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Thread: Medieval Kingdoms Total War Suggestion Thread

  1. #901

    Default Re: Medieval Kingdoms Total War Suggestion Thread

    Can anyone help me where to find and download this great mod, and how to install it?!

  2. #902

    Default Re: Medieval Kingdoms Total War Suggestion Thread

    i have a big suggestion

  3. #903
    Habercosth's Avatar Laetus
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    Default Re: Medieval Kingdoms Total War Suggestion Thread

    Hey! Thing to consider, about defensive against missles. Realize, that arrows, belts etc were quite effective against chainmails and padded armours. One of the reasons, thah byzantine and other mimddle east heavy utnist wore padded and like-linnen and wooly covers on armours (to decrease impact and strengh of penetration). These units (ex cathapracts and others) should be quite resistant for arrows, becouse their horses were armoured too. Its a clue: full plate foot knights should be resistant for missles, and cavalry with armoured horses too. But as we see trhoug hundert years war, archers and crossbomans, the were effective against cavalry that did not fully armoured horses (with plates). its clear, that in the rain of arrows, a mass o horses armed ony with breastplates and headstalls, were very vulnerable to pierce from arrows. If statistic in the game will be calibrated like "any non-horse protected cavalry is vulnerable for missles" , but cavalry with armed horses istn, it will change battle tactics and style, on more complex and tactical. It will cause, that elitary, heavy cav (knights) will be more precious in the battle, and should be not use in first part of in, if opponent have archers. But still, heavy cav will be charging, and destroying enemy lines. Secondly, if full plates for man and horse will appear, it will be time to use pikes, which will be more useful against cav (archers no longer, but arquebusers etc later -yes). It will be reason to use units for brake trhorug pikes, like two handed swords etc. It this balance it will be very riski to rush opponents army with cav, becouse of losses in non horse procetced cav (till half or late XV c). it will change all "mechanics" of battle and will make all type of unitd usefull (not like earlier versions, where two handed units were useful only against cav, but against pikes not. Also the role of light cav will rise, becouse of tasks that belongs to it: attack of enemy missles etc. Consuder this it will be accurate. Cheers!

  4. #904

    Default Re: Medieval Kingdoms Total War Suggestion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Baron Vlad Felix View Post
    Can anyone help me where to find and download this great mod, and how to install it?! <--- Then go to Troubleshooting

    You'll see everything you need to subscribe to in point #2. Then when everything is downloaded, open the Attila launcher, go to Mod Manager, and if you are using the launcher that was updated recently, you will load the mods in this order here:

    If you are using the old launcher, then open mod manager, enable the packs, and enable "Allow (or use) out-of-date mods" in the top left of the mod manager.

  5. #905

    Default Submod with medieval buildings?

    Congratulations on the release of the campaign! I can't wait to rule the fields with my armoured knights.

    Is there any submod with medieval battle map buildings yet or being developed? The 1220 AD mod has such buildings already present.

  6. #906
    Leonardo's Avatar Reborn Old Timer
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    Default Re: Medieval Kingdoms Total War Suggestion Thread

    Thread merged.
    Under patronage of General Brewster of the Imperial House of Hader.

    How to make Morrowind less buggy for new players - Of course every player may find it useful.

  7. #907

    Default Re: Medieval Kingdoms Total War Suggestion Thread

    First of all, congratulations on the hard and fantastic work!!!! it's amazing what a group of modders can do!!
    For now I just want to remind that there's some historial mistakes on the borders of the aragon crown, valencia is inland while in reality its a sea city. And the west border is waaaay to the west, half of zaragoza needs to be from castilie.

    Anyways,thanks for the great work!

  8. #908
    Julio-Claudian's Avatar Senator
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    Default Re: Medieval Kingdoms Total War Suggestion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Manson1990 View Post
    First of all, congratulations on the hard and fantastic work!!!! it's amazing what a group of modders can do!!
    For now I just want to remind that there's some historial mistakes on the borders of the aragon crown, valencia is inland while in reality its a sea city. And the west border is waaaay to the west, half of zaragoza needs to be from castilie.

