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Forum: Total War: Rome II Hosted Modifications

Find all Hosted Modifications for Total War: Rome II here.

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  1. A visual enhancement project to make campaign characters change appearance based on age, rank and season for recent Total War titles.

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 8
    • Posts: 371
  2. Travel back a thousand years before the rise of Rome into the Age of Bronze, a time of staggering monuments and resplendent god-kings, a time when the mighty Egyptian New Kingdom clashed with the Hittite Empire, and the lands of the near-east shook with the thunder of chariot wheels.

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 65
    • Posts: 3,828
  3. Authentic Ancient World is a new project which aims to preserve and carry forward the legacy of Roma Surrectum II. It is a total conversion modificaton focusing on the era of 217 BC.

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 11
    • Posts: 1,118
  4. Conflictus Antiquarum Culturarum is a historical focused mod with realistic changes to the basic game based on historical sources and archeological findings. It includes extensive changes to the basic game to improve campaign and battle gameplay. The mod will give the player a more diverse and less predictable experience, while trying to increase the overall pleasure of playing Rome 2 Total War.

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 81
    • Posts: 1,257
  5. A completely new scenario set in the year 311 A.D. Split into four parts, the Roman Empire is in turmoil. Out of the chaos will emerge a new religion, Christianity, and a sole Augustus, Constantine the Great. Play as one of four Roman Emperors, the Sassanian Empire, various Germanic tribes and others. Includes new religions, historical units and many other changes.

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 80
    • Posts: 2,027
  6. Culture Identity - is a complete reskin for all unit rosters depending on the faction history, culture and ethnic aspects. The main goal is to make every faction have a unique and historically accurate look, tactics and battle style.

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 24
    • Posts: 399
  7. Divide et Impera is a total overhaul of Rome 2 that seeks to provide a challenging, historically accurate, realistic experience of the ancient world and warfare.

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 8,883
    • Posts: 163,717
  8. Eras of Rome is a mod series that will focus on different points in Roman history. The time frame spans from the beginnings of the Republic to the Empire in crisis.

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 21
    • Posts: 309
  9. GEM - Graphics Enhancement Mod is a new shader collection (GEM) and a new injector (GEMFX) I implemented which also utilizes the SweetFX shader stack and is inspired by SweetFX/Enbseries to improve the look of TW-Games..

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 102
    • Posts: 9,805
  10. Complete reworks of the Wrath of Sparta DLC that bring new conflicts to life. A forum for the "Last Stand of Greece" and "Demetrios Poliorketes" mods.

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 8
    • Posts: 107
  11. Hellenika is a total overhaul of the Wrath of Sparta campaign. It combines stunning and historical visuals with never before seen campaign mechanics. The battles, recruitment, units, ui and more has been redone for both Greeks and Persians with astonishing detail. Thanks to a dedicated team this mod will give you a new and great experience.

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 92
    • Posts: 3,013
  12. Converts Baktria into the Chinese Empire

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 3
    • Posts: 22
  13. Units based of historical sources, new models & textures.

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 25
    • Posts: 997
  14. Lines of Battle is an overhaul modification for Rome II with a focus on tactical game play and historical authenticity. Boasting reworked combat and campaign mechanics, as well as completely redone factions, Lines of Battle seeks to make Rome II into the experience it deserves!

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 13
    • Posts: 543
  15. This is a major overhaul for Rome 2 transforming it to the Medieval era being the first of it's kind. It will add a lot of new units, models, textures as well as groundbreaking advances in modeling such as new deployables and siege weapons and animations. It will also attempt to introduce new mechanics more appropriate to the era. The geopolitical landscape will be greatly changed as well.

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 61
    • Posts: 1,540
  16. This mod breathes new life into Rome 2 adding a population and manpower mechanic that impacts both recruitment and economy to create a more challenging and in depth experience. Play the game Rome 2 should have been.

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 15
    • Posts: 269
  17. A global mod for TW: Rome II that improves almost all aspects of the game

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 8
    • Posts: 147
  18. Successor to Rome: Total Realism for RTW and dedicated to the mod that will make TW:R2 more realistic with unique features, stunning graphics, and in depth history to give the player an amazing experience.

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 152
    • Posts: 3,021
  19. A complete overhaul of each faction's unit roster, this mod adds hundreds of new units, makes changes to existing ones and does so with the aim of improving variety, gameplay and historical accuracy.

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 94
    • Posts: 1,028
  20. An all-inclusive, comprehensive overhaul of Total War: Rome II. Battle AI and Campaign AI have been completely overhauled in a number of ways, that aim to provide a more immersive, enjoyable, and challenging TWR2 experience. Game play and Balance are the first and foremost priorities.

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 39
    • Posts: 1,717
  21. Spartacus Rises takes place in the early 70s B.C. Rome has expanded way beyond the Peninsular of Italy and really feeling tension, biting off more than they could chew. Spartacus and Sertorius, as well as the Berber Kingdoms and Numidia rise against Rome.

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 8
    • Posts: 66
  22. Vae Victis is working hard to give every faction great and small the most historical unit roster possible. This overhaul has rebuilt all unit and equipment stats, overhauled battle and campaign mechanics, and much more. Our vision focuses on realism and historical accuracy. (formerly released as Magnar Mod)

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 249
    • Posts: 5,476

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