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Thread: SSHIP ver. 0.98 - April 25th, 2024 - DOWNLOAD HERE

  1. #21
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Oct 2012

    Default Re: Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    Quote Originally Posted by j.a.luna View Post
    Hi sship team, i found a bug in my english campaign with new versio (september), I get desktop crashes when I reach the rebels turn and I can't get past turn 88, I have to say my save game is the old version (April) and I cut and paste it into the new version to continue it, it didn't give me any problems until After a few turns, I leave you the necessary files.
    Attachment 368122Attachment 368123
    the versions are not save-compatible, they'll crash at some point.

  2. #22

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP 0.98 version 2022/09/08

    It occurred to me that the recruitment slowdown changes the game in the same way that "marathon" timescale effects Civilization. You get more actions per universal unit of recruitment. Since this also applies to the AI, it means they can't out-recruit your actions like they could in the last version. Or put another way, you and the AI both have to be more careful with your units, because you can't replenish them instantly like you could before. And since the AI is generally worse at managing units on a macro level, this makes it much easier to win against comparable factions by out-microing them. On the flip side, if a nation that greatly outclasses you declares war on you, it means you're stuck with what you have and can't spam units to deal with the threat.

    Over all, I do like the changes. In some cases it makes the game way easier (you can run circles around comparable factions). and in others way more tedious and difficult (trying to reinforce losses, dealing with OP factions).

  3. #23
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP 0.98 version 2022/09/08

    Quote Originally Posted by yoba99 View Post

    Welp, Rum destroyed in turn 4 - after me taking Ancara stupid AI takes all his forces to Kaiseri and I get Konya in a relatively easy siege fight
    I've modified the script helping Rum. I'd also change the initial setting from being at war, into peace.

