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Thread: Stainless Steel 5.1 Released

  1. #181

    Default Re: Stainless Steel 5.0 Released

    Quote Originally Posted by Here Comes Everybody View Post
    This might be a question better suited for the thread on Retrofit 1.0 but:

    Retrofit won't install with Steam, at least for me! It can't detect my installation. So no Retrofit. If someone could post the reg values that retrofit creates, I can go into the registry and change them like the reg hack before.

    Thanks for any help!

    EDIT: Nevermind, fixed it! Thanks to King Kong for making such an awesome mod!!
    I have the same problem with retrofit. I can't get it to install. The reg hack was pretty easy, so that would be cool to have for other steam users.

    Here's the contents of the original rag hack that worked. Just save it to a ./reg file and run it. If someone can let me know what values to change that would be great.
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Sega\Medieval II Total War\Mods\Unofficial\Stainless Steel]
    "Fullname"="Stainless Steel"
    "DisplayName"="Stainless Steel"
    "Author"="King Kong"

  2. #182
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Stainless Steel 5.0 Released

    Is Laca's spear unit for the Byzantines included? Or do I need to get higher level castles lol?

  3. #183

    Default Re: Stainless Steel 5.0 Released

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Sega\Medieval II Total War\Mods\Unofficial\Stainless Steel]
    "Fullname"="Stainless Steel"
    "DisplayName"="Stainless Steel"
    "Author"="King Kong"

    Try this.
    Under the patronage of King Kong
    Proud patron of y2day and yelowdogg23

  4. #184

    Default Re: Stainless Steel 5.0 Released

    Quote Originally Posted by wonkuruben View Post
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Sega\Medieval II Total War\Mods\Unofficial\Stainless Steel]
    "Fullname"="Stainless Steel"
    "DisplayName"="Stainless Steel"
    "Author"="King Kong"

    Try this.
    Thanks Wonk, I tried your suggestion. The Stainless Steel option comes up in the launcher once I run Kingdoms from Steam, however, when I invoke SS, only the original MTW2 game launches (not kingdoms). Very strange. I noticed that the path in the mods folder is closer to "mods\Stainless_Steel\Stainless_Steel_Kingdoms" so I tried that and it still didn't work, only launching the original game. I did not delete the original registry entry before installing the new suggestions, though, could that have something to do with it?

    It would be a bummer if the only way to get this to work is to install someone else's mod.

    EDIT: I figured it out. Here's the .reg I had to use.

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Sega\Medieval II Total War\Mods\Unofficial\Stainless Steel]
    "Fullname"="Stainless Steel"
    "DisplayName"="Stainless Steel"
    "Author"="King Kong"
    If you want to get SS to show up on steam then you need to save this above text to a text file with a .reg extension and simply double click it. Then SS will show up as an option in the launcher. If you have used a previous reg hack for SS before, you MUST delete your previous key first using regedit.

    Last edited by dstarsboy; October 23, 2007 at 01:43 AM.

  5. #185
    Indefinitely Banned
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    Default Re: Stainless Steel 5.0 Released

    I just noticed this while playing the Mongols, i cant recruit generals like in 4.2, has this option been removed because of maximum number of units?

  6. #186
    Caesar Clivus's Avatar SS Forum Moderator
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    Default Re: Stainless Steel 5.0 Released

    Quote Originally Posted by Vacrovic View Post
    Is Laca's spear unit for the Byzantines included? Or do I need to get higher level castles lol?
    Yes. You recruit them from the one of the highest, if not the highest, level barracks from cities, not castles.

    BftB2 UPDATED 22nd DECEMBER. Member of the Complete Byzantine Unit Roster team

  7. #187

    Default Re: Stainless Steel 5.0 Released

    Quote Originally Posted by Caesar Clivus View Post
    It's a .exe file that is made with an install program, so you wont be able to open it with winrar or winzip. What is the filename of the file you have?
    Thanks for replying Caesar.

    I download it to my completed downloads. The file is called x6 (as was the case with previous downloads for this mod).

    Type of file: file

    Description: x6

    Itīs not an exe icon but an icon with the windows icons in it. Canīt find a program to open it with.

    Any suggestions, am I making an idiotic mistake or does the file become corrupted in some way?


  8. #188

    Default Re: Stainless Steel 5.0 Released

    One question. It is possible to change the turn scale? I want the real turn (6 months).

  9. #189

    Default Re: Stainless Steel 5.0 Released

    Quote Originally Posted by Bloobyhubbahabba View Post
    One question. It is possible to change the turn scale? I want the real turn (6 months).
    Change "timescale 1.5" in the descr_strat.txt to "timescale 0.5". Be warned though the game will be unbalanced very soon. I tried to balance things out by adjusting some values here:

    My Home is my Castle.

  10. #190

    Default Re: Stainless Steel 5.0 Released

    Quote Originally Posted by mailor View Post
    Change "timescale 1.5" in the descr_strat.txt to "timescale 0.5". Be warned though the game will be unbalanced very soon. I tried to balance things out by adjusting some values here:

    i'm on to test it tonight and more - i find this a necessary addition to ss (2turns/year)
    There can be no peace while the Emperor's enemies still draw breath

  11. #191
    biohaker's Avatar Semisalis
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    Icon2 Re: Stainless Steel 5.0 Released

    Hello! This mod seems to be awesome ( I haven't play it yet). Congratulations !!!
    1) I would like to ask someone to post the installation steps for the Stainless steel 5.
    2) Does it work, or the v4.1 only work?
    3) Is this installation only for the Kingdoms Expansion?
    4) Why is it 740 Mb? Does it include kingdoms expansion in it?

