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Thread: Hyperborean Period Chronologies (another line of my universe)

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    BagaturSasha's Avatar Invictus
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    Default Hyperborean Period Chronologies (another line of my universe)

    22 500 years before the events in Achaeronian War. Situation in galaxy was quite different. There was 2 mighty inter-galactic empires of humans - Hyperborean and Immaculate (Blameless). Others were under control of alien species. Now you have a chance to know the story of the Blameless Empire founder - greatest king Azis The Excelscior, son of the Tikulti-Ninurta VIII.
    This saga have some connections with my main stories about 2596 AD period.

    p.s. Blameless Empire have also second names, as Flawless, Impeccable and Immaculate.

    Rise of Azis The Excelscior.
    Chronicle of empires that existed in 20,000 BC.

    Azis I Excelsior or the Flawless was rightfully considered one of the most outstanding leaders in the universe. As far as everyone knows, he lived 22,000 years before the events of the Acheronian War. Lived and ruled a powerful galactic empire rivaling other major powers. It is known that Azis was the greatest of the psi adepts and possessed incredible strength. At the same time, in his Impeccable Shahinshah-Empire, he was considered an authoritarian and tough leader who led his country to a real dictatorship. But nevertheless, it is Azis who is considered a successful fighter against the forces of evil that flooded the galaxy during the Cerberum War. It is worth noting that this emperor came to power by no means an easy way. It took him a decade to create the Flawless Empire.
    Azis's rise began with his rise to power in the Nargon Empire. Nargon was previously considered the center of the power, although it had a population of different nationalities. After the death of Azis's father, Tikulti-Ninurta VIII, a once simple colony called Urukesh became the capital. The young emperor commanded to name this planet Nargon-Kale, which meant "Citadel of Nargon". He made the planetary center the city of Ninurta, named after his father. But then the empire was still completely undeveloped. The mighty Hyperborea, for example, controlled thousands and thousands of star systems. In addition, there were many enemies around the Nargon Empire. Azis considered the main task of conquering the surrounding interstellar states, in which many people and foreigners lived. He hoped to create something like a galactic alliance. He claimed to have seen in his visions a mysterious threat emanating from the depths of the universe. It was for this that he needed to unite all the surrounding kingdoms.
    Azis's main focus was on the cyber troops, the program of which was launched during the reign of his grandfather. Cybernetic troops were considered the main striking force of the Nargon Empire. After them were already living soldiers and foreigners from different civilizations. At first, the emperor's brother wanted to transfer the troops of robots to the artificial intelligence "Leontius", but Azis refused this idea. Therefore, the robots carried out orders directly from human operators and commanders. Azis the Impeccable considered enemies of several relatively large states. Hyperborea, at the same time, he did not dare to challenge. The opponents of Azis were the rulers of the Burning Empire, the Alliance of Eight Sharkally, the Indomitable Empire, the Delightful Empire, the Irresistible Empire and the Heart-devouring Empire. All these powers Azis considered hostile. And this was true, since the sovereigns of these countries more than once spoke of Nargon as a tidbit worthy of joining their powers. The first challenge to all the surrounding countries was the renaming of the Nargon Empire to Impeccable. This name put the country of Azis above all others.
    Azis announced to all the hearing about his new coronation as Shahinshah, the king of all kings. Before that, he sent invitations to all neighboring states to join his empire. He was rejected by everyone except the Union of Eight Charcally. The Alliance of the Eight Charcally shook with peasant uprisings in the agricultural worlds. Eight Union rulers asked Azis for help in suppressing the revolts. The Impeccable Empire robots quickly did their job and pacified the peasants. Then the rulers recognized Azis as their ruler and joined his state. Thus, the emperor gained control of dozens of star systems. The Alliance of Eight Sharcally's army was reorganized into the Force of Integrity. Eight Union rulers bowed their heads to Azis, becoming his warlords. In addition, they all recognized him as a shahinshah, the king of kings. But other rulers opposed this. The king of the Burning Empire Shushinak-Abdasir IV accused Azis of excessive arrogance. He brought up the question of Azis's illegitimacy and his unworthy behavior to the council. The Burning Empire was soon joined by other powers such as the Indomitable Empire, the Delightful Empire, the Irresistible Empire, and the Heart-Devouring Empire.

