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Thread: The latest anti-liberal rant thread (get your daily dose here)

  1. #1

    Default The latest anti-liberal rant thread (get your daily dose here)

    It's another edition of ''woke'' white liberals are ruining our society and Basil tells you exactly why!

    Let's start with the most intolerant:
    In general, the most politically intolerant Americans, according to the analysis, tend to be whiter, more highly educated, older, more urban, and more partisan themselves. This finding aligns in some ways with previous research by the University of Pennsylvania professor Diana Mutz, who has found that white, highly educated people are relatively isolated from political diversity. They don’t routinely talk with people who disagree with them;
    the most politically intolerant county in America appears to be Suffolk County, Massachusetts, which includes the city of Boston.
    Sounds familiar? It should. It's the core Hillary voting Democrat electorate. It's also funny because they are consistently the ones who brag that their education makes them the most open minded. Quite the opposite in fact. Everyone is more open minded than them.

    They are also the most racist.

    He found, for example, that age, race, urbanicity, partisan loyalty, and education did coincide with more prejudice
    They are also the most mislead about perceiving the other side:
    and Democrats rate Republicans as even further to the right.
    These are the people whose arguments rely on ''you are a Nazi''.

    A broader academic study evidenced that woke white liberals dumb down their opinions when interacting with non-whites, thus actually show an implicit racial superiority bias towards them, while white conservatives actually treat everyone the same:

    Woke white liberals are also likely to believe that there's an extreme problem with racism in society:

    Despite the fact that racism is actually waaaay down:

    More stats. Woke white liberals (on both sides of the Atlantic) are:
    -the most likely to block people on social media because they have a different opinion;
    -most likely to say they can't be friend with someone who has a different opinion;
    -most likely to feel uncomfortable to have a roomate with different political opinion;

    They are also concentrated in the following fields of work:
    Academia, media and internet services.

    Over time, conservatives haven't moved much to the right, and certainly not even remotely as liberals have moved to the left:

    which is obviously why they resort to arguments like ''everyone who disagrees with me is a Nazi''. Well duh, they don't even see the center anymore.

    What's my take? I think their intolerance is their biggest strength. This is because of the Tyranny of the Intolerant Minority paradox:
    In the long term, it's the most intolerant that prevails, because the tolerant gradually shifts his positions to accomodate the intolerant.

    This is why I advocate for an intolerant approach towards these people. Given the fields they work in, what I recommend is:
    -eliminate any kind of federal and state funding to the academia; split it in social justice based and free enquiry based; let the market handle the rest. People who work in social justice academia cannot work in a free enquiry one;
    - media wise, sue them into bankruptcy; as the Covington case showed, liberal media make a habit of trying to ruin the lives of people who they hate; great; sue them for everything they have (it's happening, Covington kids are suing CNN/WaPo and a number of woke white journalists for 250 million dollars);
    in short, you want these people to end up losing everything they have and become beggars on the street; they started it;
    -split Silicon Valley monopolies;

    Feel free to share your thoughts on the ''woke white liberal ruining society'' problem, including solutions or even support for their positions.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Studies reveal who the most racist, hateful, bigoted and intolerant people are in the Western world....

    Quote Originally Posted by Basil II the B.S View Post
    Let's start with the most intolerant:
    Sounds familiar? It should. It's the core Hillary voting Democrat electorate. It's also funny because they are consistently the ones who brag that their education makes them the most open minded. Quite the opposite in fact. Everyone is more open minded than them.
    Looks like my hometown, Seattle, is among the least open-minded, least politically tolerant places in the US (98th percentile). That doesn't surprise me. Nice to see some data to know it's not just my subjective impression.
    Quote Originally Posted by Enros View Post
    You don't seem to be familiar with how the burden of proof works in when discussing social justice. It's not like science where it lies on the one making the claim. If someone claims to be oppressed, they don't have to prove it.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Studies reveal who the most racist, hateful, bigoted and intolerant people are in the Western world....

