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Thread: Two Sides For A Coin - a Ukita AAR - Updated November 7th

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    DeanE555's Avatar Libertus
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    Default Two Sides For A Coin - a Ukita AAR - Updated November 7th

    Two Sides For A Coin

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    Hi everyone! Welcome to my first attempt of a creative writing AAR

    The mod I shall be using for the Ukita would be the one from Hayabusa's Trilogy

    I planned to release it a bit earlier, but as I had it, life popped some hurdles in front of me and so I release it only now!

    Why a mod which changes the traditional timeline you ask?

    A) I see that most AARs here are about the classic Shogun 2 time period, I wanted to change that a bit for a more... "fresh" muse I would say...

    B)Never had the chance to play as the Ukita before in this mod so I thought it would be fun! I played almost every single clan in the vanilla version so many times with so many different mods I got bored of them...

    C)The Ukita is close to the vanilla starting factions, you wouldn't want me to start as the Oda in this mod and play without any challenge now would you? (That being said... A big war is planned with them!)

    So may you bear with me for a while and please post your feedbacks, no way is better at making the creation even better than listening to the people who read your creation

    Here we go! First episode is obviously... a prolouge! Based on the historical event where the Ukita betrayed their masters, the Urakami, during 1573:


    Two sides for a coin… My late father took great pleasure of repeating this sentence in my ears so many countless times as if to implement this thought deep in my mind, as to always assess the situation, to understand why one acts as he does and why the other opposes him, to figure out the wicked thoughts behind a certain good deed or the caring thoughts behind a certain bad deed.

    My father was a man of great honor, always ready to follow the righteous path even this meant his head will roll down the gallows. This sense of honor was not taught to him, nor could he learn it for ours was a low ranking Samurai family with almost no fortune. He was just born this way, a good and honorable person, a true Samurai as I see him to this day.

    Although the rank of a Samurai was that of our family, our lives were closer to those of the peasants. I myself worked the fields for a while before I departed on my way; the way I believed at the time was the best for my family…

    Another thought he made sure to implement in my mind was his sense of honor and duty as well, the most important of his ideologies being: "Son, whatever the consequence, a true Samurai will always take care of his family. Even if it is your own lord who orders you to hurt them in whatever way, you mustn't! It is your moral duty to always take care of your family without fearing whatever harms may befall you."

    Every night before I would go to bed he had told this sentence to me. I, usually in the state of half sleep at this time just nodded in agreement, at which point he would greet me for a good night and I would lie down and fade away to a world of endless dreams.

    Although our family were somewhat poor, my life had not been that terrible: a mattress of endless green always covered the ground during the summer, turning golden yellow in the autumn months and covered in beautiful white snow during the winter only to melt away and change to the scenery of green once more. There were miles of open field. During my younger days, me and the youngest of my sisters, Chihiro, would always look for adventure in the vast valley, returning only when my other younger sister, yet Chihiro's elder, Sakuya had called for dinner.

    After dinner my father would teach me what he could. Usually our classes were those of sword and spear fighting. Although a Samurai, my father himself barely could read, he could write only a few Kanji so for this reason our classes usually were not concerned with any sort of intellectual skills. But the few words he could write and the many moves he could teach… all of them he taught me deep and well, like any Samurai should teach his son.

    On one cold evening, instead of our lessons, my father asked me to sit down by the fire and began to speak:

    "Son, there is no way to tell what shall happen tomorrow. Your mother have already passed away and I'm afraid I must leave again soon… clouds of war are gathering and blocking Amaterasu-sama's wormth. I was called to arms, Munekage-dono once again requires my service and I will faithfully serve him as I did before. Tomorrow I will embark upon another journey, perhaps a last one and if so I must know that I have taught and given you everything I can."

    My father rose up and walked towards the darkened corners of the room, from there he returned with a small chest masterfully carved and beautifully painted. He sat down again and resumed:

    "We might not possess the wealth of the higher class Samurai but my gift for you is no less valuable from the sword crafted especially for the growing son from rich upbringing."

    My father reached for a pocket inside his sleeve. From it he pulled out a key, carved with great care like the chest itself. My father inserted the key into the lock and opened the chest. Inside laid two objects: A Tanto with a scabbard decorated similarly to the chest and an old Chinese coin.

    He reached for the knife and with motions which were not swift, yet not clumsy he gave me a haircut

    "You are a man from this day on Akimoto, This might not be a fancy ceremony but it matters just as one, if not even more, for they say "look inside the kettle". As a sign of your adulthood I hereby inherit to you our family's treasures: The knife has been forged right after the Genpei war where the first of our name, Senjin, was granted our family name, the Okikuyama, and this knife and chest as a proof of loyalty for the first Shogun and his family. The coin was found by the 5th of our name, Kinno as he was collecting the heads of the defeated Mongolian troops at Torikai-Gata. It is said that whoever of our family holds onto this coin, will never be harmed physically as long as it is presented near his body."

    "Loyalty and luck… It seems as if our family heads usually holds one but lacks the other. I wish that you shall never be cursed like that! But should you ever lose one of these traits… remember to hold onto the both of these items at all costs when that happens!"

    "Do you swear to keep our name safe and alive, even if this means abandoning all reason?"

    I had no choice but to reply: "Yes father"

    "Good, now hold your hand above this chest"

    I did as he requested. And then, without warning, he slashed the knife through the air, cutting a small cut in my palm in the process. As I was still shocked from the did and the sudden pain, my blood dripped into the chest without my notice. After the first dropped glazed inside the chest my father had began to talk again:

    "As of now, Okikuyama Akimoto, you are an adult and an official hair to the name of our family! Should I die, all of the family and its business will officially be yours"
    With that said he had cut his palm as well but glazed his running fountain of blood over the fire.

