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Thread: TATW Battle Editor (Tutorials, Help, Manual, Development)

  1. #1
    Gigantus's Avatar I am not special - I am a limited edition.
    Patrician took an arrow to the knee spy of the council

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    Aug 2006
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    Default TATW Battle Editor (Tutorials, Help, Manual, Development)

    I recently rediscovered this tutorial slumbering in the deep recesses of the TATW forum. It is by jản, any and all credit is due to him. The original tutorial thread can be found here and I am urging anyone to look up the thread before posting questions here to avoid duplication.


    'Battle Editor Manual'
    [ for TATW and all other M2TW games as well ]



    (2) /// EDIT LANDSCAPE
    (5) /// SET ALLIANCES
    (7) /// A SCREENSHOT GUIDE (by Thompson45cal.)
    (9) /// DESCR_BATTLE.TXT Editing



    • > activate the Battle Editor by adding the command in the TATW.cfg
      editor = true
      mod = mods/Third_Age

    • or add this to the M2TW config file 'medieval2.preference.cfg'
      editor = true
      (this will works too - but notice that at some configuration the .cfg file
      will delete the feature tag - to avoid that make the file write-protected
      after you added the feature tag with the editor enabling)

    • > start TATW and go to 'Options' > 'Battle Editor'

    • > a map of Europe and the middle east appears
      > choose a location (vegetation) here
      Spoiler for when game crashes
      > when using it the first time the game returns a CTD
      > simply restart and try again
      > if it still crashing load a battle (like agincourt or sentenil)
      > after the battle has loaded you can use this map or you can restart the editor because now it works with the vegetation choosing

    • WARNING:
      be warned that the editor may/will crash every now and then - so be sure to safe often
      (it mostly crashes when you place buildings, settlements or objects)


    • you can copy the folder of your custom created historical battle to the folder for
      the custom battles (the one where "grassy plain" is located) to make it available
      in the custom battle map selection (but units and deployment areas are not existing than)



    • press <G> to view a grid which helps you a lot
    • > after you chose a map begin starting to edit the surface with the four tools
      > when you plan on including bigger buildings than at first select an place buildings
      (because if you edit the landscape at first and you place a building there later,
      your complete landscape will be reseted in the surroundings of the building)

      > edit landscape heights (press <LMB> to increase and press and hold <Shift + LMB> to go decrease)
      > smooth tools (not working very well - kinda useless)
      > plateau tool
      > smudge tool

      > explanations of all tools and modes are viewed on the top of the screen at each active mode



    • > go to 'Place / Edit World Package' mode and select a category
      > select a unit by clicking on it
      > move it around on the map
      > press and hold <SHIFT> to set the height
      > press <RMB> to delete active / selected building/object
      > place it with <LMB>
      > you can edit the buildings / object by moving the cursor over it and clicking on it while the is a white frame around it
      > to rotate buildings press <O> while you are in placing mode




      > go to the 'Create Army' mode and create a army
      > you can set them to reinforcement by activating the option and set a time
      > notice that you can deploy at most 8 armies (all combinations f.e. 4 vs 4 // 1 vs 7)
      (unless you deploy armies that will be appear as reinforcements and will be added to the players unit list)


      > first activate a army by clicking first on th faction first and than select the general
      > go to the 'Create Deployment Area' mode
      > add corner marks by clicking on the the ground
      (TIP: only use four corner marks because it is really buggy if you use more than that)
      > you can move and delete existing corner marks (when your are still in the 'Create Deployment Area' mode for the faction you edit) by moving the cursor over a corner marks until it is rotating
      > (this is really hard because the corner-mark is really small - if the cursor is not moving you are not on the corner mark)
      > on the corner mark press and hold <LMB> to move the mark and <RMB> to delete it


      > go to the 'Create/edit Units' mode select your preferred unit
      > you have to place at least one general (marked with a silver star in the list)
      > edit existing units by move the cursor over it until the info-popup of that unit appears
      > than click on it with <RMB> and edit it



    • (5) ALLIANCES

      > got to the 'set victory conditions' mode
      > set timelimit (leave a "0" for unlimited battle time)
      > select homefaction
      > make new alliances by add one with the plus and check all factions that should be allied
      > than make another alliance row where you define other alliances

      > edit alliance options
      >>> D (deploy) defines if the faction of that alliance can deploy before battle
      >>> V (view) defines if the faction of that alliance can see the position of the other factions before battle
      >>> W (wait) defines if the faction of that alliance have to wait for some time before they enter battle
      >>> A (attacking) defines if the faction of that alliance is attacking (checked) or defending (not checked)

    Click to view content: 



      > for each alliance you have to create a winning condition
      > for that select the alliance with the grabber and select one condition
      > add it by pressing the plus-symbol
      > repeat it for all other alliances
      > than make another alliance row where you define other alliances

    Click to view content: 
    thats all - hope it works - if you have questions ask them - i'll help you where ever i can


    (7) A SCREENSHOT GUIDE (by Thompson45cal.)



    • > forts can not be assigned to factions (at least i don't know how)
      > bridges are not recognized as passable paths (but can be crossed anyway) (at least i don't know how)
      > the 'Place and move feature model' mode is not working (at least i don't know how)
      > the 'Add settlement plan and buildings' mode is not working (at least i don't know how)
      > the 'Edit Roads' mode is not working (at least i don't know how)
      > the 'Add and remove trees' mode is not working (at least i don't know how)

    • further known bugs from forum by RegiaSaxon
      Click to view content: 
      Edit Battle Details requester
      1) Set time limit to 0 to have no time limit for the battle. This causes a Sanity error but still works.

      2) There is no option in the editor to set the battle year - this must be added by editing the descr_battle.txt file manually.

      Edit Army Details requester
      1) Is reinforcement doesn't seem to work or the associated Joins in 0 minutes setting. Reinforcements will appear in the battle at the correct time but they will do nothing. Occasionaly, the unit tooltip reports them as marching when they are still. The Is reinforcement tick box resets itself immediately the requester is closed and then opened again.

