Thread: Bugs Reports & Technical Help

  1. #2021

    Default Re: SSHIP - Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    Okay. Full trace from latest CTD.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. #2022
    Roma_Victrix's Avatar Call me Ishmael
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    Post #1: This seems like a significant bug to me. I'm 41 turns into the game, the year is 1256, and with the death of my faction leader Doge Pietro Polani during the previous turn I realized something very odd just happened. I had previously formed a marriage alliance with the Kingdom of Georgia, marrying a princess to my then faction heir Domenico Morosini, now Doge Domenico the Righteous. However, his family does not show up in my family tree (he was outside of Pietro Polani's family tree, but now has a son and faction heir, Cristiano Morosini). Instead it shows this, a random dead guy from the Kingdom of Georgia and his Georgian wife.

    So then, what the hell is going on here? Is there any way I can fix this? It's really annoying to me, because I often refer to the family tree to know what's going on with my family, how many boys and girls are being born, general inspections of family members, and to view the historical progress of my dynasty via save points.

    Just to be clear, I have never had this problem with the numerous campaigns I've played in regular Stainless Steel 6.4, so this is a problem that seems unique to your submod. To avoid this problem in the future, I'd advise that you edit the descr_strat file in the "imperial_campaign" folder in order to include Domenico Morosini within the family of Pietro Polani. If you guys had done that then none of this would have happened. If not that, then there has to be a better way to transition between family trees, because this is not acceptable.

    Post #2: UPDATE: I have found a temporary solution to the problem at least. I went back to a recent save point, turn 39 (spring of 1255), and sent faction heir Consigliere Domenico Morosini headfirst into the front lines of an enemy Moorish army, in a not-so-subtle suicide. After Domenico died nobly charging against Berber Pikemen, aided by my trusty archers shooting at the same unit, the succession of the realm passed to Doge Pietro Polani's son Naimero Polani, now known as Naimero the Engineer. It seems to have fixed the problem of the family tree, but now I only have five generals instead of six, losing a 45-year-old instead of a 66-year-old general. I have some young boys who will be men in a few years, but it is dangerous to kill off a valuable family member like that, all for the sake of fixing this problem.

    Therefore, I beseech you, the SSHIP team, to fix this problem immediately, because other players who chose Venice no doubt ran into the same problem.

    Post #3: You guys did something wrong here, or perhaps it is a glitch, although it is one that I've seen several times now, leading me to believe it is not just a random occurrence. I want to think there's no way that this was intentional, given how terrible it looks.

    Can you guys explain to me how it is that the sky is pitch black, in what is clearly supposed to be a nighttime setting, yet the terrain is lit up like it's noontime or early afternoon? With daytime shadows for cavalry and infantry??!! The game treats this as a night battle as well. I know this because I hit the wait button on one of these and suddenly noticed that all my units were carrying torches, lighting up the terrain in an early dawn setting. Even more obnoxious is when you hit the "wait" button and the game refuses to change the time of day or sky setting when you have this pitch black nonsense.

    Please fix this right away, or, barring that, kindly explain to me how I can fix it. Quickly would be preferable.

    Is it something I can change by editing the "weather" file in the data folder?
    Last edited by Lifthrasir; December 06, 2017 at 12:34 AM. Reason: posts merged for clarity

  3. #2023
    Lifthrasir's Avatar "Capre" Dunkerquois
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    For the black skies: One more time: this is fixed for the next version.
    That's not the weather but the colors settings in the descr_geography_new.db file. You need IWTE to edit the file and there's a& post somewhere in the Workshop explaining how to do it but I need to look for it.

    Edit: That was fast. Here we go:

    Quote Originally Posted by makanyane View Post
    I did answer question on pm but for public reference;

    The problem isn't the weather file - it's just that when the 'fog' is set to a far distance then the fog stops covering the distant hills and you see the black areas where the texture has stopped.

    The problem file is the descr_geography_new.db. The vanilla .db file has Blue/Green/Red (I do mean that way round) values against each texture - when the terrain is too far away for the engine to show the texture those BGR values get used instead. Modders have previously been re-generating modded descr_geography_new.db files from descr_geography_new.txt using rebuild_geography_db = true in the .cfg file. Unfortunately CA's process for letting M2TW rebuild the .db has some problems - including wiping out all the BGR values - hence the black in the distance.