    "Goodbye son, I will miss you and will always love you, no matter what! Just remember!" His tone suddenly became more stiff and threatening as if he was a ruling tiger whose domain was interrupted by a young competitor "NEVER seek the help of your uncle Kiro, remember what I said before about the heads of our family and you shall understand"

    And with those words he went towards the door and left our house without a warning. I knew I can't follow him, yet I wish I could… no boy should be separated from his father like that, but I was no boy anymore at that time… I was a man and I had not known what adventures would anticipate me in the future…

    Pictures will be added to the next episode!

    Mods used: Hayabusa's trilogy (Tenka Fubu campaign), Late Geisha recruitment v1.1 [Sengoku], Costume General Skill Tree (Ikko Ikki Apllied)- no extra points either so no crazy hardened generals!

    Difficulty: Hard (battle as well) (will up it if I ever make another AAR) short campaign (as this is my first one I'd like to start with a shorter story)

    I planned on using Darthmod but for some reason I saw some posts in forums where players complain the game crashes and they cannot start it even of deleting the mod and uninstalling the game. I didn't want to take any risks but if anyone can aprove it is safe, It would be a great add-on for the game!

    Thank you and hope you enjoyed!


    This section shall be updated with every new part if it needs be
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    1st, 2nd... month- The japanese don't have names for the months of the year, they call them by their numirical order (I.e 3rd month=March 4th month=April...)

    Amaterasu- The sun goddess of Shinto religion, the most common religion of Japan, she has a somewhat similar position to that of Zeus or Jupiter

    Bokken- A practice sword made of wood in the shape of a Katana

    Dango- A japanese sweet: wikipedia

    Daimyo- The position of a clan's head or ruler in feudal Japan

    Hachiman- The god of war and archery of Shinto religion (equivelent of Ares or Mars) wikipedia. Bishamonten, which Shogun 2 tends to tell us about is a form of buddhist (not Shinto) god the warlord Uesugi Kenshin belived to be the war god (also his mon is meaning Bi, as the beginning of his god's name) wikipedia

    Gawa- River in japanese if it appears after a name it indicates a river (Takahashi-gawa = Takahashi river)

    Geisha- A japanese hostess of the higher class wikipedia

    Hai- Yes in japanese

    Ittadakimasu- Bon appetit or something of the sort in japanese

    Iye- No in japanese

    Jinmaku-Large paper sheets used to make a military encapacement during the pre-modern days of Japan (until the mid-end 19th centuary)

    Jou- Castle in japanese (although different kanji can read as mrs.) If it appears after a name it can indicate a castle (Osaka-jou = Osaka castle)

    Kyoto- Japan's capital up to 1869, residence of the Shogun and the emperor

    Matsuri- A japanese festival, usually happening at the end of a season (I think at least...). during those events it is common to light fireworks and beat the Taiko drums.

    Mon- A crest or emblem used to distinguish between clans, families, corporations, etc. wikipedia

    Nagamaki- A sort of a "longer katana" think of a combination of a Nodachi and a Naginata (according to wikipedia this is how it came be...)

    Oji-san- "old man" In Japanese

    Okayama- Castle-town of Bizen province

    Oyabun- The title of a Yakuza boss (sure There isn't Yakuza yet during the sengoku period, but the pronounfication seems right for our story)

    Sashimono- Japanese armor during the sengoku period was very varried even amongs an army. Soldiers used to carry around their clan's flag on their backs (the banner was used as a sort of "uniform"), using a bamboo pole to hold it in place wikipedia

    Tanto- A japanese knife, usually used in ceremonial suicides (Seppuku) wikipedia

    Taiko- A japanese drum.

    Taisho- Japanese for general, usually a given title to anyone in a very high (and commanding) position in any sort of organization.

    Tenshou era- The japanese divide the years by eras, Tenshou era started in 1573 and ended in 1592 with 1573 being 1st year of Tenshou era and so on

    Teppo- The word for the muskets brought by the portugese and later adopted by the Japanese.

    Tomoe- A bead made out of jade, resembeling a coma in shape. There are many Mons constructed from their shape, most notebly the Mitsudomoe

    Tono- The title of a feudal lord in japanese, usually applied to anyone who is high ranked in the feudal system

    Tsuba- The placeholder of the blade of the katana, seperating the blade and the hilt. picture

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Akira- One of uncle Kiro's lieutenants

    Fukubara Akiie- Akimoto's alias

    Kuchiba Nishikintoki- A commander of one of the clan's armies

    Muraichi Shougo- Akimoto's friend and partner during "jobs"

    Okikuyama Akimoto- The protagenist, The oldest of the siblings

    Okikuyama Chihiro- Akimoto's sister, The youngest of the siblings

    Okikuyama Kiro- Akimoto's uncle, gives home to the siblings and is the boss of his "organization"

    Okikuyama Sakuya- Akimoto's sister, in the middle of the sibling's age

    Sasaharu- One of Nishikintoki's lieutenants

    Ukita Naoie- The clan's Daimyo

    Yoshida- One of Nishikintoki's lieutenants

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 


    Sorry if the map is unclear, it was the best I could find. I included the place where I found it if you wish to zoom in. Our story starts in Bizen province (in the middle, a bit west to Kyoto). If any of you know about a better map which covers western and central Honshu I will be extremly grateful and will be using it here
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails japan_1573_1583.jpg  
    Last edited by DeanE555; November 07, 2015 at 09:04 PM.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Two Sides For A Coin - a Ukita AAR

    I really liked the start and the premise is really interesting as well, playing as a less known clan in a different time period. I don't know much about the mod either so I'll have to check it out. I like the idea of you writing from the perspective of someone lower down in the social food chain. I have some feedback for you if you'd like, I can either post it here or PM it to you.

  3. #3
    DeanE555's Avatar Libertus
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    Default Re: Two Sides For A Coin - a Ukita AAR

    Thank you Merchant.

