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Thread: Massalia Tales

  1. #1

    Default Massalia Tales

    For those of you that havent seen this series, I would like to bring to your attention a "lets play" Massilian campaign based on DEI.

    I have included a link to Part One
    I hope you will support this guy as its one of the most original Lets Play series I have encountered to date.

    If I have placed this post in the wrong place, please feel free to move it
    Semi-Retired RTR Developer and Researcher
    Dont get into a fight if there is nothing to win

  2. #2

    Default Re: Massalia Tales

    There was a thread about this series a while ago, but that was even before 1.0 and that thread is probably hidden at least a few pages deep in the forum.

    It's certainly one of the most interesting Let's Play series I've seen. He's still using DeI version 0.96 of course, but I'm not sure if it would be possible to record battles in the same way with 1.0, since there seems to be a bug recording replays after version 1.0. You'd probably have to record the battles as you play them, which is not the best solution, I think.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Texas, USA

    Default Re: Massalia Tales

    I followed his series from the beginning, with his comments and videos, love it. He makes you feel that you are there following history as it is being made. If you have not seen this series which is on going, make sure and try it, you will be a follower also of this GREAT series. He actually playing his game so you never know for sure what hand will be dealt as in real life. (PS, his using DEI mod of course)

  4. #4
    boblikesoup's Avatar Civis
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    San Francisco/San Diego

    Default Re: Massalia Tales

    Watching it. Best Total War Let's Play I've ever seen. How do I +rep you?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Massalia Tales

    The green plus button, right next the report button

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    on a comfy elephant

    Default Re: Massalia Tales

    Yes have followed since episode 1. I hope he will make another one after this. It's the best type of lets play. So immersive.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Massalia Tales

    Great series!!Thanks for posting this,I didn't know that there was such a nice let's play.Hope he will make another one after massalia
    Last edited by Gaius Loupus; March 21, 2015 at 04:26 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    Default Re: Massalia Tales

    Nice to see this Lets play commented here in the forums, one of my favorites... it's a Narrative let's play. Only one I've seen that's close to his, is a series made by BatbaileyS called Le courreaux de Sauron... but BatbaileyS's isn't a real Let's play but a sort of role play tale where he actually plays a battle (multiplayer) each episode and narrates the connections between them. Both are top notch for me.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Massalia Tales

    It is most excellent!

  10. #10

    Default Re: Massalia Tales

    Thanks for the +rep guys but I think the guys who made DEI and the guy making the series deserve it far more than I do. Im not even sure if he has a profile on here. I will probably watch the series and then download DEI. (I wont do it yet as it will distract me from my current Boii campaign which Im thoroughly enjoying).
    Semi-Retired RTR Developer and Researcher
    Dont get into a fight if there is nothing to win

  11. #11

    Default Re: Massalia Tales

    Quote Originally Posted by Clearchus of Sparta View Post
    Thanks for the +rep guys but I think the guys who made DEI and the guy making the series deserve it far more than I do. Im not even sure if he has a profile on here. I will probably watch the series and then download DEI. (I wont do it yet as it will distract me from my current Boii campaign which Im thoroughly enjoying).
    The guy behind the series does have an account here, and in fact replied to another DEI thread about his work, I just don't recall his forum name (Officially_Devin, perhaps, or something around these lines).

  12. #12
    airborne guy's Avatar Domesticus
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    Default Re: Massalia Tales

    This guy is a frickin genius. Love it so far!!!!

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