time also Gil-galad gave Vilya, the Blue Ring, to Elrond, and appointed him to be his vice-regent in Eriador.

    Reaching the War of the Last Alliance at the end of the Second Age, Elrond would in latter days retell:
    'I remember well the splendour of their banners... It recalled to me the glory of the Elder Days and the hosts of Beleriand, so many great princes and captains were assembled. ...
    I was the herald of Gil-galad and marched with his host. I was at the Battle of Dagorlad before the Black Gate of Mordor, where we had the mastery: for the Spear of Gil-galad and the Sword of Elendil, Aiglos and Narsil, none could withstand. I beheld the last combat on the slopes of Orodruin...'

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    Elrond is made by Louis Lux

    Credits for Elrond; Razor- eldar base 3d model and texture. Yarrum - sword and legs 3d model. Lu Bü - head and hands 3d model.

    Additionally, enjoy a Gil-galad video by Fahnat

    Last edited by Ngugi; January 06, 2019 at 07:00 AM.

    Kingdom of Lindon preview video out

    DCI: Last Alliance
    - WIP Second Age mod | DCI: Tôl Acharn - mighty Dúnedain Counter Invasions |
    Additional Mercenary Minimod - more mercs; for TATW and DCI | Family Tree minimods - lore improvements | Remade Event Pictures - enhance cultures trough images |
    Favorite TATW compilation: Withwnars Submod Collection
    Patron of Mank, Kiliç Alì, FireFreak111, MIKEGOLF & Arachir Galudirithon, Earl of Memory

  4. #2664
    leo.civil.uefs's Avatar É nóis que vôa bruxão!
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    Default Re: DCI: Last Alliance - Cinematic video + Galadriel preview + Middle Men Portraits (all page 132)

    Quote Originally Posted by Louis Lux View Post
    Thanks Alwyn for the compliments on the galadriel character model. We're glad everyone is enjoying the previews and there is still more coming soon.

    De volta ao trabalho man?

  5. #2665
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    Default Re: DCI: Last Alliance - Cinematic video + Galadriel preview + Middle Men Portraits (all page 132)

    Quote Originally Posted by leo.civil.uefs View Post
    De volta ao trabalho man?
    Kind of, practicing some new skills.

  6. #2666
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    Default Re: DCI: Last Alliance - Elrond & Gildor preview (page 134) + Gil-galad & Cirdan preview (page 133)

    Seems like Araval and Louis Lux listened well, when the first theme was introduced by Eru.
    Awesome work!

  7. #2667
    Louis Lux's Avatar Into the Light

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    Default Re: DCI: Last Alliance - Elrond & Gildor preview (page 134) + Gil-galad & Cirdan preview (page 133)

    4444th post special. Happy holidays everyone.

    click images to enlarge



    Heroes and Fiends
    click images to enlarge

    Last edited by Louis Lux; December 29, 2018 at 09:37 AM.

  8. #2668
    AnthoniusII's Avatar Μέγαc Δομέστικοc
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    Default Re: DCI: Last Alliance - Elrond & Gildor preview (page 134) + Gil-galad & Cirdan preview (page 133)

    IN the official TATW Elves models were too thin and a bit lower than human ones . Has this submod solved that problem?
    TGC in order to continue its development seak one or more desicated scripters to put our campaign scripts mess to an order plus to create new events and create the finall missing factions recruitment system. In return TGC will give permision to those that will help to use its material stepe by step. The result will be a fully released TGC plus many mods that will benefit TGC's material.
    Despite the mod is dead does not mean that anyone can use its material
    read this to avoid misunderstandings.
    TGC settlements previews.
    Adding MARKA HORSES in your mod and create new varietions of them. Tutorial RESTORED.

  9. #2669
    Louis Lux's Avatar Into the Light

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    Default Re: DCI: Last Alliance - Elrond & Gildor preview (page 134) + Gil-galad & Cirdan preview (page 133)

    Hi Anthonius. I recognize the problem with the TATW elf models that you've brought up a few times. A general fix is on my to-do list but is not a major priority at the moment.

