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Thread: Hyperborean Period Chronologies (another line of my universe)

  1. #21
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness Administrator
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    Default Re: Hyperborean Period Chronologies (another line of my universe)

    I like the way that you present these as part of your universe's mythology. They might be real, or they might be larger-than-life stories about something which existed, or maybe they simply tell us something about the cultures that created these stories - for example maybe there are some Elfurr who dream of an Exodus to a far part of the universe, a sanctuary from wars, and that's how the myth of the Elfurr Singers domain began?

  2. #22
    BagaturSasha's Avatar Invictus
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    Default Re: Hyperborean Period Chronologies (another line of my universe)

    Thank you!
    Mythology is the main part of my world. Its also has its own mythology system. And there is a main rule of it - every fairy tale have some percents of truth.
    It means, that every legend or just a tale can consist of deep information from the oldest times of universe.

    About Elfurr Exodus - its a very dangerous question for the Elfurr empire, because almost all representatives of this race thinks that they are united. And its absolutely nonsence about the someone, who left the Elfurr society. But the Secret Library of the Menehfer has a lot of interesting documents, which are.... secret.

    Another interesting situation has the legend of the First Creators. All knows, that the universe is infinite (World of Infinitas - Infinite World, World without Finish or etc). But who was the first one? And what race?
    My story "Revenge of Tyrants. Darkness" describes in the ending about the Planet Creators (or Star Creators race). Marfur-Nirari (God Salah`Zarr) was one of the Creators, who fell to the evil and to his own egocentrism, and became the darkness creature.
    But other legends said, that Salah`Zar is not the only one creature, who betrayed his Creators brother and sisters, and he made a rebellion with his compatriots. Daemon Arsail (i told about him in the previous page) could be another one representative of the Creators race, who served Salah`Zarr.

    I prefer to not show the full secret of my universe, prefer to not open it in 100%. Because, otherwise, its would be not interesting.
    So yeah, my world is full of different secrets and unknown things, legends, tails, arthefacts....

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  3. #23
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness Administrator
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    Default Re: Hyperborean Period Chronologies (another line of my universe)

    Yes, the secrets and legends of your world are intriguing - it can be fun to speculate and imagine what the element of truth might be behind each fairy tale.

  4. #24
    BagaturSasha's Avatar Invictus
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    Default Re: Hyperborean Period Chronologies (another line of my universe)

    The Planet Creators

    Planet Builders (Shangaara, Shangri-La, Creators, Firstborn, Gods, Forefathers, Seraphs, Star Founders, Boddhisattvas, Galactic Foundations)
    There are many legends about this race. Thousand or even million legends and names. This is the extremely powerful civilization that existed before the era of the birth of time.

    (I don’t remember if I wrote an article about this here, but I’ll write it again)

    The Planet Builders are the primary beings. They are present in absolutely all mythologies and in all beliefs of existing civilizations. They are the ones who made the universe what it is today. They laid the foundation for the existence of stars, planets, galaxies and clusters of galaxies. They became the ancestor of everything and everyone. They are also the creators of all living races.
    Legends say that the bulk of the Creators were Absolute Light, pure energy. But because of some confrontation between them, and because of the fall of one of them "from greatness to arrogance" - some representatives of this race left their relatives.
    Because of this, the firstborn energy was divided into - Light and Darkness. True, different races interpret this in a completely different way.

    In any case, the Creators are recognized by all living civilizations as the greatest of all creations of the universe.
    But unfortunately, no one mortal saw them last thousand years or even more. So the Creators became the truly legend or myth.