      2) The purpose of Num supporting armies is unknown at present.

      3) The Command setting does not work. It is not written to the descr_battle.txt when you save your battle and needs to be added by editing this file manually. However, if you later resave you battle via the editor the Command setting will be reset to 0.

      4) When trying to edit an army you have already created the requester does not update it's settings in accordance with the army you have selected. Therefore, if you have two factions - Romans and Britannia (created in that order), and you select Romans, the Select faction option will still read Britannia. The option is disabled I presume to stop problems with changing a faction that already has faction-specific units assigned to it. I'll be looking into this a little more.

      5) There is no option to choose if the current faction is playable or not. This must be added by editing the descr_battle.txt file manually.

      1) Settlements are highly unstable when it comes to placing them in the battle editor. Most of the time they appear fine unless you delete them (although this isn't always the case). This causes the 3D models to separate from the ground textures and appear elsewhere on the map (randomly, it would seem). Using settlements from within Default_set and Default_port_set is a lot more reliable than using the others.

      2) Moving settlements is not very well explained. Click and hold the left mouse button down on the settlement. With the button still down, move the mouse to the location you want to move the settlement to - you will see the green placement area. Release the left mouse button.

      3) Moving and placing settlements can cause holes in the map, which are square and show sky through them. These will not show up in the actual battle but you can 'fall' through them when moving the camera over them in the battle editor. This can cause the entire 3D world to go black and you will need to exit and reload the battle editor to clear the problem.

      1) There doesn't seem to be any way of adding bridges over rivers, although this could be related to the campaign map and the way in which the campaign 'grows'.

      2) When placing a model near a river, the base area of the model is huge and 'dries up' the river. Although the visible model area is only tiny, they seem to have a huge second area. Imagine a Roman legion has to build a fort but needs to clear an area 500 miles square and you'll get the picture. Alternatively, just give it a try.

      1) Rotating the camera facing directly down will result in the view flipping and you will suddenly be looking at sky. Just rotate the other way to restore the view.

      Well, there you go, my findings so far. It may well be a case that a lot of the problems are deliberate or possibly linked to game mechanics that are controlled elsewhere (such as adding bridges). It is certain that some are just quirks. Maybe one of the CA guys will gatecrash my topic and help out.








    [edit Title and Battle Settings]

    you can set and change the name of the battle, the playable factions the
    date, the battle time and the weather in the "descr_battle.txt".

    > the name must not have <SPACE> in it - you have to separate words by signs like "_" or "-"
    > playable factions must be deleted under non-playable and vice versa

    > the battle_time has n normal 24 hours clock format 22.00 means 11.00 PM


    [edit Settlements]

    after you placed a settlement in the Battle Editor, you can edit it
    in the "descr_battle.txt".

    first you can set the type of the settlement so the attacking AI
    enemy knows what siege engines he has to field. (but you have to
    assign such siege engines in the battle editor or by adding an information
    on a single unit in the "descr_battle.txt" with ", attach_engine ladder" or
    ", attach_engine ram")


        level village
    the enemy fields no siege  equipment
    settlement castle
         level village
    the enemy fields only rams
    settlement castle
         level large_city
    the enemy fields rams, ladders and siege towers
    settlement  castle
         level huge_city
    the enemy fields only rams and  huge siege towers.

    here is a list of all settlement types:
    Click to view content: 













    this settlements definition can be changed for every
    settlement. if you only have placed a model of a
    wooden_fort but change it to 'castle' and 'large_city'
    the enemy fields rams, ladders and towers which they
    can't even use.


    here is a list of all settlements elements that are available:

    Settlement Followed by either 'city' or 'castle'
    tile which tile the whole battle is being fought . Same as all armies
    level Followed by : town , large_town , city , large_city , huge_city
    year_founded Not important , should match the founded year as you said in the editor though
    fortification level of fortification . I suppose it should match the level of fortification like in the editor
    northern_european Not sure bout this one . i think the culture of the city , but in TATW , the editor only has : men , dwarven , elvish , mesoamerican (these aren't the correct names !)
    walls don't know , could be either the level of the walls , or the amount of walls in the city
    towers 0 - watchtower / 1 - arrow tower / 2 - ballista tower / 3 - cannon tower
    gates don't know . I suspect the level of the gates (how strong it is)
    gate_defences don't know . Might have something to do with boiling oil , perhaps ?
    population population of the city . Not important i think
    faction_creator who owns the settlement during a battle.
    package_path should be following the path to the custom city you chose when you placed it with the battle editor


    here is a list of what you can delete and which changes nothing in the game:

     faction    sicily
     settlement castle
         level large_city
         tile 318 246
         year_founded 2010
         turns_owned 10
         fortification 4 gondor towers 2
         population 59000
         plan_set default_set
         faction_creator sicily
     package_path  settlements/Middle_Eastern/Castles/Wooden_fort/
    all other things are essential and makes the game crash if
    deleted. only the package_path is something you can delete, but
    this results that the settlement is not assigned anymore.

    but remember - you can not change the type of the settlements itself without the
    battle editor, because the model and its geographical informations are saved in
    the "map.wfc" file too. but editing the "map.wfc" causes the game to crashes!


    [edit Characters ]

    you can edit the Name, the title, the age, the portrait and the traits of a general.

    > add all traits you want - but notice that not all have an effect (tax traits f.e.)