    I'll try to write the next chapter as soon as possible but it will take time, I won't be near my computer too much this week apperantly so next chapeter might only come out next week

    One last thing: I thought I would add a character, etymology and even possibly a map in the next update. I hav'nt used much japanese words this time but I know I will add a few in the next chapters

  4. #4
    waveman's Avatar Decanus
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    Default Re: Two Sides For A Coin - a Ukita AAR

    This looks interesting, nice start

    I would say definitely post a map as it helps people understand the situation and setting of the story. Unless you don't want to because Akimoto's family are poor country samurai, but I thought it helped to have a map showing where the Ukita were

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  5. #5
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
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    Default Re: Two Sides For A Coin - a Ukita AAR

    Great start! I agree that this is a very good premise and an interesting time period. I like the way that you introduced the objects in the chest (I wonder what significance they will have) and the characters.

  6. #6
    Caillagh de Bodemloze's Avatar to rede I me delyte
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    Default Re: Two Sides For A Coin - a Ukita AAR

    That untrustworthy uncle (what is it about fictional uncles?) is going to cause trouble, isn't he?

    I'll be waiting for the next update.

  7. #7
    Tigellinus's Avatar Citizen
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    Default Re: Two Sides For A Coin - a Ukita AAR

    Hey! Are you saying the Oda are easy??? Why you.....

    I concur with the above statements, promising AAR!

    And, Caillagh, Uncles are all obviously treacherous. They are simply biding their time before they can kill your family and take what it is yours

    I also want to voice Merchant's praise, it is interesting seeing someone lower down! Excellent writing, my friend!



    Proudly under the patronage of McScottish

  8. #8
    Caillagh de Bodemloze's Avatar to rede I me delyte
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    Default Re: Two Sides For A Coin - a Ukita AAR

    Quote Originally Posted by Tigellinus View Post
    And, Caillagh, Uncles are all obviously treacherous. They are simply biding their time before they can kill your family and take what it is yours
    Really?! Well, that's a bit of a worry, considering I have an uncle...
    Last edited by Caillagh de Bodemloze; October 10, 2015 at 12:07 PM.

  9. #9
    DeanE555's Avatar Libertus
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    Default Re: Two Sides For A Coin - a Ukita AAR

    As for the "uncle" discussion I see running down here. It was somewhat of a last minute desicion in order to "spice things up" in the story and I got caught first and fast by the "uncle" cliche. Now I believe that not all uncles are dangerous (I do have three of them, all older than me and none of them tried to kill me by now), but those that belong to literature are . Well tbh, the uncle always gets picked because he proves as the closest member in the family to be trecharous towards you ('pa is... 'pa and grandpa is too old), he is the closest to make us feel insecure whether our path is true or not, either that or I'm just a big blabbermouth, I didn't study any high degree literature after all (going to a tech school does that...)

    As for the story, next part will be out by monday, as I finally have time to write and finish it. Along with it I will release the map, character list and etymology. Stay tuned! and thank you all for your support!

  10. #10
    DeanE555's Avatar Libertus
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    Default Re: Two Sides For A Coin - a Ukita AAR

    second part is up, etymology map and characters will be our in a few minutes

    Chapter I:New beginning offers both a blessing and a curse
    part I

    3rd month, 7th year of Tenshou era (March, 1580)

    It was a cold night, It was cold during the day as well for the winter season still held a small grip over the land and wouldn't let go for the spring to replace her fully.
    A small rustle of moving grass could be heard, breaking the silence. It came from the direction of the military camp, someone was coming.

    "It appears the guards are quite tired today, the drills their captain runs them through are by no doubt taking their toll on their fatigue. We should strike soon Akimoto"

    It was Shougo who had just returned from his mission "Iye… not yet, we must lay in wait until the shifts will change, that is when the opportunity will show herself"

    "Will it not be better to strike now when the guards are leaping between the realms of reality and dream? When they will change their shifts other guards who are more awake will replace them"

    "When will you find your patience Shougo? I want to make sure this will go as we planned, besides, my belly grumbles in negation, something feels wrong…"

    "If it is the bandit you are worried about, I can assure you he is loyal to the bone to your uncle"

    "Hai… you are right, but I do not like to work with someone I do not know"

    A silence again filled the cloudy, moonless night. Akimoto and Shougo now again lay on the cold ground, hidden by the tall grass, in wait for the perfect moment to strike.

    Ah! My memory is not what it used to be! Let us return to the small manor-farm, your confusion will be forgotten afterwards:

    3rd month, 2nd year of Tenshou era (March, 1574)

    After two or three months have passed without a word, it was clear my father may never return. Us siblings became like a family meanwhile: I was the father, working the fields alongside our few workers from dawn to dusk, returning home weary from a hard day's work.

    Sakuya took the role of the household mother, cooking delicious meals for me and Chihiro while also maintaining the upkeep of the house. It was not much different from her live before father left and even then her cleaning and food were better than those of a veteran servant. Chihiro had occupied the role of the child, goofing around and playing most of the day.

    Chihiro also helped Sakuya but only in the simplest and smallest of tasks. She was only five at the time and would likely do more harm than good if she were in charge of a certain household labor. Though I believe her youth and innocence were a blessing and not a curse upon us, her cheerful smile was probably the only thing that kept me and my sister sane in those following months.

    Once in a while, she would obviously ask about father… We tried as hard as we could to conceal the truth from her, though these deeds ended up hurting her when she finally found out. I wish we had told her…

    When the winter season finally arrived we understood we will not be able to live this way without help: we had almost no money left after the supplies for winter were bought and after the tax collectors came, not to mention most of the crops did not sprout by spring time. From all the things father had taught me, farming was one he did not considered a moment's thought to teach me "When you grow older" he always told me, I do not tend to speak ill of my father this days but I still believe he had not the sharpest mind in the area… a good man, yes, but not a very wise one if he left his son a farm owner without the knowledge of how to raise a farm.

    When spring arrived, most of the workers have abandoned our farm for I could not pay them their wages except for old Yashima-san who claimed he is in debt to my father for life and a young boy, around my age, Muraichi Shougo was his name.

    I always wondered why he had come to work our farm… he seemed quite well off when he first arrived, wearing a clean and quite expensive robes and new sandals with clean white socks.

