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  1. Irish village forced to take 115 migrants despite 93% vote
  2. Lauren Southern Detained at Calais, Barred U.K. Entry
  3. Britain Demands Russia Answer For Poisoning Spy
  4. The God Emperor Will Have His Space Marines or President Trump Proposes Space Forces
  5. South Africa Boer Farm Murders and Land Theft: Australia offers Fast-Track Visa for Afrikaners, ANC Demands Retraction
  6. Telford Grooming Scandal: Hundreds of girls raped, beaten, and killed by Muslim Gangs
  7. Telford Grooming Scandal
  8. Jeremy Corbyn 'figurehead for anti-semitism'
  9. Germany: Grandma gets culturally enriched five times, severe punishment for perpetuator
  10. Trèbes: France's 20th Terror Attack, 245 Dead Since 2014
  11. Kids TV Show Teaches White Privilege to Primary School Children
  12. Israel kills 45, thousands wounded, in Gaza during protests
  13. Bibi goes Barmy! Reveals plot to resettle 10000s of african migrants from israel to Germany/Italy!
  14. Brown, vegan, animal rights, fitness guru woman shoots up Youtube HQ for YT's censorship
  15. Israel's Unwanted African Migrants, sent to Europe?
  16. The Threat Within NATO
  17. The 2018 Midterm Elections
  18. Announcement: Proposal for New Political Debate Forum
  19. Rising Violence in Sweden
  20. Rioting in Toulouse
  21. What has become of the Republican Party?
  22. Coup in Saudi Arabia?
  23. Calexit starts gathering signatures
  24. French Pres. Macron adresses a joint session of USA Congress
  25. 2018 Turkish Elections
  26. Californian counties join Sanctuary City Lawsuit
  27. Violence in DR Congo
  28. Boy Scouts of America agree to 'inclusive' name change
  29. Connecticut will award electoral college votes to Popular Vote winner
  30. Trump pulls U.S. out of Iran nuclear deal
  31. California now mandates all new homes come with solar paneling
  32. Santa Fe, Texas, high school shooting
  33. Aussie Archbishop falls as a repercussion of Priest convected of sex scandal
  34. Scotland to give foreign refugees and asylum seekers the vote
  35. Californian City Gives Porn Star Key to City for Maligning Trump
  36. Cuban has a Boeing made plane crashing on a domestic flight
  37. Civil Rights Activist Tommy Robinson arrested, imprisoned while reporting on a muslim rape gang trail
  38. Chinese finally did it - Muslim concentration camp in China
  39. Protest outside 10 Downing demand release of civil rights activist Tommy Robinson
  40. Harvey Weinstein finally arrested
  41. Ireland Votes By Landslide to Repeal Anti-Abortion Amendment
  42. Criticism of Trumponomics Intensifies
  43. Trump's Foreign Policy: America First or America Alone?
  44. Suicide Rates in the USA and how this will become political (or Anthony Bourdain dead at 61)
  45. Will the West go ‘Pop’? Populism sweeps Europe and America
  46. Canada is offended by Trump!
  47. Macedonia Naming Dispute: Solved?
  48. Trump's America is taking children away from their parents at the border and detaining them separately
  49. Trump announces... Space Force?
  50. EU votes for copyright law that would make internet a 'tool for control' (article 11 and 13)
  51. Is the ACLU no-longer going to defend free speech?
  52. Supreme Court Upholds Trump’s Travel Ban
  53. US Supreme Court drags rabid dog (aka government worker labor unions) out behind the woodshed, shoots it in the back of the head
  54. US President Orders European Vassals To Pay For NATO
  55. US Declares War On World Trade With Massive FART Act
  56. EU internet censorship, modding might become illegal
  57. USA's trade wars
  58. Greek soldiers are still being held hostage by Turkey
  59. Gender recognition act
  60. Israel is now officially an Apartheid state?
  61. [Poll] Would you like a regular award for good posts?