    	;====================================================================================================== Turcoman Help for Rum	; the goal is to make the life of Byzantium more difficult early game (when it matters)
    	; script is a modification of the William Wallace script
    	; no time limit - but can be introduced in the future
    	; in the playtests it did not prevent the Biz player from overwhelming Rum
    	monitor_event PreFactionTurnStart FactionType rum
    		and I_EventCounter faction_size_small == 1
    		and DiplomaticStanceFromFaction byzantium = AtWar
    		and RandomPercent < 50
    		and I_EventCounter Turcoman_Help_for_Rum < 1
    		log -------------------- Script : Turcoman Help for Rum (1) INFORMATION ---------------------
    		historic_event TURCOMAN_HELP_RUM
    		log -------------------- Script : Turcoman Help for Rum (2) TERMINATION AFTER ? -- to be modified in the future
    		if I_NumberOfSettlements rum < 1
    		log -------------------- Script : Turcoman Help for Rum (3) FUNDING FOR THE ARMIES -----------
    		if I_EventCounter temp_purse_rum < 1			; in case it was increased somewhere else in the script
    			add_money rum 5000							; in case the faction is in debts and would disband the armies outright
    			increment_kings_purse rum 5000				; to ensure the AI doesn't disband the armies for some time
    			inc_event_counter temp_purse_rum 21			; this counter goes down in another script and after 20 turns this additional income is removed
    		log -------------------- Script : Turcoman Help for Rum (4) SPAWN OF ARMIES ------------------
    		if RandomPercent > 80
    			log ------ spawn Orhan Arslan
    				faction rum
    				character	Orhan Arslan, named character, age 35, x 307, y 123, family
    				traits LoyaltyStarter 3 , MilitaryInclination 1 , Military_Edu 3 , GoodCommander 2 , ReligionStarter 1 , Royal_Blood_Rum_Turkish 1 , BiologicalSon 1 , Handsome 6 , Intelligent 8
    					unit	ME Bodyguard				exp 3 armour 1 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Ghulams						exp 7 armour 1 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Ghulams						exp 4 armour 1 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Ghulams						exp 1 armour 1 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Ghulams						exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Turkomans					exp 7 armour 1 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Turkomans					exp 4 armour 1 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Turkomans					exp 1 armour 1 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Turkomans					exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Turkish Horse Archers		exp 7 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Turkish Horse Archers		exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Turkish Horse Archers		exp 1 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Turkish Horse Archers		exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    			inc_event_counter Turcoman_Help_for_Rum 30		; it goes down in another script
    		if RandomPercent > 60
    			log ------ spawn Ahmed Arslan
    				faction rum
    				character	Ahmed Arslan, named character, age 25, x 306, y 123, family
    				traits LoyaltyStarter 3 , MilitaryInclination 1 , Military_Edu 2 , GoodCommander 1 , ReligionStarter 1 , Royal_Blood_Rum_Turkish 1 , BiologicalSon 1 , Handsome 4 , Intelligent 6
    					unit	ME Bodyguard				exp 3 armour 1 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Ghulams						exp 7 armour 1 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Ghulams						exp 4 armour 1 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Ghulams						exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Turkomans					exp 7 armour 1 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Turkomans					exp 4 armour 1 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Turkomans					exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Turkish Horse Archers		exp 7 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Turkish Horse Archers		exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Turkish Horse Archers		exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    			inc_event_counter Turcoman_Help_for_Rum 30		; it goes down in another script
    		if RandomPercent > 40
    			log ------ spawn Fakih Arslan
    				faction rum
    				character	Fakih Arslan, named character, age 20, x 306, y 124, family
    				traits LoyaltyStarter 3 , MilitaryInclination 1 , Military_Edu 1 , Austere 1 , ReligionStarter 1 , Royal_Blood_Rum_Turkish 1 , BiologicalSon 1 , Handsome 4 , Intelligent 6
    					unit	ME Bodyguard				exp 3 armour 1 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Ghulams						exp 4 armour 1 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Ghulams						exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Turkomans					exp 4 armour 1 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Turkomans					exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Turkish Horse Archers		exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Turkish Horse Archers		exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    			inc_event_counter Turcoman_Help_for_Rum 30		; it goes down in another script
    		log -------------------- Turcoman Help for Rum (5) CHANGES IN DIPLOMACY ------------------
    		if I_SettlementOwner Konya = jerusalem
    			console_command diplomatic_stance rum jerusalem war
    		if I_SettlementOwner Konya = georgia
    			console_command diplomatic_stance rum georgia war
    		if I_SettlementOwner Konya = kievan_rus
    			console_command diplomatic_stance rum kievan_rus war
    		if I_SettlementOwner Konya = serbia
    			console_command diplomatic_stance rum serbia war
    		log -------------------- Turcoman Help for Rum (6) END ------------------

  4. #24
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Oct 2012

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP 0.98 version 2022/09/08

    Quote Originally Posted by Gaku View Post
    It occurred to me that the recruitment slowdown changes the game in the same way that "marathon" timescale effects Civilization. You get more actions per universal unit of recruitment. Since this also applies to the AI, it means they can't out-recruit your actions like they could in the last version. Or put another way, you and the AI both have to be more careful with your units, because you can't replenish them instantly like you could before. And since the AI is generally worse at managing units on a macro level, this makes it much easier to win against comparable factions by out-microing them. On the flip side, if a nation that greatly outclasses you declares war on you, it means you're stuck with what you have and can't spam units to deal with the threat.

