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Thread: Multiple installations of a mod (with different submods):

  1. #1
    Emperor of Hell's Avatar SPA-NED 1-5
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    Jul 2011

    Default Multiple installations of a mod (with different submods):

    Hi there

    Here I'll explain in a few easy steps how to have multiple installs of any mod (with submod) at the same time. The first tutorial is if you have a vanilla (No submods installed) install of your mod. The second tutorial at the bottom is for if you already have a submod installed. In this tutorial I use Third Age Total War with some different submods as example.

    Instructions for a second install (no submod installed yet):
    In this tutorial I want (for example) a vanilla install of TATW and one with Baron Samedi's Gameplay Enhancing Submod Compilation
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Step 1:
    First you'll have to make a copy of your vanilla Third Age total war folder

    You can probably find it in "C://Program Files/SEGA/Medieval II Total War/mods" or if you use vista or windows 7 in "C://Program Files (x86)/SEGA/Medieval II Total War/mods"

    Rename the newly created folder "Third_Age_3 - Copy" to "Third_Age_3_BS" (It's just an example, you can rename it whatever you want but then it should be the same in the next steps. The name should not contain spaces). Install Baron Samedi's Gameplay Enhancing Submod Compilation in the Third_Age_3_BS folder. He has an installer so you should point it to the Third_Age_3_BS folder instead of the original Third_Age_3 folder.

    Step 2: The second step is editing the necessary shortcuts, .cfg files and .bat files.

    • Open the Third Age.bat (it is probably named different depending on the mod you use but it should always be a .bat file) in the Third_Age_3_BS folder with notepad. You will see this:
      cd ..\..
      start kingdoms.exe @mods\Third_Age_3\TATW.cfg
      (Again, just an example it may differ a bit from your version)
      Change it to this:
      cd ..\..
      start kingdoms.exe @mods\Third_Age_3_BS\TATW.cfg
      Save and close the file.
    • After you edited the .bat file open TATW.cfg (Again, not necessarily called TATW.cfg but it should be a .cfg file) with notepad. You will see this :

      editor = true
      mod = mods/Third_Age_3
      file_first = true
      to = logs/system.log.txt
      level = * trace
      ;level = * error
      ;windowed        = true
      ;movies            = false
      show_banners = 0
      show_hud_date    = true
      ;bypass_sprite_script = 1
      ;rebuild_geography_db = true
      unlimited_men_on_battlefield = 1
      no_campaign_battle_time_limit = 0
      unit_size = huge
      advisor_verbosity = 0
      ;event_cutscenes = 0
      ## comment/uncomment following line to disable/enable hotseat campaign
      # playable        = true
      ## faction mask for setting default starting factions in hotseat campaign
      # factions        = 1 # = england, 2 = france, 4 = hre, 3 = england+france, etc
      ## disable start turn scroll in hotseat campaign
      # scroll    = false
      ## disable forced separate human faction turns (including diplomacy) in hotseat campaign
      # turns    = false
      ## enable cheat console in hotseat campaign.
      # disable_console            = false
      ## specify password for administrator access to the dev console when console disabled. Change 'password' to a suitable password
      # admin_password            = password
      ## enable camera updates during ai turn in hotseat campaign
      # update_ai_camera        = true
      ## enable voting in papal elections in hotseat campaign (only first valid human faction votes)
      # disable_papal_elections    = false
      ## disable forced autoresolve all battles in hotseat campaign
      # autoresolve_battles        = false
      ## disable diplomacy validation for incoming propositions
      # validate_diplomacy        = false
      ## disable forced relevant hotseat options to be saved with game.
      save_prefs            = true
      ## autosave hotseat game at start of players turn
      # autosave                = true
      ## save config file in save dir containing information about next players turn
      save_config            = true
      ## close medieval II directly after a hotseat autosave
      # close_after_save        = true
      ## sub directory name for hotseat save games
      # gamename                = hotseat_gamename
      ## ensure game data files used in previous save match current campaign data files.
      # validate_data            = true
      ## prevent game to load if savegame or data validations fail
      # allow_validation_failures    = false
      ## specify the name of the save game to automatically load when Medieval II is launched
      # bypass_to_strategy_save    = game_name.sav
      (Do I have to say it again? It can differ depending on what mod you use)
      Change it to:

      editor = true
      mod = mods/Third_Age_3_BS
      file_first = true
      to = logs/system.log.txt
      level = * trace
      ;level = * error
      ;windowed        = true
      ;movies            = false
      show_banners = 0
      show_hud_date    = true
      ;bypass_sprite_script = 1
      ;rebuild_geography_db = true
      unlimited_men_on_battlefield = 1
      no_campaign_battle_time_limit = 0
      unit_size = huge
      advisor_verbosity = 0
      ;event_cutscenes = 0
      ## comment/uncomment following line to disable/enable hotseat campaign
      # playable        = true
      ## faction mask for setting default starting factions in hotseat campaign
      # factions        = 1 # = england, 2 = france, 4 = hre, 3 = england+france, etc
      ## disable start turn scroll in hotseat campaign
      # scroll    = false
      ## disable forced separate human faction turns (including diplomacy) in hotseat campaign
      # turns    = false
      ## enable cheat console in hotseat campaign.
      # disable_console            = false
      ## specify password for administrator access to the dev console when console disabled. Change 'password' to a suitable password
      # admin_password            = password
      ## enable camera updates during ai turn in hotseat campaign
      # update_ai_camera        = true
      ## enable voting in papal elections in hotseat campaign (only first valid human faction votes)
      # disable_papal_elections    = false
      ## disable forced autoresolve all battles in hotseat campaign
      # autoresolve_battles        = false
      ## disable diplomacy validation for incoming propositions
      # validate_diplomacy        = false
      ## disable forced relevant hotseat options to be saved with game.
      save_prefs            = true
      ## autosave hotseat game at start of players turn
      # autosave                = true
      ## save config file in save dir containing information about next players turn
      save_config            = true
      ## close medieval II directly after a hotseat autosave
      # close_after_save        = true
      ## sub directory name for hotseat save games
      # gamename                = hotseat_gamename
      ## ensure game data files used in previous save match current campaign data files.
      # validate_data            = true
      ## prevent game to load if savegame or data validations fail
      # allow_validation_failures    = false
      ## specify the name of the save game to automatically load when Medieval II is launched
      # bypass_to_strategy_save    = game_name.sav
      Again, save and close the file.
    • The last step is making a new shortcut. It is not necessary but I think most people like it. Click on the Third Age.bat (In the Third_Age_3_BS folder) and select "send to--> desktop (create shortcut)" (like in the pic):
      Spoiler for picture
    • If you are using Windows 7 or Vista you might get problems with not being able to save Third Age.bat or TATW.cfg. For fixing such problems try this guide:

    Instructions for if you have already installed a submod: These are instructions for if you have already a submod installed. It's not harder, just takes a bit longer.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    In this example I already have installed Baron Samedi's Gameplay Enhancing Submod Compilation in my Third_Age_3 folder and I want a second install with FRoGS (Forgotten Realms of Gathered Submods, another Third Age TW submod).

    Step 1:
    First rename your Third_Age_3 folder to "Third_Age_3_BS" (It's just an example, you can rename it whatever you want but then it should be the same in the next steps. The name can not contain spaces).

    You can probably find it in "C://Program Files/SEGA/Medieval II Total War/mods" or if you use vista or windows 7 in "C://Program Files (x86)/SEGA/Medieval II Total War/mods"

    Then make a reinstall of Third Age total war.

    Install FRoGS in that new install of Third Age total war.

    Step 2: The second step is editing the necessary shortcuts, .cfg files and .bat files.

    • Open the Third Age.bat (it is probably named different depending on the mod you use but it should always be a .bat file) in the Third_Age_3_BS folder with notepad. You will see this:
      cd ..\..
      start kingdoms.exe @mods\Third_Age_3\TATW.cfg
      (Again, just an example it may differ a bit from your version)
      Change it to this:
      cd ..\..
      start kingdoms.exe @mods\Third_Age_3_BS\TATW.cfg
      Save and close the file.
    • After you edited the .bat file open TATW.cfg (Again, not necessarily called TATW.cfg but it should be a .cfg file) with notepad. You will see this :

      editor = true
      mod = mods/Third_Age_3
      file_first = true
      to = logs/system.log.txt
      level = * trace
      ;level = * error
      ;windowed        = true
      ;movies            = false
      show_banners = 0
      show_hud_date    = true
      ;bypass_sprite_script = 1
      ;rebuild_geography_db = true
      unlimited_men_on_battlefield = 1
      no_campaign_battle_time_limit = 0
      unit_size = huge
      advisor_verbosity = 0
      ;event_cutscenes = 0
      ## comment/uncomment following line to disable/enable hotseat campaign
      # playable        = true
      ## faction mask for setting default starting factions in hotseat campaign
      # factions        = 1 # = england, 2 = france, 4 = hre, 3 = england+france, etc
      ## disable start turn scroll in hotseat campaign
      # scroll    = false
      ## disable forced separate human faction turns (including diplomacy) in hotseat campaign
      # turns    = false
      ## enable cheat console in hotseat campaign.
      # disable_console            = false
      ## specify password for administrator access to the dev console when console disabled. Change 'password' to a suitable password
      # admin_password            = password
      ## enable camera updates during ai turn in hotseat campaign
      # update_ai_camera        = true
      ## enable voting in papal elections in hotseat campaign (only first valid human faction votes)
      # disable_papal_elections    = false
      ## disable forced autoresolve all battles in hotseat campaign
      # autoresolve_battles        = false
      ## disable diplomacy validation for incoming propositions
      # validate_diplomacy        = false
      ## disable forced relevant hotseat options to be saved with game.
      save_prefs            = true
      ## autosave hotseat game at start of players turn
      # autosave                = true
      ## save config file in save dir containing information about next players turn
      save_config            = true
      ## close medieval II directly after a hotseat autosave
      # close_after_save        = true
      ## sub directory name for hotseat save games
      # gamename                = hotseat_gamename
      ## ensure game data files used in previous save match current campaign data files.
      # validate_data            = true
      ## prevent game to load if savegame or data validations fail
      # allow_validation_failures    = false
      ## specify the name of the save game to automatically load when Medieval II is launched
      # bypass_to_strategy_save    = game_name.sav
      (Do I have to say it again? It can differ depending on what mod you use)
      Change it to:

      editor = true
      mod = mods/Third_Age_3_BS
      file_first = true
      to = logs/system.log.txt
      level = * trace
      ;level = * error
      ;windowed        = true
      ;movies            = false
      show_banners = 0
      show_hud_date    = true
      ;bypass_sprite_script = 1
      ;rebuild_geography_db = true
      unlimited_men_on_battlefield = 1
      no_campaign_battle_time_limit = 0
      unit_size = huge
      advisor_verbosity = 0
      ;event_cutscenes = 0
      ## comment/uncomment following line to disable/enable hotseat campaign
      # playable        = true
      ## faction mask for setting default starting factions in hotseat campaign
      # factions        = 1 # = england, 2 = france, 4 = hre, 3 = england+france, etc
      ## disable start turn scroll in hotseat campaign
      # scroll    = false
      ## disable forced separate human faction turns (including diplomacy) in hotseat campaign
      # turns    = false
      ## enable cheat console in hotseat campaign.
      # disable_console            = false
      ## specify password for administrator access to the dev console when console disabled. Change 'password' to a suitable password
      # admin_password            = password
      ## enable camera updates during ai turn in hotseat campaign
      # update_ai_camera        = true
      ## enable voting in papal elections in hotseat campaign (only first valid human faction votes)
      # disable_papal_elections    = false
      ## disable forced autoresolve all battles in hotseat campaign
      # autoresolve_battles        = false
      ## disable diplomacy validation for incoming propositions
      # validate_diplomacy        = false
      ## disable forced relevant hotseat options to be saved with game.
      save_prefs            = true
      ## autosave hotseat game at start of players turn
      # autosave                = true
      ## save config file in save dir containing information about next players turn
      save_config            = true
      ## close medieval II directly after a hotseat autosave
      # close_after_save        = true
      ## sub directory name for hotseat save games
      # gamename                = hotseat_gamename
      ## ensure game data files used in previous save match current campaign data files.
      # validate_data            = true
      ## prevent game to load if savegame or data validations fail
      # allow_validation_failures    = false
      ## specify the name of the save game to automatically load when Medieval II is launched
      # bypass_to_strategy_save    = game_name.sav
      Again, save and close the file.
    • The last step is making a new shortcut. It is not necessary but I think most people like it. Click on the Third Age.bat (In the Third_Age_3_BS folder) and select "send to--> desktop (create shortcut)" (like in the pic):
      Spoiler for picture
    • If you are using Windows 7 or Vista you might get problems with not being able to save Third Age.bat or TATW.cfg. For fixing such problems try this guide:


    • Added info about folder names and spaces (thanks to araval)
    • Added english pic (thanks to david93)
    • Added info about Windows 7/Vista problems (thanks to Stealthfox)

    I hope this is a useful tutorial. Please report spelling errors, etc. Also other feedback is appreciated.
    Last edited by Emperor of Hell; November 09, 2012 at 10:27 AM. Reason: title edited for clarification\simplification

  2. #2
    King William the Conqueror's Avatar Campidoctor
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    Default Re: How to have multiple installations of a mod (with different submods):

    Very useful tutorial. It might be better suited for the tutorial misc section though.
    I hold the blitz record for Medieval II (106 region in 7 turns) set in January 2024.

    Check out my Youtube Channel: CosmicConqueror
    Proud Member of TWC since 2011!

  3. #3
    irishron's Avatar Cura Palatii
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    Default Re: How to have multiple installations of a mod (with different submods):

    Moved from Tech to Workshop/Misceelaneous

  4. #4
    Gigantus's Avatar I am not special - I am a limited edition.
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    Default Re: How to have multiple installations of a mod (with different submods):

    Kicked it one further to the tutorial section.

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