    > used names has to be listed under the factions name list "descr_names.txt"
    (these are the names from the dropdown-menu in the editor).
    > every character begins with general if you dont change anything
    > here is a list what possibilities you have (example Rohan):

    character    Theoden, general, male, age 62, x 343, y 302,  portrait Theoden
    traits GoodCommander 3 , GoodCavalryGeneral 1 , Brave 1
    results: General Theoden

    character    Theoden, named character, male, age 62, x 343, y 302,  portrait Theoden
    traits GoodCommander 3 , GoodCavalryGeneral 1 , Brave 1
    results: Theoden

    character    Theoden, named character, male, heir, age 62, x 343, y  302, portrait Theoden
     traits GoodCommander 3 , GoodCavalryGeneral 1 , Brave 1
    results: Lord Theoden

    character    Theoden, named character, male, leader, age 62, x  343, y 302, portrait Theoden
    traits GoodCommander 3 , GoodCavalryGeneral 1 , Brave 1
    results: King Theoden
    (or results Titles: Steward, Chieftain, High King ... > adaptable to other factions leader and successor titles)

    BUT the problem with the "named character" is that reinforcements will not be
    added to the actual units when they are a named character. so all reinforcements
    have to be normal generals without the "named character" tag. but they can't
    get a unique portrait.


    [edit Reinforcements]

    > if you want to add the reinforcements to your playable garrison you have to use a "general" as reinforcements
    > if you want the reinforcements to fight on their own being AI controlled you have to use a "named character" as reinforcements

    > you can edit the time the reinforcing armies appear on the battle field with the "reinforcement_time" tag
    > the editor itself only allows minimum 6 minutes or more (= 0.100 at "reinforcement_time")
    > but you can set the reinforcement time manually:

    reinforcement_time 0.100 >>> 6 minutes
    reinforcement_time 0.417 >>> 25 minutes
    reinforcement_time 0.001 >>> 5 seconds
    reinforcement_time 0.0001 >>> less than a second


    > adding a army as a reinforcement will make them unplayable but after they
    appear on the battlefield (and are AI controlled) they fight in an offensive
    style when they are spawned

    > if your troops will be reinforced by playable troops remember that you
    play at most 20 units - all other units will stand still and do nothing until
    you have a free unit slot for one unit has withdrawn from the battlefield
    or is eliminated completely


    <<< DOWNLOAD Total War Editor Manuals HERE >>>

    (BATTLE SCRIPTING.pdf // 2 different BATTLE EDITOR.pdf -- both with a lot
    of screenshots // NOTE: based on RTW Editor but its the same system)



    Battle of Helms Deep
    (with all possible customizations from this tutorial - open it the Battle Editor to view all of these customizations)


    A list of all custom battles:


    Last edited by Gigantus; April 08, 2016 at 10:19 PM.

  2. #2
    Mr_Nygren's Avatar Berserkir
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: TATW Battle Editor (Tutorials, Help, Manual, Development)

    Hello, is there a proper guide to the other file in use by historical battles?

    The file is named "random_text"_script - In Hyrule it would be Mission_1_script for the first Mission.

    I am trying to get the older missions to work again, but they had been edited to be compatible with the recent version.

    I do think that the descr_battle is all fine now as i've turned the one below into the other one:

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    ; Custom battle script generated by Romans Battle Editor
    battle        01_Mission_1
    ;intro_movie                    faction/game_intro.bik
    start_date    -5000 summer
    end_date    -5000 summer
    ; >>>> start of factions section <<<<
    faction    gohma
    character    Sulkaris, named character, male, age 1, x 98, y 81, battle_model invisible
    traits Sage 2, BattleDread 5, Berserker 3, FactionKiller 4, Intelligent 3, GoodCommander 4
    unit        Sulkaris Fallen                soldiers 1 exp 3 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Caretakers            soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Tank Gohma                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Tank Gohma                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Larvae                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Larvae                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Larvae                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Larvae                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Larvae                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Larvae                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Larvae                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Larvae                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Larvae                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Larvae                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Larvae                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Larvae                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Larvae                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Larvae                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Larvae                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    character    Xalmus, named character, male, Age 1, x 98, y 81
    unit        Pincergohma                soldiers 50 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Larvae                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Larvae                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Larvae                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Larvae                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Larvae                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Larvae                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Larvae                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Larvae                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Larvae                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    character    Yormus, named character, male, Age 1, x 98, y 81
    unit        Pincergohma                soldiers 50 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Larvae                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Larvae                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Larvae                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Larvae                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Larvae                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Larvae                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Larvae                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Larvae                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Larvae                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    faction    hylian
    character    Gustaf, named character, male, age 1, x 98, y 81, portrait Gustaf, battle_model Gustaf1
    traits BattleScarred 3 , GoodCommander 4 , HaleAndHearty 3 
    unit        Hyrulean Knights                soldiers 49 exp 3 armour 0 weapon_lvl 1
    unit        Hyrulean Knights                soldiers 100 exp 8 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1
    unit        Hyrulean Knights                soldiers 100 exp 8 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1
    unit        Hyrulean Knights                soldiers 100 exp 8 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1
    unit        Hyrulean Knights                soldiers 100 exp 8 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1
    unit        Hyrulean Knights                soldiers 100 exp 8 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1
    unit        Hyrulean Knights                soldiers 100 exp 7 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1
    unit        Kingdom Crossbowmen                soldiers 100 exp 8 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1
    unit        Kingdom Crossbowmen                soldiers 100 exp 8 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1
    unit        Kingdom Crossbowmen                soldiers 100 exp 8 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1
    unit        Kingdom Crossbowmen                soldiers 100 exp 8 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1
    unit        Hylian Wizards                soldiers 50 exp 8 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1
    unit        Hylian Wizards                soldiers 50 exp 8 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1
    unit        Hylian Wizards                soldiers 50 exp 8 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1
    unit        Hylian Wizards                soldiers 50 exp 8 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1
    unit        Hylian Wizards                soldiers 50 exp 8 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1
    unit        Hylian Wizards                soldiers 50 exp 8 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1
    faction    huskus
    character    Torkulon, named character, male, age 1, x 98, y 81, battle_model Huskus3
    traits Intelligent 2 , GoodCommander 2 , Xenophobia 2 , GoodDefender 5 , Subjective 1 , Slothful 1 
    unit        NPC Forest Knights                soldiers 50 exp 8 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1
    unit        NPC Forest Knights                soldiers 50 exp 8 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1
    unit        NPC Forest Knights                soldiers 50 exp 8 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1
    unit        NPC Warrior Caste                soldiers 50 exp 8 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1
    unit        NPC Warrior Caste                soldiers 50 exp 8 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1
    unit        NPC Warrior Caste                soldiers 50 exp 8 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1
    unit        NPC Priestess Caste                soldiers 50 exp 8 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1
    unit        NPC Priestess Caste                soldiers 50 exp 8 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1
    unit        NPC Priestess Caste                soldiers 50 exp 8 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1
    ; >>>> start of battle section <<<<
    battle    98, 81
    battle_time    12.00    345.00
    weather    storm
    home_faction    gohma
    alliance    hylian, huskus, attacking
    alliance    gohma, defending
    army    gohma, 0, no_withdraw, supporting_armies 0
    deployment_area_point    -160.000, -300.000
    deployment_area_point    -160.000, -300.000
    deployment_area_point    -160.000, -300.000
    unit            0, -160.000, 300.000, -124, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            1, -160.000, 250.897, -124, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            2, -150.000, 250.855, -125, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            3, -170.000, 250.156, -180, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            4, -140.000, 200.637, -149, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            5, -180.000, 200.756, -175, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            6, -160.000, 200.126, -171, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            7, -170.000, 200.047, -179, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            8, -150.000, 200.853, -147, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            9, -160.000, 200.834, -145, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            10, -170.000, 200.002, -143, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            11, -150.000, 200.687, -123, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            12, -180.000, 200.868, -140, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            13, -140.000, 200.981, -128, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            14, -190.000, 200.229, 177, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            15, -130.000, 200.308, -136, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            16, -200.000, 200.571, -141, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            17, -120.000, 200.650, -131, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            18, -210.000, 200.694, -180, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    army    gohma, 1, no_withdraw, supporting_armies 0
    deployment_area_point    -160.000, -300.000
    deployment_area_point    -160.000, -300.000
    deployment_area_point    -160.000, -300.000
    unit            0, -260.000, 50.000, -124, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            1, -260.000, 50.897, -124, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            2, -250.000, 50.855, -125, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            3, -270.000, 50.156, -180, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            4, -240.000, 50.637, -149, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            5, -280.000, 50.756, -175, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            6, -260.000, 50.126, -171, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            7, -270.000, 50.047, -179, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            8, -250.000, 50.853, -147, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            9, -260.000, 50.834, -145, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    army    gohma, 2, no_withdraw, supporting_armies 0
    deployment_area_point    -160.000, -300.000
    deployment_area_point    -160.000, -300.000
    deployment_area_point    -160.000, -300.000
    unit            0, -60.000, 50.000, -124, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            1, -60.000, 50.897, -124, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            2, -50.000, 50.855, -125, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            3, -70.000, 50.156, -180, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            4, -40.000, 50.637, -149, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            5, -80.000, 50.756, -175, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            6, -60.000, 50.126, -171, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            7, -70.000, 50.047, -179, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            8, -50.000, 50.853, -147, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            9, -60.000, 50.834, -145, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    army    hylian, 0, no_withdraw, supporting_armies 0
    deployment_area_point    -160.000, 300.000
    deployment_area_point    -160.000, 300.000
    deployment_area_point    -160.000, 300.000
    unit            0, -160.000, -20.000, 1, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            1, -190.000, -20.000, 2, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            2, -180.000, -20.000, 1, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            3, -170.000, -20.000, 1, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            4, -200.000, -20.000, 1, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            5, -150.000, -20.000, 1, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            6, -140.000, -20.000, 2, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            7, -180.000, -45.000, 1, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            8, -170.000, -45.000, 2, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            9, -160.000, -45.000, 3, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            10, -150.000, -45.000, 2, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            11, -170.000, 0.000, 1, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            12, -160.000, 0.000, 3, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            13, -150.000, 0.000, 2, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            14, -160.000, -75.000, 1, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            15, -170.000, -75.000, 1, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            16, -150.000, -75.000, 1, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    army    huskus, 0, no_withdraw, supporting_armies 0
    deployment_area_point    -160.000, -300.000
    deployment_area_point    -160.000, -300.000
    deployment_area_point    -160.000, -300.000
    unit            0, -160.000, 350.000, 1, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            1, -190.000, 350.000, 2, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            2, -180.000, 350.000, 1, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            3, -170.000, 350.000, 1, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            4, -200.000, 350.000, 1, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            5, -150.000, 350.000, 1, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            6, -140.000, 350.000, 2, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            7, -180.000, 350.000, 1, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            8, -170.000, 350.000, 2, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    ; >>>> start of objectives scripting section <<<<
    alliance 0
    condition destroy_character Torkulon, huskus
    alliance 1
    condition destroy_or_rout_enemy