    Anyways,thanks for the great work!
    The positions of cities and region borders on the campaign map cannot be modded.

  9. #909
    Live2sculpt's Avatar Senator
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    Default Re: Medieval Kingdoms Total War Suggestion Thread

    Two Questions related to audio:

    1. As of now (2019 Alpha Release), what are the modding capabilities of Voices, both on the Campaign Map as well as on the battlefield. Would it now be possible to incorporate Ha Hawk's Regional Accents mod, which utilized other languages in M2TW (so that German's speak German, French speak French, Italians speak Italian, etc.)?

    2. With all the M2TW music that has been incorporated in the Alpha release (Wonderful!), why have you not added new Main menu theme music, such as the menu music for M2TW? It's good that the Attila theme music has been removed, but why the silence?

    2b. If I wanted to add my own main menu music to my MKTW installation, where should I put it, what is it's name? For my part, I'm partial to the original Rome I menu screen music. Even if it's not "medieval", it's evocative of soaring and epic majesty befitting a game of military conquest.

    Last edited by Leonardo; December 17, 2019 at 10:59 AM. Reason: YouTube tag added.

  10. #910

    Default Re: Medieval Kingdoms Total War Suggestion Thread

    Oh, really?? Why is that? is it really impossible or just so difficult?

  11. #911
    Julio-Claudian's Avatar Senator
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    Default Re: Medieval Kingdoms Total War Suggestion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Manson1990 View Post
    Oh, really?? Why is that? is it really impossible or just so difficult?
    CA uses third party tools to create their campaign maps and therefore can't legally release the tools for modders.

  12. #912

    Default Re: Medieval Kingdoms Total War Suggestion Thread

    First congrats to team for a great mod.

    Having fun playing an English campaign, and have now established the British Empire -- Yay
    My knig has no heirs and insufficient influence to adopt anyone - looks like the end of the line - - Boo
    (Probably hard-coded but can faction leaders have more sons please, my royal family is all daughters, married off to allies.)
    TBH I've never understood the whole influence / control thing - so long since I played Attila.

    Another gripe - inherited from vanilla I expect.
    Food vs public order.
    That people would be unhappy f there was insufficient food I understand.
    But penalising players for improving food supplies with automatic public order penalties seems daft. People don't riot if their bellies are full.

    Final point - can siege towers match the walls please.
    Undertook siege attack on Surt, controlled by the Hafsids. Built 2 siege towers. Pushed them up to the walls.
    Men jumped off the siege towers - to their deaths - the drawbridge was way too high. And then the towers got burnt down.
    At which point I quit.

  13. #913

    Default Re: Medieval Kingdoms Total War Suggestion Thread

    Downloaded the mod. It is more than great for an alpha. Amazing content.

    Started my campaign as Kingdom of Bohemia, as I wanted to control Prague and annex Vienna Munich and later on move on to Poland. Didn't work and I kept getting my ass kicked . Now my king is dead at 73 (died in battle) and his heir took over. Let's see how it goes.

    I appleid the 4 TPY mod and it is much better, 1 turn per year is really too fast. I can't wait for the mod be finished / more advance. No doubt this team will do wonders, they already have. This, for me, is the total war we needed .

  14. #914

    Default Re: Medieval Kingdoms Total War Suggestion Thread

    First off thanks for all the hard work I love it. My suggestions are 4tpy and faster Cav units. The horses get tired too quick and once they do they too slow to catch soldiers on foot.

  15. #915

    Default Re: Medieval Kingdoms Total War Suggestion Thread

    Thanks for the great job, really enjoying the mod a lot. I have been playing with Seljuks and into around 100 turns. I have two suggestions specifically about Seljuks that is related to both historical accuracy and gameplay.

