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Thread: Athens Arises: Trip Report (Ch 18)

  1. #41

    Default Re: Athens Arises: Trip Report (Ch 15)

    Ch 15: Showdown

    When we arrived at Philipoupolis, Keteus' Second Army had already been working the land by establishing some forts to secure a critical bridge that ran on the direct road from Philippi to Philipoupolis. The Macedonians did not take kindly to this.

    However, the majority of their remaining forces remained concentrated in Philipoupolis. More the pity. It seems it will come to the major battle they had been anticipating.

    Somehow, despite their dire straits, the Macedonians still mustered a substantial force. Including all the reserves and support units we have drawn up, we number 6900 to their 6700. However, Our Lady seemed confident and ordered the siege to begin. She said that we would carry out a sharp assault and murder them in the streets, rather than a slow attrition strategy or perhaps a field battle.

    Since moving first has definitely been to our benefit in this war, it is hard to disagree. This time we can be sure all the enemies are in front of us, as well.

    Support elements of Keteus' Second Army were put into battle position behind my own First Army. The First would first deflect any attempts at an active defense before leading the assault proper.

    As the fighting progressed, we would rotate in the support units, letting any frontline units move to the rear. This would be a serious match of fighting logistics and preparation.

    Initial reports put the Macedonian heavy corps as deploying a suspicious distance away from the settlement proper. Furthermore they seemed to be waiting for us to make the first move. The intention was quite clear, they would wait for the assault and then hit our rear. Then continuing to crush the First Army army against Philipoupolis' walls and garrison.

    We deployed our pikemen group to defend the line between our forces. They would stand firm and protect the First's flank, while the Second covered our rear.

    Rather than an aggressive assault, we shifted to a more sustained one so that the First would not be tired out should the enemy try for that flank attack. Some of the newer slingers were sent out to begin bombarding the garrison while the siege ballista began knocking down sections of wall to provoke a response.

    The initial response was relatively weak so we began moving up infantry to threaten the breaches. The assault was not called for yet...

    Reports began to come in that the Macedonian heavy corps were preparing to move into the settlement. Rather than push the assault, we only sent in probing attacks and more missiles. The garrison meanwhile did not seem particularly eager to show themselves.

    Hastily raised troops generally do not perform well in the chaotic street fighting, so... either they were trying to draw us in, or they were not confident enough to seriously contest the breaches.

    As the return missiles from Philipoupolis began to increase, so did our response. We had to decide to contest the primary breaches now, or else settle for a more drawn-out assault.

    With the heavy corps accounted for, the contest was much safer, so we prepared by concentrating our forces.

    When they heard about it, the Macedonians now had to decide if they should resist us near the walls or not. A sharp fight would be preferable for us, but allowing the battle to drag out also had risks for Macedon...

    They decided to engage us with units not well suited to urban fighting.

    Our assault unit was surprised by a combination of heavy cavalry and pikemen who made use of the straight road structure to roll over them. We attempted to extract, but a number of soldiers were trapped in the settlement's outer buildings and were fighting dismounted or dispiked Macedonians.

    We saturated the area with slinger shots but it seemed that the enemy had won this round. Of course, to actually remove our first assault units and defend against a second wave would require they send more forces to that area.

    To try and relieve the pressure on the primary breach area, light units were sent out... into our waiting pikes. They were crushed against their own walls in an ironic fashion.

    Attemping Macedon's pike-in-streets tactic was dangerous while they had the ability to control all the surrounding buildings, thus our pikemen were simply waiting.

    The enemy decided to move heavy troops to the primary breach. We then sent in our real shock force. The second assault wave attacked along a series of secondary breaches. This area had been targeted by our support slingers earlier, but the enemy had decided we were not serious about it.

    Particularly as this series of breaches was closer to the central square, making it a riskier proposition for us.

    While this was happening, a number of the Macedonian pike units were wiped out near the primary breach area by the remaining first wave with outside support. Put simply, pikemen are not really supposed to fight in doorways. Their pikes and formation make up for a lot, their little swords are not a strength.

