Downloads: Tools

Files in category : Tools
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MS3D to OBJ, 3DS and vice virsa converter MS3D to OBJ, 3DS and vice virsa converter : Can convert a ms3d to a myriad of different formats, and back to a ms3d when your done editing. gr ... [more] (465.0 KB) August 17, 2008 3,418 4
Modders' Resource Volume 3 - Generals & Captains Modders' Resource Volume 3 - Generals & Captains : Template of .psd files for you to create your own Generals and Captains textures for M2TW. (3.01 MB) August 14, 2008 3,462 1
Modders' Resource Volume 2 - Barded & Mailed Horse Modders' Resource Volume 2 - Barded & Mailed Horse : Template of .psd files to create your own Barded and Mailed Horses for M2TW. (5.90 MB) August 14, 2008 3,240 1
Modders' Resource Volume 1 - Battle Banners Modders' Resource Volume 1 - Battle Banners : Template of a .psd file to create your own battle banners for M2TW. (1.75 MB) August 14, 2008 4,643 8
Azim's M2TW Campaign Script Editor Azim's M2TW Campaign Script Editor : AZIM'S M2TW SCRIPT EDITOR For Campaign and Show Me Scripts ********************* ... [more] (863.7 KB) August 06, 2008 1,897 6
PackFile-Tools, Updated to Version 1.03 PackFile-Tools, Updated to Version 1.03 : The set includes four python scripts / 08-Jun-2014: Updated to version 1.03 (former version here was ... [more] (3.03 MB) July 28, 2008 590 0 : A utility for Argantonio to convert floats and ints to hex values. (1.2 KB) July 25, 2008 282 0 : Updated extractor and repacker. Can now process ne_large_castle, ne_fortress, ne_huge_city. Mainly ... [more] (59.8 KB) July 22, 2008 504 0 : A utility written to assist Argantonio in transforming uv blocks from the quad byte format of the .w ... [more] (5.7 KB) July 14, 2008 250 0 : Two beta version scripts for extracting and repacking .world files. Details for running them and an ... [more] (55.6 KB) July 11, 2008 396 2 : This is a beta release of an extractor for getting structures (models) out of the .world files in th ... [more] (22.2 KB) July 02, 2008 532 0
battle_models.txt battle_models.txt : A simple text file, slightly re-formatted to highlight the structure of the battle_models.modeldb fi ... [more] (1.22 MB) May 12, 2008 823 0
M2TW Gold Kingdoms Unpackers M2TW Gold Kingdoms Unpackers : I finally got off my lazy ass and made them!:clap: These include both the original M2TW unpacker, ... [more] (207.1 KB) May 03, 2008 4,047 13
Hotseat Launcher Hotseat Launcher : Automates Hotseat Games over a LAN (or internet*). THREAD: ... [more] (423.4 KB) April 23, 2008 15,091 12 : A Python utility for extracting uv maps from a Milkshape .ms3d binary file and writing them as pixel ... [more] (5.4 KB) March 23, 2008 1,230 1
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