    Over the last year and a half since his arrival his garb changed and matched those of the peasants, yet it was still clear he was no peasant in origin. He spoke in a quite polite manner to his superiors and his speech was always clear and monotonous. Never have I had seen him upset up until that day in the spring:

    One morning he knocked at the door of our house and demanded "For almost 18 months have I been your loyal servant, have I not? All I see is a failure of a farm, nothing similar to an establishment of the shadow lord! Unwillingly I convinced myself it is but a mirage which hides the true nature of your organization, that all of it is a plan to test my loyalty! Even when your elder clearly pointed out, again and again, it is nothing of the sort! And here I am, at the end of my wits, come and ask you: are you truly related to the great Okikuyama Kiro?"

    Okikuyama Kiro… as in uncle Kiro my father made me swear I shall never get in contact with… At this time I saw no other option but meeting him. If, as this boy claims, my supposed is truly a "shadow lord" leading some sort of a shady organization, if that is all correct and not some weird lie made by a boy's wild imagination… "If that is all true then our troubles shall be over!" Was all I had in mind, after all it was my father who also told me to do anything for my family, even if this means swearing a pact with a demon, … or breaking my deceased father's only wish from me.

    "True, I am related to Kiro-san" I had told "Yet I seek him just as you, tell me boy, where were you looking before you stumbled upon our farm?"

    "I am no boy! I am a man just as you are, if you are to refer me from now on, know that my name is Muraichi Shougo. For our other matter: I have been looking around the town where our clan lord's castle resides, Okayama. There when I finally stumbled upon what might be his residence, I was rudely turned away by the guards and were called a few unpleasant names in the process"

    "Then to Okayama we shall travel. Let me make a few arrangements and I shall make sure that you are accepted as one of us" I had to lie a bit to this boy, Shougo. Otherwise he might have just turned his back on me or worse.

    I left our manor with Sakuya to take care of. The old man also willingly promised to make sure no harm happens to the farm in the time I shall be gone. I took my chest with its belongings inside along with what little gold we had left, this "uncle" of mine will surely require a proof I'm indeed who I am saying I am.

    And so, I and Shougo traveled to Okayama on foot, for 4 days we had walked until the road finally revealed the town before us, it was amazing, I had never seen so many people in one place! And all the goods the peddlers sold were astonishing! I had never seen sight of so many strange and delicious looking foods. I allowed myself to buy a simple snack I knew nothing about at the time- Dango. Its sweetness and texture are still raising a smile like a child's upon my face when I think about it.

    It was hard to act not surprised after all I had seen, and it still was nothing compared to what I found at my uncle's house:

    We arrived at a mansion where two big and muscular men stood without motion, as if they were the hills of a mountain. "This is where I found…" Shougo was cut abruptly by one of the men:

    "You! I thought I'd told you to never return 'ere! You must be either very brave or very stupid to show up 'ere again! And who's this tiny ant next to you?! You are only making this worse by bringin' friends over! Leave now or regret it!"

    "Please Mister" I replied "I am the cousin of your Oyabun and I have brought these as a proof" I opened the chest.

    "Bah! You think you can fool us that easily?" The second one replied while the first burst out in laughter "Scram now!"

    "Please, let me ask a favor of you! Just show the Oyabun this chest and its belongings! I beg of you!"

    "Alright… but if this is truly a hoax, know that you shall pay dearly for disturbin' our Oyabun." The first said emotionless after he had calmed. He grabbed the chest from my arms and ordered the second guard: "Akira, keep hold of 'em"

    With that said, Akira grabbed both with both of his hands. His grapple was stronger than that of a hawk holding its pray, his palms were cold as if winter resided within them and a funny odor could be smelled from him, similar to that of fish rotting in the sun.

    The first one returned after a couple of moments and had told "You may come in… but only you!" he pointed at me. "Your friend shall stay here meanwhile, now go!"

    "I passed the gate guarded by them and reached the paper door, there I took off my sandals and entered. I was first greeted by a servant who had washed my feet. After she was done she had told me "Walk over to your right you shall continue forward across the hallway and outside until you had arrived at a second building, the door shall be guarded by one man. He shall announce your arrival and only then you may come in."

    I had followed the servant's orders, meanwhile passing extravagant paintings of various scenes of nature, everyday life and battle. Amongst them I could spot two tigers clashing in a fight, waterfall among the mountains, daytime in a certain market of a certain town perhaps Kyoto, men clashing with spears inside a burning castle while arrows flying above their heads and many others. Not only the painting I had noticed, but also I took a notice of a large kitchen and a room that seemed like a washroom because the large tub in the middle of it, the rest were closed.

    Passing through the hallway with astonishment I had finally reached the large building outside that was guarded, when there, the guard had yelled: "The Oyabun's cousin has arrived!" and opened the door right afterwards. A room which was mostly empty had opened before me. At the end there was a stool sited upon by a man wearing expensive red robes with a golden pattern. I arrived before the man and sited on my knees on a pillow which seemed to be specially made for me. I bowed deeply before the man and thanked him for his audience with me.

    For a minute silence filled the room. I dared not to rise from my bow and felt the pressure swelling up inside of me. Then, the silence had been broken by my uncle: "Akimoto-kun! So you are Akimoto-kun! I have been waiting for the day of our meeting for ages! Please rise! I am your uncle, not your lord!"

    I had risen from my bow as he told and replied "Thank you for your hospitality uncle, may I speak my mind?"

    "Of course boy! Speak, speak and let me know what you desire!"

    "Thank you uncle. First, I'd like to ask of you to receive my friend into your supposed organization, yet if it is not true, please tell him this yourself!" I had bowed again

    "Rise Akimoto, I am your uncle remember that! You need not bow before me. I agree to your first request, I shall tend to him once we are done. Please continue."

    "Second I'd like to ask your hospitality for a while, me and my sisters had recently lost our father and I'm afraid we cannot keep our small farm ourselves for we know nothing about it. I'd like to ask you to accept us into your household"

    "Oh that useless brother of mine… of course you may move in! And would you like to ask for more?"

