Downloads: Total War: Rome II


Category Description Files
Patches 0
Mods 13
Minor Mods and Tweaks 4
Tools 2
Skins & Models 18
Miscellaneous 1

Files in category : Total War: Rome II
  File DateReverse Sort Order Downloads Comments
98 AD - Trajan 98 AD - Trajan : United Roman Empire mod for Rome 2, takes place during the Pax Romana under the Emperor Trajan who c ... [more] (7.76 MB) May 23, 2024 293 0
27BC - Augustus (Emperor Edition) 27BC - Augustus (Emperor Edition) : This mod modifies the starting positions of the Emperor Augustus campaign to 27BC - following the vi ... [more] (5.01 MB) May 20, 2024 185 0
Macedonian Wars 1.0.1 (Rome 2 WoS) Macedonian Wars 1.0.1 (Rome 2 WoS) : This is the Macedonian Wars mod for Rome 2 WoS campaign. It begins in 200 BC and covers the history ... [more] (36.23 MB) May 20, 2024 144 0
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