    All the indignant kingdoms were ready to pacify Azis with threats. Shushinak-Abdasir IV threatened Azis with a full-scale war if he did not remove from himself the title of king of kings. "No one will recognize you as a king among kings," said the lord of the Burning Empire, "You are an ordinary ruler of a provincial state and you dare not claim dominion." It was these words that were spoken in a letter sent to Nargon-kala. To which Azis replied very succinctly: "If you do not recognize this, it does not mean that the rest agree with you." After that, the emperor closed all the embassies of the Burning Empire in his territories.
    Shushinak intended to show Azis "his place". By his order, the "All-curing rocket" was launched. It was used only in isolated cases when there was a direct threat to the state. The missile was able to destroy one of Azis's armada in the Shalban system. After that, Azis announced a general mobilization and ordered the fleet to strike at the Burning Empire without declaring war. In addition, he introduced several computer viruses into the systems of the enemy armada. As a result, many ships refused to obey the crews and went out of control. Viruses have also covered planetary networks. The disaster was almost inevitable. Many machines quickly came under the control of Perfection. Caught under the threat of a total uprising of robots, King Shushinak asked for mercy. He agreed to recognize Azis as shahinshah. At the same time, Shushinak remained in power as the governor of his territories. The Burning Empire was annexed to Azis's domain. The Impeccable Empire has received even more new lands in the galaxy. Learning about the rapid conquest of an entire interstellar power, other neighboring countries rushed to Azis as "friends". The Impeccable Empire was joined by the Indomitable Empire, the Irresistible and Heart-devouring. The sovereigns of these powers recognized Azis as a great shahinshah and king of kings. The local rulers were shocked by the Immaculate Sovereign's quick victory. They feared his mechanized hordes. Therefore, they decided to accept the offer and join the new galactic superpower. In honor of this, Azis even arranged a festival at Nargon-kala. He invited all his new vassals there.
    However, the Delightful Empire took up arms against Azis. Her sovereign Rodan III considered the Immaculate Empire to be an expanding force of evil, dangerous to everyone living in the galaxy. Rodan ordered to convene troops from all territories of the controlled state. Not only men, but also women served in his army. Azis accepted the challenge of the king of the Delightful Empire. They decided to choose a planet for the coming battle. Pledged to fight until one of the armies was completely defeated. The losing forces had to surrender. Azis promised Tsar Rodan to relinquish the title of Shahinshah in case of failure. The chosen planet was called Una and was considered one of the oldest exoplanets in the galaxy. The battle between the empires lasted for five days. Battles raged not only on earth, but also in space. Reinforcements continued to arrive on both sides all the time. But Rodan intended to deceive Azis. He stole data on computer viruses from him and decided to construct a secret weapon against the Impeccable Empire. As the forces of the Delightful Empire began to fail, Rodan attempted to launch the virus and destroy Azis's fleet. But Azis foresaw such a plan. He sent saboteurs to the enemy king's ship, and they destroyed his weapons. Before long, the Impeccable Army crushed the Delightful Empire. The battle for Una was won. Rodan was forced to recognize Azis as shahinshah and galactic ruler. But he still tried to strike a new blow at the enemy, to send killers to him. Azis eliminated all the murderers and ordered to bring Rodan to him. When the captured Lord of the Raptures was brought to Azis's palace, he personally stabbed him with a dagger. He considered that such a king was not worthy to serve him, much less to rule somewhere. The Delightful Empire was reorganized into a galactic alliance of provinces, completely subordinate to the Immaculate Empire.
    After defeating Rodan, Azis was already an almost limitless ruler. Only Hyperborea remained his main rival. Yet he was respected and dignified. Azis manages to form an alliance with the Elfurrian state to exchange technology. It was this union that forgave him many sins. Thanks to his friendship with Elfurr, Azis never attacked Hyperborea, and Hyperborea, in turn, did not attack him with millions of armada. A year after his alliance with the Elfurr race, Emperor Azis announced the creation of the Inter-galactic Immaculate Shahinshah Empire. He ordered himself to be called Excelsior the Perfect.


    The full Book about Hyperborean period you can find in other thread - "Revenge of Tyrants. Darkness". Its also in the Creative Writing section.

    Leader of the "Creative flame" studio.
    Author of the book "Legends of Moon Landscape"
    also author of the books "Fly", "Volcanorium" and other works too. Mostly specialized on fantasy.
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    BagaturSasha's Avatar Invictus
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    Default Re: Hyperborean Period Chronologies (another line of my universe)

    Rise of Azis. Path to Excellence.

    Azis the Flawless was without a doubt one of the most famous and powerful emperors of the Hyperborean period (20,000 BC). It was he who founded a whole empire from a small interstellar state, which was called the Impeccable. But many wondered why he later turned into the worst tyrant? Perhaps the reason lay in the lost love. In any case, this is precisely what Nikolai Krasic, the military leader of the Hyperborean Empire, spoke about more than once.
    After conquering the surrounding kingdoms, Azis the Flawless named himself Excelsior and Shahinshah (king of kings), leading the Inter-galactic Flawless Empire. His power has become an equal for Hyperborea itself and all other large associations of the galaxy. The alliance with Elfurr gave Azis the opportunity to use the most advanced technology. The emperor successfully established trade with many civilizations. Despite the latent enmity, he maintained relations with Hyperborea. The young ruler has not thought about marriage yet, preferring to spend time on military exercises and testing the latest starships. But soon he entered into a trade agreement with another human power of the Hyperborean period, perhaps the most mysterious and mysterious.
    This country was located in the areas of present Byzantium and was called Air. Formally, people ruled in Air, but in reality they were all descendants of mixed marriages with Elfurr, and therefore were often born with special psi-abilities. They lived for 100 or even 250 years and grew old only by the age of 80. Many of the Air representatives could read each other's thoughts and talk with gestures. Queen Artemisia III was wary of the Impeccable Empire. The Air state was small, but at the same time independent. Azis could well lay claim to her interstellar domain. Soon it happened. Azis the Flawless was fascinated by the beauty of the 65-year-old half-elfurrian queen Artemisia, who looked 30. But he knew that the expansion of the Flawless Empire must continue. Therefore, the young emperor invited Artemisia to join his power. He promised that Air would maintain a semi-independent position. He proposed to Artemisia to marry him, thereby uniting the galactic countries. The queen refused, since Azis for her was just an arrogant young man, counting on universal conquests. She refused him politely, promising to keep the trade between the powers.