    Over all, I do like the changes. In some cases it makes the game way easier (you can run circles around comparable factions). and in others way more tedious and difficult (trying to reinforce losses, dealing with OP factions).
    Indeed, very sound analysis! This is the way of thinking we need to adopt while developing a mod.
    Knowing that one can out-micring the AI, there're additional bonuses for the small AI factions, and some also for middle ones.
    	;--- AI support (Lithuania city barracks) ----------------------------------------------------		; so that it fields better quality armies (goal: to provide the player with better experience: stronger AI armies)
    		; added 1 time every 4 turns (leap_year_counter 1) so that the can be recruited in one moment thus creating stronger armies
    		;......... base value
            recruit_pool    "Ducal Axe"				1   0.001	2  0  requires factions { lithuania, } and not event_counter is_the_player 1 and not event_counter LITHUANIA3_MINDAUGAS 1
            recruit_pool    "Lithuanian Noble Sons"	1   0.001	2  0  requires factions { lithuania, } and not event_counter is_the_player 1 and event_counter LITHUANIA3_MINDAUGAS 1
            recruit_pool    "L Regular Infantry"	1   0.001	2  0  requires factions { lithuania, } and not event_counter is_the_player 1 and event_counter FULL_PLATE_ARMOR 1
    		;......... if Lithuania has fewer than 20 settlements
            recruit_pool    "Ducal Axe"				0   0.124	0  0  requires factions { lithuania, } and not event_counter is_the_player 1 and not event_counter LITHUANIA3_MINDAUGAS 1 and not event_counter faction_size_huge 1 and event_counter leap_year_counter 1
            recruit_pool    "Lithuanian Noble Sons"	0   0.124	0  0  requires factions { lithuania, } and not event_counter is_the_player 1 and event_counter LITHUANIA3_MINDAUGAS 1 and not event_counter faction_size_huge 1 and event_counter leap_year_counter 1
            recruit_pool    "L Regular Infantry"	0   0.124	0  0  requires factions { lithuania, } and not event_counter is_the_player 1 and event_counter FULL_PLATE_ARMOR 1 and not event_counter faction_size_huge 1 and event_counter leap_year_counter 1
    		;......... mobilization of citizens if the AI is in trouble
            recruit_pool    "Ducal Axe"				0   0.375	0  0  requires factions { lithuania, } and not event_counter is_the_player 1 and not event_counter LITHUANIA3_MINDAUGAS 1 and event_counter faction_size_small 1 and event_counter leap_year_counter 1
            recruit_pool    "Lithuanian Noble Sons"	0   0.375	0  0  requires factions { lithuania, } and not event_counter is_the_player 1 and event_counter LITHUANIA3_MINDAUGAS 1 and  event_counter faction_size_small 1 and event_counter leap_year_counter 1
            recruit_pool    "L Regular Infantry"	0   0.375	0  0  requires factions { lithuania, } and not event_counter is_the_player 1 and event_counter FULL_PLATE_ARMOR 1 and event_counter faction_size_small 1 and event_counter leap_year_counter 1
    (frankly speaking I'm unsure if it fully works, but we're looking into it - and any report will be useful).

  5. #25

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP 0.98 version 2022/09/08

    sorry if this is a wrong place to ask, but I am wondering will Mongolian stacks spawn with siege equipment (trebuchets and stuff)?
    trying to plan my my byzantine campaign

  6. #26
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Oct 2012

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP 0.98 version 2022/09/08

    Quote Originally Posted by yoba99 View Post
    sorry if this is a wrong place to ask, but I am wondering will Mongolian stacks spawn with siege equipment (trebuchets and stuff)?
    trying to plan my my byzantine campaign
    iirc, no.

  7. #27

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP 0.98 version 2022/09/08

    Quote Originally Posted by yoba99 View Post
    sorry if this is a wrong place to ask, but I am wondering will Mongolian stacks spawn with siege equipment (trebuchets and stuff)?
    trying to plan my my byzantine campaign
    I didn't see any, through turn 300+

  8. #28

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP 0.98 version 2022/09/08

    Did you guys add some sort of medieval-sounding chant music? because my stream keeps getting copyright muted.

  9. #29

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP 0.98 version 2022/09/08

    What do you mean 'your stream' ? The music is in mp3, and we have medieval chants..

  10. #30

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP 0.98 version 2022/09/08

    Quote Originally Posted by Macaras View Post
    What do you mean 'your stream' ? The music is in mp3, and we have medieval chants..
    I'm streaming the game on Twitch, and it's getting muted because of copyrighted music. How would I go about removing the medieval chants to prevent this from happening?

  11. #31

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP 0.98 version 2022/09/08


    (For this method, you'll will not need the io.file first command.)
    Step One: Put all the sound text files in your mod/data folder (mod standing for whatever mod you're using like for example, broken_crescent\data).

    Step Two: Put the music folder, with all the music tracks inside, in your mod/data/sounds folder.

    Step Three: Delete events.dat and events.idx in the sounds folder

    Step Four: Make the necessary text edits in the descr_sounds_music.txt file and save it.

