Downloads: Primipilus mod

Primipilus mod

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Uploaded by - October 27, 2005
Author Author Primipilus
File Size File Size 6.48 MB
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This mod is designed for RTR version 6.0<br><br>It’s main features regards:<br><br>- a new map with latin names everywhere it was possible to find them,<br>- where it was impossible for province, the creation of latin names derived from that of the people or tribes living in the area and when there was no population names I used that of rivers or mountains (that is for example Trogodis from Mount Trogodus in Cyprus or Tyrasia form river Tyras on the northern shore of the Black Sea, near Olbia)<br>- where it was impossible for cities, the creation of latin names using the words castra (that means military encampment), burgum (town), vicus (little town), pagus (village) and forum (market place), generally used by Romans to name new cities created in barbaric land (you can see for example in iberia, gallia and germania historical towns like Vicus Senotensis, Vicus Bibiensis, Vicus Iulius, AsciBurgum, TeutoBurgum, Castra Herculis, Vetera Castra, Forum Hadriani, Forum Ligneum, Forum Gallorum)<br>- the reshaping of a lot of region, especially in the east, creating a distinct indian sector beyond the river Indus (formed by Sind, India, Sattagidia, Gandhara and Udyana, all historical regions reported by ancient historians, with Fergana north of them) and giving a more historical form to the seleucid provinces of the area, that are Gedrosia, Carmania, Persis, Asagarta, Parthia, Hyrcania, Drangiana, Aria, Arachosia, Margiana and Sogdiana,<br>- minor changes in Iberia, Gaul, Italy, Africa, Arabia and Anatolia, always taking care, when possible, of the river’s course, that generally marked a country’s limit,<br>- the creation of three unconquerable provinces (that are Terrae Nomadorum to the north of the Caspian and Aral Sea, Arabia in the middle of the arabic peninsula and Terrae Incognitae to the north of Sarmatia and east of Aestia), by putting their towns in position that are impossible to reach because of mountains or forests, in order to maintain historical accuracy, wich tells us that these regions never became object of interest for the neighbouring sedentaric kingdom,<br>- the accurate rendering on the map of every city with each other so that the single position of everyone could be confirmed by the positions of others (that is to say that, for example, Juvavum, Aquincum and Porolissum are about at the same height while Sarmizegetusa lies a bit south-east from the last and Naissus rest to the south of Porolissum and Sarmizegetusa, just in the middle between them, about at the same height of Sirmium),<br>- an historical revision of city’s population and a general downgrade of buildings, placing port and trader in cities known for their commercial richness and blacksmiths in provinces known for the bravery or their soldiers, with stables where it was expected to find peoples or tribes used to horses<br>- the position of the Gaul faction, settled just in Gaul, Spain and Northern Italy, excluding from their direct control Thracia and Galatia, just representing for them no more than temporary conquest, whose tribes had no more active links with their original homeland,<br>- a general revision of the camel and elephant resources in order to place them where it’s reasonable to found (camels in the african, arabian and persian deserts / elephants in egypt, syria, mesopotamia and India, where they were generally trained)<br>- some little changes to the mercenary pools <br>- a general streghtening of the military forces of every rebel town,<br>- a revision of the regions base farm level in order to have a more historical accuracy,<br>- a new placing of rebel tribes in order to give only general classes, that is, for example, Hellenic Rebel in all the greek provinces, Median Rebel in the provinces south of tha caspian Sea, Italic Rebels in Italy and so on,<br>- the transformation of rebels in brigands, creating a new little unit (Brigands) of only 80 men, with very little military capacity, in order to eliminate the costant upspring of unhistorical rebellions every 3 or 4 turns and giving brigands the historical role of a frequent harassment limited to deprive money from your cash without creating a real military problem,<br>- the revision of all the stats present in the export_descr_unit.txt in order to make them more realistic (less power to elephants, peltast, archers, slingers, still giving peltast the chance to win over elephants but not at the first volley)<br>- the transformation of long_pike in short_pike in order to avoid the phalanx positioning in battles in strange ways, that is with unexpected degrees of incidence with the normal battle line,<br>- the revision of recruitment and upkeeping cost of units, with a general enhancement of their construction time in order to make the creation of new armies slower (to have a trained and really effective unit you needed more than only six months to prepare it)<br>- little changes to the export_descr_buildings.txt in order to make camels units recruitable only in provinces with camel resource, to enhance the time of construction and the cost of some buildings and to eliminate some unhistorical units, to give caravan to the numidians.<br><br><br>To make the mod working it will be simply necessary to substitute the original files with the ones contained in the attached directory and to add the missing ones in the appropriate folder, having the carefulness to make, before all, a backup copy of the existing RTR files, in order to maintain the chance to return the game to its original aspect.<br>




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