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Thread: Released! End of Days. (Download here)

  1. #1
    Halie Satanus's Avatar Emperor of ice cream
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    Default Released! End of Days. (Download here)

    Halie Satanus and Makanyane
    are proud to announce the release of
    End of Days
    A modification for BI 1.6

    Chronicling the rise of the Satanic nation of Magog, End of Days will transport you into an alternative history of darkness and evil. There are seven playable factions including; the Kingdom of Albion, the Nation of Islam, Francia, Germanicae, the Shambhala (Buddhist warrior monks), Hispania and the Satanae. The action starts in 666ad as the Dark Lords begin to gather their forces to bring darkness to the world and pave the way for the Anti-Christ.

    End of Days is a full conversion mod for BI 1.6 contained within its own mod-folder - so vanilla BI and any other mod-folder only mods remain playable.


    The eight main factions, pagan rebels and mercenaries all have complete sets of new units and all units have sprites. Graphical interface, map and texts are re-worked to give you an altogether 'darker' feel!.

    The campaign map is loosely based on vanilla but has extra territories at strategic points and an extension to the east to provide a base for the Shambhala. Their are five religions, Christianity, Islam, Satanic, Buddhist & Pagan; the AI now automatically converts captured settlements to the correct religion for the occupying faction
    (and so do you, so prepare for a little religious unrest!).


    There are almost no rebel ships so factions have much more freedom to attack by sea, this means we can almost guarantee that you will have full stack enemies landing on your shores!. From experience during play testing the mod we have found that with the reduced number of factions the AI performs much better than in vanilla games. Expect the unexpected!!.

    Now available from The Mod Database.
    Version 1.01
    Version 1.01 on Megaupload:

    End of Days v1.0
    New DL link at filemonster

    Patch v1.01: (patch is not included in v1.0 download) see here for details
    Patch on filemonster

    See also this post for attached file to give sprites for rebel factions - NB: this is non-critical and optional addition, will be included in future patch.

    INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS, SUMMARY: (please also read the EOD READ ME.txt in download)

    Modification must be installed over an unmodified copy of the Rome - Total War, Barbarian Invasion expansion patched to version 1.6. Please see additional instructions here if you already have another mod-folder mod installed.

    TO INSTALL: You MUST make a COPY of the entire BI folder within the Rome - Total War directory, do this using the copy and paste commands, so you end up with a folder named 'bi' and a folder named 'Copy of bi'

    Re-name the folder called 'Copy of bi' to 'eod' (without the quotation marks)
    Drag the eod folder into the bi folder so the file path to it is now:
    Rome - Total War/bi/eod

    Launch the installer and browse to direct it to the Rome - Total War directory where you have just carried out these operations. Path in installer should look like:
    C:\program files\activision\Rome - Total War
    or your equivalent (do not include \bi in the file path), run installer.

    Download the file for patch v1.01 and launch installer for that, install to same directory you used above.

    To play game make new shortcut to BI.exe and add space-mod:bi/eod space-show_err to the target line, so your target line looks similar to:
    "C:\program files\activision\Rome - Total War\RomeTW-BI.exe" -mod:bi/eod -show_err




    Please do not be put off and think game will remain easy - it won't. Factions are initially widely spaced and the rebels relatively docile, this allows the player some years of expansion before the large battles commence. Use this time wisely to enhance your economy and military might, you'll need both later.

    Recommended settings for game are difficulty levels of 'Possessed' for both campaign and battle settings, unless you're feeling brave and fancy 'Pandemonium' - also use large unit size (set in video options - advanced)


    Modification by:
    Halie Satanus (Satanea Juda) - mod concept, 3D and 2D artwork, descriptions etc.
    Makanyane - coding
    Shogo - Contributed the units from his unreleased mod The Crescent and the Cross. Massive thanks to Brother Shogo for his kindness.

    With Thanks:
    To HorseArcher for his skymod which is included in this modification.
    To Epistolary Richard for his Year Jump Mod, a slightly modified version of which is included.