    Reinforcements entered to strengthen the first assault wave, but after contact was made, we withdrew the first wave and had their reinforcements take up their defensive positions rather than push inwards.

    Now the Macedonians attempted to outflank our pikemen & secondary breaches. Now our cavalry took the chance to deliver another series of blows outside of Philipoupolis' walls, removing more light units from the fight.

    (Note that of course, the General's bonuses will go over walls, see below)

    The hardened veterans in the second wave fought well and were "pushed" back into the outer buildings, much like the first wave had. However this was actually what we had planned for. They quickly took up positions and waited for the enemy to try and dislodge them.

    This was quite within expectations. We still had a lot more in terms of assault units, what was critical was ensuring anyone who entered Philipoupolis was able to maintain the order needed for these tactics to work.

    The secondary breach area was now heavy with (mostly Macedonian) corpses. We were making good progress, and with this mostly settled the first serious thrust. The Macedonians generally had to regroup while allowing us to hold our little pockets. This ended the first day of serious fighting.

    We actually began moving supplies like food and reinforcements rotated in to these pockets via the breaches. It was an odd sight. Oh, we also "made use" of whatever could be found in those buildings, as well.

    As we geared up for the third assault wave, heavy cavalry attempted a surprise flank attack in the early morning. Seeing our infantry taking up positions in their own settlement, the Macedonians probably figured out that we wouldn't tire before they did.

    However, like their last attempts, the pikemen were there and we drove them off, though with some losses. After this, we began to press the attack again, sending new troops in.

    All remaining forces were formed up together and we began another serious attack, this one being in between the primary and seconary breaches. Meaning that Macedonian response forces could not bring their full force up without risking a flanking from within their own streets.

    We also began sending slinger shots down the streets to harass any attempts to form up.

    We went straight in, breaking through defense lines of weakened defenders. The Macedonian general was caught up in our advance and killed in the streets.

    Whatever other resistance had been planned (if any) collapsed pretty quickly as all troops began a general purge of Philipoupolis.

    Spoiler for Details

  2. #42
    Flinn's Avatar His Dudeness of TWC Consul
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    Default Re: Athens Arises: Trip Report (Ch 15)

    I can say you have a great AAR here mate, why don't you post it here too? I'm sure many would love to follow it
    Under the patronage of Finlander, patron of Lugotorix & Lifthrasir & joerock22 & Socrates1984 & Kilo11 & Vladyvid & Dick Cheney & phazer & Jake Armitage & webba 84 of the Imperial House of Hader

  3. #43

    Default Re: Athens Arises: Trip Report (Ch 15)

    Quote Originally Posted by Flinn View Post
    I can say you have a great AAR here mate, why don't you post it here too? I'm sure many would love to follow it
    Hmm, I forgot this was a thing, if you check at my earliest AARs (probably right here, Roma Surrectum 1, Pergamon "Spam Militia Hoplites" edition) it was before the subforum.

  4. #44

    Default Re: Athens Arises: Trip Report (Ch 15)

    Hi Alavaria,

    just stumbled upon this AAR of yours. Quite impressive work, well done!
    Perhaps you'd like to join the monthly AAR competition in the Writer's Lounge? Would be cool!

    Otherwise keep up the great work
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    The Age of Peace - A TW: Warhammer Empire AAR
    Blood Red Eagle - The Sons of Lodbrok Invasion of Northumbrialand [complete]
    Machines - A Sci-Fi Short Story [complete]

  5. #45

    Default Re: Athens Arises: Trip Report (Ch 15)

    Quote Originally Posted by Zeion View Post
    Hi Alavaria,

    just stumbled upon this AAR of yours. Quite impressive work, well done!
    Perhaps you'd like to join the monthly AAR competition in the Writer's Lounge? Would be cool!

    Otherwise keep up the great work
    Sure. Hmm, I see within the month long submission period, it has no submissions? That's surprising.

  6. #46

    Default Re: Athens Arises: Trip Report (Ch 16)

    Ch 16: First Blood

    (Just before the battle of Philipoupolis was about to finish.)

