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Thread: Fans suggestion thread for future releases

  1. #661

    Default Re: Fans suggestion thread for future releases

    I am not shaming them. THey do look beautifull. But they are not put good, so some mounts looks unrealistic. i just want to help improve them.

  2. #662
    Cohors_Evocata's Avatar Centenarius
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    Default Re: Fans suggestion thread for future releases

    Quote Originally Posted by Boogie Knight View Post
    Stoutism! This thread is full of infantry privilege.

    Um... just so this isn't entirely off-topic, how about skirmish mode for chariots?
    Doesn't seem to available. Their designation as "skirmish cavalry" should allow it, but even without "cannot_skirmish" the button remains grayed out. I personally suspect it's because they are custom elephants within the engine. Pity really, as it makes them hugely micro-intensive.
    I tend to edit my posts once or several times after writing and uploading them. Please keep this in mind when reading a recent post of mine. Also, should someone, for some unimaginable reason, wish to rep me, please add your username in the process, so I can at least know whom to be grateful towards.

    My thanks in advance.

  3. #663

    Default Re: Fans suggestion thread for future releases

    Maybe this is changed in the AI hotfix, but as of a few months ago I'm pretty sure this bug was still present in EBII

    I'm not 100% sure how mods deal with that descr_faction_standing.txt file, but the file in my main MTW2 folder and the EB mod folder had the bug still present.

    If you don't feel like reading that blog post, the problem is with the sacking/exterminating cities script. CA apparently reused this script from Rome TW to M2 to an extent. They redid the sacking mechanics, but only commented out the trigger to test when to apply the effects of sacking to your reputation. So the actual effects of sacking a city get applied when you occupy a city.

    Maybe I was reading the file wrong and it was fixed for EBII, but my game definitely changed when I did the fix myself. I was really surprised to find this bug still present, as well as in stainless steel.

    Trigger 0103_occupy_settlement_increase_global
    WhenToTest OccupySettlement <-- trigger to apply effects when occupying

    FactionStanding global 0.05 <-- improve your global reputation
    FactionStanding target_faction normalise 1.0 20 <-- improve your reputation with faction you occupied
    FactionStanding target_allies normalise 1.0 40 <-- improve it with their allies too
    ; FactionStanding target_enemies normalise -1.0 40

    ;Trigger 0102_city_razed_decrease_global
    ; WhenToTest CitySacked <-- commented out

    FactionStanding global -0.05 <--- decreases your global reputation (code moves on to apply these negative effects to previous trigger (occupying trigger)
    FactionStanding target_faction normalise -1.0 10 <-- decrease reputation with faction you occupied
    FactionStanding target_allies normalise -1.0 20 <-- decrease reputation with their allies too
    ; FactionStanding target_enemies normalise 1.0 20

  4. #664

    Default Re: Fans suggestion thread for future releases

    Long since addressed:

    Trigger 0102_extermination_decrease_global
        WhenToTest ExterminatePopulation
        FactionStanding global -0.05
        FactionStanding target_faction normalise -1.0 10
        FactionStanding target_allies normalise -1.0 20
    ;    FactionStanding target_enemies normalise 1.0 20
    Trigger 0103_occupy_settlement_increase_global
        WhenToTest OccupySettlement
        FactionStanding global 0.05
        FactionStanding target_faction normalise 1.0 20
        FactionStanding target_allies normalise 1.0 40
    ;    FactionStanding target_enemies normalise -1.0 40
    ;Trigger 0102_city_razed_decrease_global
    ;    WhenToTest CitySacked
    ;    FactionStanding global -0.05
    ;    FactionStanding target_faction normalise -1.0 10
    ;    FactionStanding target_allies normalise -1.0 20
    ;    FactionStanding target_enemies normalise 1.0 20
    ; make all other factions hate the rebels
    The whole trigger is commented out.

  5. #665

    Default Re: Fans suggestion thread for future releases

    a few ideas for a new faction Etruscans, slavs or finno ugaric tribe or even uralic uralic tribe above sarmatian. or the venetis could start in the adriatic or in eastern europe etc. or a baltic kingdom they used be very rich with the amber trade
    Last edited by Malarkey95; June 05, 2016 at 06:23 PM.

  6. #666

    Default Re: Fans suggestion thread for future releases

    I've got it the next faction iapydes they were a mix of Slavic celtic Illyrian and Veneti then got conquered by rome

  7. #667

    Default Re: Fans suggestion thread for future releases

    Pytheas says that the Gutones, a people of Germany, inhabit the shores of an estuary of the Ocean called Mentonomon, their territory extending a distance of six thousand stadia; that, at one day's sail from this territory, is the Isle of Abalus, upon the shores of which, amber is thrown up by the waves in spring, it being an excretion of the sea in a concrete form; as, also, that the inhabitants use this amber by way of fuel, and sell it to their neighbors, the Teutones.

