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Thread: Creating a World - Bare Geomod

  1. #921

    Default Re: Creating a World - Bare Geomod

    I wonder if there is a tutorial somewhere here on how to properly write an expansion script for factions?

    I'll come back to that tool later because it's not that important now, or I'll try downloading it again

  2. #922

    Default Re: Creating a World - Bare Geomod

    Geomod always turns off after this message:

    Error, Geomod v0.6.18 2024-03-03 17:08:35

    The following labels do not correspond to any name:

    of Bo sa

    Error, Geomod v0.6.18 2024-03-03 17:08:45

    Unknown faction or culture '' detected in the EDU at line 10923!


  3. #923

    Default Re: Creating a World - Bare Geomod

    I solved the problem

    well I need a script tutorial fraction expansion

  4. #924
    Gigantus's Avatar I am not special - I am a limited edition.
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    Default Re: Creating a World - Bare Geomod

    What error message?

  5. #925

    Default Re: Creating a World - Bare Geomod

    Už je to v pohode.. Potrebujem však usmernenie, ako správne napísať scenár pre frakcie, na ktoré by mali zaútočiť

  6. #926
    Gigantus's Avatar I am not special - I am a limited edition.
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    Default Re: Creating a World - Bare Geomod

    It's cool now.. But I need some guidance on how to properly script the factions they should attack
    You can only script attacks on settlements, for general AI attack attitude you need to edit the AI files, ask the guys here.

  7. #927

    Default Re: Creating a World - Bare Geomod

    Ahoj, mám dva problémy s kňazmi.1. Problém je v tom, že v každej frakcii, ak prijmem kňazov, je vždy kardinál a nie obyčajný kňaz. Týka sa to katolíkov aj pravoslávnych kňazov. Zaoberám sa tým už dlho, ale neviem, prečo sa nikdy neprijíma kňaz, ale hneď kardinál. Nemôže mi niekto pomôcť?

    Problém 2: Uviedol som do svojho režimu scenár zmeny náboženstva pre Litvu, ak Litva prijme kresťanstvo, prestane stavať pohanské budovy a tak ďalej, v skutočnosti všetko funguje dobre, ale problém je, že kňazi sa už nezmenia. Kňazi šíria kresťanskú vieru, ale pohanský model zostáva.

  8. #928

    Default Re: Creating a World - Bare Geomod

    I solved the problem.

    But do I need advice on how I can get the faction to reappear after the destruction if the city that belonged to it revolts?

  9. #929
    Gigantus's Avatar I am not special - I am a limited edition.
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    Default Re: Creating a World - Bare Geomod

    When a faction looses it's last settlement then the faction is dead\destroyed unless it is a horde faction or has the 'resurrect' entry in descr_strat. with the former the faction will spawn automatically, with the latter it requries a scripted spawn.

  10. #930

    Default Re: Creating a World - Bare Geomod

    and can you recommend me here on the forum some tutorial how exactly it should look?

  11. #931

    Default Re: Creating a World - Bare Geomod

    A môžete mi odporučiť tu na fóre nejaký návod, ako presne by to malo vyzerať?

    One more question I would have, is it possible that I would somehow set up some male names of descendants to be used only in certain regions? For example, if a faction has 40 names, would I set 10 to be used in only one province?

  12. #932
    Gigantus's Avatar I am not special - I am a limited edition.
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    Default Re: Creating a World - Bare Geomod

    The mongols and timurids are horde factions, simply have a look how they are entered in descr_sm_factions and desc_strat.

    They also have the dead_until_resurrected line in their descr_strat entry.

  13. #933

    Default Re: Creating a World - Bare Geomod

    Bol by som rád, keby bolo možné zničiť frakciu, ale ak neudržíte poriadok v osade, ktorú táto frakcia vlastnila na začiatku kampane, aby sa tam mohla znovu objaviť.

    napríklad zničím Škótsko, ale nemôžem udržať poriadok v Edinburghu, takže dôjde k vzbure a Škótsko sa znovu objaví.

  14. #934
    Gigantus's Avatar I am not special - I am a limited edition.
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    Default Re: Creating a World - Bare Geomod

    I would like it to be possible to destroy a faction, but if you don't keep order in the settlement that faction owned at the beginning of the campaign, it can reappear there. for example, I destroy Scotland, but I can't keep order in Edinburgh, so there will be a rebellion and Scotland will reappear.
    Once a faction is destroyed this should not happen unless it's a horde faction. The 'faction revolt' mechanic itself is linked to the 'loyalty' entry in descr_regions, for more see here.

  15. #935

    Default Re: Creating a World - Bare Geomod

    Asi mi nerozumiete, mám na mysli emerge_faction scenár, ale neviem presne, ako by mal vyzerať.

  16. #936

    Default Re: Creating a World - Bare Geomod

    Hi, Gigantus. It's me once more. Just a quick gratitude, I appreciate your continued dedication to helping everyone here still!
    That being said, haha. A question.
    So I had previously been on Windows 7 to make my own Med2 modded worlds and all that with this mod. But I have since switched to Linux. Medieval 2 having a native Linux version is very cool and great, but this puts the confusion now... How can I use the modded worlds I had on Windows? I figure this won't be something easy. I guess might be to use the Windows version of Med2, I'd figure? I saw the thread you made back then for making mods playable on Linux version, but it doesn't answer the question for this mod itself. Would it be possible I can just run Geomod itself with Wine to edit the worlds, and then use the data from the edited worlds? But the bare geomod is an .exe. What would be a work around this? If any. If not then I can figure out to just run it under Proton.

  17. #937
    Gigantus's Avatar I am not special - I am a limited edition.
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    Default Re: Creating a World - Bare Geomod

    Bare Geomod is a mod like every other mod, eg it has it's own directory with a BAT and CFG file. which means if you managed to get mods working on Linux you shouldn't have an issue with it. Besides the exe file there is also a regular BAT file in the directory (universal start.bat) which you can use, simply create a shortcut to it or edit the existing one. And you can run it directly like any other mod, no need to copy files to the main game afaik as it's basically the main campaign.

  18. #938

    Default Re: Creating a World - Bare Geomod

    I want to ask, how do I get rid of agents, capitans, and generals without a name? For some factions, unnamed characters occasionally appear on the map

  19. #939

    Default Re: Creating a World - Bare Geomod

    Hi, I need help. I'm working on my first mod, I'm currently modifying the Mongol invasion. If I start a new campaign, the game works fine, but if I then save the game after 70 turns or sometimes after 103 turns and turn it off, then after turning the mode back on and running the saved campaign, the game crashes during the AI turn. I've had this problem for over a week now and I can't figure out the cause of the problem. If someone could advise me, help me or check my mod I would be very grateful.

  20. #940
    Gigantus's Avatar I am not special - I am a limited edition.
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    Default Re: Creating a World - Bare Geomod

    Could be the 'BecomesFactionLeader' bug.
    Open the export_descr_character_trait file (EDCT - make a back up first) and search for trigger and then delete all content from there to the bottom. Save and try your game again. Once you are past the crash point save the game, exit and restore the original EDCT file.
    Last edited by Gigantus; June 16, 2024 at 10:40 PM.

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