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  1. Czech-Polish OK for US missiles
  2. Do you believe you will be rich?
  3. What's this about Prince Harry?
  4. Japan refuses to apologise for using sex slaves
  5. Let's see who is the most generous....
  6. Law Question
  7. how can this be allowed to exist?
  8. Iran`s DEADLINE ends tomorrow!!.
  9. Mr Smith Goes to Washington
  10. Prodi resigns
  11. A test
  12. If there was an election (UK) tomorrow which party would you vote for?
  13. Any Al Jazeera English Watchers Here?
  14. Progress in the former USSR?
  15. US Female Sniper Holds Record For Most Kills
  16. Obama and Hillary..this will be entertaining
  17. Obama and Hillary..this will be entertaining
  18. If you don't agree with this man, you gotta think things over!
  19. Newsweek interviews Le Pen
  20. Which nation is the greatest threat to world Stability?
  21. Decline of Empires
  22. World without America...
  23. I Miss Iraq. I Miss My Gun. I Miss My War.
  24. Americans underestimate Iraqi death toll
  25. How many Iraqis have died since US/Brit occupation
  26. Helping the poor futile?
  27. US sanctioning virginia
  28. Lets talk about state.
  29. Godhatesfags.com & Free Speech
  30. Who was the Greatest leader of the 20th Century?
  31. do americans love their documents more?
  32. america helps pkk?
  33. The Most Sweeping Gun Ban Ever Introduced
  34. Government spending
  35. The Church of Envirofundamentalism is now selling indulgences...
  36. A New US Approach to Iraq
  37. Prodi governement No. 2
  38. America's Shadow Government
  39. The Pledge of Allegiance
  40. The most diverse US presidential campaign ever?
  41. Corby is 'Too White'
  42. US stealing Anne Frank?
  43. Former Canadian Defense Minister: UFO technology is key to global warming
  44. Farnan's plan for Affirmative Action Reform
  45. Iraq better under Saddam? Afghanistan better under the Taliban?
  46. Wikipedia too "liberal" for you? Fear not!
  47. Who's Killing Who in Iraq (and why) - Interview with Evan Kohlmann of GlobalTerrorAlert.com
  48. A film that tells it like it is.
  49. Re: Where's the KKK present and fascists?
  50. Conservatism and Capitalism: Strange Bedfellows
  51. Army Secretary Resigns
  52. Princess Dianas inquest to be heard by Jury
  53. The Nazis are invading my town!
  54. The Miracle in Northern Iraq
  55. Those racist American Indians...
  56. Swiss invade Liechtenstein
  57. Marijuana
  58. U.N. to debate contact with extraterrestrial civilizations
  59. Denmark closes communist youth house fighting in streets
  60. Should kurdistan be separate?
  61. Nostalgia, the good old days, society is going down the drain
  62. Tell Me Your Thoughts On This (Political representations in the Media)
  63. how do you get the news?
  64. The case of the missing Iranian General!
  65. Shameful Cowardice
  66. What does Bin Laden want?
  67. Islamic Law in Action
  68. Another critic of Russian Government 'commits suicide'
  69. Military Politician?
  70. Why isn't conquering done as in old times anymore?
  71. Taliban making a comeback in Afghanistan!
  72. 2 AU peacekeepers killed, likely by allied Sudanese Rebel forces
  73. The Fall of Modernity
  74. The Tom & Jerry conspiracy theory
  75. Cyprus in the EU?where is europe?
  76. America not #1 anymore
  77. Turkey Bans youtube
  78. The Star Spangled Banner... what it means to you.
  79. france bans amateur video
  80. Suitable Force?
  81. The BEAST
  82. Muslim support of terror...
  83. Confirmed: Senior Iranian official defected
  84. Mister president (or: How They Never Learn)
  85. Sincere Question on Islamic Culture
  86. Nuclear Iran
  87. Brits,watch channel 4 NOW!!
  88. Israel PM: Lebanon War was Pre-planned
  89. Greek Cypriots Begin Demolishing Section Of The Green Line
  90. Israelis use 11 year old girl as human sheild
  91. Denmark a unique mix of welfare, economic growth
  92. What is a "Lib"?
  93. Democrats push for withdrawal date from Iraq
  94. If Israel was in Poland...
  95. Smoking
  96. Sex Scandel Brews in D.C.
  97. Capitalism vs other
  98. Freedom of speech in switzerland?
  99. A close Middle-Eastern Conflict between Syria and Israel?
  100. George Bush: Xeres or King Leonidas?
  101. Ostracism?
  102. 300: Political aspects?
  103. On Putin and the Kremlin: Your thoughts
  104. Stubborness
  105. Union Jack/Flag what does it mean/represent to you?
  106. British Soldiers Mother to be Deported
  107. Space Programs: Waste of Money or Humanity's next great achievemnt?
  108. Russia and Syria?
  109. In the scenario of a Muslim civil war...
  110. The Place of War
  111. Top general calls homosexuality "immoral"
  112. Trident?
  113. The Dutch are Rioting!
  114. Are you Patriotic or Loyal to your Nation?
  115. Read TWC News!
  116. Three Cheers for Tony Blair!
  117. Maybe the end of US supremacy! If it continues like this...
  118. Me and the Big Guy
  119. Why the US wins wars and will win the War on Terror
  120. Remember that Channel 4 show exposing the 'myth' of global warming?
  121. US 'friendly fire' killing of UK servicemen unlawful
  122. The Slaves in Spain
  123. your favorite Bushisms
  124. Was Bhaghat Singh right?
  125. The Bronze Soldier
  126. The world according to Adam curtis
  127. Cannabis and psychosis: An apology
  128. Special War Edition - The Onion
  129. Guys like this are destroying our country?
  130. Is Khalid S Mohammed Really the Dude Behind Everything?
  131. pot do you see any effect?
