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Thread: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.35 released!

  1. #141

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.35 released!

    Quote Originally Posted by Perroelo View Post
    I'm in my 31st turn with Baktria, still a Seleukid vassal, and I recently conquered Sakanu Agu, the northernmost camp, and I cannot build any ollygarchic/democratic allied state. Is this intended? Is this because I am not independent yet? I have a similar problem in Alexandria Eschate. I only can build allied states, not a bactrian-governed one.

    Greetings, I love you guys
    Iirc you can only recruit factional.governments outside of your initial lands after declaring independence.

  2. #142

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.35 released!

    Quote Originally Posted by Perroelo View Post
    Nevermind, Sakanu Agu was still a small camp, not a camp...what a noob I am. But I still have the question about A. Eschate.
    You can't build factional governments outside the Baktrian heartland until you are independent.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rad View Post
    Chatti proven infantry are available as mercenaries right from the start. I am assuming they're available as regionals somewhere, somewhere, Germania.
    Not Germania, on the Rhine in that contact zone between Germans and Gauls.

  3. #143

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.35 released!

    It's all Germania to me.
    But why aren't they available through the Chatti tribe building?

  4. #144

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.35 released!

    Quote Originally Posted by Rad View Post
    It's all Germania to me.
    But why aren't they available through the Chatti tribe building?
    They are:

    recruit_pool "germanic infantry veteran"  1  0.08  2  0  requires factions { f_sweboz, } and region_religion rel_f 50 and not event_counter ecSwebozEra 1
    recruit_pool "germanic infantry chatti veterans"  1  0.08  2  0  requires factions { f_sweboz, } and region_religion rel_f 50 and event_counter ecSwebozEra 1
    recruit_pool "germanic infantry spearman"  1  0.08  2  0  requires factions { f_sweboz, } and region_religion rel_f 40 and not event_counter ecSwebozEra 1
    recruit_pool "germanic infantry spearman late"  1  0.08  2  0  requires factions { f_sweboz, } and region_religion rel_f 40 and event_counter ecSwebozEra 1
    recruit_pool "germanic infantry clubman"  1  0.08  2  0  requires factions { f_sweboz, } and region_religion rel_f 30
    recruit_pool "germanic infantry skirmisher"  1  0.08  2  0  requires factions { f_sweboz, } and region_religion rel_f 25 and not event_counter ecSwebozEra 1
    recruit_pool "germanic infantry chatti youths"  1  0.08  2  0  requires factions { f_sweboz, } and region_religion rel_f 25 and event_counter ecSwebozEra 1
    recruit_pool "germanic infantry archer"  1  0.04  1  0  requires factions { f_sweboz, } and region_religion rel_f 20
    recruit_pool "germanic infantry slinger"  1  0.04  1  0  requires factions { f_sweboz, } and region_religion rel_f 15
    As late units, note the event_counter.

  5. #145

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.35 released!

    Why are they immediately available as mercenaries then?

  6. #146

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.35 released!

    So. How do I get them (Sweboz Generals) to hire themselves out as mercenaries?

    I have planted all my sub-30 Guys in Bogidunon (Or something, one of the mentioned cities in the description), and so far: Nothing.

    Couple of Generations, none getting it.

  7. #147

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.35 released!

    Quote Originally Posted by Domeric_Bolton View Post
    So. How do I get them (Sweboz Generals) to hire themselves out as mercenaries?

    I have planted all my sub-30 Guys in Bogidunon (Or something, one of the mentioned cities in the description), and so far: Nothing.

    Couple of Generations, none getting it.
    I forgot to mention in the merc info trait that those Sweboz specific merc events don't start happening until after turn 150(this is to represent the fact that Germanic influence hadn't dominated the Rhine at game start). In future versions, I'll make it such that the info trait doesn't appear until turn 150 as well.

  8. #148

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.35 released!

    Hey EBII Team,

    I have a question regarding performance.
    I keep getting Fatal Graphics error when attacking a city with a full stack, and the defenders have a full stack inside and another stack outside.
    I know it's a lot of men the battlefield so I expect some lag, but te game crashes.