    If starting from scratch just make sure you delete the .txt file and use IWTE to amend the geography .db file - IWTE will retain the BGR colours and allow you to amend them.

    If you've already got a modded geography .db file and don't know how to re-create all the required changes (i.e. for TATW) then you need to add the BGR colours back into the modded file.

    Attachment 307179

    Open a vanilla geography.db in IWTE - launch IWTE a second time and open your modded geography.db in the second version - use the vanilla version to find the colours that were used for each texture and copy them into the modded version - if you've got new/very different textures you'll have to make a guess and experiment to find the right sort of values - click "Ok -write files" to save. Find the new .db file and re-name it to replace the mod's one.

    EDIT; and make sure you don't still have the text file/ 'rebuild_geography_db = true' in the .cfg or you'll overwrite it again!!!!
    For the Venetian family tree: Again, check the Workshop. This thread is not for modding purposes while the Workshop is

    For issues, report them in the Bugs Reports & Technical Help thread where I'm moving it to.
    Last edited by Lifthrasir; December 06, 2017 at 12:32 AM. Reason: posts merged for clarity
    Under the patronage of Flinn, proud patron of Jadli, from the Heresy Vault of the Imperial House of Hader

  4. #2024
    Roma_Victrix's Avatar Call me Ishmael
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    Default Re: SSHIP - Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    ^ I seem to have fixed the problem by removing night battles per the advice given here:

    I was unaware that editing the descr_strat file had any affect on a campaign in progress, but apparently it is save-game compatible to remove the line "night_battles_enabled" from that file. As far as I can tell it actually worked! I just played four sieges in a row and there wasn't a single night battle, or more specifically, one where the the sun goes down midway through the battle.

    For the black skies: One more time: this is fixed for the next version.
    Oh. Well, that's good to know.

  5. #2025
    marcp's Avatar Libertus
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    Default Re: SSHIP - Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    Heya Lifth, I thought I would post a couple questions I have here as they are on tech. side though perhaps not necessarily SSHIP related...or they are

    In a nut shell, I am running Win 10 for the simple reason I got a pretty good deal on my current laptop last year. My old tower's AMD chip finally choked so that's how it is...all other pc's I have around are work related and are Win 10 Pro due to SQL Runtime/budget/leasing and the management software utilized. So here is my question/issue.

    I'm still installing from org. M2TW+K CDs. I know that the Nov. 28th or 30th windows update killed my M2TW setup on my rig. After a rollback I am able to continue using the program (Kingdoms only of course) but I cannot leave this as it is. I have to have my home equipment compatible with business kit. I am no fan of Steam, for whatever reasons and had been an ardent holdout till now I suppose. I also noted that I can no longer install Rome TW1 from CD anymore, windows 10 again. I am loosely aware that win 10 is no longer going to have support for older drivers/7 mode etc. I have read a few pieces but don't know too much.

    I suppose I am going to DL Kingdoms from Steam as I have Med2 base on account. I was wondering if there is a work around for the win 10 update issue? I know quite a few of us still use our org. disk. Even though I have the org. box and manual I don't have org. keys...mine were/are not printed on manual, I believe there was a sticker perhaps and is now lost. I don't mind paying the 12$ I guess but DLing gb's is a problem for my connection(I have a sluggish DSL in my area due to area specific exclusive contracting city signed long ago) While I am at it, do you or most folk use org. CD versions? From what I've gathered a few others have also rolled back the late November update and buying time.

    On other inquiry, I have generally had a rig with decent cpu+dedicated graphics and never suffered too long of turn times with SS6.4 but I can say that SSHIP turn times are either 30 seconds (a bit more or less) and are far faster than any average SS turn times I can recall. Is the SSHIP scripting just so much cleaner/concise? I have never noticed a SSHIP thread suggesting that the SS6.4 bug fix be installed etc. so I assume SSHIP is just better optimized and MWY+ team took care to alleviate redundancies and removed conflicting or problematic scripting.

    I guess that's all, sorry for the wall of text attack but I find it hard to keep it simple.

    Thanks, Mark.