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    ; Custom battle script generated by Romans Battle Editor
    battle        01_Mission_1
    ;intro_movie                    faction/game_intro.bik
    start_date    -5000 summer
    end_date    -5000 summer
    ; >>>> start of factions section <<<<
    faction    gohma
    character    Cap_Sulkaris, named character, male, age 1, x 98, y 81, battle_model invisible
    traits Sage 2, LoyaltyStarter 1, ReligionStarter 1, BattleDread 5, Berserker 3, FactionKiller 4, Ugly 5, Intelligent 3
    unit        Sulkaris2                soldiers 1 exp 3 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Keeper            soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Tank Gohma                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Tank Gohma                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Gohma Larva                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Gohma Larva                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Gohma Larva                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Gohma Larva                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Gohma Larva                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Gohma Larva                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Gohma Larva                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Gohma Larva                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Gohma Larva                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Gohma Larva                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Gohma Larva                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Gohma Larva                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Gohma Larva                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Gohma Larva                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Gohma Larva                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    character    Cap_Queen_Xalmus, named character, male, Age 1, x 98, y 81
    unit        Pincergohma                soldiers 50 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Gohma Larva                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Gohma Larva                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Gohma Larva                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Gohma Larva                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Gohma Larva                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Gohma Larva                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Gohma Larva                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Gohma Larva                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Gohma Larva                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    character    Cap_Queen_Yormus, named character, male, Age 1, x 98, y 81
    unit        Pincergohma                soldiers 50 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Gohma Larva                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Gohma Larva                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Gohma Larva                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Gohma Larva                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Gohma Larva                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Gohma Larva                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Gohma Larva                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Gohma Larva                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    unit        Gohma Larva                soldiers 100 exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    faction    hylian
    character    King_Gustaf, named character, male, age 1, x 98, y 81, portrait Gustaf, battle_model Gustaf1
    traits GoodCommander 4 
    unit        Ancient Knights                soldiers 49 exp 3 armour 0 weapon_lvl 1
    unit        Ancient Knights                soldiers 100 exp 8 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1
    unit        Ancient Knights                soldiers 100 exp 8 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1
    unit        Ancient Knights                soldiers 100 exp 8 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1
    unit        Ancient Knights                soldiers 100 exp 8 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1
    unit        Ancient Knights                soldiers 100 exp 8 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1
    unit        Ancient Knights                soldiers 100 exp 7 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1
    unit        Ancient Archers                soldiers 100 exp 8 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1
    unit        Ancient Archers                soldiers 100 exp 8 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1
    unit        Ancient Archers                soldiers 100 exp 8 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1
    unit        Ancient Archers                soldiers 100 exp 8 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1
    unit        Ancient Mages                soldiers 50 exp 8 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1
    unit        Ancient Mages                soldiers 50 exp 8 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1
    unit        Ancient Mages                soldiers 50 exp 8 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1
    unit        Ancient Mages                soldiers 50 exp 8 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1
    unit        Ancient Mages                soldiers 50 exp 8 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1
    unit        Ancient Mages                soldiers 50 exp 8 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1
    faction    huskus
    character    Cap_Tamako, named character, male, age 1, x 98, y 81, battle_model Huskus3
    traits Intelligent 2 , GoodCommander 2 
    unit        Huskus3                soldiers 50 exp 8 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1
    unit        Huskus3                soldiers 50 exp 8 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1
    unit        Huskus3                soldiers 50 exp 8 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1
    unit        Huskus1                soldiers 50 exp 8 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1
    unit        Huskus1                soldiers 50 exp 8 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1
    unit        Huskus1                soldiers 50 exp 8 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1
    unit        Huskus2                soldiers 50 exp 8 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1
    unit        Huskus2                soldiers 50 exp 8 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1
    unit        Huskus2                soldiers 50 exp 8 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1
    ; >>>> start of battle section <<<<
    battle    98, 81
    battle_time    12.00    345.00
    weather    storm
    home_faction    gohma
    alliance    hylian, huskus, attacking
    alliance    gohma, defending
    army    gohma, 0, no_withdraw, supporting_armies 0
    deployment_area_point    -160.000, -300.000
    deployment_area_point    -160.000, -300.000
    deployment_area_point    -160.000, -300.000
    unit            0, -160.000, 300.000, -124, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            1, -160.000, 250.897, -124, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            2, -150.000, 250.855, -125, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            3, -170.000, 250.156, -180, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            4, -140.000, 200.637, -149, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            5, -180.000, 200.756, -175, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            6, -160.000, 200.126, -171, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            7, -170.000, 200.047, -179, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            8, -150.000, 200.853, -147, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            9, -160.000, 200.834, -145, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            10, -170.000, 200.002, -143, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            11, -150.000, 200.687, -123, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            12, -180.000, 200.868, -140, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            13, -140.000, 200.981, -128, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            14, -190.000, 200.229, 177, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            15, -130.000, 200.308, -136, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            16, -200.000, 200.571, -141, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            17, -120.000, 200.650, -131, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            18, -210.000, 200.694, -180, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    army    gohma, 1, no_withdraw, supporting_armies 0
    deployment_area_point    -160.000, -300.000
    deployment_area_point    -160.000, -300.000
    deployment_area_point    -160.000, -300.000
    unit            0, -260.000, 50.000, -124, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            1, -260.000, 50.897, -124, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            2, -250.000, 50.855, -125, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            3, -270.000, 50.156, -180, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            4, -240.000, 50.637, -149, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            5, -280.000, 50.756, -175, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            6, -260.000, 50.126, -171, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            7, -270.000, 50.047, -179, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            8, -250.000, 50.853, -147, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            9, -260.000, 50.834, -145, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    army    gohma, 2, no_withdraw, supporting_armies 0
    deployment_area_point    -160.000, -300.000
    deployment_area_point    -160.000, -300.000
    deployment_area_point    -160.000, -300.000
    unit            0, -60.000, 50.000, -124, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            1, -60.000, 50.897, -124, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            2, -50.000, 50.855, -125, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            3, -70.000, 50.156, -180, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            4, -40.000, 50.637, -149, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            5, -80.000, 50.756, -175, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            6, -60.000, 50.126, -171, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            7, -70.000, 50.047, -179, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            8, -50.000, 50.853, -147, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            9, -60.000, 50.834, -145, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    army    hylian, 0, no_withdraw, supporting_armies 0
    deployment_area_point    -160.000, 300.000
    deployment_area_point    -160.000, 300.000
    deployment_area_point    -160.000, 300.000
    unit            0, -160.000, -20.000, 1, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            1, -190.000, -20.000, 2, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            2, -180.000, -20.000, 1, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            3, -170.000, -20.000, 1, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            4, -200.000, -20.000, 1, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            5, -150.000, -20.000, 1, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            6, -140.000, -20.000, 2, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            7, -180.000, -45.000, 1, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            8, -170.000, -45.000, 2, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            9, -160.000, -45.000, 3, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            10, -150.000, -45.000, 2, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            11, -170.000, 0.000, 1, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            12, -160.000, 0.000, 3, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            13, -150.000, 0.000, 2, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            14, -160.000, -75.000, 1, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            15, -170.000, -75.000, 1, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            16, -150.000, -75.000, 1, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    army    huskus, 0, no_withdraw, supporting_armies 0
    deployment_area_point    -160.000, -300.000
    deployment_area_point    -160.000, -300.000
    deployment_area_point    -160.000, -300.000
    unit            0, -160.000, 350.000, 1, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            1, -190.000, 350.000, 2, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            2, -180.000, 350.000, 1, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            3, -170.000, 350.000, 1, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            4, -200.000, 350.000, 1, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            5, -150.000, 350.000, 1, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            6, -140.000, 350.000, 2, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            7, -180.000, 350.000, 1, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    unit            8, -170.000, 350.000, 2, formation_type square, formation_width 100.000
    ; >>>> start of objectives scripting section <<<<
    alliance 0
    condition destroy_character Cap_Tamako, huskus
    alliance 1
    condition destroy_or_rout_enemy

    But there could still me a faulthy line or something.. The Mission refuse to start and push me back to the selection screen.