    To Ramon Gonzales y Garcia for permission to use eastern extension of map, which is from:
    IBFD 6 map,
    based on the celt's BILarge,
    heavily modified by Ramon Gonzales y Garcia, Mylae, Goth -
    includes modified portions of Arbaces' AODTW2 map

    To modders, tool providers and tutorial writers on TWC and ORG websites for tools, information, general help and assistance and unending support,including but not limited to;
    Alpaca, Darth Vader, Dol Guldur, Hellas1, Myddraal, Nikolai1962, Patwest, Publius, Spirit of Rob, Tamur, Vercingetorix, Caius Britannicus.
    And all the members of TWC and .ORG who have supported the mod.

    To our beta testers, especially: Draugdur, Bizspy and Killerxguy.

    To Creative Assembly for creating Rome - Total War and Barbarian Invasion and allowing us to modify it.


    Permission is likely to be given for use of elements of this mod in other modifications. Please take reasonable steps to contact
    Halie Satanus: kierlm68'at'
    or, Makanyane: mak'at'
    before using any elements, if neither are contactable you may assume elements are free to use.

    Please provide suitable credits if any elements are used in other publically released modifications. Please do not use the eastern extension to the map without consulting it's creators.

    Disclaimer; EOD is a game modification which deals with fantasy based satanic and religious iconography and doctrine. Hailie satanus and Makanyane wish it to be known that no offence is intended to any persons religious or cultural beliefs.
    Last edited by Halie Satanus; June 29, 2012 at 04:07 PM. Reason: Scratched old links..

  2. #2

    Default Re: Released! End of Days.

    Downloading in process. Looks awesome and expect nothing below magnificient. Can't wait to play it!!!

  3. #3
    spirit_of_rob's Avatar The force is my ally
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    Default Re: Released! End of Days.

    Congrats Halie looks like you would have won that bet had i been so foolish as to have taken it
    Former Skinner/Modeller for EB Former Skinner/Modeller for Hegemonia

    Patrician Opifex under the patronage of Basileos Leandros I and patron of the Opifex Tone

  4. #4
    MasterOfNone's Avatar RTW Modder 2004-2015
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    Default Re: Released! End of Days.

    Congrats...and well done!

    The only thing that I'm hesistant about looks a bit scary. Is it? J/K

    Can't wait to take a peek!
    "One of the most sophisticated Total War mods ever developed..."
    The Fourth Age: Total War - The Dominion of Men

  5. #5
    Halie Satanus's Avatar Emperor of ice cream
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    Default Re: Released! End of Days.

    Thanks a lot guys, traffic is a bit slow but we hope it will pick up once the front page goes up.

    Is it scary?, well it has it's moments.

  6. #6
    Arbaces's Avatar Miles
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    Călăraşi, Romania.


    Ohoi! Looks exciting...

    I was watching the screens carefully while downloading. On the Marriage Celebration eventpic, why didn't you included a little bit more of it downwards... it rocks!... lol ...

    enough with spamming, download finished...!!
    Last edited by Perikles; February 20, 2007 at 09:34 AM. Reason: double post merged

  7. #7
    vikrant's Avatar The Messiah of innocence
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    Default Re: Released! End of Days.

    Under the Patronage of CHANDRASHEKHAR AZAD {prarara}
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    use report button to help us keep twc clean

  8. #8
    1942ertan's Avatar Foederatus
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    Default Re: Released! End of Days.

    Good work

    I download it now

  9. #9
    Soulghast's Avatar RAWR!
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    Default Re: Released! End of Days.

    Great work! Congratulations! Those UIs look really nice!
    Under the Patronage of Perikles
    Patron of Desperado † and Astaroth

    R.I.P Calvin

  10. #10
    DaVinci's Avatar TW Modder 2005-2016
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    Default Re: Released! End of Days.

    Ha, atm. i'm testing out every new mod i can get notice of and whenever i have a bit time, and yours seems as well a nice unique idea .

    Have downloaded from, and it performs good in my case, and i didn't know this server before, good thing.
    Btw., Filefront performs not at all for me, as well in our new 0.90 Chiv-download, it works only for a few quite good, it seems, at this time with new mod-uploads it has significant problems (all my older uploaded files there on Filefront perform a very good download though, must be the frequence on the new link(s) :hmmm: ) .