    I would have bet on Seattle being among the top 0.1% of the most intolerant so I guess I'm wrong.
    You don't really live there anymore, do you?
    Last edited by Basil II the B.S; May 16, 2019 at 05:15 AM. Reason: grammar

  4. #4

    Default Re: Studies reveal who the most racist, hateful, bigoted and intolerant people are in the Western world....

    Politics nowadays is often a proxy for tribalism. Much like sect or ethnicity were in the past, these days political ideology often determines what tribe you belong to. Members of the ingroup help each other and dehumanize and persecute the outgroup; the politics is just an afterthought and they don't really believe in it, just as religious sectarians usually think religion is all nonsense deep down. These idolators have returned to an atavistic state of man, in which universal principles are denied and the tribe is worshiped above all else.
    Last edited by Prodromos; May 16, 2019 at 06:21 AM. Reason: Maybe that was a bit too harsh
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    Default Re: Studies reveal who the most racist, hateful, bigoted and intolerant people are in the Western world....

    POTUS45 is a 'woke' white liberal?

    Quote Originally Posted by Basil II the B.S View Post
    In the long term, it's the most intolerant that prevails, because the tolerant gradually shifts his positions to accomodate the intolerant.

  6. #6
    Katsumoto's Avatar Quae est infernum es
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    Default Re: Studies reveal who the most racist, hateful, bigoted and intolerant people are in the Western world....

    Yeah I'm not sure how you've squeezed in 'liberal' into 'whiter, more highly educated, older, more urban, and more partisan'. Reading the article doesn't suggest white, educated, older, urban liberals are somehow more intolerant than white, educated, older, urban conservatives.

    In general, Republicans seem to dislike Democrats more than Democrats dislike Republicans, PredictWise found. We don’t know why this is, but this is not the only study to have detected an imbalance. For example, in a 2014 survey by the Pew Research Center, half of consistently conservative respondents said it was important for them to live in a place where most people share their political views—compared with just 35 percent of consistent liberals. But a more recent survey, conducted in December by The Atlantic and the Public Religion Research Institute, found that Democrats were the ones showing more ill will—with 45 percent saying they’d be unhappy if their child married a Republican (versus 35 percent of Republicans saying they’d be unhappy if their child married a Democrat). So it’s hard to know exactly what’s going on, but what’s clear is that both sides are becoming more hostile toward one another
    Yeah, it mentions Suffolk County as the most intolerant but it also mentions (that liberal bastion?) Florida.

    PredictWise was able to rank all 3,000 counties in the country based on the estimated level of partisan prejudice in each place. (For more technical detail about the methodology, click here.) “What I find most striking is that we find a good degree of variation,” Konitzer says. Some states, like Texas, show a real mix of prejudiced and nonprejudiced counties; whereas Florida is very consistent—and fairly prejudiced—from place to place.
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  7. #7

    Default Re: Studies reveal who the most racist, hateful, bigoted and intolerant people are in the Western world....

    Trump Losing College-Educated Whites? He Never Won Them in the First Place

    Your side can't brang about winning the white educated college vote and then say ''they are not liberals'' as soon as it turns out that they are the most hateful, intolerant, bigoted and racists across the entire spectrum.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gigantus View Post
    POTUS45 is a 'woke' white liberal?
    I'm not sure what's your argument here.
    Last edited by Basil II the B.S; May 16, 2019 at 07:43 AM.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Studies reveal who the most racist, hateful, bigoted and intolerant people are in the Western world....

    Quote Originally Posted by Basil II the B.S View Post
    I would have bet on Seattle being among the top 0.1% of the most intolerant so I guess I'm wrong.
    You don't really live there anymore, do you?
    My legal US address is there, but I haven't been there since 2013.