    There is also the script-file, which i do think is the culprit - what are the labels and in what file can one find the labels? I am guessing they should be in a text-file somewhere?

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    ;;; Hyrule Total War Mission 1 Script
        while ! I_BattleStarted
        label_unit 0 0 0 gustaf_1
        label_unit 0 0 1 hylian_1
        label_unit 0 0 2 hylian_2
        label_unit 0 0 3 hylian_3
        label_unit 0 0 4 hylian_4
        label_unit 0 0 5 hylian_5
        label_unit 0 0 6 hylian_6
        label_unit 0 0 7 hylian_7
        label_unit 0 0 8 hylian_8
        label_unit 0 0 9 hylian_9
        label_unit 0 0 10 hylian_10
        label_unit 0 0 11 hylian_11
        label_unit 0 0 12 hylian_12
        label_unit 0 0 13 hylian_13
        label_unit 0 0 14 hylian_14
        label_unit 0 0 15 hylian_15
        label_unit 0 0 16 hylian_16
        label_unit 0 1 0 huskus_0
        label_unit 0 1 1 huskus_1
        label_unit 0 1 2 huskus_2
        label_unit 0 1 3 huskus_3
        label_unit 0 1 4 huskus_4
        label_unit 0 1 5 huskus_5
        label_unit 0 1 6 huskus_6
        label_unit 0 1 7 huskus_7
        label_unit 0 1 8 huskus_8
        label_unit 1 0 0 sulkaris_1
        label_unit 1 0 1 gohma_1
        label_unit 1 0 2 gohma_2
        label_unit 1 0 3 gohma_3
        label_unit 1 0 4 gohma_4
        label_unit 1 0 5 gohma_5
        label_unit 1 0 6 gohma_6
        label_unit 1 0 7 gohma_7
        label_unit 1 0 8 gohma_8
        label_unit 1 0 9 gohma_9
        label_unit 1 0 10 gohma_10
        label_unit 1 0 11 gohma_11
        label_unit 1 0 12 gohma_12
        label_unit 1 0 13 gohma_13
        label_unit 1 0 14 gohma_14
        label_unit 1 0 15 gohma_15
        label_unit 1 0 16 gohma_16
        label_unit 1 0 17 gohma_17
        label_unit 1 0 18 gohma_18
        label_unit 1 1 0 gohmaa_0
        label_unit 1 1 1 gohmaa_1
        label_unit 1 1 2 gohmaa_2
        label_unit 1 1 3 gohmaa_3
        label_unit 1 1 4 gohmaa_4
        label_unit 1 1 5 gohmaa_5
        label_unit 1 1 6 gohmaa_6
        label_unit 1 1 7 gohmaa_7
        label_unit 1 1 8 gohmaa_8
        label_unit 1 1 9 gohmaa_9
        label_unit 1 2 0 gohmab_0
        label_unit 1 2 1 gohmab_1
        label_unit 1 2 2 gohmab_2
        label_unit 1 2 3 gohmab_3
        label_unit 1 2 4 gohmab_4
        label_unit 1 2 5 gohmab_5
        label_unit 1 2 6 gohmab_6
        label_unit 1 2 7 gohmab_7
        label_unit 1 2 8 gohmab_8
        label_unit 1 2 9 gohmab_9
        invulnerable_general Cap_Sulkaris
        invulnerable_general King_Gustaf
        set_music_state custom Sulkaris_Tension
        monitor_conditions I_IsUnitEngaged sulkaris_1
    ;            set_music_state custom none
        ai_active_set off
        declare_counter start_battle
        declare_counter first_wave_dead    
        declare_counter gohma_rout
        declare_counter engaged_sulkaris_1
        declare_counter gohma_wave_1
        declare_counter gohma_wave_2
    ;;;;    INTRO MOVIE
    ;            set_camera_bookmark 1 0, -500.000, -500.000, 50, 0, 90
    ;            battle_wait 1                
    ;            camera_zoom_to_bookmark 1 800
    ;    historic_event battle_mission1_start true missions/mission_01_intro.bik
        battle_wait 2
        enable_ui toggle_pause_button
        disable_shortcuts toggle_pause_button false        ;toggle_pause_button    PAUSE    P
        call_object_shortcut toggle_pause_button
        battle_wait 1    
        camera_default_mode_set        tw
        disable_cursor                            ;prevent the player clicking
        disable_shortcuts options_button false    ;to allow the player to escape from the game    
        inhibit_camera_input true        
        battle_wait 1
            battle_wait 1
             disable_shortcuts false    
            inhibit_camera_input false
            camera_default_mode_set    user_pref    
        camera_zoom_to_unit gustaf_1
        set_music_state custom Sulkaris_Tension
    ;;;;    Phase 1
        set_counter start_battle 1
                unit_order_move sulkaris_1 -160 150
                unit_order_move gohma_1 -160 150
                unit_order_move gohma_2 -160 150
                unit_order_move gohma_3 -160 150
                unit_order_move gohma_4 -160 150
                unit_order_move gohma_5 -160 150
                unit_order_move gohma_6 -160 150
                unit_order_move gohma_7 -160 150
                unit_order_move gohma_8 -160 150
                unit_order_move gohma_9 -160 150
                unit_order_move gohma_10 -160 150
                unit_order_move gohma_11 -160 150
                unit_order_move gohma_12 -160 150
                unit_order_move gohma_13 -160 150
                unit_order_move gohma_14 -160 150
                unit_order_move gohma_15 -160 150
                unit_order_move gohma_16 -160 150
                unit_order_move gohma_17 -160 150
                unit_order_move gohma_18 -160 150
                unit_order_move huskus_0 -160 300
                unit_order_move huskus_1 -160 300
                unit_order_move huskus_2 -160 300
                unit_order_move huskus_3 -160 300
                unit_order_move huskus_4 -160 300
                unit_order_move huskus_5 -160 300
                unit_order_move huskus_6 -160 300
                unit_order_move huskus_7 -160 300
                unit_order_move huskus_8 -160 300
                unit_order_move gohmaa_0 -160 -20
                unit_order_move gohmaa_1 -160 -20
                unit_order_move gohmaa_2 -160 -20
                unit_order_move gohmaa_3 -160 -20
                unit_order_move gohmaa_4 -160 -20
                unit_order_move gohmaa_5 -160 -20
                unit_order_move gohmaa_6 -160 -20
                unit_order_move gohmaa_7 -160 -20
                unit_order_move gohmaa_8 -160 -20
                unit_order_move gohmaa_9 -160 -20
        battle_wait 5
                unit_order_move gohmab_0 -160 -20
                unit_order_move gohmab_1 -160 -20
                unit_order_move gohmab_2 -160 -20
                unit_order_move gohmab_3 -160 -20
                unit_order_move gohmab_4 -160 -20
                unit_order_move gohmab_5 -160 -20
                unit_order_move gohmab_6 -160 -20
                unit_order_move gohmab_7 -160 -20
                unit_order_move gohmab_8 -160 -20
                unit_order_move gohmab_9 -160 -20
        battle_wait 25
                unit_order_attack_unit gohmaa_0 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit gohmaa_1 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit gohmaa_2 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit gohmaa_3 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit gohmaa_4 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit gohmaa_5 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit gohmaa_6 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit gohmaa_7 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit gohmaa_8 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit gohmaa_9 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit gohmab_0 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit gohmab_1 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit gohmab_2 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit gohmab_3 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit gohmab_4 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit gohmab_5 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit gohmab_6 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit gohmab_7 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit gohmab_8 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit gohmab_9 gustaf_1 run
        battle_wait 35
            set_music_state custom GohmaQueen_Battle
        battle_wait 50
    ;            ai_active_set on
                unit_order_move sulkaris_1 -160 -300
                unit_order_move gohma_1 -160 -300
                unit_order_move gohma_2 -160 -300
                unit_order_move gohma_3 -160 -300
                unit_order_move gohma_4 -160 -300
                unit_order_move gohma_5 -160 -300
                unit_order_move gohma_6 -160 -300
                unit_order_move gohma_7 -160 -300
                unit_order_move gohma_8 -160 -300
                unit_order_move gohma_9 -160 -300