    Deukalos: It seems that the settlement will soon be under our control. The last holdouts will be flushed out eventually.
    _____Aa: Oh. Carry out a complete purge.
    Deukalos: How complete do you have in mind?
    _____Aa: If any of your people want to take someone with them, I'll allow it. But no one else leaves.
    Deukalos: I... see.


    (A couple days of systematic looting later)

    (Deukalos' PoV)

    There weren't too many people left. Like she said, Philipoupolis only held the last holdouts. Despite earlier reports of Macedonian evacuations to the Large Town, it turned out to be mostly military. There were very few civilians within in Philipoupolis at the time of the attack. That I know of, anyway.

    The Macedonian garrison's defensive strategy consisted from the start of urban fighting. It was to the extent that civilians could have been caught up and killed by our assault groups.

    I made my way over to Philipoupolis' central square where loot was being piled up in great heaps, and found my little deity talking with not only my second in command but the surround officers. Eh! When had they been able to see her?

    _____Aa: If it isn't the man of the day. I was thoroughly impressed by the capabilities and discipline of your assault units.
    Deukalos: Thank you, but didn't you have something to do with that?
    _____Aa: Well, sure. But take the compliment, you forged it and I only did a little Edge Hardening at the end.
    Deukalos: But that is part of forging.

    She just shrugged in response.

    It's not hard to imagine fleeing Macedonians seeking aid and revenge. But who would go to war with us over this? Especially with the Macedonian military completely destroyed. I'm not so naive as to be unaware that someone might use it as a casus belli, just that it wouldn't change the fact that they wanted to attack us anyway.

    Deukalos: As this is a great victory under your name, please grant me one request.
    _____Aa: Oh? Well, I'll hear it. Go on then.
    Deukalos: I'm informed that there are a small number of children left within these walls.
    _____Aa: Probably, yes. I don't have such fine-grained data on the population.

    She nodded as though it was a matter to be expected. I'm a bit surprised that you have any data on the population since no one else does in this chaos. Some of the officers were looking at me in confusion, it's probably because they hadn't heard the purge order yet.

    _____Aa: But I doubt it is small, even if they are. So what do you want from me?
    Deukalos: I want to take the young ones.
    _____Aa: I had it in mind to take complete revenge on the ones who repeatedly defied me. Why should I do this for you?
    Deukalos: The children are innocent, they had no choice in the matter.

    She just looked up at the sky and shook her head in disappointment.

    _____Aa: As one who commands men for me, you should know better.
    Deukalos: Correct me, then.
    _____Aa: They are not innocent if I have decided they are guilty. Why should I change my mind for you?
    Deukalos: I have it in mind to absorb them into my household.

    _____Aa: You're not having any issues with... hmm, no I think you're good there.
    Deukalos: With what? Anyway, you can be sure they will serve you faithfully under me.
    _____Aa: What, you're intending to build a slave corps? I think by the time they take to the battlefield there might be no one left to fight.
    Deukalos: That seems unlikely, unless the rest of the world is more pliable to your will than the Antigonids were. Especially Rome.
    _____Aa: I hear and will grant you accordingly. Go and have your men take all the male children into this flock you desire of me.

    At this point she pauses and just waits for me to say something further.

    Deukalos: ...
    _____Aa: Well, are you not satisfied?
    Deukalos: Since you have given me all these, let me take the rest too.
    _____Aa: Why.
    Deukalos: Ah, they'll, um... well the ones you've already given me will need wives when they grow up.
    _____Aa: If it's like that then I cancel the earlier purge. Take anyone who is left if you want.

    I nodded. Well it was true that I had been thinking something of the sort, but I was just glad to not repeat the the events of Sparte. She waited for me to take my leave before adding in, at the last moment -

    _____Aa: By the way, Deukalos?
    Deukalos: Yes?
    _____Aa: You should've said that they would have been useful administrators, or clerks or something.
    Deukalos: I will keep that in mind for their education.
    _____Aa: Very well, go. I'm about finished here.