    Quote Originally Posted by Basil II the B.S View Post
    What's my take? I think their intolerance is their biggest strength. This is because of the Tyranny of the Intolerant Minority paradox:
    In the long term, it's the most intolerant that prevails, because the tolerant gradually shifts his positions to accomodate the intolerant.
    It occurs to me that this is basically the prisoner's dilemma from game theory. Taking the radical approach is analogous to betraying the other prisoner. Remaining moderate is analogous to staying silent. Both parties lose the least if both stay moderate, but under conditions where the other party can't be trusted, the best strategy is to radicalize.

    Quote Originally Posted by Katsumoto View Post
    Yeah, it mentions Suffolk County as the most intolerant but it also mentions (that liberal bastion?) Florida.
    Florida is a swing state. Obama won it in 2012 with 50% of the vote. Trump won it in 2016 with 49% of the vote. Looking at the party specific maps, it seems Democrats are consistently intolerant throughout the state, whereas Republicans are equally as intolerant in the center of the state but more tolerant at the periphery.
    Last edited by sumskilz; May 16, 2019 at 08:18 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Enros View Post
    You don't seem to be familiar with how the burden of proof works in when discussing social justice. It's not like science where it lies on the one making the claim. If someone claims to be oppressed, they don't have to prove it.

  9. #9
    Ludicus's Avatar Comes Limitis

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    Default Re: Studies reveal who the most racist, hateful, bigoted and intolerant people are in the Western world....

    "woke white liberals dumb down their opinions when interacting with non-whites"
    Hey Basil, there are six kinds of "woke white people": White woketeps, safety pinterests, dismantlers, cool-ass white people,store brand white people and Trumplestiltskins

    From the link,
    Overall, there is an intriguing imbalance in the data: Democrats seem to have more tolerance for Republicans than Republicans have for Democrats, at least according to this analysis
    So Basil, are the Republicans non-white?
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    Every human society must justify its inequalities: reasons must be found because, without them, the whole political and social edifice is in danger of collapsing”.
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  10. #10

    Default Re: Studies reveal who the most racist, hateful, bigoted and intolerant people are in the Western world....


    The latter part is probably due to the fact that Democrat voting minorities are more tolerant than the intolerant white Dems.

    You can have fun with this:

    The ''woke'' tribe is indeed overwhelmingly white. What's interesting is that every single racial group disagrees with them and Asians/Blacks/Hispanics actually disagree with them more than whites.

    Quote Originally Posted by sumskilz View Post
    It occurs to me that this is basically the prisoner's dilemma from game theory. Taking the radical approach is analogous to betraying the other prisoner. Remaining moderate is analogous to staying silent. Both parties lose the least if both stay moderate, but under conditions where the other party can't be trusted, the best strategy is to radicalize.
    That's a great observation and I'm familiar with the argument. Now, one way for a best outcome scenario would be for moderates to marginalize their respective extremes. Here's a problem, I think conversatives marginalize their extremists far better than liberals do. You look at Patrick Little, Richard Spencer etc. those get really little traction. The worst problem on the right are lone wolves like Tarrant or the Pittsburgh shooter. Those are really hard to control.

    However, look at liberals: ISIS fighters? They want to welcome them back to the West. The woke crowd? Runs the traditional media and in the Silicon Valley there's a strong appeasement for to their demands. When it comes to the university there is a pushback by reasonable liberals (indeed as someone pointed out, the so-called ''intellectual dark web'' are overwhelmingly liberals who got demonized by the woke crowd and expelled from the circle of purity), but it's not really enough. It is a start, so you can at least say ''I can trust these people mean no harm and have reasonable ideas''. They need to get a grip of the woke ones though.
    Last edited by Basil II the B.S; May 16, 2019 at 02:51 PM.

  11. #11
    Vladyvid's Avatar Wizard of Turmish
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    Default Re: Studies reveal who the most racist, hateful, bigoted and intolerant people are in the Western world....

    Why do americans still have to divide themselves along the racial lines? Is the colour of your skin really more important than the content of your character?
    Im asking this because i cant imagine how is it possible to have so much racism among the so-called "woke" society. These people are all racist in thinking that a particular ethnic group should behave one way or another.