  62. Anti-semitism on the left
  63. Alternative for Europe: Hungary's Viktor Orban calls for right-wing union in Europe
  64. Paraguay: Eleven campesinos acquitted for Curuguaty massacre
  65. Religious Liberty Task Force
  66. Tommy Robinson wins appeal, released on bail
  67. Enemies of the People? Trump's Assault on the Press
  68. Saudis bravely struggle against Canadian imperialism
  69. Tokyo Medical School Tampers With Test Scores To Purposely Exclude Women
  70. Turkish-US economic war: Will the Turkish economy survive this?
  71. Afghanistan: Hundreds of government soldiers killed as Taliban attack in mutliple fronts
  72. Pennsylvania Catholic Church and Vatican covers up rape of over 1000 children
  73. US Lockhead Martin bomb made a strike on bus filled with children
  74. Possible waterboarding of cadets at Sandhurst military Academy.
  75. San Francisco launches ‘Poop Patrol’ to clean up feces on the street
  76. El Salvador Recognizes PRC Americans Delete Hypocrisy from dictionary in response
  77. Comey and Mueller: Washington mobsters?
  78. Franco's Mausoleum upsets Spain, again.
  79. American gun laws
  80. Gerrymanderinig and judges meddle on the eve of elections without the help of Russian meddling
  81. Neo-Nazis and Far-Right hooligans riot in Chemnitz
  82. International Fishermen Wars
  83. Genocides in Myanmar and China of Rohingya and Uighur Muslims
  84. Leftwing militant stabs leading conservative candidate one month ahead of Brazilian general election
  85. Liberal inquisition: the persecution of Alex Jones
  86. Elections in Sweden
  87. EU passes articles 11 and 13 potentially banning memes
  88. Political Controversy After Australian Student Refused to Stand for Anthem
  89. Announcement - POTF rules consultation - input required
  90. Greece to sell historical monuments to pay debts
  91. Cornell U. welcome package: check your privilege
  92. Should a Special Counsel inestigate Democratic Party Election Meddling
  93. Trump Brags That He Got Much Bigger Laughs at U.N. Than Obama
  94. Αhvaz terrorist attack
  95. Nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to Supreme Court
  96. Are men discriminated in natural science by feminists?
  97. Québec elects new centre-right party, voting to cut taxes, privatise health and cut immigration
  98. NYT Investigation Into Trump's Fortune
  99. IPCC special report - Global Warming of 1.5 °C
  100. Journalist from SA mysteriously disappeared under suspicious circumstances in Istanbul
  101. Vote suppresion by Trump regime has begun
  102. UK supreme court backs Christian bakery that refused to support gay marriage.
  103. Another parade for massmigration
  104. Democrat leaders and their enablers are corrupt
  105. In the midst of the highest deficit since 2012, Republican Senators finally decide to fix the problem; cutting social programs
  106. The NPC meme controversy
  107. Anjem Choudary released after less than half the sentence, despite still not being de-radicalised
  108. Bombs sent to Democrat politicians and mainstream media
  109. Hunter receives death threats from tolerant and inclusive Scotland
  110. Huddersfield grooming gang jailed for 221 years
  111. Defamation of the Prophet Muhammad is not free expression, European Court Rules
  112. Mass Shooting at a US synagogue (Pittsburgh, PA)
  113. I have purged my life of reddit because Reddit Is bad for society and you should too.
  114. Angela Merkel Will Step Down in 2021
  115. Terrorists, wanting soft sentence, blame Trump for making them want to kill muslims.
  116. US 2018 Midterms Elections - Divided Government Looms
  117. The Pakistan Blasphemy Case, and why it is Relevant
  118. New Caledonia Referendum: The (French) Empire strikes back?
  119. Macron calls for creation of "European Army" to defend against Russia and US
  120. CNN's Jim Acosta banned from White House after heated exchange with Trump, falsely accused of laying hands on woman
  121. A lot of Americans live in housing they can't afford, according to Harvard study
  122. Idiot Trump blames the Baltic countries for the Balkan conflicts while at WWI memorial
  123. Trump suggests letting Turkey murder a US resident, in order to protect Saudi Arabia from consequences of murdering US resident
  124. Turkish Foreign Minister threatens Greece with war?
  125. Court decides: FGM is legal in USA
  126. Russian-Ukrainian naval incident
  127. China decides to become the people’s moral authority, and abolish private life - social credit system
  128. Australia, USA, Austria, Poland, Hungary, and Israel refuse to sign UN global compact for migration
  129. Post of the Fortnight Competition is now live!
  130. Democratic Backsliding in Hungary - Oligarchs Donate Media to a pro-government Conglomerate
  131. Egyptian actress facing prison time for ‘revealing’ dress
  132. Andalusian elections of 2018
  133. Trump and the Emoluments Clause
  134. "Gilets jaunes" protests in France.
