Desperately disapointed to see you go Darth.My interest in the TWar series has all but faded with this news.

As well as making the best Mods for TWar,you gave the series a huge injection of life.The last two TW titles would have had nowhere near the longetivity for me personally if not for your hard work and dedication to Darthmod.
As you have said in the past,you have huge commitments outside of Darthmod.Despite this you always took the time to answer all queries and consider all suggestions from members of your community and fans of your work in a friendly and helpful manner.

You sir have always been a gentleman and a scholar.I sincerely wish you all the best for the future and would like to thank you again for the immense effort you have put into creating your mods and giving so many people so much more enjoyment from the TWar games than 50 expansion packs ever could.

All the best Darth from a scruffy factory worker in the UK.