    Why are there even racial politics still? This is just as backwards as US being the only civilized country that is not using the metric system.

    Time to move on, dont do racial studies, dont ask people for their race, dont ask this in census, just forget about this and live your lifes as individuals and not members of racial groups cause that is only keeping people stupid.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Studies reveal who the most racist, hateful, bigoted and intolerant people are in the Western world....

    The ironic part is that the most racially divisive group in the Western world, and USA in particular, are... self-proclaimed "anti-racists".

  13. #13
    hellheaven1987's Avatar Comes Domesticorum
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    Default Re: Studies reveal who the most racist, hateful, bigoted and intolerant people are in the Western world....

    Quote Originally Posted by Vladyvid View Post
    Why do americans still have to divide themselves along the racial lines? Is the colour of your skin really more important than the content of your character?
    Same reason why British still think French are emotional pussy or how German think Latin cultural groups are all lazy people.
    Quote Originally Posted by Markas View Post
    Hellheaven, sometimes you remind me of King Canute trying to hold back the tide, except without the winning parable.
    Quote Originally Posted by Diocle View Post
    Cameron is midway between Black Rage and .. European Union ..

  14. #14
    Ludicus's Avatar Comes Limitis

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    Default Re: Studies reveal who the most racist, hateful, bigoted and intolerant people are in the Western world....

    Quote Originally Posted by Vladyvid View Post
    Why do americans still have to divide themselves along the racial lines?
    Read the history of the US.It's an amazing country becoming increasingly diverse, with an African/American traumatic history.
    Il y a quelque chose de pire que d'avoir une âme perverse. C’est d'avoir une âme habituée
    Charles Péguy

    Every human society must justify its inequalities: reasons must be found because, without them, the whole political and social edifice is in danger of collapsing”.
    Thomas Piketty

  15. #15

    Default Re: Studies reveal who the most racist, hateful, bigoted and intolerant people are in the Western world....

    The funny thing about diversity:
    -the most ethnically/culturally diverse in the world are Syria, Nigeria and Kenya;
    -the most homogenous are Japan, the two Koreas and China;

    There are some studies that show that too much ethno-cultural diversity is detrimental to social cohesion and inevitably leads to tribalism, frictions and civil war, while homogeneity is correlated with trust, cooperation and solidarity, that's why East Asia is so successful.

    I just finished reading Fukuyama's Identity btw. He points that out as well. Welcome to the Chinese century, because idiotic Wh*te liberal elite has committed political suicide by forcing the wrong model on society despite having the right one to begin with. France is a top candidate for civil war within the century.

  16. #16
    hellheaven1987's Avatar Comes Domesticorum
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    Default Re: Studies reveal who the most racist, hateful, bigoted and intolerant people are in the Western world....

    Quote Originally Posted by Basil II the B.S View Post
    The funny thing about diversity:
    -the most ethnically/culturally diverse in the world are Syria, Nigeria and Kenya;
    -the most homogenous are Japan, the two Koreas and China;

    There are some studies that show that too much ethno-cultural diversity is detrimental to social cohesion and inevitably leads to tribalism, frictions and civil war, while homogeneity is correlated with trust, cooperation and solidarity, that's why East Asia is so successful.

    I just finished reading Fukuyama's Identity btw. He points that out as well. Welcome to the Chinese century, because idiotic Wh*te liberal elite has committed political suicide by forcing the wrong model on society despite having the right one to begin with. France is a top candidate for civil war within the century.
    Weird, but China says it is proud of how China is a culturally diverse state.
    Quote Originally Posted by Markas View Post
    Hellheaven, sometimes you remind me of King Canute trying to hold back the tide, except without the winning parable.
    Quote Originally Posted by Diocle View Post
    Cameron is midway between Black Rage and .. European Union ..

  17. #17
    hellheaven1987's Avatar Comes Domesticorum
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    Default Re: Studies reveal who the most racist, hateful, bigoted and intolerant people are in the Western world....

