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Thread: Seether's Gameplay Notes

  1. #121

    Default Re: Seether's Gameplay Notes

    Well done, thank you for your work.
    Rus 2 Total War 2.01 - Unofficial English translation released
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  2. #122
    Seether's Avatar RoTK Workhorse
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    Default Re: Seether's Gameplay Notes

    Thank you, and you're welcome. Still have a lot of work to do before I can call this mod 'complete'.
    Member of the Imperial House of Hader - Under the Benevolent Patronage of y2day
    A Wolf Among Sheep: A Rise of Three Kingdoms AAR

  3. #123
    Seether's Avatar RoTK Workhorse
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    Default Re: Seether's Gameplay Notes

    Found an error with the map (which I'm unsure of how it came about) in the latest version.

    The route between Linjiang and Yongan has a forest blocking the way, meaning nothing can pass in between them. This is an issue that will require editing the map, so no quick fix or save-compatible change. Will be fixed in a future update.

    If you need to cross through that area, such as during the Liu Clan mission "Invasion of Shu," you have two options:
    1) Go the long way north; through Hanzhong and then south through the various fortified passes, or;
    2) Use console cheats to move. This done by:
    • Make note of the character's leading the armies you want to move. Then save your game and exit
    • Go to Three_Kingdoms/data/world/maps/campaign/imperial_campaign/descr_strat.txt file
    • Search for the character leading the army you want to move (ie: search WeiYan for Wei Yan)
    • Write down the character's referenced name (ie: J-1303-WeiYan)
    • Load up your save
    • Place your cursor over a piece of traversable land just east (if traveling west) or west (if traveling east) of the forest
    • Without moving your mouse, open the console with ~ key
    • Type show_cursorstat (you will get two coordinates separated by a comma; ie: 66,72)
    • Now type: move_character [character name] [x],[y] (x is the first coordinate, y is the second coordinate)
    • An example would be: move_character J-1303-WeiYan 66,72
    • Close console with ~ key
    • ?????
    • Profit!
    Member of the Imperial House of Hader - Under the Benevolent Patronage of y2day
    A Wolf Among Sheep: A Rise of Three Kingdoms AAR

  4. #124
    Seether's Avatar RoTK Workhorse
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    Default Re: Seether's Gameplay Notes

    As an FYI, we have a current closed BETA for version 1.6 going on right now. Can't say for sure when the official v1.6 will be released, but it shouldn't be too far in the future.
    Member of the Imperial House of Hader - Under the Benevolent Patronage of y2day
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  5. #125
    Morrowgan's Avatar Centenarius
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    Default Re: Seether's Gameplay Notes

    Would it be a stretch to ask for the inclusion of the three kingdoms of Korea?
    Member of the Beyond Skyrim Project

  6. #126
    Seether's Avatar RoTK Workhorse
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    Default Re: Seether's Gameplay Notes

    Right now, I would say it would be a stretch. While it wouldn’t be too difficult to expand the map to include the entire Korean Peninsula and add three new factions, there are a few issues. First, is that we would have to create an entirely new roster for the Korean factions, and we simply don’t have the unit makers on the dev team to make that happen. Secondly, since this mod is exclusively focused on Han China during the Three Kingdoms period, adding more of Korea would be outside of the scope of the mod. We do already have some of northern Korea, which was under Han control at that time, represented through the Liaodong faction. Also, in the next version, Liaodong will be able to recruit a unique Korean unit called the Iron Horse Warriors.
    Member of the Imperial House of Hader - Under the Benevolent Patronage of y2day
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  7. #127
    Morrowgan's Avatar Centenarius
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    Default Re: Seether's Gameplay Notes

    Thanks for the clear up
    Member of the Beyond Skyrim Project

  8. #128

    Default Re: Seether's Gameplay Notes

    Just curious, not sure if this is the best place to ask this but this thread looks pretty active. What are the recommended difficulty settings for this mod? Campaign and Battle.