    "May I please have the chest and its belongings returned to me? You may receive the gold inside but I'd like the chest back, kind uncle!"

    "Hmm… I have enough gold to last for two live times, You may receive this back as it is rightfully yours, however, I am afraid we are at odds with the chest, you see, the belongings there should reside with the head of our family. Since I am the current head I'd like to keep them for myself"

    "Please uncle! I know all about the items but I must ask of you to return it, for my father inherited me this chest and its belongings"

    "Your father also denounced me and did not allow me to receive my rightful position from birthright"

    "Please uncle! It is the only memory I have left of him!"

    "Hmm… you do not stand down easily… I like that! Let me offer you this: you may keep the knife and the coin but I'd like to keep the chest, also, I may give those to you only if you shall agree to work for me"

    Again, silence filled the air for a minute, and then I replied: "Of course uncle! Anything you ask of me!"

    A tiny grin rose bellow his mustache "Excellent my boy! I will send riders over to your farm, please ride with them and show them the way! I will be waiting for your arrival."

    I bowed once again before him and left, uncle in return again replied harshly "I will punish you if you bow before me again boy! I am your uncle remember that! We are family!" Then when I was near the door he again spoke, this time in a yell: "Send his friend over!"

    "Hai tono!" replied the doorman and sent a messenger.

    And so I betrayed my father's trust… To this day I do not regret the decision though, me and my sisters had nowhere else to go, I only hope they will one day forgive me and understand why I did what was must be done.

    sorry for the small pictures and what seemed like a continuation of my prologue, next part will pick up with the campaign and will be out before the weekend stay tuned (btw, if you click on the pictures they will turn bigger, by next time I shall improve my skills of forum posting!)

    Also, if you can tell me how to change the title of the thread so I can make sure everyone knows I updated it, it will be very appriciated


    Changes have been applied, sorry for the thumbnail here, a wrongdoing of me but please bear with it.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails japan_1573_1583.jpg   Shindenillo.jpg   Ukita AAR 1.png  
    Last edited by DeanE555; October 28, 2015 at 07:17 PM.

  11. #11
    waveman's Avatar Decanus
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    Default Re: Two Sides For A Coin - a Ukita AAR

    Click edit post on your first post, go advanced. You should see the title in a text bar at the top and you can edit it from there

    I liked this update. If you need a couple if slow ones to build your story or lead into something then by all means do that. I am intrigued by this uncle and can't wait to see how he and his relationship with Akimoto turn out

    My AARs/writing: Link
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  12. #12
    DeanE555's Avatar Libertus
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    Default Re: Two Sides For A Coin - a Ukita AAR

    Oh thank you! Sorry if I am a bit slow however, English is not my native tongue after all and I have a hard time managing my times writing. I'll try to get faster as we progress but it might take a while until I can write proffessinaly like you all

  13. #13

    Default Re: Two Sides For A Coin - a Ukita AAR - Updated October 12th

    I really liked this last chapter. The way you started out with the stealth scene and then cutting back was really smart. I suggest that you use a image hosting website such as Photobucket instead of uploading the pics on this site. Photobucket's free and you get quite a bit of storage without subscribing. Also, perhaps make the images bigger. But good work overall.

  14. #14
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
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    Default Re: Two Sides For A Coin - a Ukita AAR - Updated October 12th

    Good chapter! I like the way that the chapter begins, with cold and silence - and then someone is coming. I enjoyed the developing family relationships and the mysterious uncle who might be the leader of a shadowy organization.

    I also used small 'thumbnail' pictures with my first AAR. If you are not sure how to post larger pictures, here's how I do it: (1) I use the free software fraps to take pictures while I'm playing the game; (2) I use the free software to crop the pictures (for example to remove the user interface) and to save the pictures as .jpeg files; (3) I upload the .jpeg files to an image sharing web site. The image sharing web site provides a code which you can copy and paste into a chapter on this forum. (If you 'go advanced' and 'preview post' you can check the size and appearance of the image.)

  15. #15
    Caillagh de Bodemloze's Avatar to rede I me delyte
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    Default Re: Two Sides For A Coin - a Ukita AAR - Updated October 12th

    Quote Originally Posted by DeanE555 View Post
    Oh thank you! Sorry if I am a bit slow however, English is not my native tongue after all and I have a hard time managing my times writing. I'll try to get faster as we progress but it might take a while until I can write proffessinaly like you all
    English is my native language. If I could write as well as you do here in any language other than English, I'd be enormously proud of myself!

    I liked chapter one. There's all sorts of interesting stuff going on, and there are all sorts of questions I'd like to know the answers to:

    Who is Shougo, and why was he so keen to find Uncle Kiro? Why did Uncle Kiro take everyone into his household, and what is this mysterious "organisation" of his? Why did he return the dagger and the coin so readily? What are Akimoto and Shougo trying to do in the first section of the chapter?

    I know, I know. I'll have to wait and see. I don't mind...

    Oh, and I like your Wicked Uncle. (The fictional one. I'm not suggesting any of your real uncles are wicked!)

  16. #16
    DeanE555's Avatar Libertus
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    Default Re: Two Sides For A Coin - a Ukita AAR - Updated October 18th

    Next part is up! I think I shall update this weekly from now on for it seems to be the best time in which I can make a good chapter at and once again, thanks for all your support! sorry for the lack of pictures this time, I just had no idea of what to add.

    Chapter I: New beginning offers both a blessing and a curse
    Part II

    Life under uncle Kiro proved comfortable indeed… All of us were treated as if we were his children. The best meals, the best teachers, the best of everything of life was granted to us siblings. Only I had to make a small sacrifice, and as I found it then and still now it was not a sacrifice at all, Oh… this duality of mine shall be the end of me…

    This "sacrifice" appeared as my occupancy as one of my uncle's henchmen. At first, he had let me deal with small things such as guarding, patrolling, and couriering, these were always done under the ever watchful eye of Akira. After a year or so, uncle Kiro have promoted me to a debt collector, I also was teamed up with Shougo on those errands and by that time a sturdy bond of friendship have connected us.