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    Default Re: Hyperborean Period Chronologies (another line of my universe)

    Pylons of Eternity

    Pylons of Eternity are included in the group of so-called extra-artifacts of the universe. For many tens of thousands of years, they have been found every now and then on different planets, and even in several galaxies. Who exactly built the Pylons - no one knows. These mysterious structures are not only strange columns, but also all kinds of temple complexes, obelisks and even cities. It's all about the strange and mysterious energy. Within the Pylons, electronics do not function, and in general, none of the laws of physics work. If close enough, any mortal can become mentally disturbed. It is also believed that a long stay near the Pylons can lead to possession or to an increase in psi-potential, which in general is one and the same.
    For unknown reasons, the Elfurr are careful not to spread information about the Pylons. Other races fear them, calling them the Artifacts of Possession or "Impure" Artifacts. They are also impossible to destroy. They can survive a nuclear bombardment without being damaged. It is believed that the only weapon capable of destroying the Pylons is the Black Hole Generator weapons.
    (In the Zarem Egyptian chronicles of the Old Earth, a certain Obelisk of the Sahara was mentioned, which was never found. Perhaps it also refers to the Pylons of Eternity)

    Representatives of the disappeared race Ser-Galis (Sargelians) wrote a lot about the Pylons. Ancient scrolls speak of sources of unimaginable power. In addition, the Sargelians believed that the Pylons were created by the god-like Planet Builders race, but not by its Light representatives, but by those who "fell into darkness because of their arrogance." The science communities of the galaxy prefer to ignore the topic of Pylons.

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    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness Administrator
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    Default Re: Hyperborean Period Chronologies (another line of my universe)

    I'm enjoying the legends and mysterious artifacts!

  7. #27
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    Default Re: Hyperborean Period Chronologies (another line of my universe)

    Period of the Potestas War

    The development of another period in the history of the universe, relating to the Hyperborean era, has been fully completed. It was called - "The War of Potestas".
    Its about the full invasion of the evil planet-builder Marfur`Nirari, which appears in the story "Revenge of Tyrants. The Darkness".

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    Default Re: Hyperborean Period Chronologies (another line of my universe)

    Working with the period of the Potestas war.
    It's a fully galaxy war which is even more brutal and massive then the Achaeronian war in 2596 AS
    This conflict touched not only the main Milky Way galaxy, but also several others - M33 (Haurr), Taote, Galaxy Andromeda and Galaxy of Creatures.

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    Default Re: Hyperborean Period Chronologies (another line of my universe)

    I have finished the Potestas War period.
    It's fully completed period now. I have worked with more then 2 massive stories.

    For now I have 3 works about the Potestas war. But it needs the translation. Translation is not working fast.
    And in my life I have now not very easy situation. And it takes my time. So translation will be... but I don't know when.

    Potestas period I created in the age of my childhood. And now its finished. I think, it's not bad news.
    But I am a bit sad, that it's finished. I worked with it a lot of rime. I liked this work. And to be fair, I get used to it.

    Thanks for reading to all.

    Leader of the "Creative flame" studio.
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    Default Re: Hyperborean Period Chronologies (another line of my universe)

    Marongolm Invasion 18900 BC

    Archives say, that in 18900 BC there was the cruel invasion to the Milky Way. It was short but very massive. Aggressive spider race with name Marongolm tried to occupy the Elfurr border lands. Elfurr empire organised a heavy defence and destroyed the invaders fleets. But soon Marongolm Tha'Ba'Tarnissa (high leader) appeared in the system Tausert with a fleet with 300000 battleships and colonial arks. Elfurr threw the fire from the "Ten Plagues" weapons and destroyed more then 3000 ships. But the invasion was so huge that after two days Tausert became the Marongolm territory.
    Elfurr command sent to the captured system extra-fleet "Nemenhotep". Its leaders gave a battle to Marongolm high warlord and crushed his mega-ship. The vessel came to the two stars fire (this system has 2 suns). Marongolm command decided to leave the Tausert. Elfurr approached them to the Neutral Zones. They attacked invaders in the system Alasia-Sira. In this battle Marongolm lost 30000 their battleships and arks.
    After that event invaders came to another galaxy and soon disappeared.
    High Librarian Sheshonk from the Elfurr Great Library has a lot of interesting materials about the history of his race. His archives said some words about Marongolm origins. Approximately they were space nomadic race which homeworld was lost. Other theory said that Marongolm were inhabitants of the Andromeda galaxy and wanted to colonize the Milky Way territory.
    Interesting thing in the next fact: Andromeda galaxy was a bit explored by Elfurr and some these documents were given to the Coalition in the XXIII century AD. There was not information about some aggressive races in that galaxy. So the nomadic theory about Marongolm can be more truthful.