    Before I could say "what were you doing?" she had shimmered out of existence. Come to think of it, it was unusual for her to stay around for more than a day or so after the fighting ends.

    (Deukalos' PoV ends)


    RSIII doesn't want to make getting very high Command generals to be too easy. That notwithstanding, Deukalos has basically fought all the forces of the Antigonids and killed them (mostly in settlements...) so he's quite earned all his slate of traits and so on.

    It will only get more ridiculous as the campaign progresses. As the general of the First Army, he'll generally be pushing the first and hardest, because why not make full use of all a general's bonuses (especially +movement, +morale and now +BattleSurgery)

    I am very happy with the way the Athenian economy is going. The mines are working perfectly, as is the raising of taxes (which is a bit slower in some settlements, due to the need to build public order buildings first). Construction has been maintaned at maximum levels (all settlements building every turn) without preventing me from preparing the armies I want at this point in the campaign.

    A bit more and I'll have two stacks which is perfect. Remember the supply line issue (only using Athenai) so I will have to give some thought to ensuring they can get backup in a timely manner.

  7. #47
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness Administrator
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    Default Re: Athens Arises: Trip Report (Ch 16)

    A great AAR! I like the way that you show the reader why events (such as battles) are important, for example the "critical bridge that ran on the direct road from Philippi to Philipoupolis" in Chapter 15. Your dialogue is well done and your images are very effective. Your comments on how you are using generals (such as making full use of the bonuses provided by the general of the First Army) and your management of the Athenian economy sound helpful for other players.

  8. #48

    Default Re: Athens Arises: Trip Report (Ch 17)

    Ch 17: Peace

    The fall of Philipoupolis marked the end of an organized territorial Macedon. Soldiers from veterans to those called up specifically for that critical battle, began returning to their homes. But a goodly number still remained. Perhaps most critically, a lot of my officers stayed to continue our consolidation. Puzzlingly, as well.

    Deukalos: Any news from Athenai?
    _____Aa: Some. All good. Oh yes, your wife is pretty capable. And pretty, which I'm sure is helps.
    Deukalos: Well, you'll have to thank our families since they arranged it.
    _____Aa: After this go spend some time with her in your Pella villa**.

    **The villa mentioned in the Pella assault chapter. Deukalos owns it now.

    Deukalos: We're still busy dealing with more of these "free people" cities though.
    _____Aa: Yes, but it's a good idea.
    Deukalos: These are mostly mop-up operations to solidify our hold on these areas, but still, I wouldn't want my men to get ambushed by some Byzantion-inians while off the field.
    _____Aa: A reliable way of thinking.

    Spoiler for Details

    Deukalos: My wife mentioned that you had her working on an "administration"? What's that?
    _____Aa: A organizational thing. Athens doesn't have an immediate ability to properly take care of all the allies and so on.
    Deukalos: Sounds complicated.
    _____Aa: Not in concept, it's like running a household the size of an empire.

    _____Aa: By the way, the Military section runs its own specialized Logistics subsection.
    Deukalos: Well my logistics officer would be glad to know that.
    _____Aa: While I do prefer efficiency in all things, the needs of the front cannot wait for repeated optimization.
    _____Aa: I'd never have the Military arm be beholden let alone starved by the Administrative arm.

    Deukalos: So this is one of those balancing things? A little here or a little there?
    _____Aa: But for now the Admins report to me that there's plenty of surplus for development and our current (or even larger) forces.
    Deukalos: And that means?
    _____Aa: There's resources pouring everywhere.

    _____Aa: It's just a numbers game, Athens now holds a massive tax base (and many mines).
    Deukalos: There's a very large army though
    _____Aa: The number of soldiers needed has not increased nearly as rapidly, though certainly I've made sure to cram all our numbers together to achieve a rediculously high force concentration.
    Deukalos: Good for attacking.
    _____Aa: Yes, that's the plan. Same as with Macedon, forward momentum.


    The Byzantion-ians decided to take the fight to us while we were marching towards their city. Scouts reported various troop concentrations near this front, which is never a good thing.