    The two of us frequently got into fights during those errands, usually against a drunkard and his friends. Our skills of combat were honed greatly by these experiences. I must admit that these fights were crucial to my survival over the years.

    At last, when we both had reached seventeen years of age, my uncle had promoted us to the more shady part of his organization. Akira was no longer our boss but rather our colleague and we had worked with him numerous times for that matter.

    Now we were supervising gambling dens, organizing smuggling operations and from time to time even murdering when the situation required so. We lived on a fine line between chaos and order, a fine line which we dared not to brake for all hell will be unleashed when said thing shall happen.

    And this is what brings us further in my story and allows me to continue:

    3rd month, 7th year of Tenshou era (March, 1580)

    "Shougo! … Shougo! Wake up!" I broke the silence of the night. A droopy, half asleep Shougo replies "Wha…? What is it?"
    "It is time to strike, rub your face and let us move forward"

    We approached silently towards the camp. Slowly we advanced in the tall grass, one wrong move and a guard would have noticed our movement. We approached the thin paper walls which confined the army. As planned, the guard had just passed us. I went forth towards the wall and unsheathed my Tanto knife. I cut a thin, almost invisible line through the paper, long enough to fit a crouching man.

    The both of us have entered the camp. Amongst the sleeping soldiers, a standing figure can be seen. It was our informant, his job is to get us to where what we seek resides and then we shall pay him for his services.

    We approached the man, a Samurai officer, possibly serving with the Ashigaru. He had seen us and nodded, confirming his allegiance. We followed him, all the while sticking to the shadows as best as possible.

    He arrived to a pass guarded by two men. He spoke to them and was let through, we believed it was where our item was stored. We waited; moments seemed like hours inside the army camp. Capture would surely mean a painful and long death, this nerve wreaking thought continually passed through my mind over and over.

    The Samurai finally came out. In his hand was not the item but rather a pointing finger… towards our direction. A brief slashing sound followed and the man fell. Me and Shougo looked at each other as if to confirm we both saw what had happened,and then we dashed backwards, to where the bandit with the horses should be waiting for us.

    "Seize the intruders!" A shout followed, we ran towards the wall we had cut as fast as we could.
    We had to change our course every so often for there were guards blocking the paths everywhere. Finally we had reached what seemed like an exit.

    We ran as fast as we could, my legs and chest never burned so much in my life as they did during this night. But no matter how fast we ran, the column of soldiers seemed to catch up. It was Shougo who decided to stand his ground "Explain the master about our betrayal!" was what he said.
    I fear saying I did not protest much and just kept running, unlike a Samurai, I feared death that night, I did not want to meet it by any chance. I just kept running like a coward towards the bandit's location whilst Shougo fought bravely the oncoming column of men. It was me indeed who severed the red thread that tied us together…

    When I finally reached the rendezvous location, I found out my deepest fears have come true: the bandit ran away with the horses in fear of getting caught.

    "No! No, no, no, no! This can't be!" I shouted unwillingly towards the empty plain. Capture would surely mean a painful and long death, this thought now seemed more and more menacing. I pulled out my Tanto knife, ready to end it all… ready but afraid, afraid of pain and death.
    My lack of decision caused the soldiers to catch up with me and capture me. Two men held me up, boys even younger than me. One man then came forth, possibly a Samurai looking as ordinary as a man can look with the exception of his nose twisted to the right, probably he broke it once. "So… this is the thief scum? Hardly a Ninja! Even if he is dressed up like one!" He sent his palm forth and slapped me across my face.
    "Who sent you? What was your purpose here?" I remained silent, this angered the Samurai. He spat on the ground next to me and sent his palm forth again, this time in the shape of a fist. "Sasaharu! Want to join up with me?" The Samurai called towards the wall of men who stood behind him.

    Out of the crowd came another Samurai, an ugly one with dimples all across his face, a mole on his chin and a scar caused by a sword across his left cheek. He walked right until he was nearly a foot away from me, then he crouched and came even closer with his face, almost touching me with his stubbed nose.

    "I'm going to have fun with you…" He said while releasing a toxic smell from his mouth while so. Then the two of them began pouching and kicking me, all while I was held by the two boys. The pain was horrible, there was no moment of rest for me and I still have not revealed anything, perhaps because I was not been able to speak from the unstoppable current of punches and kicks.

    After what seemed to me like hours of beating A third voice was heard: "Oi! Sasaharu-san! Yoshia-san! I would like to ask of you to stop" My savior was seen between the crowd, all of them now crouching and bowing.

    "Tono! We were trying to make this thief reveal but he is yet to answer" replied Yoshida.

    "Well, you may stop then, Kaga the traitor told me everything there is to know" replied their lord, most likely the commander of this army.
    "Hai!" Yoshida replied and placed his blade next to my throat "Should we dispose of him then?" my whole body shivered at that moment

    "Iye! We are recruiting at the moment are we not? Send him back to Okayama for training but give him half the rations the other men receive. Or if he would like, we can skin him alive and throw him to the river right now, what is it going to be little thief?"

    I definitely did not want to be skinned alive or die in any other way that night, I instantly agreed.

    "Good, Yoshida! Tie him up!" The commander ordered.

    Yoshida nodded in agreement and went to bring ropes, meanwhile Sasaharu spoke "Tono! The thief tried to end his life with this knife right before we had caught him" Sasaharu bowed and reached his arm forward with my knife held by it. Instantly my cheeks became warm and all pain was forgotten.