    Shouldn't be the next step of development a unique fantasy map? Maybe the idea of a parallel world of the timeframe you focus on? Just with the traces of the historical reality you have put in already with your world of a fantasy-early-medieval-darkness, what you've provided, but just a bit more expression with the map as well as basement for the actual campaign-design? Well, only my 2 cents without playing as yet ... see forward to this project.
    Last edited by DaVinci; February 19, 2007 at 09:46 AM.
    #Anthropocene #not just Global Warming but Global Disaster, NASA #Deforestation #Plastic Emission #The Blob #Uninhabitable Earth #Savest Place On Earth #AMOC #ICAN #MIT study "Falsehoods Win" #Engineers of Chaos
    #"there can be no doubt about it: the enemy stands on the Right!" 1922, by Joseph Wirth.
    Rightwingers, like in the past the epitome of incompetence, except for evilness where they own the mastership.
    Iirc., already 2013 i spoke of "Renaissance of Fascism", it was accurate.
    #"Humanity is in ‘final exam’ as to whether or not it qualifies for continuance in universe." Buckminster Fuller
    Any chance for this exam? Very low, the established Anthropocentrism destroys the basis of existence.
    #My Modding #The Witcher 3: Lore Friendly Tweaks (LFT)
    #End, A diary of the Third World War (A.-A. Guha, 1983) - now, it started on 24th February 2022.

  11. #11
    Halie Satanus's Avatar Emperor of ice cream
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    Default Re: Released! End of Days.

    Quote Originally Posted by DaVinci View Post
    Have downloaded from, and it performs good in my case, and i didn't know this server before, good thing.
    Btw., Filefront performs not at all for me, as well in our new 0.90 Chiv-download, it works only for a few quite good, it seems, at this time with new mod-uploads it has significant problems (all my older uploaded files there on Filefront perform a very good download though, must be the frequence on the new link(s) :hmmm: ) .
    That site does seem to be pretty good.

    Shouldn't be the next step of development a unique fantasy map? Maybe the idea of a parallel world of the timeframe you focus on? Just with the traces of the historical reality you have put in already with your world of a fantasy-early-medieval-darkness, what you've provided, but just a bit more expression with the map as well as basement for the actual campaign-design? Well, only my 2 cents without playing as yet ... see forward to this project.
    Well Makanyane is moving on to a home project and I'm taking a long break from modding, (i think), so no plans for at least a few months, then if the mod is doing well maybe we'll talk about taking it in another direction, Hmm maybe Vampyres vs FATW elves!! Or maybe just some kind of Vampyre total war.. Who knows....

  12. #12
    Agraes's Avatar Pillar of Prydein
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    Default Re: Released! End of Days.

    Congrats for your baby!

  13. #13
    Halie Satanus's Avatar Emperor of ice cream
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    Default Re: Released! End of Days.

    Hey!! Agraes, haha i love that movie. Cheers mate.

  14. #14
    Titus's Avatar Ordinarius
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    Default Re: Released! End of Days.

    Hey didn't see that this was released Oh well!! Downloading now!

  15. #15

    Default Re: Released! End of Days.

    Wow! (Runs off to reinstall RTW/BI)

  16. #16

    Default Re: Released! End of Days.

    Downloading now. Looks magnificent. I give it A+ on appearance and presentation
    Whoever gives nothing, has nothing. The greatest misfortune is not to be unloved, but not to love.
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  17. #17
    Giorgos's Avatar Deus Ex Machina
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    Default Re: Released! End of Days.

    yeah, it looks really good. downloading as we speak. certainly ahistorical but should be fun notheless! well done team!
    Last edited by Giorgos; February 20, 2007 at 01:28 PM.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Released! End of Days.

    Just in time. I was trying to decide today what mod to reinstall as I just finished a short campaign on RTR. Now I don't need to play something over. I can play something that may be a one of the greatest inovations in the total war community. Hope you don't prove me wrong on the last statement. I have been waiting a long time with the rest of twc for this release. THANKS for all your hard work Halie Satanus, Makanyane and the rest of your crew for keeping RTW alive.

  19. #19
    thoscme's Avatar Semisalis
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    Default Re: Released! End of Days.

    damn, this is worth to reinstall rtw/bi...
    to bad i dont have the disk space
    proud norwegian

  20. #20

    Default Re: Released! End of Days.

    Great mod, guys. Congratuletions!

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