  132. Kirkuk bombs kill 2, injure dozens
  133. Americans: What are you?
  134. Should Charity be banned?
  135. Gordon Brown
  136. Bomb deaths plunge after U.S. crackdown
  137. Budget '07 - Brown Bleeds us Dry
  138. BBC Bias
  139. Casualties of Defence Cuts
  140. State of affairs in West Papua/Irian Jaya
  141. Prison: Punishment or Rehabilitation?
  142. Lewd content is no longer illegal for minors in US
  143. France opens their ufo files
  144. Al Gore '08
  145. Tiananmen square massacre
  146. Marine honored by Queen
  147. "Caucasophobia"
  148. 15 British sailors seized by Iran
  149. your opinion of romania
  150. Zimbabwe - That little Tin Pot African Dictatorship time forgot.
  151. Why Rudy Guiliani sucks
  152. Doha Debates: Do Iraq Needs a Dictator to Create Stability?
  153. Ohh Snap, Alex Jones-charilie Sheen - Loose Change- New Movie
  154. Oreilly/ no free press / Rove
  155. pirates worse then ever?
  156. The future of Belarus
  157. 08 president
  158. Nicer legs than Hitler, bigger tits than Cher, AND responsible for Operation Condor
  159. staying the course
  160. Mod's chief scientific adviser - 650,000 iraqi dead accurate
  161. Ununited States of America...
  162. fake religious politics
  163. WTF did Live aid and Live 8 accomplish?
  164. The Kurdish Project
  165. spin the black circle
  166. Universal Health
  167. liberals don't get it
  168. fellow Republicans - Hagel
  169. Britain: Gutless, Spineless Wimp of a Country?
  170. Responses to Helios Editorials
  171. what do you think about drafting younger and younger people into iraq
  172. And the poor will suffer
  173. What is McCain smoking?
  174. Venezuela-China Oil Deal
  175. Young Vote 08
  176. Racist Scotland?!
  177. If YOU were in charge?
  178. Russia: US Military Build up on Iranian Border
  179. Welfare welfare and a bit more welfare.
  180. Our favorite Presiden'tsblog
  181. Power Sharing in Northern Ireland
  182. Blair and Reid split the Home Office
  183. Will there ever be a war between western European countries again?
  184. political isolationism today?
  185. Setback for Indian Caste Quota Plan
  186. Israel Rejects Arab Peace Plan
  187. Political Cartoon Thread
  188. US Senate backs Iraq pullout date
  189. Archduke Ferdinand, Archduke Ferdinand
  190. disabled people
  191. great speeches
  192. regulated internet
  193. The Death of the American Bill of Rights & Habeas Corpus!
  194. Republican presidential candidate, Ron Paul
  195. More protests in Ukraine
  196. The Lords Spiritual
  197. Iraq war from a different angle and why it might be a good thing
  198. Ban the Mega Mosque! (Sign the petition)
  199. Ruler
  200. US Presidency money...
  201. British schools are dropping the Holocaust and the Crusades from history lessons
  202. Open season for stealing us military secrets
  203. If government is always the enemy, why trust them with anything?
  204. China - The real threat to the USA
  205. Israeli PM denies any intention to strike Lebanon, Syria in summer
  206. Is America ready...
  207. child marketing
  208. Will you die poor?
  209. Who Killed John O'Neill?
  210. conspiracy, good or bad?
  211. Belgian region to impose tax on BBQ
  212. Jesus and the money-lenders
  213. John Spartan, you are fined one credit for a violation of the verbal morality statute
  214. How Wars Are Won.
  215. april fools
  216. Jefferson, Lincoln, and Slavery
  217. Fred Phelps and Westboro baptist church documentary.
  218. New capital of Burma: Naypyidaw
  219. from the desk of the FOOL ME TWICE DEPT.
  220. Dalai Lama in Al Qaeda's sights?
  221. Dictatorship
  222. Pelosi's Flubbed Foreign Policy
  223. Scandal ignored by media.. plans to unite Canada, U.S.A, and Mexico underway
  224. How many years for insulting the King of Thailand?
  225. More Football Riots in Europe
  226. Thinking about Timur and other Mongol leaders, they had so much potential...
  227. War with Iran?? post your opinion and why
  228. Global Warming Real or fake post your opinion
  229. Bill O'Reilly and Geraldo Rivera FLIP OUT
  230. Scottish Independace
  231. What if?
  232. US to UK during hostage crisis: "By your command"
  233. The left, Islam, Human Rights, Hypocricy, Abstract Nouns.
  234. Government forcing people to live under bridges
  235. Russia wants in on Missle Defense Shield
  236. Outsourcing what hath you done: Kenyans with Jobs
  237. The Telegraph:"Hero's Tale 'Too Positive' For BBC"
  238. Pollsters' Ethics?
  239. Russia, China, and Iran. America's nightmare scenario!
  240. American Disunity and Instability...
  241. Islam, this is why America hates you
  242. Iran: Uranium enrichment increased tenfold
  243. Bloody Christian Terrorist Organizations
  244. Don Imus racist?
  245. The Great Global Warming Swindle
  246. Top US General details counter-strategy and progress of Iraq war (Great read)
  247. Mock Senate
  248. A Crusade in 21st Century?
  249. Hijacked Airplane in Turkey
  250. What constitutes the modern Middle East region?