                unit_order_move gohma_10 -160 -300
                unit_order_move gohma_11 -160 -300
                unit_order_move gohma_12 -160 -300
                unit_order_move gohma_13 -160 -300
                unit_order_move gohma_14 -160 -300
                unit_order_move gohma_15 -160 -300
                unit_order_move gohma_16 -160 -300
                unit_order_move gohma_17 -160 -300
                unit_order_move gohma_18 -160 -300
                unit_order_move huskus_0 -160 -300
                unit_order_move huskus_1 -160 -300
                unit_order_move huskus_2 -160 -300
                unit_order_move huskus_3 -160 -300
                unit_order_move huskus_4 -160 -300
                unit_order_move huskus_5 -160 -300
                unit_order_move huskus_6 -160 -300
                unit_order_move huskus_7 -160 -300
                unit_order_move huskus_8 -160 -300
                unit_order_attack_unit gohmaa_0 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit gohmaa_1 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit gohmaa_2 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit gohmaa_3 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit gohmaa_4 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit gohmaa_5 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit gohmaa_6 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit gohmaa_7 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit gohmaa_8 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit gohmaa_9 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit gohmab_0 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit gohmab_1 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit gohmab_2 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit gohmab_3 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit gohmab_4 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit gohmab_5 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit gohmab_6 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit gohmab_7 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit gohmab_8 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit gohmab_9 gustaf_1 run
                set_music_state custom Sulkaris_Battle
                battle_wait 1
        camera_default_mode_set        tw
        disable_cursor                            ;prevent the player clicking
        disable_shortcuts true
        disable_shortcuts options_button false    ;to allow the player to escape from the game    
        inhibit_camera_input true
        disable_shortcuts toggle_pause_button false        ;toggle_pause_button    PAUSE    P
        enable_ui toggle_pause_button
                camera_look_at_unit sulkaris_1
                battle_wait 2
                camera_zoom_to_unit sulkaris_1
                battle_wait 2
                camera_track_unit sulkaris_1
                battle_wait 10
                unit_order_attack_unit sulkaris_1 gustaf_1 walk
                unit_order_attack_unit gohma_1 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit gohma_2 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit gohma_3 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit gohma_4 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit gohma_5 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit gohma_6 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit gohma_7 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit gohma_8 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit gohma_9 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit gohma_10 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit gohma_11 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit gohma_12 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit gohma_13 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit gohma_14 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit gohma_15 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit gohma_16 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit gohma_17 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit gohma_18 gustaf_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit huskus_0 sulkaris_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit huskus_1 sulkaris_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit huskus_2 sulkaris_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit huskus_3 sulkaris_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit huskus_4 sulkaris_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit huskus_5 sulkaris_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit huskus_6 sulkaris_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit huskus_7 sulkaris_1 run
                unit_order_attack_unit huskus_8 sulkaris_1 run
             disable_shortcuts false    
            inhibit_camera_input false
            camera_default_mode_set    user_pref
                camera_look_at_unit gustaf_1
                vulnerable_general Sulkaris
            monitor_conditions not I_CharacterExists Sulkaris
                camera_zoom_to_unit gustaf_1
                unit_set_morale gohma_1 routing
                unit_set_morale gohma_2 routing
                unit_set_morale gohma_3 routing
                unit_set_morale gohma_4 routing
                unit_set_morale gohma_5 routing
                unit_set_morale gohma_6 routing
                unit_set_morale gohma_7 routing
                unit_set_morale gohma_8 routing
                unit_set_morale gohma_9 routing
                unit_set_morale gohma_10 routing
                unit_set_morale gohma_11 routing
                unit_set_morale gohma_12 routing
                unit_set_morale gohma_13 routing
                unit_set_morale gohma_14 routing
                unit_set_morale gohma_15 routing
                unit_set_morale gohma_16 routing
                battle_wait 10
                unit_set_morale gohmaa_1 routing
                unit_set_morale gohmaa_2 routing
                unit_set_morale gohmaa_3 routing
                unit_set_morale gohmaa_4 routing
                unit_set_morale gohmaa_5 routing
                unit_set_morale gohmaa_6 routing
                unit_set_morale gohmaa_7 routing
                unit_set_morale gohmaa_8 routing
                unit_set_morale gohmaa_9 routing
                unit_set_morale gohmab_1 routing
                unit_set_morale gohmab_2 routing
                unit_set_morale gohmab_3 routing
                unit_set_morale gohmab_4 routing
                unit_set_morale gohmab_5 routing
                unit_set_morale gohmab_6 routing
                unit_set_morale gohmab_7 routing
                unit_set_morale gohmab_8 routing
                unit_set_morale gohmab_9 routing
                play_sound_event HylianCheer1
                set_music_state custom Hylian_Triumph
                camera_zoom_to_unit gustaf_1
                battle_wait 2
                    camera_track_unit gustaf_1
                    unit_taunt gustaf_1
                    unit_taunt hylian_1
                    unit_taunt hylian_2
                    unit_taunt hylian_3
                    unit_taunt hylian_4
                    unit_taunt hylian_5
                    unit_taunt hylian_6
                    unit_taunt hylian_7
                    unit_taunt hylian_8
                    unit_taunt hylian_9
                    unit_taunt hylian_10
                    unit_taunt hylian_11
                    unit_taunt hylian_12
                    unit_taunt hylian_13
                    unit_taunt hylian_14
                    unit_taunt hylian_15
                    unit_taunt hylian_16
                battle_wait 2
    ;;;;    END MOVIE
    ;    historic_event battle_mission1_end true missions/mission_01_end.bik
        battle_wait 2
        enable_ui toggle_pause_button
        disable_shortcuts toggle_pause_button false        ;toggle_pause_button    PAUSE    P
        call_object_shortcut toggle_pause_button
        battle_wait 1
        camera_default_mode_set        tw
        disable_cursor                            ;prevent the player clicking
    ;    disable_shortcuts true
        disable_shortcuts options_button false    ;to allow the player to escape from the game    
    ;    disable_entire_ui
        inhibit_camera_input true
        battle_wait 3
                terminate_battle win
    ;;;; END OF BATTLE
    while I_InBattle