  9. #129
    Seether's Avatar RoTK Workhorse
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    Default Re: Seether's Gameplay Notes

    We don't really have recommended settings for difficulty, but I usually play on H/H .
    Member of the Imperial House of Hader - Under the Benevolent Patronage of y2day
    A Wolf Among Sheep: A Rise of Three Kingdoms AAR

  10. #130
    Seether's Avatar RoTK Workhorse
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    Default Re: Seether's Gameplay Notes

    Member of the Imperial House of Hader - Under the Benevolent Patronage of y2day
    A Wolf Among Sheep: A Rise of Three Kingdoms AAR

  11. #131
    Seether's Avatar RoTK Workhorse
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    Default Re: Seether's Gameplay Notes

    Everything for the 1.6 Patch has been given to Gigantus. He will look it over, make his tweaks, and then make the installer. Once that is done, the link to download will be posted. As promised, v1.6 is coming very soon!
    Member of the Imperial House of Hader - Under the Benevolent Patronage of y2day
    A Wolf Among Sheep: A Rise of Three Kingdoms AAR

  12. #132

    Default Re: Seether's Gameplay Notes

    Awesome! Thanks to all of you, it is one of the greatest mod if not THE greatest mod of M2TW (Stainless Steel is quite good, hard to tell who's best for me ) !!

  13. #133

    Default Re: Seether's Gameplay Notes

    whats the ETA

  14. #134
    Seether's Avatar RoTK Workhorse
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    Default Re: Seether's Gameplay Notes

    Not sure, could be today or tomorrow. We are currently squashing minor errors and compiling.
    Member of the Imperial House of Hader - Under the Benevolent Patronage of y2day
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  15. #135
    Seether's Avatar RoTK Workhorse
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    Default Re: Seether's Gameplay Notes

    In case you hadn't noticed yet, version 1.6 is available for download.

    I would recommend, before starting your new campaign, apply the unofficial hotfix found here.
    Last edited by Seether; June 22, 2018 at 08:31 AM.
    Member of the Imperial House of Hader - Under the Benevolent Patronage of y2day
    A Wolf Among Sheep: A Rise of Three Kingdoms AAR

  16. #136

    Default Re: Seether's Gameplay Notes


    1. Historically, it was tough to breed horses in the Southland. Eastern Wu and Southern Song were famous for their lack of cavalry. To properly reflect this, buildings in the Southland should either (1) not be able to recruit cavalry at all, or (2) only be able to recruit light cavalry, and not as much. The player would be incentivized to bribe captains with cavalry units or capture settlements north of the Yangtze, and recruit them there.

    2. Jingbei isn't mountainous enough. The reason that Eastern Wu was able to hold onto Jiangliang and the areas a little further north was because of the mountains cutting the region vertically.!4d112.122426

    There's Jiangling and there's Xiangyang, and there's Jingmen in between, flanked by mountains to the west, and by the Han river to the east. They call it 'the Gateway to Jingzhou'.

    I'm thinking that Maicheng should be like Jieting or Yuexi. The mountains to the left should be brought closer in, and Maicheng brought still closer to the Han river.

  17. #137
    Seether's Avatar RoTK Workhorse
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    Default Re: Seether's Gameplay Notes

    Previously we had regional recruitment, with Jiangdong and Jingzhou cavalry being of lesser quality than their northern brethren. However, regional recruitment was removed as it created huge issues with replenishment and pushing campaigns into different regions. In order to reduce recruitment of cavalry in the southlands, we can make use of hidden resources. Definitely something we could think about for the next update.

    The map is from the original ported mod, with a few changes made here and there. We've never really overhauled the map, in regards to geography, but that is definitely something we would like to do in a future version. Excellent suggestion about Jingbei!
    Member of the Imperial House of Hader - Under the Benevolent Patronage of y2day
    A Wolf Among Sheep: A Rise of Three Kingdoms AAR

  18. #138
    Seether's Avatar RoTK Workhorse
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    Default Re: Seether's Gameplay Notes

    Here's an unofficial hotfix for v1.6 . Unzip into your mods/Three_Kingdoms folder and overwrite.

