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spy of the council
Re: A Long Way From Home - A Skyrim AAR
Notes to me (from me):
You are writing this because... keep forgetting. At least, there are great big blank patches in your memory, so either you keep forgetting stuff, or you're having blackouts where you don't experience stuff in the first place, or there's someone out there who keeps knocking you unconscious (or maybe drugging you) for days at a time. And you'd think they'd have turned up to say hi by now. Probably a really menacing “Now do what I say or the whole rest of your life is full of blanks” kind of hi, but some sort of variation on hi, all the same. don't know where you are. People have told you some names of places, but none of them are right. You've never heard of any of them.
...or maybe you don't know when you are. People here don't seem to use electricity, and the soldiers (and there are a lot of those around) are all carrying really old-fashioned weapons – swords, axes and hammers – and wearing armour. Not “body-armour”, like the stuff you see journalists on TV wearing whenever they're in a war zone. Armour.
To start with, you thought maybe you'd wandered into the middle of some re-enactment society get-together or one of those weird live role-playing things. But those groups don't actually kill people for real (they don't, do they? Maybe they do, and I just don't remember that any more... No, that's silly. If they did that, they'd be dangerous – probably banned – and I'm sure that's not true. I know someone who went live role-playing once. What was her name...?) and there's a fair amount of killing going on round here. don't know how you got here. You vaguely remember living a more-or-less ordinary, more-or-less boring life (although you've forgotten a lot of the details) up until a day when you remember walking on to the university campus and into the library. Then the next thing you remember... no, that should come later. Let's keep all the memories since the weirdness started together, so you can read through them in order.
Anyway, whatever happened, wherever you are, you seem to have been here a while now. A few days? A few months? Possibly even a year or so? Difficult to say when you don't know how much you can't remember. So your plan is to write down the bits you do remember. You're going to write them down in the order you think they happened, although you can't be sure your recollections are right. And then you're going to keep writing down what happens, every single day. Yes, I know, you think writing diaries is a bit girly, but if you write it down and DON'T LOSE THIS NOTEBOOK, you'll be able to find out what happened during all the bits of your life you were actually properly awake and conscious for. Well, except any bits that are already missing. But you won't lose any more of them.
And maybe, eventually, you'll be able to work out where you are and how you got here. And then, maybe, you can work out how to get home...
Last edited by Caillagh de Bodemloze; February 07, 2015 at 06:32 AM.