    An angry Azis the Flawless reacted appropriately. He did not be rude to the queen during the conversation. However, after her departure to Air-Prime (now Cesargrad), Azis ordered the great mushir (army marshal) Sargon the Fatal One to bring the combat armada to the borders with Air. He hoped to conquer the country in a few weeks. In addition, the emperor conducted large-scale military exercises. He was preparing for the invasion the most powerful punitive corps of 20 million soldiers, including flotillas. But after a while, a delegation of the Elfurr Domination arrived at Azis. The Elfurr threatened the Immaculate Empire with breaking the alliance. The Airs were related to Elfurr and, in fact, were half-breeds. An attack on Air would be an insult to the entire Elfurr race. Therefore, Azis had to back down. He curtailed the operation and ordered the armads to leave space borders back to their homeworlds. The impeccable empire never invaded Ayr. General Sargon was extremely depressed by this turn of events, but he had to obey. Fate decreed in a completely different way. Azis never attacked Air, but very soon met with Artemisia again.
    In the same year, a catastrophe almost happened in the Main Galaxy. The planet Acheron Prime, colonized by the Unn-Chor race, has come under massive attack. All Unn-chor within the system were exterminated. Before that, they sent an SOS signal, which was caught by agents of the Impeccable Empire. Soon, an unknown enemy attacked the Sarkel colony, which belonged to Queen Artemisia. The colony was destroyed. The invaders used a mysterious weapon known as the Flooded World. Thanks to the use of superweapons, the world ocean of Sarkel spread over the entire planet. This led to the destruction of all settlements. Sarkel turned into a water world. But the enemy did not stop there, but fell on two more planets belonging to Air. They were also subjected to total flooding. Queen Artemisia realized that she was dealing with a powerful force, and she would not survive without a reliable ally. Then she turned to Azis for help. At first, Azis did not want to deal with her, but then he nevertheless accepted the challenge. Artemisia promised to marry the emperor if he saved her power from destruction. She begged him to come to Air's aid and save them from a mysterious enemy. Air had no chance against the Flooded Worlds. Even Azis did not possess such a frightening type of weapon. He did not understand why the enemy was using it, and what kind of enemy it was in general. The enemy could not be identified for a long time. But soon the truth appeared in all its glory.

    The enemies who attacked Air were representatives of the almost unexplored race of Narwalingen. Some ranked her as an intelligent cetacean. Others argued that Narwalingen were relatives of Kosatti and the Draconids. However, one thing was known - although these creatures looked like upright dolphins, they still were not mammals and laid eggs. The homeworld of this race was also unknown. They preferred to completely flood their ships, and like Cosatti, they practically could not breathe without water. Obviously, they were an aquatic civilization. Narwalingen flooded worlds in order to later build their colonies on them and deploy infrastructure. The ocean was considered their main habitat. The exact reason for their invasion of the galaxy was hidden, and no one has been able to solve this mystery. But they posed a very serious danger. The Air state was on the brink of destruction. Narwalingen threatened to take over all of her planets and change with the Flood. Azis had to help Artemisia in the fight against the invaders.
    The impeccable empire intervened on the side of Air. Azis ordered four armadas to arrive at the new allies' systems and protect them from the aliens. Narwalingen had already broken through to the capital Air by that time. Air Prime was taken into the ring. Azis personally commanded the flotilla and, together with Artemisia, managed to break through the enemy blockade. Narwalingen were forced to withdraw their armadas from the Air Prime system. In battle, they lost up to 300 battle cruisers (in their language they sounded like "gu'uu'ee"). The emperor then held a meeting and formed the Counter-Offensive Fleet. Flying with Artemisia on the same ship, he went through 3 more difficult battles. Together with the queen, they inflicted several defeats on Narwalingen. The aliens retreated, leaving behind only changed planets. Azis wanted to get to the leader of the invaders and get the Flooder of Worlds in case of further wars. But even more, he wanted a speedy marriage to Artemisia. Three weeks later, Azis the Flawless laid siege to Sarkel, transforming Narwalingen into a fortified colony. The siege lasted only 5 days. After that, Sarkel fell, and the aliens were forced to leave this system. With the help of Elfurr technology, Azis drained some of the planet and made it suitable for Air again. Artemisia was incredibly grateful to the emperor. She once again announced that she was ready to become his wife and unite the great powers. Azis was delighted about this, but not so much because of the desire to expand the empire, but because of feelings for the queen. In the last days of the campaign, he had already stopped hiding his feelings and explained to Artemisia that he was doing this not for the sake of expansion, but for her own sake. It would seem that the decision to unite has already been made, and nothing can interfere with the mutual love of the sovereigns.

    However, the unexpected happened. In the very last battle with Narwalingen, the enemies managed to damage the captain's bridge of Azis' flagship. Artemisia was caught in the epicenter of the explosion. The emperor ordered to immediately take her to the infirmary. He used his best doctors, including cyborgisers, but Artemisia was never restored. Queen Air died in Azis's arms. In grief, he sent his flagship to the forward fleet of Narwalingen. Such a fierce attack managed to break through the enemy's defenses. The heavy alien ships were destroyed. The Impeccable Empire has won this battle. And very soon the large fleet of the commander Sargon approached to the aid of Azis. The warriors rejoiced and celebrated, but the emperor was sullen and gloomy. He never showed up for the festivities organized in honor of the victory over the enemy. However, Air themselves grieved for their queen. Artemisia was buried with honors at Air Prime. Azis never showed up for the funeral. He retired from everyone for several months and passed orders only through his personal adjutant. Later, he recovered from an illness caused by grief, and again led the empire. Narwalingen no longer spawned within the Main Galaxy. Their incursions have completely stopped. Calamus willingly joined the Impeccable Empire. But the emperor did not attach any importance to this. The road to Excellence has been completed. But Azis didn't care at all.

    he lost his love forever.

