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Thread: [ETW AAR] Albion @ C.3

  1. #1

    Default [ETW AAR] Albion @ C.3



    This is mostly a story, and shall document the events of a campaign of the British I'm playing. It shall be heavily documented and pictorial. This is also my first attempt at such a thing, so please be gentle . +Rep to those who find the easter eggs dotted in the AAR
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    Chapter One:The Empire
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    Its the turn of the century, January the 1st in the year of our Lord, 1700. Just last year the Parliaments of England and Scotland merged under the Act of Union 1699 to form the United Kingdom of Great Britain, the deal almost a hundred years in the making. His Majesty, King William III, looked at maps of the dominions brought before him by Earl Woods, minster of the Americas. He gandered at Rupert's Lands, across to the French, Québec and Montréal and to the golden Thirteen Colonies. He scrolled down the map to find the Caribbean, and with it the Bahamas, of the coast of Spanish Florida, and then to our centre point within the Caribbean, Port Royal on the island of Jamaica.

    He heeded the advice of Earl Woods, “Rupert's Land faces not only the threat of the French, but a tribe of natives known as the Huron, a most violent threat to the south and west.” , The King grants a thousand Guineas to build an improved centre of governance. “In the Caribbean Your Royal Highness, we must ensure we work with the Dutch to crush piracy .” He points a small chain of islands, “Its believed they have any hideaways around the islands, but there is one of importance on these Islands, we should ensure it is removed!”. The King falters slightly, “I've committed the Royal Navy to a new expedition, I can't provide the resources at current”. His Majesty folds away the map of the Americas to reveal a map of India. “Mr Woods, I present too you. India, I intend to claim land here by 1710, that shall be our focus!”. Disappointed, Earl Woods bows and walks out the room, not turning his back of the King.

    Chapter Two:The Race for India
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    John Egerton, First Lord of the Admiralty is tasked with building a fleet able to transport an army to India. George Clarke, Secretary at War, begins the makings of the 1st Indian Army. Led by the Duke of Marlborough, John Churchill. At Cambridge, a most intelligent man, Isaac Newton leads research on a new form melee weapon to attach to the barrel of a musket. His latest report suggest that he can present the invention to the King within two years believing it will give us a edge on the over the Indians.

    The King approached the Portuguese, our allies for information on India. They suggest we land in Goa, and then take the capital of the Mysoreans.

    Military access is granted, the plan grows well. We barter some trade routes, the Prussians offer us the technology Newton was researching, deeply upset he couldn't present his own, and what he claimed was a superior version to the Prussians , Newton went off muttering about apples on hearing the news. Isaac, however, wasn't disheartened, he quickly came up with plans that would allow the application of the bayonet over the barrel not in it, thereby allowing permanent attachment. He claimed this would take two years to perfect. Unless he had some help.

    The Indian fleet was to be commanded by Admiral G. Rooke, keen to prove himself he volunteered when he heard about the fleet. Not the best of Admirals, he was considered to lack true combative instincts, however, this being a voyage and not a attacking flotilla, it was deemed he was suitable for the expedition. Currently commanding two sixth-rate ships, The Dumbarton Castle and The Dolphin with the Sloop Dunkirk. He pledged for a fifth rate, granted it was built at Portsmouth.

    We leave in 1702, demands King William, we must be ready by then. Just as this was announced, a diplomat from the Ottoman Empire had arrived in London. He brought a small chunk of gold as a barter for trade agreement, and more importantly, a military alliance. It was debated in Parliament heavily, John Smith Chancellor of the Exchequer argued in favour, while Orville Chermside of the opposition said it was dangerous to ally with a Islamic nation. The motion went to vote and came out a high majority. The treaty was signed.

    The Duke of Marlborough, John Churchill had begun to train his troops. A Portuguese officer had come to lecture on the practises of Indian armies. He stressed they were worlds apart from the natives of the Americas, and they are not to be under estimated at any cost. He drilled his troops in close combat, using the new plug-in bayonet, and getting prototypes of the ring bayonet to test from Cambridge.

    Admiral E. Russell lent Rooke a sloop to fit the extra troops J. Churchill insisted on bringing, The 1st Indian army already containing 700 men, with a good 600 in training. He had just a year and a half to train them all. The King not moving on his departing date.
    By May, 1701. The fleet was ready, and so was Churchill and his troops, news reached London that the native Iroquois Confederacy had declared open war against the colonies. The King thought hard, should he now divert the Indian army to the Americas? Forsaking the riches of India for the new world, that was growing ever distant with each year?