  6. #2026
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: SSHIP - Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    Actually, after the updates to the Win10 I believe this is the best option to play M2TW, including SSHIP (on Titanium I've reported here).

  7. #2027
    Lifthrasir's Avatar "Capre" Dunkerquois
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    Default Re: SSHIP - Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    I'm afraid to be unable to help you on this. I'm still using an old pc running on Windows7 Pro.
    Under the patronage of Flinn, proud patron of Jadli, from the Heresy Vault of the Imperial House of Hader

  8. #2028

    Default Re: SSHIP - Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    Should I install the bugfix compilation for ss6.4 before I install SSHIP?

  9. #2029
    Lifthrasir's Avatar "Capre" Dunkerquois
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    Default Re: SSHIP - Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    That's not recommended and not required of course
    Under the patronage of Flinn, proud patron of Jadli, from the Heresy Vault of the Imperial House of Hader

  10. #2030
    marcp's Avatar Libertus
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    Default Re: SSHIP - Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    Quote Originally Posted by Jurand of Cracow View Post
    Actually, after the updates to the Win10 I believe this is the best option to play M2TW, including SSHIP (on Titanium I've reported here).
    So JOC, I hope I follow correct, you are running M2TW on windows 10-without win7 compatibility mode enabled? I hadn't thought to try that as I had thought win7 mode was default for legacy dual core programs. I will try the update again when I have some down time. I may as well ask though, are you using a Steam install or CD? I am aware of the securom incompatibility for the retail CDs so I imagined I would have to eventually migrate to a Steam version...I probably will in future as relying on CDs is becoming less tenable and the ability for Steam installs to restore files/correct errors is a plus.

    Re: Lifth, I didn't bother with the 6.4 bugfix as it was not mentioned in SSHIP install directions and I follow simple directions well It is one of my most useful traits! I will add though that I believe I had the bugfix comp. and 1-2 other mods (Germ5 settlements??) installed on a prior install of SSHIP. I believe at the time I was unaware that I had the submods installed. To be redundant...when I migrated to current rig. I did fresh install and only SSHIP directions. I don't believe I had any issues with that install but I don't think I played enough to have any useful info on conflicts etc.

    I will see what happens with my win10 update and share any issues I find with community where appropriate.
    Last edited by marcp; December 14, 2017 at 05:35 AM.

  11. #2031
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: SSHIP - Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    Quote Originally Posted by marcp View Post
    So JOC, I hope I follow correct, you are running M2TW on windows 10-without win7 compatibility mode enabled? I hadn't thought to try that as I had thought win7 mode was default for legacy dual core programs. I will try the update again when I have some down time. I may as well ask though, are you using a Steam install or CD? I am aware of the securom incompatibility for the retail CDs so I imagined I would have to eventually migrate to a Steam version...I probably will in future as relying on CDs is becoming less tenable and the ability for Steam installs to restore files/correct errors is a plus.

    Re: Lifth, I didn't bother with the 6.4 bugfix as it was not mentioned in SSHIP install directions and I follow simple directions well It is one of my most useful traits! I will add though that I believe I had the bugfix comp. and 1-2 other mods (Germ5 settlements??) installed on a prior install of SSHIP. I believe at the time I was unaware that I had the submods installed. To be redundant...when I migrated to current rig. I did fresh install and only SSHIP directions. I don't believe I had any issues with that install but I don't think I played enough to have any useful info on conflicts etc..
    I'm just running a Steam M2TW on windows 10 as administrator, without any compatibility changes (actually, I've bought M2TW two times in my life... but Civilization 4 - three times ;-).
    I'd guess that 6.4 bugfix messes up with the SSHIP, but I didn't check it.

  12. #2032
    Lifthrasir's Avatar "Capre" Dunkerquois
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    Default Re: SSHIP - Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    The bugfix works for sure as long you stay on the campaign menu. I can't say for battles. But for sure, it doesn't work with the G5 Settlements Tweak, probably because we don't use the same one in SSHIP and in SS.
    I just did a very quick test by the past but as SSHIP works fine without it, I didn't "invistigate" deeper.
    Under the patronage of Flinn, proud patron of Jadli, from the Heresy Vault of the Imperial House of Hader

  13. #2033


    hello there

    I've installed the mod (only thing that seemed odd during the installation is that it didn't notify me about the folder already existing. When i launch stainless steel ( i do not run the setup for the campaign ) it delivers the stainless steel version. Nothing's changed. What am i doing wrong?