    Leader of the "Creative flame" studio.
    Author of the book "Legends of Moon Landscape"
    also author of the books "Fly", "Volcanorium" and other works too. Mostly specialized on fantasy.
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    BagaturSasha's Avatar Invictus
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    Blameless Cold War
    (20000 BC)

    Hyperborea and the Impeccable (also known as Blameless or Immaculate) Empire, although they tried to maintain friendly relations with each other, nevertheless, no one could deny the fact of hidden hostility and rivalry. Shahinshah-emperor Azis the Flawless was perceived by the Hyperboreans as an unpredictable and extremely inadequate ruler. They saw him as a cruel galactic tyrant, ruthlessly suppressing freedom of speech and choice. There was not even a hint of democracy in the Impeccable Empire. But in Hyperborea, the local government was more of a constitutional monarchy. At the head was the emperor, the heir to the first kings of the city of Eridu (the first city on Earth), and the Most Excellent Senate was appointed as support and control. Hyperborean notables and ordinary people of the state practically did not differ in appearance. In addition, there was no dependent peasantry in the state, as in the same Impeccable Empire. The contradictions between the empires were on the face. Both powers sought complete control over the galaxy and over the entire human race. The opposition also affected the issues of colonization. The Hyperboreans and the Impeccable Empire colonists often clashed on the same planets. Governments have always tried to resolve issues peacefully. But sometimes it came down to individual skirmishes. Emperor Beorningus IV The Bravest had to negotiate with Azis about all the colonial routes of Hyperborea. Nobody wanted an escalation of a full-scale conflict. Any war between Hyperborea and the Impeccable Empire could lead to an all-out galactic conflict. Both countries had powerful allies.

    Relations between states were often called the Cold War. In those days, intelligence organizations were active. There have been many cases of infiltration of secret facilities by spies. When captured, agents were abandoned by their own commanders. Any of the spies trapped in the trap was declared dead, and his data was erased from the database. But one day the Cold War almost turned into a full-scale war. It all happened because of the uprising in the possessions of the former Indomitable Empire. The son of the previous king, Acontista, attempted to split the Indomitable Empire from the Impeccable. With the help of loyal generals, he staged a coup, overthrowing the imperial government under Azis. Mass unrest broke out on several worlds. Acontista was unhappy with the fact that peasants were enslaved in the Impeccable Empire. He planned to make democratic changes and declare equality between people. The prince was supported by many nobles and military men of the former Indomitable Empire. The largest uprising took place in the Ibragan star system, where the rebels took control of the entire capital planet. The army of the Impeccable Empire was defeated. Azis, learning about the riots, ordered to send a large fleet led by Grand-Admiral Artavazd to the Indomitable Empire. The punitive armada consisted of 30,000 ships.

    Artavazd easily recaptured the star systems from the rebels. He then inflicted a crushing defeat on the Acontista fleet in the Ibragan system. The poorly armed forces of the Indomitable Empire were defeated. No one was able to contain the offensive of the punitive armada. The rebellious domain is once again taken over by the Immaculate Empire. The old governors were dismissed or executed, and in their place new governors, loyal to Azis the Perfect, reigned. Akontista managed to escape together with several oppositionists. He headed to the Artandir system, which belonged to Hyperborea. The Hyperboreans accepted the rebel prince and gave him refuge. Azis was bewildered. He demanded from Hyperborea the extradition of the "criminal and troublemaker." In the Immaculate Empire, Acontista faced the death penalty for treason and attempted rebellion. The Hyperboreans refused to hand over the Akontista. They announced that they would grant him political asylum. Akontista was accommodated in Artandir Prime in a paid government apartment. The same privileges were given to other oppositionists. Azis threatened Hyperborea with breaking all treaties and a full-scale war. Moreover, the emperor brought military armada to the Hyperborean borders. In the Army of Impeccability, meetings have begun on plans for a further invasion. But everything was decided at the very last moment. An Elfurr imperial delegation has arrived on the capital planet of Ninurta. Elfurr suggested to Azis to leave Akontista with Hyperborea.

    A full-scale galactic war between both powers would undoubtedly affect other states. Elfurr understood this, and did not want a global confrontation. In addition, they informed Azis that Prince Acontista was not worth full-scale conflicts because of him. After talking with his allies, Azis the Flawless agreed with them. Later he announced that he would not demand the extradition of the prince from Hyperborea. But at the same time, he clearly explained that if Akontista wants to return to his homeland, there he will be immediately arrested and followed by the death penalty for treason. Thus, the galaxy managed to avoid a global war between the superpowers. Elfurr in this case played the role of conciliators.

    Leader of the "Creative flame" studio.
    Author of the book "Legends of Moon Landscape"
    also author of the books "Fly", "Volcanorium" and other works too. Mostly specialized on fantasy.
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    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness Administrator
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    Default Re: Hyperborean Period Chronologies (another line of my universe)

    The ebb and flow of the relationship between Azis and Artemisia is dramatic. You got me interested in the small state of Air and their struggle for survival against overwhelming odds.

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    BagaturSasha's Avatar Invictus
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    Who is the Marfur-Nirari?

    Marfur-Nirari is one of the most mysterious entities (deities) in the universe. Its origin is completely unknown. Also, information about the belonging of this creature to one or another race is unknown. It is only known that there are references to Marfur-Nirari in almost every legend. His face or appearance was completely different. He can change it in one minute. Almost every intelligent civilization that exists in the universe has ever encountered this mysterious demigod. As eyewitnesses say, Marfur-Nirari possessed truly divine power, could destroy entire continents and restore them, could change matter and energy, and control the movements of planetary nuclei.