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    Elfurr-Creontinas War

    Creontinas Coloqvis (Elders Council) in the near 18000 BC officially declared war to Elfurr empire.
    It was the conflict in the Creontis Segmentis (part of the Milky Way Galaxy in the galactic south from Elfurr lands). Creontines were 5-eyed humanoid creatures with dark-yellow skins. They created own civilization near the 22000 BC and tried to make expansions around. They successfully destroyed the Pigmalion Hierarchy (insectoid ho`nari-like race principiality) and organised the hegemony in the whole Segmentis.
    Coloqvis tried to decide the situation with borders near the Elfurr sectors. Elfurr claimed the three-star system Poliperchonis. They created there a small colony. But Creontines demanded the colonial company to leave the main planet and satellite. Elfurr tried to pay Creontines, because didnt wanted the war. But Coloqvis attacked the colony and killed there one famous merchant. Soon the Poliperchonis became the full province of Creontinas.
    Elfurr decided to make a Revenge Operation and call the expedition fleet. Fleet commander Takelot Amasis destroyed the Creontinas armada in the Poliperchonis. Then expedition attacked the borders of Colloqvis. After that Creontines declared their war. Colloqvis leader Shal`shul`naduul called all warriors to fight with "sharp-ears" invaders. The result was predictable. Mighty Elfurr empire crushed Creontines in 43 battles. Main planet of Colloqvis was captured. Their leader was killed during the siege. Creontines were forced to make a peace pact and then leave their territories to other parts of their interstellar power.
    In the 10000 BC Creontines state was ceased to exist. Now these territories are under full control of the Elfurr Endless Empire. The race is now exists only in the some planets of the Milky Way galaxy. They haven`t got interstellar civilization and they can`t threat the Elfurr anymore.

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    Azolinti Eternal War

    Its need to say some words about the invasions of Elfurr Endless empire to other galaxies. Its not a secret that in 20000 BC this really great interstellar state had a lot of lands not only in the Milky Way but in other parts of universe too.
    For example, in 17800 BC Elfurr expedition successfully reached the Galaxy of Creatures and founded there 3 colonies. They explored mighty whale-like race which was invincible to the space abyss. This race had minds and even prototype of own civilization.
    But when Elfurr tried to explore the Taote Galaxy, they reached the territories of very aggressive arthropods with name Azolinti. Azolinti took part in the Ollusian invasions in 15000 BC and Elfurr didn't forget about that thing.
    In 11000 BC Elfurr empire organised invasion to the Taote. Azolinti Clans tried to make a huge resistance. They even reached the success. 2 Elfurr expedition fleets were crushed in the twice-star system Dlonossi.
    Soon Elfurr invaded these sectors again and forced Azolinti Fl'Taa (fleet) to leave Dlonossi and neighbors systems. But Azolinti had a lot of lands in this galaxy. They created really great galactic empire and mobilized all resources to war with "sharp-ears".
    It started to be an Eternal War between Elfurr and Azolinti. Of course Elfurr created colonies in Taote. But inhabitants of this galaxy didn't forget about them. For Azolinti Elfurr were and always will be the extraterrestrial threat which needs to be stopped by any ways.

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    Aranguto empire rising

    In 23000 BC Elfurr empire tried to stop massive rise of the Aranguto empire. Monkey-like creatures (by one theory, far relatives of human race) tried to unite aroundst the Gorigll The Biggest. It was mighty king of the planet Phaglama Minor (system Phagma-Rauka). His shamans said that Gorigll found the strange energy source in the catacombs of the planet, and it changed his mind.
    Aranguto tribes and kingdoms from different planets heard the voice of their "unificator". "We Aranguto must be united", - said the Gorigll.
    But his mind was corrupted by the Barmagount being, which slept in the energy source. This source was the "damned stone". Elfurr in ancient times preferred to capture beings of Marfur'nirari alien god and prison them to this kind of stones and then hide it.
    Barmagount who already was in the aranguto body, wanted them to create empire for him.
    Elfurr state recognized the whole situation. When Aranguto declared the war to Lakassim empire, which was the ally of Elfurr, "sharp-ears" understood all. Their fleet attacked Aranguto kingdoms. It was a war for long 2 years. Gorigll was destroyed by the Elfurr dro'en sorcerers. The daemon which was in his body, left the planet.
    Soon after 3 thousand years during the Salah'zarr war, Barmagount was fully destroyed by the Eladraman imperial battle group of the admiral Nimphlotel.
    As for Aranguto destiny, they never tried to unite after the war with Elfurr. But there are a lot of events with their uprisings against the enslavers.
    Last edited by BagaturSasha; May 19, 2024 at 07:37 AM.