    But with a brave heart (and even more soldiers joining us) there is no need to dispair!

    They had an... interesting view of how armies were composed. I had the scouts re-scout for any of the usual elements of missile or cavalry but indeed, there were only two armies of nothing but Thureophoroi to be found (one was sieging our logistics fort).

    Just to be sure I waited for a bit until Our Lady dropped by and she just shook her head and said it was indeed a force composed of 100% Thureophoroi that was facing us. It seems they had been learning from the Romans or something?

    They formed up in this odd "formation" which didn't seem particularly threatening. We played it safe but they actually didn't have any tricks to play, they were killed cleanly and that was it.

    FYI: When you sally, the AI tends to be very passive, if it doesn't make the decision to run from the field.
    If you have mounted archers and the enemy chooses to flee you can frequently get a lot of kills in the obvious way.


    While we were sieging Byzantion, even more men arrived. The plan was to allow a rotation, but making use of everyone present for the major assault before anyone left the campaign group. Transport is of course via sea, which makes for a relatively fast journey to and from Athenai.

    It's amazing to see a whole fleet of logistics ships (escorted by military ones, of course) unloading a steady stream of goods for us. You would be forgiven for thinking Pella or Athenai was sitting on the waters instead of ships.

    The assault was nothing special, by the way, the veteran units first probed and then forced open a path into the settlement and then everyone else flooded in after them, overwhelming the defenders in extremely short measure. The sheer amount of missiles coming from our side (including heavy siege ballista "firepots") helped as well, I'm sure.

    Our Lady was quite amused while telling me about a "production line" which was responsible for producing all these firepots which we were raining down on the settlement as though they were just normal rocks.

    I should also mention that our slingers were at this point not using rocks as there weren't enough to go around (imagine that, running out of rocks). They used a multipurpose baked clay shot, with the option of lead bullets for those accurate enough to be deployed against heavy enemies.

    While the clay shot was produced elsewhere and brought in (packed in hay which was of course fodder for the horses), lead actually came to us in large ingots which were melted in equally large pots and then divided up as needed among each slinger unit.

    Spoiler for Details

  9. #49

    Default Re: Athens Arises: Trip Report (Ch 18)

    Ch 18: Compounding Aggression

    (Deukalos' PoV)

    Ah, the Hellaspont. Looking south, I could see our way into Asia Minor. Now, we first asked the Ptolemics to surrender the Large Town of Lysimacheia in order to secure this critical pathway, but they refused our generous offer. Why did we want it?

    Obviously as a path to invade the areas owned by Pergamon, of course!

    Permenion intended to put up the best defence he could, but with the force balance and our shorter & more secure supply lines it was a foregone conclusion. However, we were not interested in being slowed down by them. It didn't take much thought to know that an assault would be called.

    When Our Lady arrived we were fully prepared to launch the assault.

    Foregone Conclusion

    Really though, this made an excellent logistics point for a serious push into Pergamon's territory, there was nothing more to it.

    Since we no longer border the Ptolemics after taking their settlement, we can get a ceasefire with them.


    I also officially became a Strategos. After a few modest accomplishments like destroying Sparta (our ancient enemy), destroying Macedon (the great hegemonic power of the region), unifying the Greeks at home...

    (Note: I'm very happy with how starred he's become.)


    For their side, Pergamon had begun amassing an amazing force (which outnumbered us handily) in order to protect themselves. No guesses as to how they read our intentions.

    We demanded their surrender, and there's no need to guess their response. War it is.


    Deukalos: And that's the force deployments we've observed so far.
    _____Aa: Quite within expectations, march directly towards Pergamon.
    Deukalos: Will their Assos forces be a threat to our rear?
    _____Aa: Don't worry, we can supply from Athenai directly into Pergamon's ports.

    Our Assault Thureophoroi are quite a match even for Pergamon Royal Hypaspistai in the brawling melees which ensued in the assault. Of course our infantry aren't going to fight in the fair fights these infantry are so well trained for.

