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Thread: Preview & Download: The Cathars, a heretic faction for M2TW

  1. #1

    Default Preview & Download: The Cathars, a heretic faction for M2TW

    The Cathars

    This is a new faction mod. Besides the addition of the Cathars to the M2TW main campaign, it is otherwise unchanged.

    I always wanted to be able to play as a heretic faction, hence this little project. This mod is only very loosely based on the historical Cathar movement, which was perhaps the most predominant heresy of the medieval period, in Western Christendom at least. For a faction description, see below:

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    The Cathars were a heretical Christian movement that spread throughout Europe in the early medieval period. Having originated amongst the Paulicians of Armenia and the Bogomils of Bulgaria and the Balkans, the movement came to be known as Catharism in Western Europe.

    They practiced a Gnostic form of Christianity, hardly recognisable to the faith of their more orthodox counterparts. They preached that all material things were evil, and that only the spirit was pure. As such, the creator God of the Old Testament was regarded as the devil, while the New Testament was seen as being the true revelation of God. Humans were seen as angelic spirits trapped and tormented by their fleshly bodies; somewhat like the Buddhists of the Far East, they believed that souls must transcend their corrupt bodies to end the cycle of physical rebirth and suffering.

    The Cathar movement gained its strongest foothold amongst the peasantry of Southern France, where its anti-clerical message resonated with the poorer sort, who were disillusioned by the excesses of the Catholic Church. Priests were replaced by 'Perfecti', preachers who travelled in pairs just as the original apostles had done in Jesus' time. Eventually, Catharism became quite established in the region, establishing several bishoprics and holding its own ecumenical councils.

    Such growth and consolidation concerned the Papacy, who initially tried an ecumenical approach to bring them back to the flock. When diplomacy failed and a Papal envoy was murdered on the orders of a Cathar noble, the good-will ended, and the Albigensian Crusade began. While the Cathars resisted to the end, the Crusade largely wiped them out, although a few small Cathar communities remained until into the 14th Century.

    The Cathars will be quite a unique faction to play as. They have no family tree, being a largely peasant movement with a leading core of nobility. Their infantry core is composed of Pilgrims, Flagellants, and Fanatics - light infantry but with a shock value, and good morale. Their heavy troops are very limited; however they have strong Occitain militia units, as the militia tradition of Southern France was similar to that of the Italian city-states. As a largely peasant movement, they have adapted ways to fight heavier foes - their units make good use of stakes and many units carry blunt, armour-piercing weapons. At the strategic level, although they will spend a lot of effort converting captured provinces, the fact that they can convert enemy provinces to the heretic faith means they can cause huge unrest in enemy settlements - a key to a succesful campaign. Also, the Cathars do not build churches, having always met in public areas or private residences. As such, they get an automatic conversion bonus in any settlement.

    They will also be a challenging faction to play as. Starting out in Southern France, they are surrounded on all sides by Catholic factions, and have no heretic counterparts to seek alliances with. There are also not really any natural geographic boundaries that they can look to consolidate early on - no islands or peninsulas. As such, they could very easily end up with war on all fronts!

    So, all in all, I think they are a very fun faction to play as. Below are a few screens to give you an idea of what things look like.

    Campaign selection screen:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Campaign map characters:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Cathar Perfecti:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    General's Bodyguard:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Battle Line 1:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Battle Line 2:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 


    This mod is run on the Kingdoms.exe, so it requires Kingdoms to play. It uses a mod folder, and so will not affect your main installation. It is designed for Kingdoms patched to version 1.04, which is what Kingdoms automatically patches to when installed.


    Simply add the barebones folder located inside the mod folder into your own M2TW mod folder. Place the barebones batch and cfg files inside the main M2TW folder, and run the mod from the barebones batch file.

  2. #2
    Lanjane's Avatar Artifex
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    Default Re: Preview & Download: The Cathars, a heretic faction for M2TW

    Amazing unique idea, thanks for sharing!
    I guess this is incompatible with your another mod (in your sig), since they both use the same mod folder.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Default Re: Preview & Download: The Cathars, a heretic faction for M2TW

    Looking good i will try your faction

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Miskolc, Hungary

    Default Re: Preview & Download: The Cathars, a heretic faction for M2TW

    It dosen't work for me.
    Have I to double click on M2TW or M2TWK?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Preview & Download: The Cathars, a heretic faction for M2TW

    Quote Originally Posted by Necrolord View Post
    It dosen't work for me.
    Have I to double click on M2TW or M2TWK?
    Neither, you run it by double-clicking the barebones.bat file which should be in your main M2TW folder.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Preview & Download: The Cathars, a heretic faction for M2TW

    My game found an encountered unspecified error, and left from the game

  7. #7

    Default Re: Preview & Download: The Cathars, a heretic faction for M2TW

    I donīt get it how am I supposed to do.

  8. #8
    Shankbot de Bodemloze's Avatar From the Writers Study!

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    Default Re: Preview & Download: The Cathars, a heretic faction for M2TW

    In your M2TW folder there should be a "mods" folder, open that up and you'll see folders like "Teutonic" or "Crusade", simply extract the file you downloaded from the link above (using a program like 7zip) onto you Desktop, or into your Downloads folder etc., it doesn't really matter.

    Next copy the barebones folder in that newly extracted folder called Cathar Download (CATHAR DOWNLOAD\mods\barebones) into your "mods" folder (located: M2TW\mods) and then copy the barebones.batch and barebones.cfg (located: Cathar Download folder) files into your main M2TW folder and double click on the barebones.batch file that is in your main M2TW folder to run your game.
    Last edited by Shankbot de Bodemloze; February 02, 2014 at 05:17 AM.


  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Miskolc, Hungary

    Default Re: Preview & Download: The Cathars, a heretic faction for M2TW

    I read your text, but it oesn't work for me :/ sorry

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Miskolc, Hungary

    Default Re: Preview & Download: The Cathars, a heretic faction for M2TW

    Can you make me a favour? Can you make to youtube a video from this game?
    I would be delighted...

  11. #11

    Default Re: Preview & Download: The Cathars, a heretic faction for M2TW

    Yeah but how to install it , Thanks

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