Downloads: Battles

Files in category : Battles
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Waterloo Waterloo : Hi guys, this is the Battle of Waterloo fought in 1815. The File is in RAR so you have to have a RAR ... [more] (760.3 KB) February 13, 2008 1,442 3
Austerlitz Austerlitz : This is the Battle of Austerlitz, fought in 1805 between the armies of France vs. Russia and Austria ... [more] (1.28 MB) February 12, 2008 905 1
The Battle of Zama 202 BC The Battle of Zama 202 BC : Hey everyone, battle #2 is here!!!!:yes: The Battle of Zama in 202 BC This battle should work unli ... [more] (2.22 MB) February 03, 2008 2,071 8
Thermopylae Thermopylae : Hi everyone this is my first map so hopefully its a good one!!!!:thumbsup2 Here is a pic for ya: ... [more] (1.14 MB) February 02, 2008 6,113 6
Tough Pontus Campaign Tough Pontus Campaign : Tough situation in my Pontus Campaign. Rome Is at its most powerful, Only Pontus, Bruttii, Scippii, ... [more] (1.96 MB) August 17, 2007 904 2
2 Unwinable battles as Macedon 2 Unwinable battles as Macedon : RTW V1.5 - No mods required. From the Macedon succession campaign played on this forum. I had an ... [more] (2.00 MB) July 15, 2007 1,050 7
Troy map for RTW 1.5 Troy map for RTW 1.5 : cancelled (1.99 MB) June 02, 2007 2,940 2
Battle of the Thermophyles Battle of the Thermophyles : cancelled (1.24 MB) May 08, 2007 6,031 29
300 'The Hot Gates' 300 'The Hot Gates' : ... [more] (1.90 MB) May 05, 2007 10,279 19
Battle of Adrianople 378AD Battle of Adrianople 378AD : (NEW NOTICE: UPDATED THE INTRO SEQUENCE TO FIT IN WITH THE BATTLE DESCRIPTION. ARCHERS WILL BREAK AW ... [more] (1.37 MB) October 10, 2006 2,590 6
Battle of Leuctra 371BC Battle of Leuctra 371BC : (NEW NOTICE: BATTLE SCRIPT NOW WORKING...SORRY)<br><br>(NOTICE: I&#39;VE REPLACED THE ORIGINAL BATTL ... [more] (1.40 MB) September 28, 2006 2,611 1
The Gates Of Fire The Gates Of Fire : <b><u><font color=\'blue\'>The Gates Of Fire</font></u></b><br><br>The historical battle of Thermopy ... [more] (1.16 MB) September 29, 2005 8,280 0
R-Battles R-Battles : The battles are not based on history. These are my first two battles Gothic vs Roman and Alemenni vs ... [more] (2.59 MB) August 06, 2005 5,445 0
Biggest Battle&#33;65k troops Biggest Battle&#33;65k troops : This is a test battle, with an awesome amount of troops of <b>64960&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;< ... [more] (1.10 MB) July 29, 2005 6,404 1
Thermopylae Thermopylae : Thermopylae-map for a historical battle (1.10 MB) June 30, 2005 14,074 2
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