    I use the same settings on Stainless Steel 6.4 so I know my PC can handle it.

    Still in EBII, it crashes.
    Last edited by QuintusSertorius; December 10, 2018 at 07:28 AM.
    Frei zu sein, bedarf ist wenig, nur wer frei ist, ist ein König.

    Current Hotseat:
    Britannia: The Isles of Chaos

  9. #149
    Genava's Avatar Senator
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    Mar 2009

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.35 released!

    I have a question regarding performance.
    I keep getting Fatal Graphics error when attacking a city with a full stack, and the defenders have a full stack inside and another stack outside.
    I know it's a lot of men the battlefield so I expect some lag, but te game crashes.

    I use the same settings on Stainless Steel 6.4 so I know my PC can handle it.
    I had the same problem but now it happens far less often with the windowed mode, only when there are three full stack. Do you play in fullscreen? Which resolution?
    LOTR mod for Shogun 2 Total War (Campaign and Battles!)

  10. #150

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.35 released!

    Here are my Specs:
    Win10 64 bit

    I play in windowed mode as recommended in the installation.

    Game settings (same settings I use on SS6.4 and it runs flawlessly)

    Custom: All on high except
    - Grass and shadows on low
    - Vegetation on Medium

    No widescreen, with V-sync, No Anti-alaising, Texture filtering x4, Resolution 1920/1080


    If I choose recommended settings, it puts everything on High but it drops the resolution to 1024/768.
    Last edited by QuintusSertorius; December 10, 2018 at 07:30 AM. Reason: more precise info
    Frei zu sein, bedarf ist wenig, nur wer frei ist, ist ein König.

    Current Hotseat:
    Britannia: The Isles of Chaos

  11. #151

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.35 released!

    Few things bother me. I know that certain factions and ethnicities are more succeptible to certain traits and ancillaries, but Makedonia, half of the charaters that marry into my family get Evil Mother-in-law, and almost everyone, including hellenes that marry into family, get mishellen trait.

    And helcol_three...for what reason it loses recruitment options compared to both helcol_two and helcol_ref? It's weird seeing many units, including things like Katoikoi Thrakes and Thureophorentes Toxotai being unavailable from third but available from second and last colony building.

  12. #152

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.35 released!

    Quote Originally Posted by Der Böse Wolf View Post
    Hey EBII Team,

    I have a question regarding performance.
    I keep getting Fatal Graphics error when attacking a city with a full stack, and the defenders have a full stack inside and another stack outside.
    I know it's a lot of men the battlefield so I expect some lag, but te game crashes.

    I use the same settings on Stainless Steel 6.4 so I know my PC can handle it.

    Still in EBII, it crashes.
    The wisdom contained in the latin expressions greatly improves the performance, and singularly prevents the fatal graphic errors, from my experience...

  13. #153

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.35 released!

    Quote Originally Posted by Sar1n View Post
    And helcol_three...for what reason it loses recruitment options compared to both helcol_two and helcol_ref? It's weird seeing many units, including things like Katoikoi Thrakes and Thureophorentes Toxotai being unavailable from third but available from second and last colony building.
    Where are you seeing that happening? You can't build a helcol_three anywhere that offers Thureophorentes Toxotai, only the Thracian Colonists are in Anatolia/Egypt/Eastern regions.

    Skythia only allows helcol_ref after the ThorakitaiReform.
    Last edited by QuintusSertorius; December 10, 2018 at 08:57 AM.

  14. #154
    Khevsur's Avatar Senator
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    Jul 2012
    Kingdom of Georgia

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.35 released!

    This rectangle shields had Colchis, Circassians had not. This shields are from my drawings !From the Gomi cup ! Why Give Circassians?

    my paints and cup from gomi ( Georgia )

    Last edited by Khevsur; December 10, 2018 at 09:08 AM.

  15. #155

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.35 released!

    Quote Originally Posted by QuintusSertorius View Post
    Where are you seeing that happening? You can't build a helcol_three anywhere that offers Thureophorentes Toxotai, only the Thracian Colonists are in Anatolia/Egypt/Eastern regions.