    Double post.
    Quote Originally Posted by Markas View Post
    Hellheaven, sometimes you remind me of King Canute trying to hold back the tide, except without the winning parable.
    Quote Originally Posted by Diocle View Post
    Cameron is midway between Black Rage and .. European Union ..

  18. #18

    Default Re: Studies reveal who the most racist, hateful, bigoted and intolerant people are in the Western world....

    Quote Originally Posted by Basil II the B.S View Post
    The funny thing about diversity:
    -the most ethnically/culturally diverse in the world are Syria, Nigeria and Kenya;
    -the most homogenous are Japan, the two Koreas and China;

    There are some studies that show that too much ethno-cultural diversity is detrimental to social cohesion and inevitably leads to tribalism, frictions and civil war, while homogeneity is correlated with trust, cooperation and solidarity, that's why East Asia is so successful.

    I just finished reading Fukuyama's Identity btw. He points that out as well. Welcome to the Chinese century, because idiotic Wh*te liberal elite has committed political suicide by forcing the wrong model on society despite having the right one to begin with. France is a top candidate for civil war within the century.
    China says hi. There are 55 recognized ethnicities with the country that speak dozens of languages. Really think it's that homogenous?

    Anyways, suppose your right... It looks like we are doomed. If human beings truly can't coexist with culture and ethnicity being the main dividing factors then there is no hope. Technology will soon enable any people group to be capable of horrible atrocities and there is no way we can divide the world up into as many nation states to keep them happy. What would your proposed solution be? Should I keep the nukes on standby? Is there a peaceful solution?
    Last edited by ♔The Black Knight♔; May 18, 2019 at 10:34 PM.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Studies reveal who the most racist, hateful, bigoted and intolerant people are in the Western world....

    Quote Originally Posted by ♔The Black Knight♔ View Post
    China says hi. There are 55 recognized ethnicities with the country that speak dozens of languages. Really think it's that homogenous?

    Anyways, suppose your right... It looks like we are doomed. If human beings truly can't coexist with culture and ethnicity being the main dividing factors then there is no hope. Technology will soon enable any people group to be capable of horrible atrocities and there is no way we can divide the world up into as many nation states to keep them happy. What would your proposed solution be? Should I keep the nukes on standby? Is there a peaceful solution?
    According to the alt-white classic The Turner Diaries the only solution is the complete genocide of all non-whites, any whites with so much as a drop of non-white blood, and any whites who think liberal thoughts or might do so sometime in the future. Then the maybe few thousand people left over will live in a perfect paradise and never again have to suffer the pain and horror of being asked to treat others equally and fairly.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Studies reveal who the most racist, hateful, bigoted and intolerant people are in the Western world....

    Quote Originally Posted by ♔The Black Knight♔ View Post
    China says hi. There are 55 recognized ethnicities with the country that speak dozens of languages. Really think it's that homogenous?

    Anyways, suppose your right... It looks like we are doomed. If human beings truly can't coexist with culture and ethnicity being the main dividing factors then there is no hope. Technology will soon enable any people group to be capable of horrible atrocities and there is no way we can divide the world up into as many nation states to keep them happy. What would your proposed solution be? Should I keep the nukes on standby? Is there a peaceful solution?
    The country is 95% Han Chinese. That's as homogenous as it can get.

    I love how liberal statistics work: there's 1% minorities? That means the country is multicultural and it's going to work even if it becomes 33% minorities. Same thing! So let's do that!

    Let's forget ratios, sizes and basic math. What a retarded argument.

    As for the nukes, thanks for bringing that up. I was noticing that the reason Wh*te liberals hate Russia is because of its nuclear arsenal, which means Russia is going to remain independent for the next centuries to come. So if white people want to retain their ethnic identity and avoid being ethnically cleansed by your side, we are going to need nukes. Just in case you push further with the censorship or start sending people to re-education camps.

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