    Most civilizations considered him the greatest threat. It is also known that it was Marfur-Nirari, along with other kings, who founded the city of Eridu about 90,000 years BC on the planet Earth ("Geos" in hyperborean lang). Many people feared him and took him for a god. He bestowed his technologies on many civilizations, but in return, he demanded that they worship and build ziggurats in honor of him and the god Cerberum. Cerberum was considered by Marfur-Nirari to be a higher being than himself. In any case, the threat from these entities is very real. According to some reports, they destroyed at least 20 advanced civilizations in the universe.

    Shah Azis The Excelscior was always afraid of this mysterious deity. It is believed that the creation of the Impeccable Empire in the Galaxy (the most powerful military state) 20000 BC was initiated precisely because of Azis's desire to protect all inhabitants of the universe from the threat of Marfur-Nirari. According to the preserved recording of the dialogue between King Azis and Warlord Sargon, the Impreccable Empire was awaiting the emergence of a powerful force from the far space. This is precisely why the mass mobilization was carried out. In addition, Azis developed a whole protocol according to which nuclear missile systems were installed on each planet and each of its satellites. The most powerful of them was located on the planet Tikulti-Ninurta, the capital of the empire.
    Last edited by BagaturSasha; June 15, 2021 at 03:03 AM.

    Leader of the "Creative flame" studio.
    Author of the book "Legends of Moon Landscape"
    also author of the books "Fly", "Volcanorium" and other works too. Mostly specialized on fantasy.
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    Alexander78's Avatar Campidoctor
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    Default Re: Hyperborean Period Chronologies (another line of my universe)

    Very interesting. As I understand it, this is a description of your universe, invented by yourself. I really like the presentation of the material, as if you are reading excerpts from real historical sources. Great.

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    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness Administrator
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    Default Re: Hyperborean Period Chronologies (another line of my universe)

    I agree, this is interesting world-building!

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    BagaturSasha's Avatar Invictus
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    Thank you all! i am not going to stop work on this!

    Leader of the "Creative flame" studio.
    Author of the book "Legends of Moon Landscape"
    also author of the books "Fly", "Volcanorium" and other works too. Mostly specialized on fantasy.
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    Gilleto Invasion

    The Gilleto Empire was one of the most powerful human states in the Ha-Urr galaxy (M33). It certainly does not reach the level of the power of Eladris state, but was represented an impressive force. Around 20,000 BC, the council of the autarchs of Gilletto (main government) attempted the expansion of the Milky Way galaxy (Liao Hutt). One of the fleets, led by Castellan-General Purushottama, invaded the domain of the Impeccable Empire. An order was given to urgently expand to 20 planets in the Daroan sectors. However, these planets were already under the control of the Impeccable Shahinshah-Empire. This led to a clash between two powerful powers. The planet Daroan 7 and its colonists were recognized as primitive life forms. Gilleto fleet struck all cities, literally burning everything that was there. The orbital bombardment went well and the landing began soon after. But soon a large fleet arrived in time, led by Admiral Khattusha Narkhatsarim, subordinate to the emperor Shahinshah Azis the Impeccable.

    The Narkhatsarim armada attacked Gilleto's ships throughout the system. Purushottama was forced to withdraw the fleet and regroup. Very soon, the planets of the sector were officially declared the domain of the Impeccable Empire. The largest intergalactic conflict was brewing. But Emperor Azis and the Gilleto Council of Autarchs settled the problem. Purushottama was charged with trespassing and imprisoned. An official apology was made to the Impeccable Empire by Gilleto. These powers no longer clashed with each other. But Purushottama harbored a grudge against his Avtarchs, as well as all those who persecuted him for his military error. Subsequently, he escaped from prison on Anushari-2 and flew out of the M33 galaxy in an unknown direction.

    Leader of the "Creative flame" studio.
    Author of the book "Legends of Moon Landscape"
    also author of the books "Fly", "Volcanorium" and other works too. Mostly specialized on fantasy.
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    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness Administrator
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    Default Re: Hyperborean Period Chronologies (another line of my universe)

    Purushottama had an adventurous life, I wonder what happened to him after he escaped. Good update!

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    BagaturSasha's Avatar Invictus
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    I can answer even now, what happened with him. No even one good thing. He joined the forces of alien god with name of Sala`Zarr. Who is it - i`ll tell sometime. )))

    Leader of the "Creative flame" studio.
    Author of the book "Legends of Moon Landscape"
    also author of the books "Fly", "Volcanorium" and other works too. Mostly specialized on fantasy.
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    Gods Realms in the Famous Galaxy. 20000 BC

    At the moment, there are several realms in the galaxy that are controlled by the Living Gods.
    We are talking not only about the main galaxy (Milky Way), but also about many others.

    Domain of the god Talin-D
    Talin-D (Talind, Talin`D, Talint) was a member of the oldest race (possibly proto-elfurr) who often interfered in the fate of the Velvetin Galactic empire, and subsequently, became its sovereign monarch. The local residents (consisting mainly of humans) recognized Talin-D as the supreme ruler. God Talin-D helped the locals improve their technology and build versatile ships. He taught people the unknown, bestowed great knowledge. But at the same time, Talin-Du did not like the presence of the Council of Elders from among the mortals, and he simply ate them. Therefore, the deity remains the only ruler of Velvetin.
    (regions of Talin-D are located within the galactic east of M33)

    Domain of the god Mbengo Kolele
    Mbengo Kolele was a member of an unknown race who later turned into an earth-like planet Marima and became home to the dark-skinned warrior-shamans. It is he who is the main heart of the planet and controls all its vital activity. From time to time Mbengo appears among his people and spreads the truth to them. Marima is an independent planet and is controlled by the Council of Shamans (Marima-Swati-Rongo-Khriprro). The theocratic council obeys all the orders of its god. Marima rarely intervenes in galactic wars. But sometimes such a time comes. There are no superpowerful technologies on Marima, since shamans with the help of Mbengo sorcery are able to open gates to any worlds at one of his orders.
    (Mbengo's domain is also located in the M33 galaxy).