    Skythia only allows helcol_ref after the ThorakitaiReform.
    I see it in building browser, so far I wasn't actually building those, since I do not have any large city under factional government outside the Greece/Macedon/Epiros area. But in Histrie, Olbia and Byzantion I see the helcol_three in building browser, so I presume they're buildable there. I'll see about that once any of them reaches large city level....

    Edit: by the way, a places like Kabyle or Dardanion where I have allied government in order to gail local elites and are outside main hellenic sphere of influence, is it worth building hellenic poleis when it pops up as available, or will it cause unrest?
    Last edited by Sar1n; December 10, 2018 at 10:26 AM.

  16. #156

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.35 released!

    Quote Originally Posted by Sar1n View Post
    I see it in building browser, so far I wasn't actually building those, since I do not have any large city under factional government outside the Greece/Macedon/Epiros area. But in Histrie, Olbia and Byzantion I see the helcol_three in building browser, so I presume they're buildable there. I'll see about that once any of them reaches large city level....
    Just because a building appears in the browser doesn't mean it's constructible. You can't build a helcol_three in any of those places, I'm surprised it offers any recruitment at all. Can you screenshot what the building browser shows?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sar1n View Post
    Edit: by the way, a places like Kabyle or Dardanion where I have allied government in order to gail local elites and are outside main hellenic sphere of influence, is it worth building hellenic poleis when it pops up as available, or will it cause unrest?
    The polis doesn't cause unrest. If you want Greeks, that's one of the easiest ways to get them.

  17. #157

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.35 released!

    Quote Originally Posted by QuintusSertorius View Post
    The polis doesn't cause unrest. If you want Greeks, that's one of the easiest ways to get them.
    But native colonies (I don't have those in those places, but still) with hellenic polis cause unrest, right? I was wondering if the same is true for an allied government in non-hellenic areas with hellenic polis.

  18. #158

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.35 released!

    Quote Originally Posted by Sar1n View Post
    But native colonies (I don't have those in those places, but still) with hellenic polis cause unrest, right? I was wondering if the same is true for an allied government in non-hellenic areas with hellenic polis.
    There's no interaction between polis and Allied Government. Foreign Colonies do cause unrest when there's a larger polis present.

  19. #159

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.35 released!

    Quote Originally Posted by Manivs View Post
    At my first winter season I had info about the cursus honorum, but it was to late to read it all. Is this the same info like in the player guide 2.35? If not where I can found it, to read this in free time?
    Yes, it's basically the same information contained in the v2.35 Player's Guide (which is included with the installed game. Look in the mods\ebii directory)

    The text from the Cursus Honorum message can also be referenced at any time during your game. It's the bottom 2/3 of the description in the "Mons Capitoline" unique building in Rome.
    EBII Council

  20. #160

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.35 released!

    If some players want to try it: I have been testing Factions behaviour with the money limit increased from 29999 to 49999. What this mean? In EBII, AI Factions have a clawback of -20k on the next turn after they get more than 29999. This is done to prevent AI Factions from accumulating huge amounts of money. What I did was increasing the limit, allowing AI Factions to have more, but keeping the clawback after they hit more than 49999. Note that this change affects most the small factions since the big ones like Romani, Carthage, Seleucids, Ptolemai, rarely have more than 20k of money and even some minor factions can't reach the big numbers.

    During the testing (I'm still not done testing), I played 105 turns in a Pontus campaign and I can say that the AI seems a bit more agressive (just slightly), they seem to have some more boats around the map (for example, the Lusitanian and the Numidian) and they have a lot more capacity to pay ransoms and not going bankrupt from that (I had the Hayadashan paying me two ransoms with captured FMs that costed them 16k one and 10k the other, on the next turn they sued for peace and accepted my demand to pay 2000 for peace, they still had money left but not much).

    So, if anyone wants to try this and see if there are positive changes in the game, this is how:

    With Notepad ++, go to the "AI Faction Excess Treasury Reduction" section of the campaign_script - change the and Treasury > 29999 to 49999 (or a higher number if you want).

    And thanks QuintusSertorius for telling me how to change it!

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