    Instead it's more like a drawn-out and dirty skirmish with slingshots and javelins from around corners.

    Spoiler for Dense Infantry Brawls

    Spoiler for Swaming Cavalry With Spearmen

    Spoiler for Various Buildings

    Hmmm... in all the heavy fighting their general was shot and died somewhere out of sight.

    I don't think anyone should be getting used to seeing anyone deftly cut through their formations. But our soldiers are used to seeing missiles deftly cut through enemy formations from behind!

    Spoiler for Details


    We attacked the Assos forces before they could even try to mount a counter-attack or prepare their defenses.

    (FYI, the AI loves to put forces in settlements if you are nearby. And ironically given how the AI defends settlements, this makes for the most efficient way to kill their forces.)

    Spoiler for Details


    Our foothold was secure! This area is rather rich in various resources and of course land.

    We're here to stay.

  10. #50

    Default Re: Athens Arises: Trip Report (Ch 18)

    Hmm don't you get bored with your strategy? I feel like by swinging slingers around to the back of the enemy line will guarantee a win every battle. For me personally, I'd get bored with that. Why not try making a house rule and not use slingers like that? Obviously the AI is too incompetent to go after them, but it might be more of a challenge for you if you didn't do that strategy. Just putting my two cents in

  11. #51

    Default Re: Athens Arises: Trip Report (Ch 18)

    I think of it more like a puzzle game than anything else. There's a super special and rather amusing way to "take a settlement with a fullstack garrison" and a really slow, tortuous and high-losses way to do it.

    The majority of RSIII and RS2 battles I fight are settlement assaults which are just annoying otherwise.

    If you're wondering, the -really- patience-requiring part is getting the AI to waste all of its arrows/sling ammo before attacking, because goodness on VH getting shot in the face can be pretty deadly no matter how heavy you are.
    Last edited by Alavaria; October 03, 2016 at 01:49 PM.

  12. #52

    Default Re: Athens Arises: Trip Report (Ch 18)

    Hmm so you do VH and you don't think it's broken? I do H and it's pretty challenging

  13. #53

    Default Re: Athens Arises: Trip Report (Ch 18)

    Quote Originally Posted by ahowl11 View Post
    Hmm so you do VH and you don't think it's broken? I do H and it's pretty challenging
    Oh it is, just that there's even more broken ways to deal with it (thus they all work on other difficulties). Since difficulty is all about giving attack bonuses, pikes (cannot melee as easily - except for other pikes... and they gain bonuses to soaking missiles) and missiles (killing from outside melee range) are cornerstones of this approach.

    RSIII's unit stats do mean that a melee fight takes very long so while not as amazing as pikes, normal spearmen can last long enough for good action.

  14. #54

    Default Re: Athens Arises: Trip Report (Ch 18)

    Quote Originally Posted by Alavaria View Post
    Athens Arises: Trip Report

    [*]This is the "Athens has no treasury" version[/list]
    Where can I find the "Athens has no treasury" version, or is it a personal modification of yours? If so, how do I achieve the same effect in my game files? Athens campaign as it is, gameplay wise just makes Athens annoyingly rich. I'm aiming at something 'Sparta-like' in terms of income to make it fun. Maybe even lower Sparta income as well, to make it more realistic for the time period.

    EDIT: Nervermind, fixed it myself.. Sorry for the premature post. In case anyone else is wondering, you have to edit export_descr_buildings.txt, search for 'medium_wealth' (that's the Medium Treasury building in Athens/Sparta campaign - to be sure you will see the 2800(%) bonus if editing Athens and 1400 if editing Sparta. As far as I'm concerned, I lowered it to 700. Seems to get the job done nicely, I still have cash but I can't just spam stacks like before and taking over Greece/Macedonia is a lot more realistic and tactical (and consequently, more fun)
    Last edited by Octavius-Augustus; November 18, 2020 at 01:48 AM. Reason: Fixed it

  15. #55

    Default Re: Athens Arises: Trip Report (Ch 18)

    Another great read, I'm interested to see you turn East!

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