    Earlier[12] Pliny says that a large island of three days' sail from the Scythian coast called Balcia by Xenophon of Lampsacus, author of a fanciful travel book in Greek, is called Basilia by Pytheas. It is generally understood to be the same as Abalus. Based on the amber, the island could have been Heligoland, Zealand, the shores of Bay of Gdansk, the Sambia Peninsula or the Curonian Lagoon, which were historically the richest sources of amber in northern Europe. It is assumed that there were well-established trade routes for amber connecting the Baltic with the Mediterranean (known as the "Amber Road"). Pliny states explicitly that the Germans export amber to Pannonia, from where it was traded further abroad by the Veneti. The ancient Italic peoples of southern Italy were working amber, the most important examples are on display at the National Archaeological Museum of Siritide to Matera. Amber used in antiquity as at Mycenae and in the prehistory of the Mediterranean comes from deposits of Sicily. Anyonv of these tribeentioned also romans got.mixed up Germans wig slavs

  8. #668

    Default Re: Fans suggestion thread for future releases

    I think that text in unit description card should be darker. Other than that, I am mauled by the beauty of this mod.

  9. #669

    Default Re: Fans suggestion thread for future releases

    i asked this before, but i assume it was understood as trolling. but i ment it seriously. its possible make for Wodden wall gatehouse model something like dropping stones, replacing boiling oil? with lower dmg and not so huge area effect dmg?

  10. #670

    Default Re: Fans suggestion thread for future releases

    Have you guys thought about adding province names to the minimap while its all unexplored?

    So it would looks something like this but then as you explore, it just colors itself normally.

    Some RTW mods have that.

  11. #671

    Default Re: Fans suggestion thread for future releases

    Quote Originally Posted by romanius24 View Post
    Have you guys thought about adding province names to the minimap while its all unexplored?

    So it would looks something like this but then as you explore, it just colors itself normally.

    Some RTW mods have that.
    Great idea in my opinion.

  12. #672

    Default Re: Fans suggestion thread for future releases

    What about a movement bonus for Imperium? Perhaps just for the FM, perhaps for the whole army.

  13. #673

    Default Re: Fans suggestion thread for future releases

    Quote Originally Posted by falathnil View Post
    What about a movement bonus for Imperium? Perhaps just for the FM, perhaps for the whole army.
    Totally unnecessary. An FM alone has a much higher movement rate than an army, and you can stick them on a ship.

  14. #674

    Default Re: Fans suggestion thread for future releases

    I've been thinking a lot about campaing map. I've noticed something is 'wrong', but i couldnt figure what. Finaly i got it. Map is way too much flat in my opinion. Are some changes planed regarding this?

    Good example of terrain for map, in my opinion would be for TGC mod.

  15. #675

    Default Re: Fans suggestion thread for future releases

    Quote Originally Posted by achilles-91 View Post
    I've been thinking a lot about campaing map. I've noticed something is 'wrong', but i couldnt figure what. Finaly i got it. Map is way too much flat in my opinion. Are some changes planed regarding this?

    Good example of terrain for map, in my opinion would be for TGC mod.
    The engine allows very little leeway between "varied and realistic levels of relief" and "totally impassable terrain". If we made the map accurate, many parts of it would be completely impassable, and thus unplayable.

  16. #676

    Default Re: Fans suggestion thread for future releases

    More Boeotian helmets for infantry
    I know it was suggested for cavalry, but that speaks nothing about its use for infantry. It's a good helmet for anyone.

  17. #677
    Roma_Victrix's Avatar Call me Ishmael
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    Default Re: Fans suggestion thread for future releases

    Rafkos and xHolyCrusader, I hope you guys read this thread! I've got a small and humble suggestion for the two of you. Since you guys are the principle modders of battle map settlements (by the way, great job on those plus the ambient settlements and wonders), I'm wondering if you wouldn't mind going just a bit further! The Roman cities look pretty much fleshed out, but the Greek large and huge cities...they could use a little more sprucing up. They perhaps have enough buildings overall, but there's still something lacking. There's too much empty blank spaces between buildings and around squares and courtyards. If not more trees, why not add a few neat looking public statues? Fountains? Some tiny gardens? A few more colonnades and some walkways? Some tiled mosaics? Shops and stalls? You know: things to make it look more life-like, realistic and immersive!

    Just a thought. Not a big concern or anything. I just think that stuff would look cool.

  18. #678
    Join Date
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    Logrolño ( La Rioja)

    Default Re: Fans suggestion thread for future releases

    The text colour in Ptolomai UI is too similar to that of background. For instance in the tabs: Cities-armies-agents, the tab name once selected is not visable against the background, almost same colour.
    Dunno if you could make it bit more dark, orange, with black border.. anything.



    PD: I said it months ago, with 2.01x, but id love to see a msg "change culture by 1% once per year( or whatever)" in every building that changes culture and ALL seasons, not just one season a year, when the culture change has place. Above all id love to see that kind of msg in the building brownser descriptions.

  19. #679

    Default Re: Fans suggestion thread for future releases

    Yeah, i think the UI needs a different background around texts. Maybe a little box around it with a simple color. I noticed that it is difficult to see your money if you are bankrupt. The red is almost impossible to see on some backgrounds.

  20. #680

    Default Re: Fans suggestion thread for future releases

    same issue with color has agent upkeep costs.

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