    "Hmm… where have you stolen that? It is quite the masterpiece, I think I shall keep it" At this moment I screamed and pushed, trying to free myself of the holding of the two boys. "It is mine! Give it back!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

    "So, this thief does have courage like his partner! But only when something matters to him! Shame we couldn't have spared his comrade… but he did give us one great fight! That is before Sasaharu sliced his head off…"

    "Argh!!! You bastard!!!" I yelled again, now my eyes were filled with rage and my blood was hotter than the water of a hot spring.
    "Sasaharu, silence him if you can"

    "With pleasure, Tono-sama" Sasaharu replied and hit me with the butt of his katana at the back of my head. Suddenly everything became black…

    When I woke up it was dawn already, the familiar town of Okayama was washed down by streams of bright yellow light. The scenario seemed too beautiful for such a gloomy day for me.

    It was not long before I was pulled down from the horse and untied "Welcome to your new home!" someone said, it was Yoshida which apparently was the one who brought me here "Make sure to train hard so you shall be useful to our clan! Although the position of a meat-shield is also very important!" He said and rode away.

    I was quickly brought to a warehouse; there I was given basic body armor, kilt, shoulder guards and greaves and along them I received a Bokken and a triangular helmet with the clan's symbol similar to all Ashigaru.

    They must think me a peasant… perhaps it is a blessing for they will not know about my uncle and his business
    "What is your name boy?" asked the old man who was in-charge of the warehouse

    "…Oki… Fukubara Akiie!" I replied, if the Okikuyama name is known to all as Shougo said, then I'd be better off if I were to remain discreet.
    "Hmm Okay, you shall receive your weapon when your training is over, meanwhile you are given this Bokken as a replacement"
    "But don't the Ashigaru usually use spears, teppo or bows?" I asked

    "Yes, you are right. But, as it happens, our clan has a shortage of spears and there was not a request for neither bowmen nor gunners, so all trained men shall use swords for now"

    "I understand, thank you Oji-san!"

    "You'd better report to the training grounds now, but don't forget to put on your gear first!"

    Months passed by, months in which I learned blocks, attacks and orders. Most of those weren't new to me but I still acted as if I knew nothing of sword wielding. Those training left me painful every night, also my meager ration left me hungry most of the time. I tried to distance myself from everyone most of the time. The pain from Shougo's death remained with me the whole time while I was training. I have barely slept for every night he would appear in my dreams and shout at me "Stand your ground coward! Stand your ground!"

    Yes… you cannot understand what the loss of a loved one feels until it happens, and for me it was already the second time…
    The only thing that kept moving forward was the desire to see my sisters again, I could not just abandon them, perhaps this was why I acted like a coward and could not fight nor end my life that night. It was excruciating to know I was a mere street or two from them but could not meet them. I have not dared to try and send letters to them for my cover will surely be blown.

    Poor Chihiro… not only did her uncle tell her that her father died like a traitor, now she lost her big brother as well… Sakuya will take care of her but I hope my uncle do not say such mean words about me to her again,… even if some of them were true.

    Finally after what felt like years but was only one season passing had ended. Our commanding officer has said to us: "Men! Tomorrow we shall move towards the battlefield! We will arrive there in approximately two weeks! We shall fight under the command of lord Kuchiba Nishkintoki all though we will most likely not be joined with his army. Until we are you shall listen to me. Our reinforcement shall change the course of the entire battle remember that! Follow my orders and we shall meet glory yet, even with your humble origins!"

    I was not a secret that lord Naoie have declared a war against the neighboring Shimizu clan around the end of the 4th month. But it appears now that we shall be leading the attack forth. For the first time of my live I was about to participate in a real battle and not a street brawl.

    All my nerves wished for this news to be some kind of joke, but I knew they were not. And then, then a new kind of feeling started to burn within me, a burning passion that woke me up from my slumber since Shougo's death

    Now I'll have to fight hard and fight sturdy, I cannot perish in the guise of a peasant! I will not abandon my sisters!

    And so I marched forth towards my first battle…

    Last edited by DeanE555; October 28, 2015 at 07:16 PM.

  17. #17
    DeanE555's Avatar Libertus
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    Default Re: Two Sides For A Coin - a Ukita AAR - Updated October 12th

    Hello everyone sorry for the delay! Had some nasty power shortages in my house

    Without further ado I present to you the next part:

  18. #18
    DeanE555's Avatar Libertus
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    Default Re: Two Sides For A Coin - a Ukita AAR - Updated October 12th

    Chapter II: Loyalty and betrayal
    Part I

    7th month, 7th year of Tenshou era (May, 1580)

    The two weeks I was afoot marching passed very quickly, perhaps when you wait for an event you do not wish for, time passes faster than it should. My routine was not so very different from the one when I was training: I would wake up, eat breakfast, march, eat dinner and go to sleep.

    Although the Jinmaku of our camp felt like a fortress guarding us in our sleep, it still wasn't enough to make this feel of impending doom felt by everyone to vanish. During the day it was hard to feel it but during the night… then it felt as if I was drowning in a dark sea, not being able to see or breathe while being wrapped by black algae, restraining you to your ever closing demise.

    Funnily enough, the night before the battle felt the as if it was the most soothing night to ever exist. The dark, never ending sky, covered by millions of bluish white spots made me feel that death is not a horrible thing:

    Perhaps I thought to myself perhaps all those stars were once warriors, all bravely lost their lives, perhaps I might join them tomorrow night and help them pour light upon this earth. That would not be bad to die then! Leaving all worries behind and turning to a star.

    I quickly shook those thoughts I must return to my sisters, no matter how difficult the journey there may be!

    Such thoughts may be the end of me… My will to survive was strong at these times but I'm afraid those thoughts of death were already looming above me back then. I sure was lucky that day…

    Dreams of returning home were quickly replaced by the burns in my stomach and legs, and a loud thumping beat. It was the sound of a Taiko drum, waking us up from our sleep. To the entrance to our 'bedroom' our commander could be seen, followed by two flag bearers. He stood there for a moment or two and then opened his mouth for a speech:

    "Men! We shall engage the enemy by the next hours! You mustn't be delayed by a breakfast today for our time is short! Disassemble the camp now and let us march forward immediately afterwards! I prayed during the sunrise for Hachiman-sama to grant us victory and let us keep our lives and Amaterasu-sama to keep the sun at the back of our heads and I believe they had answered! Let us move forth! And let us defeat the coward Shimizu Muneharu and his rabble of an army!"