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    Invasion of the Yola-Finira

    Mighty empire of Yola-Finira was the dominant culture in the Andromeda galaxy in the period of 17000 BC. It was a state with huge and long history. But for Elfurr yolanni (red-skinned humanoids) were agressors and enemies. All started in the border conflict in the dying star system Borghla. Elfurr wanted to restore the star and then colonize the territory. But yolanni were unsupporters of the artificial star technology. They respected the nature power of galaxy. They didn't touch the planets, didn't make an improvements and even restricted drone technologies in their interstellar state. Elfurr were supporters of development and researches. The situation with Borghla star became the catastrophic. Yolanni declared the restoration - unholy and unclean, and attacked Elfurr fleets. It was act of aggression from the Yola empire. And Elfurr "accepted" the competition.
    After 100 years Yola power was successfully destroyed. Many representatives of this race came to other parts of Andromeda. All their past planets and systems became the territories of Elfurr Endless empire.
    Of course all other dying stars or unstable planets were restored.
    In 14000 BC Undivided Yola-Finira tried to invade the Elfurr and return to their main home but they had a crushing defeat. Yolanni were forced to withdraw to their far regions again.
    Last edited by BagaturSasha; May 19, 2024 at 05:33 PM.

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    Vou'Charr invasion

    In 9000 BC Elfurr Endless empire organised the full invasion to the Vou'Charr sectors in the Andromeda galaxy. The leader of it was the colonial chief-commander Nehfertiri Userkaf. Her expedition successfully captured the 3-star system Fazielis and all its planets.
    Vou'Charr race (long-headed giraffe-like creatures) didn't like the colonization of the "unknown aliens". Their Dominium mobilized all resources against the invaders. Vou'Charr wanted to throw away the "sharp-ears".
    They used against the Userkaf armada technologies of the extincted Sovi'lar race. The most high technologies weapon of this race was the "Pillar of Absolute Fire". This weapon reloaded in the star and worked on its energy. So its resource was need the star energy.
    Elfurr were defeated in 4 cruel battles. But then Userkaf prepared against the Vou'Charr the "Mighty One", giant ship-destructor with the Continent Crusher weapons. It was the really harsh and violent war.
    After 1000 years Vou'Charr declared the peace pact with Elfurr government. They gave them 20 star systems and the Fazielis too.
    Also they made an agreement to not fight against Elfurr.
    It was the diplomatic victory of "giraffes". They successfully saved their culture and civilization in the Andromeda galaxy.
    They exist even now.

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    Binbashi Invasion appr. 16000 BC

    After the dramatic events of 20,000 years ago, the galaxy has changed. Such powers, say, as the Blameless Shahinshah Empire or Hyperborea, fell into ruins. But instead of them, new states emerged that also sought expansion.
    If the Elfurr Chronicles speak quite clearly about how this race colonized the Milky Way and other galaxies, then with the countries of the human race everything is more complicated. There, information sources often differed.