    I find these labels confusing as they aren't in use in other files. The thing is, that the ones above may be wrong for the older Hyrule mod - as such if there is a file were i can see the label-list of the old version they would need to be replaced. But i have no idea where to find the labels in any text-file.
    Be your friend's, true friend. Return gift for gift. Repay laughter, with laughter again
    but betrayal with treachery.

    - The Havamal

  3. #3
    Gigantus's Avatar I am not special - I am a limited edition.
    Patrician took an arrow to the knee spy of the council

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    Default Re: TATW Battle Editor (Tutorials, Help, Manual, Development)

    The labels I see are the unit labels which are used throughout the script, for example "label_unit 1 0 0 sulkaris_1" (assigns the label sulkaris_1 to the first unit in that stack) and then later "unit_order_move sulkaris_1 -160 150" (unit moves to that co-ordinate). Afaik all units need to be assigned labels, regardless if those labels will be used.

    These are labels that get generated for this battle only.

  4. #4
    Mr_Nygren's Avatar Berserkir
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    Default Re: TATW Battle Editor (Tutorials, Help, Manual, Development)

    Quote Originally Posted by Gigantus View Post
    The labels I see are the unit labels which are used throughout the script, for example "label_unit 1 0 0 sulkaris_1" (assigns the label sulkaris_1 to the first unit in that stack) and then later "unit_order_move sulkaris_1 -160 150" (unit moves to that co-ordinate). Afaik all units need to be assigned labels, regardless if those labels will be used.

    These are labels that get generated for this battle only.
    I see - so what would cause the Missions to return me to the selection screen? I did replace all the units from the recent Hyrule with older units in the descr_battle, the leaders are correct entries changed from the recent to old, the battle-map location is also correct - but still the Mission refuses to start.

    I don't have the videos - would that be the cause if the videos are supposed to load according to the script?
    Be your friend's, true friend. Return gift for gift. Repay laughter, with laughter again
    but betrayal with treachery.

    - The Havamal

  5. #5
    Gigantus's Avatar I am not special - I am a limited edition.
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    Default Re: TATW Battle Editor (Tutorials, Help, Manual, Development)

    It's a possibility - same with the references of the custom sound commands. Disable the movies and sound commands and then try again.

  6. #6

    Default Re: TATW Battle Editor (Tutorials, Help, Manual, Development)

    Quote Originally Posted by Gigantus View Post
    It's a possibility - same with the references of the custom sound commands. Disable the movies and sound commands and then try again.
    Hello, Gigantus. A few weeks ago I tried to recreate the Battle of Minas Tirith. The problem that I have is that the Mordor's army doesn't move, and I put them as the alliance who is attacking. Literally, nobody moves, they only move if I attack them. Here I will attach you the file:

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