  12. #192

    Default Re: Stainless Steel 5.0 Released

    Quote Originally Posted by biohaker View Post
    Hello! This mod seems to be awesome ( I haven't play it yet). Congratulations !!!
    1) I would like to ask someone to post the installation steps for the Stainless steel 5.
    2) Does it work, or the v4.1 only work?
    3) Is this installation only for the Kingdoms Expansion?
    4) Why is it 740 Mb? Does it include kingdoms expansion in it?

    1) Download the file (it is a exe file). Double click it, and follow the on-screen instructions. Be sure to install it in the folder, where you have installed M2:TW.
    2) I am not sure what you mean with this. But SS5.0 does work without SS 4.1. It will actually install into a seperate mod, so you can deinstall 4.1 beforehand (you can keep 4.1 installed as well, and can run both seperately). I'd advise using 5.0 only though (if you have kingdoms).
    3) Yes, you'll need Kingdoms for it.
    4) No, it doesn't include the Kingdoms expansion , this would be highly illegal...

    My Home is my Castle.

  13. #193

    Default Re: Stainless Steel 5.0 Released

    Are any of you guys using an AI mod added onto SS5.0? And if so which one and hows it working out?

  14. #194
    uk_john's Avatar Ordinarius
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    Default Re: Stainless Steel 5.0 Released

    Quote Originally Posted by Greenstone11 View Post
    Are any of you guys using an AI mod added onto SS5.0? And if so which one and hows it working out?
    I am using Xyrex's beta 1.6 AI that will be a full release in a few days I think. It is only being tested with the DArth 1.4D mod, but I am using it in SS 5.0 with no problems, and the best thing that has happened in the game regarding the campaign AI is the French using their King as a target out in the open and then when i sent 7 units to attack his 2 found myself surround by four hidden French armies and my Commander shouting 'We've been ambushed Sire!'. Got out of it by the skin of my teeth. I think the Ai though I might only have brought 5 rather than 7 units to defeat a 2 unit army with the King in it!

  15. #195

    Default Re: Stainless Steel 5.0 Released

    Maybe i did not notice it earlier in the posts but does Stainless steel have a auto installer or do i have to play with files to get it to work?I looked on the first page and did not see how this mod is suppose to be installed.I hope it's a auto run install cause i'am not real good on how to open certain files that some mods require.Will it install like the Darth MOD easy installer?I tried a mod like the Kingdoms_Units_Addon_for_Retrofit_Mod and had no luck with it.You had to place it the MTW folder fissically then Unpack the kindoms mini campaign mods then run Kingdoms_Units_Addon_for_Retrofit_Mod and then it was suppose to work.Well it never did for me or many others that i saw in the forums.
    Last edited by OSDEA7; October 23, 2007 at 07:53 PM.

  16. #196
    Hellbent's Avatar Semisalis
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    Default Re: Stainless Steel 5.0 Released

    Quote Originally Posted by OSDEA7 View Post
    Maybe i did not notice it earlier in the posts but does Stainless steel have a auto installer or do i have to play with files to get it to work?I looked on the first page and did not see how this mod is suppose to be installed.I hope it's a auto run install cause i'am not real good on how to open certain files that some mods require.Will it install like the Darth MOD easy installer?I tried a mod like the Kingdoms_Units_Addon_for_Retrofit_Mod and had no luck with it.You had to place it the MTW folder fissically then Unpack the kindoms mini campaign mods then run Kingdoms_Units_Addon_for_Retrofit_Mod and then it was suppose to work.Well it never did for me or many others that i saw in the forums.
    Yep, it runs with an .exe

  17. #197

    Default Re: Stainless Steel 5.0 Released

    Thanks i'll try it tonight.

  18. #198
    uk_john's Avatar Ordinarius
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    Default Re: Stainless Steel 5.0 Released

    Quote Originally Posted by OSDEA7 View Post
    Thanks i'll try it tonight.
    But there are known bugs and those fixes do not have auto-installers, so you will have to do a little work downloading fixes and putting them in the right folder, etc. Instructions are always in the readme or the thread, you just have to make a point of reading it. When I am installing fixes, etc, after I download the file(s) I just shrink the web page down so I can see the relevant information in the thread and then use that to open the zip/rar and copy the necessary files to their relevant folders. If files have to be deleted I will open the folder on the left of the screen with the webpage on the right, and again follow the instructions of which files to look for an d delete.

    If you think about it, nothing is too difficult, it just takes a little logical thought!

  19. #199
    TestudoAubreii's Avatar Bugger Bamfield!
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    Default Re: Stainless Steel 5.0 Released

    I just purchased Kingdoms. Do I have to uninstall SS4.2 before I install 5.0? Thank you in advance for all responses.


  20. #200

    Default Re: Stainless Steel 5.0 Released

    No, SS 5.0 is a stand-alone version.
    Under the patronage of King Kong
    Proud patron of y2day and yelowdogg23

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