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Thread: Azerbaijan-Armenia war over Nagorno Karabakh

  1. #1
    Papay's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Azerbaijan-Armenia war over Nagorno Karabakh

    Clashes have erupted between Armenian and Azerbaijani forces in the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region, with civilian deaths reported by both sides.

    Armenia said Azerbaijan had launched an air and artillery attack. It later declared martial law and total military mobilisation.

    Azerbaijan blamed Armenia and said it was responding to shelling along the whole front.

    The long-running conflict has flared up again in recent months.
    Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has pledged support for Azerbaijan, calling Armenia "the biggest threat to peace and tranquillity in the region."

    Russia's Foreign Ministry, meanwhile, called for an immediate ceasefire and talks to stabilise the situation.

    Both Armenia and Azerbaijan were part of the Soviet Union before its collapse in 1991.

    For four decades they have been stuck in an unresolved conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh, internationally recognised as part of Azerbaijan but controlled by ethnic Armenians.

    Border fighting in July killed at least 16 people, prompting the largest popular demonstration for years in the Azerbaijani capital Baku calling for full mobilisation and the recapture of the region.

    Turkey has close ties to Azerbaijan and does not have relations with Armenia because of a dispute over the mass killing of Armenians during the Ottoman era. Armenia says this was a genocide, but Turkey staunchly denies this.

    This has the potential of a conflict that would suck into Russia and Turkey. Lets hope is will de-escalate quickly

  2. #2

    Default Re: Azerbaijan-Armenia war over Nagorno Karabakh

    Azerbaijan and Turkey have been preparing for this attack for awhile now:

    Armenia has been ready for peace, but Azerbaijan has not been willing to take any steps for peace. In previous years there were many proposals to place gunfire locators on the border, alongside an increased presence of observers and the removal of snipers, which Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh approved, but Azerbaijan did not.

    There have been casualties on both sides. This has to stop now and the international community must do something to secure peace instead of making generic statements.
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  3. #3
    Vanoi's Avatar Dux Limitis

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    Default Re: Azerbaijan-Armenia war over Nagorno Karabakh

    This sounds like another skirmish than a war.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Azerbaijan-Armenia war over Nagorno Karabakh

    Quote Originally Posted by Drtad View Post

    Armenia has been ready for peace, but Azerbaijan has not been willing to take any steps for peace. In previous years there were many proposals to place gunfire locators on the border, alongside an increased presence of observers and the removal of snipers, which Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh approved, but Azerbaijan did not.
    You came to that conclusion by using armenian Sources?
    Last edited by Abdülmecid I; September 27, 2020 at 03:01 PM. Reason: Personal.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Azerbaijan-Armenia war over Nagorno Karabakh

    Quote Originally Posted by Nebaki View Post
    You came to that conclusion by using armenian Sources? What a well informed human being you are...
    ... and a Greek one

  6. #6
    conon394's Avatar hoi polloi
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    Default Re: Azerbaijan-Armenia war over Nagorno Karabakh

    This sounds like another skirmish than a war.
    Could be. But I had forgotten just complete the Armenia victory was back in the 90s. I can see maybe Azerbaijan looking for a round 2 if it thinks its balanced the scales military. But likely all roads lead to Putin.
    IN PATROCINIVM SVB Dromikaites

    'One day when I fly with my hands - up down the sky, like a bird'

    But if the cause be not good, the king himself hath a heavy reckoning to make, when all those legs and arms and heads, chopped off in battle, shall join together at the latter day and cry all 'We died at such a place; some swearing, some crying for surgeon, some upon their wives left poor behind them, some upon the debts they owe, some upon their children rawly left.

    Hyperides of Athens: We know, replied he, that Antipater is good, but we (the Demos of Athens) have no need of a master at present, even a good one.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Azerbaijan-Armenia war over Nagorno Karabakh

    If only Russia was too occupied with something else Although Azerbaijan seems to be more determined this time, may be Aliyev, for some reason, is sure that Russia won't interfere.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Azerbaijan-Armenia war over Nagorno Karabakh

    Quote Originally Posted by Nebaki View Post
    You came to that conclusion by using armenian Sources?
    What statement in that quote there would you like to refute? The one about the Chu amendment or the Royce-Engel accords for the placement of gunfire locators? Armenia has been advocating for those for years.
    Last edited by Abdülmecid I; September 27, 2020 at 03:01 PM. Reason: Continuity.
    Under the patronage of John I Tzimisces