  135. Charlottesville- Justice for Heather Heyer
  136. Protests in Hungary because of the planned new overtime law
  137. The Anglophone Crisis in Cameroon: is the country heading towards a civil war?
  138. Vox: deplatforming unwanted opinions works!
  139. Strasbourg Christmas Market shooting
  140. The effect of ''diversity and inclusion'' policies: white working class British kids worst performing group in education
  141. Trump's Urban Council to solicit up to 100B$ investments in under-developed urban areas
  142. German police officers are being investigated for enganging in far-right hate speech and personal threats
  143. American Patriot REFUSES to Sign Oath of Loyalty to israel- Gets FIRED!!!
  144. Relotius Affair: A Dark Page in the History of Journalism
  145. Majority of Americans reject more Political Correctness for their country
  146. US pledges billion to strengthen Central America
  147. Another staff will leave
  148. Merry christmas from our fellow islamists
  149. NYT: Democrats ran "Russian" twitter accounts in Alabama Senate Race
  150. Are there no Liberal Parties Anymore? Conservatives Clamp Down on Freedom
  151. Illegal English Channell Crossings Foiled: Major Incident Declared
  152. US Government Shutdown
  153. Women’s March ties to Louis Farrakhan, and California march canceled over ‘concerns it would be overwhelmingly white’
  154. Hostages held in Sydney cafe, possible by Islamists
  155. Brazilian President Bolsonaro's policies
  156. Ukraine's deep dive into Nazism Apologism
  157. Looks like Trump is going to get another SCOTUS judge
  158. Macedonia approves constitutional amendment to change country's name to Republic of North Macedonia
  159. Saudi woman who renounced Islam given asylum in Canada
  160. The Case for Impeachment
  161. The case for civil war
  162. Lying Liberal Media, episode 1: the kid with the MAGA hat and the native American
  163. Egyptian TV host given year’s Jail sentence for interviewing a gay man.
  164. Deteriorating Situation in Venezuela
  165. The President's State of the Union Address 2019
  166. Will US withdraw from Afghanistan?
  167. Israel elections April 2019, September 2019, March 2020, March 2021.
  168. The No Good Very Bad Week of Gov. Ralph Northam
  169. Congress Comes Together At Last!
  170. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Baffling Idiotic "Green New Deal," and why it will harm efforts to combat Global Warming