    1-) I think it would make more sense to change the empire decision from form Seljuk Empire to form Turkish Empire. Two reasons. Firstly, forming Seljuk Empire about a century after it was actually dissolved is anachronistic. Yes, the sultans of the Sultanate of Rum descended from the Seljuk Dynasty but they called themselves Sultans of Rum, not Seljukid Sultans. Secondly, this would make transition between Seljuks and Ottomans during the game more logical. In current situation, if you get to late medieval periods having formed the Seljuk Empire, you will be the Seljuk Empire having troops such as Janissaries (established during Ottoman period) and technologies likely named after Ottoman period developments (I presume you would add technologies such as Timar System, Devshirme System, Millet System etc.) If the mission is to form Turkish Empire, regardless of whether you started as Seljuk Sultanate of Rum in early period or as Ottomans in late period, you will (hopefully) be the Turkish Empire when the time arrives for those units and technologies. This was also more or less the historical case. Ottomans were one of the very tiny vassals of Seljuks of Rum and came to rule the realms of their overlords and beyond after a period of political upheaval and partition. Anatolia was called Turchia as early as the 12th century and rulers of both Sultanate of Rum and Ottoman dynasty were called Turkish Sultan/Emperor in Europe and the rest of the Muslim World. Obviously, there was no "official" Turkish Empire, but there was no official Byzantine Empire either; yet, we have a decision to form Byzantine Empire. Plus, nobody called Basileia Rhomanion (what the Byzantines called themselves) the Byzantine Empire when it existed, but as I said above, both Seljuks of Rum and Ottomans were referred as Turkish Sultanate/Empire when they existed.

    *Bonus information: Ottomans called their state "Devlet-i Aliyye" meaning "The Great State" for centuries. It became "Devlet-i Aliyye-i Osmaniyye" meaning "The Great State of the Ottomans" only in the late 19th century, when the absolute legitimacy of the dynasty began to be challenged.

    2-) With the current rates of religious conversion and public opinion penalty for religious differences, even if you enact religious tolerance in all provinces, you have to deal with rebellions at each province every 2-3 turns. I understand the need for balancing the other advantages that Seljuks have with the challenge of religion but again, it is not historically very accurate and a little too much at the current rate. This can be reduced either by either of the following, or a combination of both: (1) A faction trait for slightly increased religious toleration. The Ottomans are famous for allowing the religious minorities to maintain their beliefs and institutions, but this was not suddenly invented by Ottomans. The situation was not very different under Seljuks either and because of that, they did not have to deal with religious rebellions as much as we have to in the game. (2) A small religious conversion bonus for Settle the Tribes edict. This was indeed how the Seljuks and later Ottomans increased the population in general but also the ratio of Muslims in Anatolia and Balkans. Muslim Turkish tribes coming from Central Asia, Iran, and Caucasus were settled in newly conquered territories, thereby increasing the relative size of Muslims in those areas. Ottomans themselves are one such tribe settled to newly conquered Western Anatolia by the Sultan of Rum.

    It was a very geeky and long suggestion but I hope you consider these. It would make playing Seljuks/Ottomans much more fun for many.

  16. #916

    Default Re: Medieval Kingdoms Total War Suggestion Thread

    I played a little while with the Kingdom of Jerusalem (20 turns), and here are some suggestions which I think wouldn't require much work, but would increase immersion:
    - we need more character names! I only played a few turns and I've already got two characters plainly named Jean and two Pierre guys
    - also, second names would maybe help? something like Baldwin of Flanders, Pierre de Toulouse etc
    - army names are not customized to faction/culture - I'm getting Latin crusader armies with Hellenistic themed names from vanilla, like "The Ten Thousand", "The Legacy of Alexander" etc