    Domain of the god Fenty
    God Fenty is one of the patrons of the Primordial Darkness. In fact, he is ranked among the demons. He controls the fiery worlds within the Andromeda galaxy. Representatives of the fiery race Element-Sin obey him. Usually Fenty does not interfere in the affairs of other galactic empires, but sometimes he can side with his companions from among the gods of the Primordial Darkness. The army of this deity does not have space technologies. They move with the help of fire energy.

    Domain of the god Coatl
    Coatl is considered one of the oldest gods in existence since the empire of Chaos Ocean. And in this case, he confronted the demonic hordes of Tiamat. Some representatives of the race of white-haired Elfurr, some Eladris species (half-elfurr) and golden dragonids obey him. Coatl's domain also exists within the galaxy M33, in the most galactic north. Usually this god does not interfere in the affairs of mortals, unless they are in serious danger. The technology used by Coatl is wholly owned by Elfurr and Sovi-Lars ascendancy.
    Although the central government of Elfurr does not recognize the statehood of Coatl and also does not recognize his subjects.

    Last edited by BagaturSasha; October 06, 2021 at 04:36 PM.

    Leader of the "Creative flame" studio.
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    Default Re: Hyperborean Period Chronologies (another line of my universe)

    I'm intrigued by the relationship between technology and sorcery on this universe - it looks like some individuals (and maybe some societies?) rely on high technology and others on sorcery. Perhaps some have both?

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    Default Re: Hyperborean Period Chronologies (another line of my universe)

    My universe is a combination of science and magic. Its can be named as 'techno-fantasy', but i prefer 'fantasy\sci-fi' name. Just a hybrid of fantasy and sci-fi.
    Its have now a long story since the ancient times (million years BC) till the 2596 AD. I am working with many mythologies, also creating my own things and analysing modern situation. So its my own vision of future and past. And also without history knowledge, my universe would not exists.
    Perhaps some have both?
    Yeah, many states have both things - magic and technological power. To be fair, not even many, but almost all.

    Leader of the "Creative flame" studio.
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    Default Re: Hyperborean Period Chronologies (another line of my universe)

    One Cold War episode from the chronicles of Blameless Empire

    There was one interesting event during the Cold War between two biggest galaxy states - Blameless Empire and Hyperborea.
    One of the Hyperboreans (an inhabitant of the Moa continent from Earth, modern Polynesia) named Kamatoa worked in the prison of the Blameless Intergalactic Shahinshah-Empire. He claimed to have lost his job at a large hotel owned by Sheikh Fargess and therefore took a job as a guardian in prison. As all know, in the last years before the events on Zabergan, Shah Azis constantly staged repressions against those who rejected belief in the main god of the empire - Khaton, as well as those who condemned the religion of the goddess Varrashan. As a result, the cults of many gods were completely banned. The spiritual collegium, gathered at the Great Ortu-Divan, proclaimed a complete deliverance from "alien beliefs." Kamatoa worked in a prison on the planet Zarragen, where "pagans" were kept, who were subsequently sentenced to death by burning or drowning. It is known that the overseer met there with a professor who worshiped a certain "god of the New Dawn", and for this he was expelled from the university. After several months of confinement, the professor was publicly burned at the stake for betraying the faith. Kamatoa, on the other hand, tried many times to protect the prisoner and even tried to prevent the guards from torturing him. But nothing came of it. Guardian was fired from work.
    But then the Janissaries of Zarragena (secret police) became interested in his presence on the territory of the Blameless Empire. After all, Kamatoa was a Hyperborean, and his whole history was full of mysteries. As a result, the Janissaries tried to arrest Kamatoa at the hotel where he lived while working in the prison. The former overseer became famous for jumping out of the window of a building and landing directly on the territory of the embassy of Hyperborea. It so happened that the embassy was located very close to the territory of the hotel. Then Kamatoa left for his homeland and no longer appeared on the territory of the Blameless Empire. This is truly an amazing fact, but he jumped from the 5th floor of the hotel, and when he landed, he was not even hurt. There was not a scratch on his body. After some days, he left the empire and returned to his home. This story was later painted in the newspapers of the Blameless Empire. Kamatoa has long been considered a spy of Hyperborea, but the official representation of the state refuted this judgment.
    When Sheikh Fargess was questioned about Kamatoa, he replied that he always considered him strange and unpredictable. Moreover, he looked like a real sorcerer. He almost never got tired, and his energy was like infinite. But he was fired because he tried to prevent the sheikh from hitting his maid for spilling his coffee on the floor.