    This whole march, I felt as if the Taiko that used to wake me every morning was inside of me, being played over and over again as if a Matsuri was happening right now in my chest.

    The Matsuri came to a halt, as if the fireworks had begun to paint the night sky and all resided from their actions to watch them. But instead of fireworks, the low sound of the Horagi could be heard in the distance. I had entered the battlefield.

    "Damnations! We are late! Run men! Engage the first man you see who bear a Tomoe Mon on their Sashimono!"

    "Hai!" I answered, joining my voice to the roar of other 400 men who also yelled along "Run!", "Move faster!" and "Slay the Tomoe bearers!"

    My hunger and fatigue had stopped affecting me at that moment, They were replaced by great focus and even greater force, as if Hachiman and Amaterasu had indeed blessed me and non other.

    With my newfound focus, I took a moment to survey the environment: A flat plain with only a few distinguishable features- A manor much bigger than the one me and my sisters lived at back in our farming days, and a village not far from it sitting right next to the sea.

    Perhaps the village men and the owner of this manor are fighting today? I pondered I wonder how it feels like to have no choice but fight to preserve your own lifestyle and home?

    I shaked this thoughts off my mind when the enemy soldiers could be seen behind a small grove. The bark of orders and screams of pain along the thundering sound of the Teppo could already be heard in the distance, our main force has engaged the enemy.

    We all still ran, ran as fast as possible without tiring ourselves before the fight. Then they appeared, just a few feet away from me stood a formation of the enemy's soldiers, Ashigaru all, poor men pulled out of their fields and shops, barely taught how to hold their Yari straight.

    Our commander, along with his Yari-shu, engaged the enemy's soldiers head on, my time will arrive in the next moments. As we were taught, our unit of swordsmen had encircled the enemy's troops to the left, only then, when the enemy was completely flanked, we attacked.

    My first opponent was an older man, nearly four decades old I presumed. He had only barely noticed me before I charged in and, with a swift stroke of my arm, sliced his stomach through the simple leather armor, leaving him to die on the crimson stained ground.

    I've met a few opponents, all I brought to their untimely end. I must have been one of the few men who had known well the ways of combat for most Samurai, of our side as well as the enemy's, had not taken to the fight yet.

    "It is common for the nobility to wait until the right moment before they strike" I remembered one of my father's lectures "Not out of cowardice they do this, but out of wisdom: those who jump head on into the fray also tend to be the first to lose their lives. Once they find the opportunity, the Samurai shall seize it with all their might for their honor depends on it. It is often that a battle's outcome is decided by these moments. Remember son, patience and observance."

    A cry brought me back to reality" "Retreat!" called a few dozen men at the top of their lungs. These were not the enemy's cries, but ours instead. Behind the ranks of retreating Ukita Ashigaru could be seen Shimizu Muneharu and his ever loyal bodyguard riding towards me, slaying whoever wore a blue Sashimono and was in their way.

    I could not move, I just stood there while my mind ordered "Retreat!"

    But for the first time in my live, I had listened to my heart and stood still in a guard pose.

    One of the Shimizu retainers had seen me: "Ho?! A dirty peasant dares stand before me?! I shall have your head!" He shouted and galloped towards me, his hand holding a blade high above his head. He swung his sword towards me and I managed to block it, yet the sheer momentum he had thrown me off guard. Another swing, this time a sharp pain pierced my left shoulder.

    His strike was successful, yet unknowingly so was mine... A swing out of pure instincts had cut his horse's throat, splattering warm blood all over my body.

    The horse fell to the ground, so did the rider and me. The shock of my pierced flesh had caused me to lose control over my body; I fell backwards like a log and laid there without a movement, only gazing upon the clear blue sky with thoughts of yesterday night running through my mind.

    "How dare you slay my mount you dog?!" The same Shimizu Samurai called. Among the chaos all I could hear was his footsteps, he came closer and closer.

    Now I could see him limping slowly above me. He turned his sword downwards, making ready to stab me in the heart. His towering darkened body remains still in the pose without a twitch. His lips move slowly "Accept defeat as have I" were the words he told.

    Chihiro... Sakuya... I'm sorry was all I could have thought of, I failed my sisters yet again...

    His arms had risen to his chin and then…

    And then a flash, his head was now severed, his neck oozing with crimson blood. Above me now stood a man clad in golden armor up to his neck, holding a Nagamaki in his two hands.

    He kneels above his rival's head and unties his helmet. He unties the head's hair knot and grabs it. Now it is one of Kuchiba Nishikintoki's many personal prizes, most will be thrown away by the end of that day.

    Kuchiba-Taisho had then noticed me, laying there between the realms of the living and the dead. He sent his right hand towards his face, rubbing his eyes as if to affirm his mind was not taunting him. He stood there motionless for a moment or two and only then replied silently, as if he was talking only to himself.

    "You are indeed lucky…"

    *Writer's note: The enemy daimyo was one of the reinforcements, that is why his name is not written in the last photo
    Last edited by DeanE555; October 28, 2015 at 07:15 PM.

  19. #19
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
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    Default Re: Two Sides For A Coin - a Ukita AAR - Updated October 28th

    Akimoto is lucky, indeed! These are good updates, your descriptions and images made me feel as if I was there. I like the way that Akimoto remembers his father's lecture - it sounds like his father's wisdom and the combat skills he developed when he worked for uncle Kiro will give him a much better chance of surviving battle.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Two Sides For A Coin - a Ukita AAR - Updated October 28th

    Wow, the last two chapters were amazing and thrilling to read, great work DeanE555. Akimoto's capture and him leaving Shuogo and then battle were all written with great detail, the battle especially I felt captured the terror of being a disposable ashigaru. Keep up the great work, I can't wait to read what else is in instalment of Akimoto

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