    Other stuff I noticed(and bothered me):
    - I was unable to recruit a fleet, though the UI shows that raising a fleet is viable and I had the funds to afford it, but the button has no effect;
    but I've seen the Italian factions wandering around the Mediterranean with their ships - don't know if just land armies taken to the sea, or actually fleets
    - I received from the Pope a mission very early on, saying that I should increase Catholic influence in Cyprus, even though I have literally no means to do that so early(turn 10-11) - I've got no priest agents, cannot afford religious buildings, which I think would take a lot of turns to build and even longer to significantly alter the religious percentages - way beyond the number of turns allotted for fulfilling the mission
    - one of my guys died of old age at 48... I know, I know, people had shorter lifespans back then, but still, it feels weirdly unexpected and unnatural when it happens
    - I love long-running games, and I'd like it a lot if we'd get a 4-turns per year default for the mod - I've seen that the seasons do sequentially cycle through all fours, but the year increases by 1 with each turn.. which is kinda weird - in 1212 there's only spring, in 1213 only summer, autumn in 1214, winter in 1215 and so on...
    - there are no available mercenaries in the region (I noticed that Kingdom of Antioch does have Armenian factional mercenaries though), but no mercs for Kingdom of Jerusalem
    - I'd like it if the units would have more personalized stats, for example all archer units have the same missile damage, no matter the faction

    However, the immersion is already great in my opinion, and i really did get a medieval & crusades atmosphere while playing the mod, and did not at all get the vibe that i was playing a shallow modified version of Attila.
    Felt like Kingdom of Heaven for a while there, and I'm loving it!
    Well done, y'all!

  17. #917
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: Medieval Kingdoms Total War Suggestion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by gallagheri View Post
    Started my campaign as Kingdom of Bohemia, as I wanted to control Prague and annex Vienna Munich and later on move on to Poland. Didn't work and I kept getting my ass kicked
    I've also played Bohemia - on Very Hard. It seems that everybody hates you and you're the first target of aggression - in my case Greater Poland, Bavaria, Austria, Milan and Piza attecked me within a dozen of turns. They clearly lacked other enemies since we had good relations, I didn't have common borders with most of them, I wasn't threatening them, and we were all vassals of the same overlord - the Emperor.
    In another game, I've managed to play Poland as some of my neighbours had other enemies. Later on, I developed very good relations with all the catholic factions.
    So my conclusion is that in the current diplomatic framework, you may be screwed if your neighbours don't have enemies (at least on VH)
    Last edited by Jurand of Cracow; December 26, 2019 at 03:08 PM.

  18. #918

    Default Re: Medieval Kingdoms Total War Suggestion Thread

    So far I played until around 1230s with Nicaea (I play on Hard)
    Then until around 1230 with Kiev
    and then again with Nicaea using a 4 TPY (I think this is the sweet spot for the mod)

    First impressions:

    - Diplomacy is huge! I'm really loving how crucial it can be to try and get something like a non aggression pact

    - Battles are solid and well balanced. I'm wondering if maybe cavalry is a little too slow though?

    - Archer units are perhaps too tough in melee. With Nicaea I'm finding there is no point to use units like scoutatoi swordsmen when my archers have ranged options and seem to do just as well (if not better!) with their swords. It also seems a lot more difficult to run down ranged units with cavalry than I'd expect. Perhaps the team can fill me in on the reasoning behind this if it is not fully intentional.

    - I only had one crash when I was attacked by a Seljuk faction and I attempted to enter the battle. Other than that so far so good.

    - I would like to have larger unit sizes if possible.

    The best thing that happened was after defeating the Latin Empire - I took their city in Asia Minor when the land force retreated back to Constantinople.
    I then pressed the invasion and fought their main stack outside the city walls forcing out the garrison. I had about 1.5 stacks or so and won. I then besieged the capital and took the city after a turn or 2.
    I noticed when the camera was right over the walls of Constantinople my frame rates started going crazy every time at that particular angle - but nothing severe.
    Once I took the city - to my shock, the Latin Empire sought negotiations. They requested a peace treaty and to be my vassal state. This made my battle efforts feel so much more meaningful. I wish this type of action occurred often in all Total War games. I do find it can get old having to destroy a faction down to the last settlement every time. What the Latin Empire did was much more realistic and from my understanding this mod allows the player to annex a vassal state after 10 or so turns? I did not get to try this.