  10. #2670
    Ngugi's Avatar TATW & Albion Local Mod
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    Default Re: DCI: Last Alliance - Elrond & Gildor preview (page 134) + Gil-galad & Cirdan preview (page 133)

    Quote Originally Posted by Louis Lux View Post
    4444th post special. Happy holidays everyone.
    Real nice images

    Kingdom of Lindon preview video out

    DCI: Last Alliance
    - WIP Second Age mod | DCI: Tôl Acharn - mighty Dúnedain Counter Invasions |
    Additional Mercenary Minimod - more mercs; for TATW and DCI | Family Tree minimods - lore improvements | Remade Event Pictures - enhance cultures trough images |
    Favorite TATW compilation: Withwnars Submod Collection
    Patron of Mank, Kiliç Alì, FireFreak111, MIKEGOLF & Arachir Galudirithon, Earl of Memory

  11. #2671
    leo.civil.uefs's Avatar É nóis que vôa bruxão!
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    Default Re: DCI: Last Alliance - Elrond & Gildor preview (page 134) + Gil-galad & Cirdan preview (page 133)

    Holy cow this is some superior quality stuff!!!

  12. #2672
    baz44331's Avatar Ordinarius
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    Default Re: DCI: Last Alliance - Elrond & Gildor preview (page 134) + Gil-galad & Cirdan preview (page 133)

    wow. nice job guys. love the work

  13. #2673
    Fahnat's Avatar Ordinarius

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    Default Re: DCI: Last Alliance - Elrond & Gildor preview (page 134) + Gil-galad & Cirdan preview (page 133)

    This mod is looking better by the minute!
    Next year the Fall of Gil Galad shall be complete.

  14. #2674

    Default Re: DCI: Last Alliance - Elrond & Gildor preview (page 134) + Gil-galad & Cirdan preview (page 133)

    My god these last weeks have been soo amazing with this mod

    Thank you guys!

  15. #2675

    Default Re: DCI: Last Alliance - Elrond & Gildor preview (page 134) + Gil-galad & Cirdan preview (page 133)

    Will Santa Ngugi bring Joy to all the "Kids" today?

  16. #2676
    Ngugi's Avatar TATW & Albion Local Mod
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    Default Re: DCI: Last Alliance - Elrond & Gildor preview (page 134) + Gil-galad & Cirdan preview (page 133)

    Quote Originally Posted by c.ryo View Post
    Will Santa Ngugi bring Joy to all the "Kids" today?
    Allow me to quote Mike from Red Letter Media:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    That said, 2019 will be a blast

    Happy New Year!
    Last edited by Ngugi; December 31, 2018 at 03:00 AM.

    Kingdom of Lindon preview video out

    DCI: Last Alliance
    - WIP Second Age mod | DCI: Tôl Acharn - mighty Dúnedain Counter Invasions |
    Additional Mercenary Minimod - more mercs; for TATW and DCI | Family Tree minimods - lore improvements | Remade Event Pictures - enhance cultures trough images |
    Favorite TATW compilation: Withwnars Submod Collection
    Patron of Mank, Kiliç Alì, FireFreak111, MIKEGOLF & Arachir Galudirithon, Earl of Memory

  17. #2677
    Legourou's Avatar Semisalis
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    Default Re: DCI: Last Alliance - Elrond & Gildor preview (page 134) + Gil-galad & Cirdan preview (page 133)

    Wow, I came here expecting a graveyard of an old game. And here you all are still chugging away lol

    This work looks fantastic. You guys have really stretched the original game and vanilla mod to the limits. I am so happy

  18. #2678
    Ngugi's Avatar TATW & Albion Local Mod
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    Default Re: DCI: Last Alliance - Elrond & Gildor preview (page 134) + Gil-galad & Cirdan preview (page 133)

    The corpse's alive

    Kingdom of Lindon preview video out

    DCI: Last Alliance
    - WIP Second Age mod | DCI: Tôl Acharn - mighty Dúnedain Counter Invasions |
    Additional Mercenary Minimod - more mercs; for TATW and DCI | Family Tree minimods - lore improvements | Remade Event Pictures - enhance cultures trough images |
    Favorite TATW compilation: Withwnars Submod Collection
    Patron of Mank, Kiliç Alì, FireFreak111, MIKEGOLF & Arachir Galudirithon, Earl of Memory

  19. #2679

    Default Re: DCI: Last Alliance - Elrond & Gildor preview (page 134) + Gil-galad & Cirdan preview (page 133)

    Live and kicking! Happy New Year everyone.

  20. #2680
    Beregond's Avatar TWC boomer
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    Default Re: DCI: Last Alliance - Elrond & Gildor preview (page 134) + Gil-galad & Cirdan preview (page 133)

    Just popping in to say that after all years it's amazing to see TATW modding is doing strong - great job to all involved!!

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