    It is known that in 16,000 BC (or 500 years earlier), a race called the Terrifying Horde invaded the human domain of the Milky Way. From the chronicles it is known that the warriors of the Shatsk Galactic empire, the principate of Til-Amrun, the New Unburnt Empire and the Dukla empire fought with the Horde.
    No one knows what exactly the Horde was meant by. This is not in the Elfurr Chronicles. Obviously, the Elfurr did not interfere in these matters, leaving humans and their allies from other races to fight the enemy on their own.
    It is only clear that the victory went to the Shatsk Galactic Empire. The troops of this interstellar power (the likely heir to the Blameless Shahinshah Empire) repelled the attack of the Horde, led by a certain Binbashi. It is believed that we could be talking about the invasion of the little-studied Kidarite race, as well as the penetration of the forces of Voids (gray-skinned, four-eyed creatures prone to experiments on other races) into the Milky Way. There is also a possibility that we are talking about another race that was not mentioned in the lists of the Galaxy Bestiary.
    Apparently, the enemy traveled through many star systems, destroyed Unburnt forces and almost reached Shatsk-Prime, where, apparently, he was stopped by Imperial fleets.
    After the defeat of the Horde, the name of Binbashi was not mentioned anywhere else. The humans and their allies (except Elfurr) are believed to have successfully repelled the invasion.
    As Savoia of Tramonto (a chronicler who lived in Dukla empire in 16-15 thousand BC) wrote about this, “The Horde threatened to defeat not only Shatsk, but also Dukla. The Great Cesar (high duklian ruler) sent part of the armadas to help the allies. Only through joint efforts can we stopped the great evil."
    Further records are lost because of time.
    Last edited by BagaturSasha; June 03, 2024 at 12:33 PM.

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    Gosman Imperium rise

    No secret that in 24000 BC Elfurr empire helped the Unburnt empire (humans big state in Milky Way) to cease the existence of the Gosman power.
    Gosman empire was also the humans state. It was created by the colonists of the Old period (first colonization wave from Lemuria). It was isolated a long time till the exploration of the Sovilar extincted race sources. These sources made Gosman as the interstellar power.
    Unburnt empire had good relations with Elfurr. And Gosman preferred to initiate "High race doctrine". It means that they didn't accept alien life forme. They successfully destroyed insectoid race Bul'batel in the Amphora Primaris system. So Gosman was declared as agressor.
    In the war with Unburnt Empire Gosman high pravlinti Gvadilti Suranam declared himself as a Punisher of Those Who Serve the Aliens. So huge racist doctrine played an evil joke with Gosman.
    Elfurr armies besieged the Gosman empire planets. Pravlinti and his Council of Prosvetlum tried to protect their territories. But against Elfurr and Air principiality they had nothing. Also Unburnt empire attacked Amphora Primaris and crushed there "Vsesilni" fleet which was very expensive for the rulers of Gosman.
    Some years after Gosman state ceased to exist. Empire was divided to many system kingdoms and realms. One of them was Zarragen.
    In 20000 BC all these lands became parts of the Blameless Shahinshah empire and its leader Azis.
    As for Gosman - its now only name of the one star system with 3 planets. All their heritage was destroyed.
    Sovilar mighty technologies became the part of Blameless science in future.
    Elfurr didn't intervene on the Blameless empire because Azis was their ally.

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    Gosman ideology heritage

    All know that Nargon state always had the problems with regions like Gamba and Zarragen.
    The main reason is in Gosman ideology heritage. This state was really nationalistic and agressive. Its rarely thing when Elfurr make invasions to human states. But Gosman was an option because of absolute racism there.
    Gosman pravlinti and his salminti council (Prosvetlum) were real agressors and they spreaded the threat to many other races and their neighbours too.
    But Elfurr didn't destroy gosmanite nation at all. Because there are no bad people, only the bad rulers and propaganda.
    Many gosmanites became citizens of Amphora state, Nargon, Zarragen and other regions. Their name as Gosman nation was dissapeared. But some of pravlinti supporters saved the anti-aliens ideology.
    Many radical gosmanites settled in Gambra region of the Nargon planet. Also Zarragen, Amphora and Mirbah (Mirbahrabad) were their home. The ideology saved its power.
    And its the reason why Gambra in the future Nargon republic is almost the most problematic region with own clans and opinions. Its the reason why Zarragen is also the region without calm life.
    As for nargonians , in the time of Gosman Molt Imperium they were just steppe inhabitans. And gosmanites didn't call them as the similar in power. But times are changing.
    And after the rise of Azis, nargonians became the powerrul. The same situation in modern Nargon Democratic republic (events of 2596 AD).
    Last edited by BagaturSasha; June 19, 2024 at 05:35 AM.

    Leader of the "Creative flame" studio.
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