  9. #9

    Default Re: Azerbaijan-Armenia war over Nagorno Karabakh

    Quote Originally Posted by Tureuki View Post
    Although Azerbaijan seems to be more determined this time, may be Aliyev, for some reason, is sure that Russia won't interfere.
    Well both Armies are consisting personel from Russian G.R.U - I don´t think that Azerbaijan will do anything with the Aliyev Clan on their neck.
    Quote Originally Posted by Chivalry View Post
    ... and a Greek one
    Im ignoring nowadays these kind of sources to not hurt my mind

    Quote Originally Posted by Papay View Post

    This has the potential of a conflict that would suck into Russia and Turkey.
    Well Russia is actually preparing for another Offensive in Syria-Idlib the inevitable is coming soon.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Azerbaijan-Armenia war over Nagorno Karabakh

    Azeri attacked north of Armenia (Tavush region and it is not Nagarno-Karabagh) in July 2020. They lost major general and colonel in first day of aggression back then, and yes, they are determined this time, already lost another colonel this time and have admitted it.

    This is not a skirmish, it is full-scale war. Azerbaijan lost 3 tanks, 3 helicopters, above 15 UAVs. Armenia officially lost more than 20 men dead.

    There numerous sources proving that Turkey transported around 4000 terrorists from Syria to Azerbaijan. 81 of them are killed.

    Azerbaijani website reports numerous losses
    "Dear brothers, we have lost their lives. Their number exceeds 410 people, the number of injured is growing."

    The first shots of the destroyed Azerbaijani equipment and manpower.
    Last edited by Vardano; September 27, 2020 at 10:52 PM. Reason: Disruptive.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Azerbaijan-Armenia war over Nagorno Karabakh

    Turkey didn't transferred any Syrians into Azerbaijan, that would be a dumb move anyway, it has zero logic behind. Some TFSA elements expressed their intent to go there, i guess they hoped Turkey would pave the way for it, but were denied, now anti-AZ/TR social media accounts and news sites are constantly on this speculation, trying to pass it as a confirmed fact to besmear the Az/Tr side.

    Az side destroyed at least 3 OSA air defence systems using Turkish made uavs, and a military convoy was hit. In return they got a convoy of theirs ambushed. several villages and Murov mountain was under Az control last time i checked, if they can protect whatever they can take till the conflict deescalates that is till a win, it would be miracle if they were allowed to go further in without an intervention.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Azerbaijan-Armenia war over Nagorno Karabakh

    Quote Originally Posted by Tureuki View Post
    Az side destroyed at least 3 OSA air defence systems using Turkish made uavs, and a military convoy was hit. In return they got a convoy of theirs ambushed. several villages and Murov mountain was under Az control last time i checked, if they can protect whatever they can take till the conflict deescalates that is till a win, it would be miracle if they were allowed to go further in without an intervention.
    Additional to that they also destroyed an Outpost/Barracks of armenian Army =


    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    In my Opinion the Azeri side is not lacking quality or quantity on their military equipment neither their personel - without any help from Russia i don´t think that armenian Military can hold the Ground - wonder what they are planning ones again

  13. #13

    Default Re: Azerbaijan-Armenia war over Nagorno Karabakh

    Azerbaijani side kinda lacks competent command and experience, former being related to high levels of Aliyevesque corruption. It gives old fashioned conventional army vibes, which is unfit for mountainous terrain, it took Turkey years to adapt itself to it. On a 1 vs 1 conflict with no interference, it would be a very costly victory for the Azerbaijan.

    Both sides rely on 18-20 years old conscripts, that is the most terrible part i think, it is not their job, everyone should have realized that by now. Conscripts should be the last possible option.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Azerbaijan-Armenia war over Nagorno Karabakh

    Quote Originally Posted by Tureuki View Post
    Azerbaijani side kinda lacks competent command and experience

    Quote Originally Posted by Tureuki View Post
    former being related to high levels of Aliyevesque corruption.
    We will see tomorrow if something has changed in that case already or not tomorrow. But they had already wiped out some serious equipment of armenia which they cannot replace so fast, probably to use their own Airforce on some CAS action. Besides that Azerbaijan is not lacking any resources or funds while Armenia still relies on foreign help and lobbyism of their diaspora around the World.

  15. #15
    Sir Adrian's Avatar the Imperishable
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    Default Re: Azerbaijan-Armenia war over Nagorno Karabakh

    Last time I checked Armenia had the backing of Russia.
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  16. #16
    B. W.'s Avatar Primicerius
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    Default Re: Azerbaijan-Armenia war over Nagorno Karabakh

    Hmmm, a Christian country sandwiched between two Muslim countries, with another ally to its north, which is backed by Russia, and the country on its west (Turkey) has between them and Armenia a lot of unhappy Kurds; not to mention the fact that Turkey is itching to flex its muscles.

