Downloads: Gundug's Otherworld

Gundug's Otherworld

Uploaded by Gundug - June 14, 2007
Author Author Gundug
File Size File Size 280.86 MB
Downloads Downloads 23,405
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Gundug's Otherworld Release 7

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This mod features:
A large brand new fantasy map with lots of regions
Playable Aztecs, Timurids and Mongols, with improved build trees and recruitment (especially for the Aztecs)
A new playable fantasy faction: the Formosans
Normans and Saxons added to the campaign, but not playable
Reduced size battle banners
Most buildings can be built by any of the factions
Various little gameplay tweaks

New in release 7:
Completely revamped unit stats based on training, equipment, class and faction
Filled out the Formosan recruitment roster
Added a proper Formosan logo to the campaign
Completed storylines for each faction
Revised text files to fit with the fantasy concept
Added some of what I thought were the coolest Kingdoms units
Added Kingdoms sounds for Chlipoctotl
Added lots of new artwork - some from Kingdoms, some my own
Each culture now has a unique interface
Added unused resources to the map (camels, dogs, elephants)
Improved starting conditions for Brotherhood of Wutis
Added mercenary recruitment to taverns and up - each faction has a different selection
Added some recruitment options to churches

The mod still has some minor bugs, but seems pretty solid. It's fun for me to play and will hopefully be so for others as well. After spending 300+ hours on the latest revisions, I'm pretty much done in for now, especially with Empire Total War just released.

New in version 0.06:
Adapted Ramtha's fantasy faction names to the mod
Adapted some of Paul d's storylines to the mod
Added new units to the Formosan roster, plus some new textures
Added a few units to other factions
Changed unit stats
Changed the starting and victory conditions for some factions
Changed melee combat to feature longer fighting - units tend to rout or retreat more often than simply being wiped out
Modified the battle AI a bit to make use of ranged units more aggressively in combat (maybe)
Adjusted the AI to be a little tougher when defending against sally-outs during sieges (maybe)
Combat in general seems to be somewhat more difficult - try it and see what you think
Ground types have a greater effect on unit movement during combat, with bonuses given when moving on roads
Added some new artwork here and there
Added greater unrest penalties for regions distant from the capital

New in version 0.05:
Minor fixes to the map that will take effect at the start of a new campaign but allow current campaigns to continue
Fixed a problem with Coyote Priests being available to the Mongols when a certain temple was constructed
Added several new units to the Formosan roster, and two to the Aztecs
Some Formosan units have new textures
New artwork for some unit cards and info screens
Updated unit descriptions
Modifed some unit stats

New in version 0.04:
Note: save games from previous releases are not compatible with 0.04, due to the new Pagan church buildings and map fixes - I apologize for this inconvenience
Necessary fixes made to the map - starting religion levels revised, a few resources adjusted
Some adjustments of starting provinces for the major factions
Revised rebel sub-faction control of certain provinces for variety
Rebel spawning adjusted for greater variety in army size and composition by province
A complete Pagan church building tree added
Mongols converted to Pagan religion
Papal faction now does not contain horde code, as a possible fix for a problem with Papal elections
The Formosan Bodyguard and Formosan Javelinmen have been retextured - equipment remains to be finished for them
New artwork added

New in version 0.03:
The map is complete, barring any necessary fixes or changes, so future versions should be save game compatible from this point onward
Provinces adjusted to add variety - also, a number have been converted to castles
Starting garrisons adjusted
A couple changes to the Formosans' roster - crossbowmen changed and horse archers added
Modifications to the Formosan recruitment tree
Rebel spawning added - appears to work, but may be removed if problems arise

New in version 0.02:
Many new regions added
Resources added throughout the map
Various minor updates and fixes
Two new units for the Formosans

Future goals:
More recruitment options for Aztecs, Formosans, Saxons and Normans, as well as new textures, unit images, etc.
Maybe some new units for other factions

Current Version:
Release 7
TWCenter thread (comments will be read here more often):

You are free to tear this mod apart, modify it as you like or steal any ideas from it to make your own mod without having to waste time asking me. Obviously, don't release something of your own and call it Gundug's Otherworld, since that would simply be foolish. If you want to give me credit for anything, that's fine. If you have questions about how you can modify something in Otherworld to suit your own taste, feel free to ask, and I will try to help.

Attachment 3366

Attachment 3367

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Attachment 3369

Attachment 3370




June 16, 2007 at 07:22 PM
Hey people you are foolish not to download this masterpiece!

This makes every other mod look like a joke! Not kidding!

Best mod yet by far!

A+ from me.
June 17, 2007 at 03:40 AM
Yeah, Great mod !

A+ from me too.
Paul d
July 30, 2007 at 01:40 PM
HOORAY lol why am i saying this now...?
August 03, 2007 at 04:18 AM
Good mod
King dude man
September 21, 2007 at 12:20 AM
good mod
October 23, 2010 at 10:04 AM
don have kingdoms...shame...