    We entered the war, we donated money to the colonies in the hope they could fend off the natives themselves. We will still go for India was the vow.
    The army boarded the fleet and set off, stopping Porto briefly, allowing The Portuguese gentlemen to return back to Portugal. Then it was directly onto Mysore, India.
    In retaliation to the war, Military Governors encampment was built in Ruperts land. Hoping we could train the locals to aid in the defence of the Americas.
    Meanwhile, a second army was funded in Britain, to reach the Americas in 1703, under the command of the young, Abner Hemmingway. Abner was born in the colonies, moving to London only in 1697 to further his career in the English, now British Army. He was 29, and hadn't commanded a battle of his own yet now was his chance. In a year he'd set off for his birth place in the name of war! He commanded 500 troops. Admiral Edward Russell had to convert a local fishing sloop into a armed sloop for his trip to the Americas, to replace the one he had lent Rooke. E. Russell was a fine Admiral, popular myth portrayed him as the son of the sea itself, and he was known as an aggressive commander in battle, always taking the fight to the enemy, he carried one of the finest naval surgeons Britain had seen with him, a Dr. Maturin.

    Both expeditions had left Albion herself, open, with no fleets and little armed forces and only the natural defence of the channel as her shield. It was imperative Churchill be fast and effective in India.

    1703, it was calculated that Rookes fleet would be off the coast of South Africa, Isaac Newton oversaw the expansion of Cambridge, now able to take in an extra 150 students,by 1704. Admirals E. Russell's fleet was off the coast of the Americas and Rooke was presumed to be going through the straights of Madagascar. John Smith held an emergency meeting in Parliament, the Kings wild expeditions had slowed growth of the economy that France, Spain and the United Provinces sped past the United Kingdom in terms of Trade. Loyalists to the King simply commended the wealth that awaited Britain in India, that would spare us they said! It sufficed for now, but the country grew restless as fishermen had reported France was amassing a fleet in the English channel.

    The growth of Cambridge had struck the interest of James Puckle, who approached the Secretary for War, George Clark, with plans for a gun he was working on, it much interested Mr Clark who sent him to work with Newton in Cambridge right away!
    The government having just won its second election, spin on the expeditions had increased popularity by 13 percent in the last five years!. Admirals Russell's fleet was now on the return from the Americas post-haste!

    The Duke of Marlborough had landed in Goa, a small Portuguese detachment greeted them and gave information on an outpost the Mysoreans had set-up on the border of Goa. We immediately sent papers, declaring war, Portugal held its alliance and joined with us.

    The Race for India was over, the conquest... was just about to begin.

    Chapter Three:Sore Wounds.

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    Admiral Rooke resupplied at Goa and embarked on the return voyage. Portugal prepared for war, amassing great numbers in Goa. The Duke used this to his advantage, if he could get them to attack the heavily defended outpost, he could go straight for the capital.

    In America, General Hemmingway built a fort blocking the natives in, they don't like this and attack as soon as scouts discover the fort.

    Battle of Fort Sheffield.
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    It wasn't long before the hordes of the enemy where crashing at the walls. Quickly the surrounded the fort, attacking from every side.

    Hemmingways troops fought valiantly to keep control of the walls.

    We sent them running in every direction, when suddenly, they burst through the forts gates. Their lancers charging the militia guarding it, causing Abner himself to get involved in the fighting.

    They drive back the hordes, for today... Abner lost 500 men to the natives 700, a very sore wound, that will come back to haunt him if he isn't resupplied from England soon.

    In the mean time, the garrison at Nassau plead to reinforce the depleted garrison at Fort Sheffield, they set sail for New York.

    In Goa, India. The Duke is unable to commit his troops to an attack, and is having trouble getting the Portuguese to lead an assault.

    Apperently, they've rather Mysore for themselves, and trade Goa to us for aiding them to do so. Verily, this has upset our alliance slightly. No more than quarrels for now, but will it descend into another war?

    The Iroqouis attempt to win the Fort before reinforcements reach,leading an army of 160 against the remaining 112 soldiers. The troops held out, 41 British soldiers had died, but 115 natives were repelled from the walls. Reinforcements were only six months away now, and from England, even more.

    In Rupert's Land, a new school was funded in Fort Rupert, while true to Earl Woods words, numerous Huron scouting parties had been spotted, no doubt fuelled by the war with the Iroquois.

    1708, It had been to long, The Duke went to war,leaving the Portuguese in Goa, he entered Mysore alone.
    Quickly, a Mysorean army under Ahsas Panganmamula attacked at Churchill's flank.

    Battle of Mysore, Summer 1708, it was short, when two cavalry charges failed to capture our guns, Ahsas charged the pikewall using his fierce elephants, however he fell with the first blow,

    up and down the Mysorean line, their men broke and ran for the hills. The Duke had lost 800 men, Mysore has lost 1600, he decided it was a successful defence.

    With less than 500 men remaining, and with a Mysorean army of 2000 appearing from the hills, J. Chuchill ordered the retreat, heading back into Goa. He dug in at the border, sending dispatches to England for more men!
    [To be continued]
    Last edited by Vowlesy; March 07, 2009 at 01:51 PM.

  2. #2
    tuore's Avatar Senator
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    Nov 2008

    Default Re: [ETW AAR] Albion

    Looking nice!

  3. #3

    Default Re: [ETW AAR] Albion

    Thank You [Nevermind, using GameCam ]

    A bizarre crash caused a save file corruption, happily, only at 1707, and I'd saved a turn early for the major backup save. (Every three turns).
    Last edited by Vowlesy; March 07, 2009 at 12:00 PM.

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