    To add a little flavor to the mix, Turkey is not acting nice towards Greece, which although has a smaller military, also has an air force which brings some of the finest pilots of all the world's militaries.

    Hmm, could turn out to be another focal point for several militaries to test out their combat capabilities. Not good for Armenia and certainly not good for the region as a whole, but it is clear that a lot of "steam" has built up within the jihadist ranks and it has to go somewhere, especially since the US has/is pulling back from the region.

    It's difficult country, but it presents Russia with an ideal location to test out its new military machines and doctrine.

    In short, doesn't look like there will be a peaceful arrangement anytime soon. Too many bigger players involved.

  17. #17
    Beorn's Avatar Praepositus
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    Default Re: Azerbaijan-Armenia war over Nagorno Karabakh

    Hopefully this will de-escalate ASAP

    Re: The discussion who who started it, from the 2 parties involved only the Azeris have the motive to start a new full-scale war, as they would like to take back NG and are the more wealthy and better equipped nation this time.

  18. #18
    Alastor's Avatar Vicarius
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    Default Re: Azerbaijan-Armenia war over Nagorno Karabakh

    Well hopefully this won't escalate.

    If it does, I do wonder what the CSTO will have to say about it.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Azerbaijan-Armenia war over Nagorno Karabakh

    In July 2020, during Azeri attack on Tavush, Turkey's high military officials stated full support to Azerbaijan and added that "Armenia will pay for it."
    The only countries who have expressed full support to Armenia were Greece and Cyprus.

    Yesterday morning Turkey's TV channel TRT already were reporting from Nagarno Karabagh just minutes later after initial attack.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    According to the Flightradar24 website, unidentified aircraft were on duty at the Armenian-Turkish border throughout the day on September 27.
    According to the website, the objects flew in the area of ​​Mount Ararat, replacing each other. Apparently they were gathering intelligence information. Based on the flight path of one of these objects, it can be assumed that it took off from the Batman UAV base: UAVs from this air base also took part in strikes in Syria.
    It is characteristic that during the day the Turkish Air Force radio detection and guidance complex Boeing 737 AEW & C (4B829F) flew close to the Armenian-Turkish border.

    This and many other facts prove that Turkey is fully involved in this conflict. I'm not stating debatable facts, but Armenia's military officials reporting that Turkish F16 were among the planes which attacked Armenian positions.

    Since revolution in 2018 Armenia went up in all ranking concerned to free press, journalism, anti-corruption activity and Euro parament supports it. Yesterday Azerbaijan blocked all the internet in their country except of Twitter.

    This is not war against or over Nagarno Karabagh. This is war against Armenia, Armenians and Christianity. This is also civilizational conflict. Master manipulator and dictator Aliev make claims that capital city of Erevan is old Azerbaijani city and they we will return it too, to imagine how reckless and ruthless this man is, you must know that they have officially created football team in Azerbaijan and named it "Erevan". This is not a joke.
    The oldest Christian church in Erevan is Katoghike Tsiranavor Church of Avan and was built in 6th century AD.

    Worth to mention that US embassy in Armenia days before attack recommended its citizens to not visit Artsakh (Nagorno Karabagh) or any other regions which have borders with Azerbaijan.

    *I also updated link in my previous post. 18+ footage.
    Last edited by Vardano; September 27, 2020 at 11:48 PM.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Azerbaijan-Armenia war over Nagorno Karabakh

    It is also important to say that Russia-Armenia relations can be described rather as cold. The main reason of it that even Russia is official ally of Armenia it keep selling weapon to Azerbaijan. Of one of Russia's high military official said "It is just business. If we won't sell it, they will buy it somewhere else". Another country which sells weapon and even training Azeri officers to use UAVs is Israel.


    The elite Turkish special forces "Brigade Commandos" are preparing to be sent to Azerbaijan: zap:
    Sources of @wargonzo in Istanbul report that Turkey is going to use a special unit of regular troops in the operation on the Azerbaijani-Armenian front.
    Sources attribute this to the failure of the blitz-krieg of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces. After the entry into hostilities of the Turkish special forces, it will be possible to consider that the war will enter a fundamentally different political stage.
    Last edited by Vardano; September 28, 2020 at 12:15 AM.

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