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    Default Re: Hyperborean Period Chronologies (another line of my universe)

    Sekheenhra Taa

    One of Elfurr's most brutal commanders was named Sekheenhra Taa. He lived exactly 20,000 years BC, in the so-called Hyperborean period. Known for the fact that by order of the king of kings Huptrai, who then headed the Elfurr Empire, he invaded the possessions of the state of Guilleto. This happened literally 3 years before the events of the work "Revenge of Tyrants. Darkness". It happened in the galaxy M33.
    Sekheenhra Taa was a prince, nephew of Huptrai himself. Outwardly, he looked very effeminate, so he was sometimes mistaken for a girl. 3 years before the events on Zabergan Prime, in the area of ​​the planet Shakkro, there was a clash between the troops of the human state Gilleto and Elfurr. Moreover, the attack was carried out by the Gilleton "sacred guards", elite special forces. The Gilletons destroyed the entire fortress of Elfurr on Shakkro and killed the ambassador Amanhotep Scorpio, who was a relative of King Huptrai.
    When the Elfurr approached the Gilleton overlords (autarchs), they denied all accusations. Guilleto refused to admit its guilt in the attack. Autarch Nishka Putranta said that he would personally investigate among the military leaders. As it turned out, the attack was not carried out by the Gilleton men, but by unknown terrorists who donned the Gilleton uniform.
    But the Elfurr did not believe the words of the autarchs. The invasion took place almost immediately. The punitive expedition was headed by Sekheenhra Taa. His attack on the frontier planet Kaur Nahaji caused a public stir. By order of Sekheenhra Taa, up to 400,000 civilians were executed. Moreover, the planet's garrison surrendered. The soldiers were sent as slaves to the Elfurr Empire. Then Gilletons responded to the war and tried to stop the punishers. Three fleets of autarchs were defeated in the first major battle.
    The Gilleton government knew that they could not stand against Elfurr. Plus, it was necessary to find out exactly who started the provocation that led to the war. But nothing was found out. The Elfurr believed that the Gilletons were the culprits in the conflict. Sekheenhra Taa laid siege to the planet Gilleto III. The army of the local general Firhu Bashir immediately surrendered. Sekheenhra demanded that the inhabitants of the capital Gilleto-3 surrender at the mercy of the victors. He promised to spare them. To do this, they only had to leave the city to meet the elfurr army and leave their homes. When the inhabitants did so, Elfurr captured them and placed them in several "special zones".
    Numerous concentration camps were set up in the "zones", where up to 650,000 prisoners were killed within 10 days. The Elfurr often enjoyed the use of gladiatorial arenas to entertain themselves. They created special arenas, where they pitted up to a hundred local residents together. They were given either sticks or spears and forced to fight each other. Those who survived were usually killed on the spot by elfurr soldiers.
    In the local river, up to 10,000 captured Gilleto warriors were drowned by order of prince. The local mayor was also killed, who was crushed with the help of an armored personnel carrier. Sekheenhra Taa claimed that his soldiers were dealing with their enemies and that there was resistance on Gilleto III. But there was no resistance. The Elfurr were too technologically advanced to be opposed by anyone. The Gilletonians did not have the ability to somehow resist Elfurr.
    Later after the Gilleton Massacre, Sekheenhra Taa was ordered by Huptrai and the High Command to leave the planet. The Guilleto Autarchs Council pleaded guilty to the Elfurr Empire to stop the genocide. Elfurr demanded that Gilleto transfer 10 star systems into the possession. In addition, the autarchs paid a huge contribution.
    It was a fatal loss.
    The most interesting thing is that no one in the galaxy condemned Elfurr's atrocities. Since many powers preferred to be friends with Elfurr, they kept silent about the bloody massacres. The Impeccable (Blameless) Empire of Azis also did not condemn the Gilleton Massacre. Although before the massacre, Azis ordered the evacuation of all citizens of his country from Gilleto-3, which was successfully implemented.
    Sekheenhra Taa received a reward from the king of kings Huptrai. But then some elfurr commanders wrote a letter to Huptrai demanding that Sekheenhr be condemned for the massacre of civilians. They felt that killing unarmed people was unworthy of the warriors of Elfurr. Huptrai reviewed the application and canceled the Sekheenhra Taa award.
    Later, the prince resided within the capital planet Menehfer, in the Elfurr main sector. He stopped participating in hostilities and became one of the king's advisers on the extraction of stellar matter.
    The Gilleton Massacre was not officialy recognized by Elfurr. No apology was ever made to Guilleto state. But nevertheless, this event was remembered.

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    Boson Destruction

    Shortly before the events on Zabergan Prime, the distant planet of the Impeccable (Blameless) Empire called Boson was under massive attack by the insect-like race of Ara-Nii. The fleet, dubbed the 'Star Assassin', rained down on the Boson star system in full force. The main planet was literally swallowed up by hordes of insects. The local governor, Antiros Zaryan, did not manage to send an alarm to the Imperial fleet. Imperial analysts have counted more than 10 billion dead. Boson was instantly transformed into a hive for the Hive-Queen of the 'Star Assassin'.
    Admiral Utulkalama, known for his successful wars with insect-like creatures, had to be sent into battle. Utulkalama succeeded in defeating Ara-Niya's hive fleet and discarding their army from system. However, no one was left alive on Boson. The planet has been completely turned into a hive. Humans fleet was need to destroy her atmosphere and use the Scorch Ray weapon. All life on Boson has ended. But with it the dominion of Ara-Nii also ceased, Queen was destroyed in fire of space weapons.
    To say fair, analysts did not understand why exactly Ara-Nii attacked precisely Boson. But Emperor Azis the Blameless (Excelscior) linked the case to rumors of an attack by a mysterious alien, Marfur-Nirari, allegedly responsible for the civil war in the Farrukh galaxy. Azis suggested that it was Marfur-Nirari who persuaded Ara-Nii to launch an attack on Boson.
    Last edited by BagaturSasha; December 21, 2021 at 11:29 AM.