    It fixes the missing captain portrait for Jiaozhou, corrects captain banner/portrait colors for a few factions, fixes the "dead" Nanyue Footmen, and some minor descr_strat changes. NOT savegame compatible.
    Member of the Imperial House of Hader - Under the Benevolent Patronage of y2day
    A Wolf Among Sheep: A Rise of Three Kingdoms AAR

  19. #139

    Default Re: Seether's Gameplay Notes

    The map is pretty close to being perfect. There's just three areas that could use improvement:

    1. As I've already mentioned, a mountainous Jingbei pivoting around Jingmen, with the added the detail that you can only go into Hanzhong from the Xiangyang side of Jingmen.

    2. The pass between Changan and Hongnong isn't actually a pass. You can walk around it. It needs to be closed up.

    3. Wudu and Yinping were surrounded by mountains and valleys. As they are right now, they're too vulnerable. I think the opening from Wudu into Liang should be closed up by either a pass or long and narrow inlets like the one from Yinping to Zitong. The entire area of Wudu should be like that.

    4. If a steppe faction is ever introduced, there should be passes along the Great Wall instead of openings. I'm also thinking that there shouldn't be any settlements in the steppe. It's not only unsightly, borderwise, but also unrealistic. Inner Mongolia was and is a desert. You could maybe surround a corner of the steppes with impassable terrain, so that it's always grey and difficult to pass through. And you could spawn periodic hordes that invade the passes from time to time, so that the player Cao Cao is forced to garrison some men along the wall instead of throwing them all at Shu and Wu.

    Additionally, the question of horses in the Southland wasn't just one of quality but of quantity.

    Even when the Southern Song held the lands between the Huai and the Yangtze, they could only spare horses for their officers.

    In other words, your general's bodyguard IS your cavalry. You can maybe bribe northern armies or invade a region temporarily to recruit cavalry. Or you could hire cavalry mercenaries in a few key locations like Moling or Wu, but they would definitely have lower replenishment rates.
    Last edited by Ostlich; June 22, 2018 at 09:27 AM.

  20. #140
    Seether's Avatar RoTK Workhorse
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    Default Re: Seether's Gameplay Notes

    The steppe settlements are meant to represent a much more abstract concept of the various 'barbarians' that fought, for and against, the Han during the Three Kingdoms era. Specifically, they are to give the player an avenue to subjugate them. Cao Cao did so against the Wuhuan, Sun Quan against the Shanyue, etc. While their "homelands" were much further outside the areas of the game map, we of course had to put them within the confines of the map. In order to have a region, you have to have a settlement in the region, so for those extra-Chinese regions to exist we have to have a settlement in them. There are different things we could do, like have scripted periodic invasions, but it'll have to be looked at how we could do so in a realistic manner, while still focusing on game balance.

    In regard to the cavalry issue, after I wrote about quality, I was saying that we could have hidden resources that restrict the quantity in specific regions. As an example, if recruiting in Jingzhou, replenishment/availability would only be 1/2 of what it normally is. It can be anything really; 1/4, 1/5, 1/3, or whatever. I don't want to remove non-bodyguard cavalry recruitment altogether in those regions, so a reduction in quantity is certainly a possibility. I actually really like the idea of restricting quantity in the southlands, specifically I'm thinking of Jiangdong, Jingbei, Jingnan, Jiaozhou, and Yizhou. Having some non-barbarian cavalry mercenaries would also be a feasible idea.
    Last edited by Seether; June 22, 2018 at 09:50 AM.
    Member of the Imperial House of Hader - Under the Benevolent Patronage of y2day
    A Wolf Among Sheep: A Rise of Three Kingdoms AAR

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