  171. If you’re a White Man the Democratic Party of America doesn’t want you
  172. US President Trump Declares National Emergency to Fund His Wall
  173. I thought Britain was under sharia law?
  174. Trump appointees reportedly tried to fast track sale of nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia
  175. India and Pakistan clash over Kashmir
  176. Asking babies for CONSENT before changing dipers!?
  177. Erdogan warns oil companies against drilling in... Cyprus
  178. US reaching a new level of barbarity. They can kill women and children and cover it
  179. Is it Game Over on the climate front?
  180. Trump's ex-campaign manager Paul Manafort sentenced to four years in prison
  181. The double standards of progressives in the West
  182. For those that hate AA
  183. It just went down in New Zealand
  184. Israel did 911
  185. It just went down in Uthrect
  186. Again the threat of packing the Supreme Court appears
  187. Right-Wing Populist Party Surges to Win most Votes in Dutch Senate
  188. Increase in Rape and Sexual Assault in Finland
  189. Italy and China sign important trade agreement ignoring US and EU objections
  190. Golan Heights recognized as Israeli by US administration
  191. Experiments in Medical Insurance
  192. Turkey's Local Elections 2019
  193. Pence warns Turkey over its purchase of the S400
  194. Meanwhile in Libya...
  195. US Labels Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps As Terrorists
  196. F-35 Goes Missing: Possible Global Ramifications For F-35 Program
  197. Julian Assange is arrested by British police
  198. British Euro elections thread
  199. Trump, immigrants and sanctuary cities suggestion.
  200. US Demands All Nations Cease All Iranian Oil Imports...Or Else
  201. Spanish 2019 Elections
  202. Was the Mueller Investigation Legal?
  203. USA Democratic party 2020 candidates and primaries thread
  204. Secretary of State Pompeo's Team Declares Race War Against China
  205. UK Local Elections 2019
  206. Drumms of war in eastern mediteranean.
  207. Iran stopping part of the implementation of the nuclear deal
  208. When even Andrew Neil seems cool (ludicrous ruin of Ben Shapiro)
  209. Political Correctness is Reducing Academic Freedom at Cambridge - Noah Carl Sacked
  210. School erases ''Mother's Day'' in favour of non-binary ''Acknowledgement Day''
  211. European Parliament Elections 2019: Patriots against Traitors
  212. Liberals are now blaming ''climate change'' on ''white people diet'' and ''toxic masculinity''
  213. The latest anti-liberal rant thread (get your daily dose here)
  214. Another school shooting in the US. Liberals don't want to grab guns this time?
  215. Dutch liberal government caught covering up crime statistics when the perpetrators are asylum seekers, refugees or other migrants
  216. Ibiza Affair: Austrian Nationalists Expose Themselves on Camera
  217. Illegal immigrants from Africa occupy Charles de Gaulle airport in France
  218. Conservative leadership election.
  219. German Jews warned against wearing kippah in public.
  220. US to impose 25% tariff by October on all Mexican goods due to perceived migrant threat
  221. Socialism for thee, but not for me. Vox media staff unionizes, company shifts hiring to part-time and contractors
  222. Denmark Legislative Elections
  223. The Selmayr Appointment and Associated Scandals: How the Bertelsmann family is turning the EU into a 4th Reich
  224. John Cleese: London doesn't feel like an English city anymore. Legitimate to prefer some cultures over others
  225. Ukraine presidential and parliamentary elections
  226. Nazi Punch - Youtube bans inherently discriminatory videos
  227. Tucker Carlson: "almost every nation on Earth has fallen under the yoke of tyranny — the metric system"
  228. Commie terrorists BTFO. Bakery awarded $11 million after being targeted by student activist protests
  229. Lesbians Punched Bloody in Act of Cultural Exchange
  230. Hundreds of thousands march in Hong Kong to protest China extradition bill
  231. Brazil: Leaked Documents about Car Wash
  232. Jo Brand did nothing wrong, but the BBC and police did.
  233. 2019 Greek Legislative Elections
  234. 2019/2020 Iran - USA War... Getting There....
  235. Political Cartoons
  236. Oregon Republicans flee and hide to delay vote, police sent to find them
  237. Google is officially a threat to democracy. Executives exposed admitting the company is trying to ''prevent another 2016''
  238. Stopping free health tourism is racist and complicit in an oppressive regime say British doctors.
  239. Supreme Court falls on side of Gerrymandering
  240. Portland: Journalist injured during riot between Antifa and Proud Boys.
  241. To my surprise, I just learn today a Jew can discriminate another Jew racially in Israel
  242. Jeffrey Epstein arrested for sex trafficking, assets seized
  243. France: Reimbursing for Homeopathy to be Abolished
  244. Italy: Far-right Activists in Possession of Air-to-air Missile
  245. Turkey Kicked Out Of F-35 Program, NATO Compromised By Turkish Treachery
  246. Trump, I hear you're a racist..............
  247. Republican lawmakers want to make child drag shows illegal.
  248. No more 'manholes': Berkeley, California, removing all gendered language from city code
  249. National Education Association votes in favour of teaching ''White Fragility'', turns down ''increased student learning''
  250. Puerto Rico: Telegramgate Provokes Massive Demonstrations