    Step Five: Start the game up and it'll rebuild the event files. After that, you're ready to go.
    More detailed info there:

    Gaku you may skip the steps 1 and 2. In descr_sound_music.txt just remove all the lines with the music files that causes trouble.

    Last edited by Macaras; September 13, 2022 at 07:59 AM.

  12. #32

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP 0.98 version 2022/09/08

    This is most likely a dumb question, but I have to ask. I downloaded the (supposedly) most recent version of the mod from moddb but, after doing it, I came here and saw there was a newer version. I tried to download it and put it in the mods folder the same way, but... Does it really work like that? I don't see in this newer version the launcher I see in the previous one. Do I need to do something different, instead of just putting the "SSHIP_98" folder inside the "mods" one, or am I missing something to be able to launch it?

  13. #33

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP 0.98 version 2022/09/08

    Dhoule, the first post in this thread says it all:

    This is a stand-alone, just unpack it into the mods folder, no other installation is needed.
    I would advise you to start fresh: delete your previous SSHIP_098 folder rather than copy/paste into it.
    If it is you first time using a mod in Medieval 2, have a look here for mode detailled installation instructions.

    Better to remove all the other installations of SSHIP that you have (also the moddb). The one in moddb is not the most recent, it will be updated when this version from here is more tested and polished. There is a file SSHIP 098 launcher.bat - start this one.

  14. #34

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP 0.98 version 2022/09/08

    But it's a ".bat", not a ".exe". It'll work the same way?

  15. #35

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP 0.98 version 2022/09/08


  16. #36

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP 0.98 version 2022/09/08

    Quote Originally Posted by Macaras View Post
    Step One: Put all the sound text files in your mod/data folder (mod standing for whatever mod you're using like for example, broken_crescent\data).
    Step Two: Put the music folder, with all the music tracks inside, in your mod/data/sounds folder.
    Step Three: Delete events.dat and events.idx in the sounds folder
    Step Four: Make the necessary text edits in the descr_sounds_music.txt file and save it.
    Step Five: Start the game up and it'll rebuild the event files. After that, you're ready to go.

    Gaku you may skip the steps 1 and 2. In descr_sound_music.txt just remove all the lines with the music files that causes trouble.
    I found the problem files were TemplarsRain-Crucem.mp3 and TemplarsRain-Benedicat.mp3. Seems to be working. Thanks!

  17. #37

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP 0.98 version 2022/09/08

    What is required to upgrade your city walls besides population?
    I got 6k in Sinope, but still cant build Wooden walls.

  18. #38

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP 0.98 version 2022/09/08

    The farms and construction buildings - like carpenters, stonemasons. Usually you need to build first whatever is there from these two lines to be able to upgrade

  19. #39
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Oct 2012

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP 0.98 version 2022/09/08

    Quote Originally Posted by yoba99 View Post
    What is required to upgrade your city walls besides population?
    I got 6k in Sinope, but still cant build Wooden walls.
    wooden_wall city requires factions { northern_european, southern_european, eastern_european, greek, middle_eastern, } and building_present_min_level hinterland_farms farms2 or hidden_resource cumans or hidden_resource desert

    = Farms in Cleared Land.

  20. #40

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP 0.98 version 2022/09/08

    Hi everyone,
    Glad to see there is a new version of this great modification. I started scotch campaign to test the game. I've noticed a significant difference in income.

    This is due to the change: - a few factions get initial boost to income before they own 3+ settlements;

    The clans give me several thousand money every turn. As I consider the Scottish campaigns from the April modification version to be balanced, I would rather not get this money.
    In the current version, I can conquer England easily. In the previous version from April, I was at war to survive. Which I consider to be realistic and historical.
    I am asking you for help in finding a script that helps small factions so that I can deactivate it.

    Please also consider that the script to help small factions does not work on a very difficult difficulty level.

    I have some doubts about AI. All the initial wars make no sense, as each faction takes a ceasefire within a few turns. This is mainly troublesome for Iberia, because the Catholic and Iberian armies are attacking West France and even Rennes. One solution is to change the turn limit for AI attack from 10 to 1.
    This change makes Iberian wars looks a lot better

    Is the current AI based on Piotr's AI from Bellum Crucis or DaC?

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