    Leader of the "Creative flame" studio.
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    Destruction of the En-Sipadzidannu

    Destruction of the En-Sipadzidanu made a lot of horrors in galaxy. This happened over 5 months before the events of Zabergan-Prime (read the story "Revenge of Tyrants".) En-Sipadzidannu was beautiful and green planet, controlled by the Blameless empire. Shah-in-shah emperor Azis built there his own residence and it called by people - The Emerald Gardens. It was a precious palace with a lot of parks in each floor. Governor of this planet was woman, Malika Halamanish. People said, that Azis had love with his own female-governor, and this palace was for her. Because Halamanish lived in this palace, and worked with her planetary administration. But the own was under Azis The Excelscior.
    But suddenly the disaster appeared. Five months before the Zabergan events, giant asteroid destroyed En-Sipadzidannu with the whole population. Governor Halamanish was killed with 7 billion people in couple minutes. Azis tried to explore the reason of catastroph. Psi-adepts of the Blameless empire made a thought, that it was "spiritual invasion", to say simple, dark magic of unknown creature. Asteroid appeared suddenly and destroyed planet in some minutes. Then, it simply dissapeared into... nothing.
    It was one of hundred catastrophs in the Blameless empire before the events of Zabergan-Prime.

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    Default Re: Hyperborean Period Chronologies (another line of my universe)

    The Blameless Empire seems to have suffered more than most, I wonder if they managed to recover after these catastrophic events.

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    Default Re: Hyperborean Period Chronologies (another line of my universe)

    My universe continuing to expand.....
    Now its have more then 3 galaxies

    What we can say about the Velvetin and Eladraman Galactic Empires

    1. Eladraman Empire

    The Empire of Eladraman (Eladris) was considered one of the most prosperous empires during the Hyperborean period. It was located in the territories of the galaxy M33 (Ha-Urr). At one time, state entered into a trade pact with the Impeccable (Blameless) Empire and Hyperborea. A military alliance was planned with Shah Azis The Excelscior. However, the outbreak of the Marfur-Nirari (Salahzar) War ruined all further plans. Emperor Iona III Leprenal hastily gathered armies to confront the terrible daemonic enemy. It is known that Marfur-Nirari managed to seize part of the empire for himself by founding Eladraman Potestas, "doll-like" state. The Capitolino star system, the stronghold of the Golden emperors, was captured. Leprenal had to take refuge on the planet Sizlar-3 in the Vandius sector. After that Eladraman armies captured back the Capitolino and destroyed the Potestas threat.
    What exactly happened to the empire in the future is unknown. But after the defeat of Marfur-Nirari and the defeat of his fleet in the Milky Way galaxy, information about the Eladraman Empire disappears. There is a possibility that the Imperial forces did manage to destroy Potestas and expand their territories. Others claim that it was Elfurr who intervened at the last moment.

    2. Velvetin Empire

    The Velveteen Empire has already been mentioned in chronicles. As far back as 25,000 BC, it is known that this power was taken under control by a representative of an unknown divine race (maybe Proto-Elfurr or Shangara race) named Talin-D. By establishing absolute divine rule, he turned this human-populated empire into his fiefdom.
    Despite his despotic nature and demands from local temple building, he preferred not to get involved in aggressive wars in the Core Galaxy and other regions of M33. The technologies of this country were so perfect that even a simple city dweller could teleport there.
    Velveteen cooperated with the Eladraman Empire, but they were not allies. They were more traders, then other things. Talin-D and the Unbreakable Council preferred to expand into distant regions of the galaxy, away from the "main front".
    For example, it is known about the collision of Velveteen with the inorganic race Bra-Aa-Aa, who lived in the three star system Brau-Au-A. This race was an absolute energy form, and even built their ships from the accumulation of minerals and asteroids. However, this did not help them in the fight against Velveteen. Bra-Aa-Aa recognized the dominion of Talin-D. And the whale-like race Barsikani even made an alliance with him.
    Velveteen has the highest level of technology and development, but its goal is not aggression or war, but expansion into other galaxies. That's why a lot of galaxy races don't know about them. It is said that it takes at least 15,000 years to fly from Earth to the capital of Velveteen, even in a modernized FTL ship. That's how far this empire is from all other powers!
    For now (in 2596 AD), some says, that Velvetin expanded its lands in the Andromeda galaxy, but its only the theories. This state is really far, and its not the threat for the Main Galaxy of the Milky Way.

    3. State of the daemon Arsael

    Arsail (Arsael Samulail) was considered one of the most dangerous demons of Marfur-Nirari. What his true appearance, no one knows. But those who came across him said that he was always smiling. At the same time, his face was something shapeless and elongated.
    For 20,000 years BC, Arsail exercised his rule in several regions of the galaxy at once. He forced the N-Sai race and its Council of Kakontsi (rulers) to sacrifice at least 50,000 victims to him in a month.
    On the planet Esarhaddon, he personally devoured at least 200,000 natives. And then destroyed at least five Blameless Empire fleets.
    But mostly it was used as a "secret superweapon".
    In the stellar domain of N-Sai, he tried to create his own state, forcing representatives of this race to perform sacrifices. But soon the kakontsi rebelled and, with the help of the Eladraman army, expelled the demon. He was blown up along with the battlecruiser 'Heartburner', which he used as a flagship.
    Nowadays, this creature is already the part of mythology.

    4. Elfurr Singers dominion

    There is a secret myth about the Proto-Elfurr, who left their compatriots and now living in the far parts of the universe.
    They are against all wars and violence. And they are absolute wizards, energy-throwers. They are singing around the trees, and creating the planets systems by their powerful Song of Light. But its only the fairy tale....... maybe.
    Elfurr empire doesn`t approve this kind of mythology and says, that its impossible, and there was not any Exodus from the Elfurr.

    Last edited by BagaturSasha; November 19, 2022 at 11:10 AM.

    Leader of the "Creative flame" studio.
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