    Unfortunately this type of action has not occurred since. I've been playing a second round with Nicaea using 4 TPY mod.
    I'm not sure how possible this is for Atilla but It would be great to see more of such negotiations and it's much more realistic when a faction has clearly been defeated.

    I find after the Latin Empire is destroyed my campaigns with Nicaea/Byzantine Empire are somewhat dull. I haven't seen any surprises or betrayals from the AI.
    The Seljuks are silent and appeared to be getting stomped by Cilician Armenia and Trebizond. I had to join the attack to claim some of the scraps before the Seljuks were removed entirely!
    This is a shame because the Seljuks I found were the absolute most difficult faction in battle with their quick cavalry - especially ranged cav! Every battle was a real struggle which again was realistic for the Byzantines I think against the Turks...What isn't realistic is the Turks falling so quickly.

    I'm wondering if the Muslim factions in general need some type of campaign boost. I'm around 1240 right now (4 TPY) and the Crusader States are strong. The Turks are no more, it seems that almost all of the Levant and North Africa has been taken by the crusaders and especially the Italian states. Currently my strength rank is #1 and the Kingdom of Sicily is #4. I'm not sure who is #2 or #3 assuming I have not "encountered" them yet. I'm not even certain if the Ayyubbid Sultanate still exists or not... I have no idea what's going on further east with the Khwarezmid Empire and the Mongol invasion which has been quite silent.

    So overall my campaign experience has been quite "passive" since the Latin Empire was removed. I took the Greek states one by one, then betrayed my Bulgarian allies and eventually attacked Cilicia and then Trebizond. By the time I attacked Bulgaria my strength rank was high enough that my not so noble actions haven't really had negative consequences. Not that I want the game to be impossible but I would like to encounter more surprises and have to react more against the AI as opposed to always making the first move once my primary opponent was removed. Once I reformed the Empire and took mainland Greece my economy is just incredibly strong and I have no problem maxing out all available stacks with whatever unit I feel like. I'm still bringing in HUGE revenue every turn no matter what. So again here I'm wondering are economies too strong? should upkeep and buildings be more expensive?

    With all this being said - I did a play test with Kiev and that was a totally different experience. Weak economy with only one city to start in a not so great land locked area. The campaign was relatively slow

    Suddenly an Alliance of Serbia and Hungary start steam rolling Eastern Europe together. About 3+ stacks combined taking city by city. They declare war on me and I lose my second city that took so long to take. I only had one stack (couldn't afford any more!) ...I considered that a loss and I'll need to try the campaign again. THIS again was a very pleasant surprise to see the AI using an alliance very effectively. Catching me off guard and beating the **** out of me.

  19. #919

    Default Re: Medieval Kingdoms Total War Suggestion Thread

    Hi, my suggestion is a bit personal, basicaly i'm portuguese and i tried the mod out, i believe that the Portugal faction should have access to the Templars like other factions, this because when the kingdom of portugal was created the templars were the ones who help us doing while we were reconquering territory from the Moors. Besides that when the Templars were annihilated throughout France and most of Europe they were saved in Portugal by changin their Order name to The Order of Christ, you can check that here

    By the way i think there is a bug where the capital of Portugal appears has Braga and when you click on it, it says GuimarĂŁes, the Capital should say GuimarĂŁes.

    Other than this i realy like the mod though i've only tried Portugal, Teutonic Order and Sweden.

    Keep up the Good Work and best Regards!

  20. #920

    Default Re: Medieval Kingdoms Total War Suggestion Thread

    Will you add Miaphysite faith in game?

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