    Thanks in advance

    Edit: okay i found what is my mistake. Apparently my folder is named medieval 2 whilst the installation was directed to medieval II
    Last edited by Lifthrasir; December 24, 2017 at 01:11 AM. Reason: Posts merged for clarity

  14. #2034

    Default Re: SSHIP - Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    I've spent the last hour searching this thread and haven't found a solution.

    Many european archer units have the same problem. When being killed by melee infantry, (not cavalry interestingly) the death animation goes crazy ending with the lower half of the dead soldie being submerged under the earth and an odd "streak" of distorted texture that goes across the map. If many archers have been killed in melee by infantry it makes it nearly impossible to see anything.
    The "streaks" change depending where the camera is. It's okay if the camera is far enough away and facing away from the dead archers.

    This has been brought up many times here, but those posts didn't get any answers either. At least the ones that I found.

  15. #2035
    Roma_Victrix's Avatar Call me Ishmael
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    Default Re: SSHIP - Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    Recently I noticed your SSHIP submod (but not regular Stainless Steel 6.4) has a dead archer animation glitch that shoots giant lasers into the sky on the battle map. This is very similar if not the same problem that Europa Barbarorum II used to have (see my thread there for the EB II team's solution to the matter, which they have since implemented and it works). Here are some pics that demonstrate how it screws up visibility on the battlefield, which can only be avoided if you rotate the screen at certain angles or move the camera far away from the spot where the dead archer is lying on the ground.

    Also, I spotted an interesting "silver surfer" problem for Hungary. They have two different units called "Spear Militia," or perhaps they are just different armor upgrades. In either case one of them is not working and they show up as silver surfers on the battle map. Here is the same battle showing the silver surfer unit and another unit with the same name that appears to be fine.

    And finally, on the campaign map there are a few new construction options that clearly did not go as planned (or perhaps you guys are planning to fix all of this in the next release and haven't gotten around to it yet). I've noticed that for any new infrastructure the descriptions basically copy and paste the general message for orphanages. On top of that, the general placeholder images appear in both the unit info box and the avatar pic (Rome Total War style) in the building browser.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Just thought I'd let you guys know about all of this. Glad to be of service!

  16. #2036
    Lifthrasir's Avatar "Capre" Dunkerquois
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    Default Re: SSHIP - Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    Noted with thanks
    All known except the silver surfer unit
    Under the patronage of Flinn, proud patron of Jadli, from the Heresy Vault of the Imperial House of Hader

  17. #2037
    Roma_Victrix's Avatar Call me Ishmael
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    Default Re: SSHIP - Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    Quote Originally Posted by Lifthrasir View Post
    Noted with thanks
    All known except the silver surfer unit
    Glad to be of service. I figured you guys probably knew about most of this stuff, but it doesn't hurt to reiterate things. Overall the silver surfer incident I ran into with Hungary was the only one that I saw. You guys run a tight ship otherwise!

  18. #2038
    Lifthrasir's Avatar "Capre" Dunkerquois
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    Default Re: SSHIP - Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    No worries: better be safe than sorry and thanks for your kind words
    Under the patronage of Flinn, proud patron of Jadli, from the Heresy Vault of the Imperial House of Hader

  19. #2039
    Roma_Victrix's Avatar Call me Ishmael
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    Default Re: SSHIP - Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    Quote Originally Posted by Lifthrasir View Post
    No worries: better be safe than sorry and thanks for your kind words
    You're very welcome.

    Next issue: dismounted Portuguese knights don't seem to have a new SSHIP-style model like the mounted Portuguese knights, although the mounted ones change their appearance to the regular Stainless Steel model with the first upgrade (the final upgrade using the "Late Knights" submod by Baraban). Was this intentional? Or was this a mistake? Or are you guys planning on remaking the dismounted version for a later release?

  20. #2040
    Lifthrasir's Avatar "Capre" Dunkerquois
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    Mistake again I'll see what I can do.
    Under the patronage of Flinn, proud patron of Jadli, from the Heresy Vault of the Imperial House of Hader

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