Downloads: AUG MOD


Uploaded by Tehulotl - October 29, 2019
Author Author Tehulotl
File Size File Size 12.85 MB
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Imperator Augustus All Factions Mod

v2.0 September 2023


How to use it:

> Download
> Unpack RAR
> Put the whole folder into Rome2/Data
> Choose or batch your packs
> Use a Mod Manager to kick them in

(I provide the Mod Manager 2.0)

How to use it EXACTLY:

My AUG MOD v2.0 is what I call a MOOOD, a Most Modular Mod. You just need the Augustus.pack in your Rome2/Data folder and the use of a Mod Manager to check it, to load it, to play it. You find the Augustus.pack in the subfolder "BUFF_PACKS", you need it in the folder "Rome2/Data" to load it via Mod Manager/Steam Manager, DONE.


OPTIONAL, you could load a whole bunch of MiniMods. You just need the Augustus.pack, and THEN one or the chosen number of these optional MiniMods in your Rome2/Data folder and the use of said Mod Manager to check them, to load them, to play them.

The MOOOD is, that my MainMod, the Augustus.pack, is the all 75 factions playable MainMod, and you would not need more. Some MiniMods are the VidSkipper, which just skips the Rome2 Intros plus these most annoying after battle vids into nothingness. Or, my beloved BribeMaster, which just makes the most agent actions successful, so that you have a chance to get what you want, plus avoid these hell spawns of roman or parthian agent hordes to not annoy you to death. YES, it might sound like cheating, and it IS cheating, but I do everything to get a GOOD FUN GAME, and to avoid nasty BS crippling your fun to the death.

Trust me! I love my BribeMaster.

The only problem is, that it works for BOTH sides, so, load it to YOUR advantage if necessary, and unload it, (uncheck the pack/reload the game), to the AIs NOT advantage. - My usage of the BribeMaster is sometimes to get specific General units where I got tired to re-load all the time to get them perhaps, and mostly to bribe enemy agents to kill them instantly, cause a successful bribe while your maximum of agents is reached means an instant kill, I usually dont use slaughter attempts but simple bribe attempts to kill them off, sorry, but these hordes are too annoying and you reload anyway to get better results, so, just use the BribeMaster and DONE.

The MOOOD mainly is YOUR OWN mood. You just need the Augustus.pack, yes. I personally suggest the VidSkipper ALWAYS, and the BribeMaster IF NECESSARY. You then have the 24 optional MiniMods to bolster/boost/trigger/spawn chosen foes, the BUFF_PACKS subfolder. So, if you want to have a strong Augustus versus you, or, Lepidus wants a hard Iberia or Numidia versus himself, or, WHATEVER, if you want chosen factions to be stronger/better, you can kick in out of 24 optional MiniMods to trigger their spawn armies to make them stronger/better - or, not. You just need the Augustus.pack. But I suggest VidSkipper ALWAYS, and I highly recommend to use BUFF_PACKS to bolster chosen foes!!! Kicks that game to the next next next next next level!

So, you have the MainMod Augustus.pack. You have 24 MiniMods in the BUFF_PACKS. You have some Xtra MiniMods in the XTRA_PACKS like VidSkipper, BribeMaster, etcetera (the READMEs are in these folders!). You have the so-called NERF_PACKS. I have no shame to admit that I want just a HARD but FUN game! And if hordes of enemy agents rott your game - use the freakin BribeMaster, I beg you! And if hordes of cheated spawn armies kill your game - I made sure you have an option to NERF THEM AGAIN, if you play turn 150 a great game and they just overwhelm you, you can kick in chosen NERF_PACKS if they stress you out too much, "buff" means strengthen, "nerf" means weaken, in the modern Internet language!

CAUSE, me as a Modder, I believe in two things:

1) Make it better/harder.

And if it kicks too much and the human player just wants to play along smoothely - the option to NERF it, is good! For me as a Modder that are basically one 3 kb pack and one 3 byte batch file and nothing more! If you need it - load it, if not, not. I just want to play a great Imperator Augustus and not get stressed out! These NERF_PACKS just nerf down chosen enemies if necessary, and cost nothing to create, that are basically 3 kb of ONE TABLE, to rescue a save game out of hell. Most human players want a HARD game, but a playable, enjoyable game, they WIN AT LAST, and no over cheated BS after all, just like me, I think. I just do everything for a great experience for my favorite game! And THAT, I call a MOOOD - my mood, your mood!

The whole AUG MOD folder, is to place into Rome2/Data, and all of my packs are basically auto-loadable via batch files which are supposed to load these packs out of subfolders into the folder ABOVE, hopefully, Rome2/Data, but you could pick them manually, and put them into Rome2/Data and load your chosen ones via a Mod Manager or Steam Manager!

And yes. I know how to create batch files with OPTIONS, but basically I like to create batch files with one specific load so that I just have to double clic, clic clic clic, DONE, all of these batches and packs cost me literally nothing, and I am just a lazy FK wanting to play a good game, so.....





October 15, 2021 at 04:26 PM
I'm not getting this to work. Extracted the Aug Mod folder to my data folder click on the bat files but nothing.
October 15, 2021 at 06:08 PM
Got it working using mod manager v2.0 and manually placing the .packs into my data folder. Great mod!