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Thread: Overwriting buildings in battle maps.

  1. #1
    Linke's Avatar Hazarapatish
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Default Overwriting buildings in battle maps.

    Sorry for the amateurish tutorial.

    Guide to overwriting building models, step by step.
    Note, every instance of the overwritten model will be changed, this approach can't
    actually change the layout of maps, just the visual feeling and accuracy. The same
    minor roman map (For example) can thus become an ancient greek polis, barbarian hillfort,
    medieval citadel; and even a later period starfort by changing and removing buildings.
    (Removing buildings is the same proces but replacing it with an invisible model, or
    a model like a cart or something. More on finding/viewing models later)

    tools- pack file manager, (asembly kit ted)

    0 View buildings in ted: select create in the top righ corner (select, create and paint).
    Then select buildings as the object type (directly below in the right top corner).
    Here you can compare the size of models and wich ones could replace each other without
    being to large or small (wich means it might not work with the surounding everytime).
    NOTE - all buildings can for some reason not be found here.
    (for an official guide to the tool see here

    1 To find models in game use pack file manager to open attila_models packs to find the
    models. The building models are in models2.pack (attila). IN the pack you will find
    the folder rigidmodels, in that folder you will find another folder named buildings
    and in the buildings folder there are folders for each building with models and such.

    (2 Export those buildings you wish to change to an identical folder setup in your actual
    computer, preferably the desktop (do this by leftclicking/selecting thee desired building
    folder and pressing ctrl+x, then enter desktop and you will get a setup on your desktop
    like this or similar: C:\Users\*****\Desktop\rigidmodels\buildings(\whatever buildings there are))

    3 Know we get to the actual overwriting part. Go to the folders for the buildings on your desktop.
    I will use as an example the barbarian_ahouse_1 wich I will replace with the attila_rock_small_06
    model. I export the folders for both buildings to the buildings folder in desktop. It will appear as
    Desktop\rigidmodels\buildings\barbarian_ahouse_1 and Desktop\rigidmodels\buildings\attila_rock_small_06
    inside those folders are the files, in barbarian ahouse there are:
    and in the attila rock small there are:

    Copy all the files in the rock small folder and paste them in the ahouse folder. Then you could
    delete the rock small folder, although maybe wait until everything is done

    copy the begining name of the piece you want to replace, in this case "barbarian_ahouse_1_"
    and delete every entry begining with that, wich will leave only the attila rock small files
    you left in the barbarian ahouse folder. Then you change the name of all the attila rock small
    files to begin with "barbarian_ahouse_1_" instead of "attila_rock_small_".

    5 Export this back to a pack file, you got your mod.
    (how you do this, open pfm and create a new pack file by pressing file in the top left corner
    and then new. There will appear below that the text saying untitled pack. Right click on that text,
    press shift+insert, and you will get the option to add a directory (or just choose add directory
    manually). Add C:\Users\*****\Desktop\rigidmodels\ or whatever it is for you, and all the folders
    inside rigidmodels (wich you edited) will appear aswell. Save and then you have your pack when you
    start the launcher)

  2. #2

    Default Re: Overwriting buildings in battle maps.

    Looks interesting, thanks for posting Linke

  3. #3

    Default Re: Overwriting buildings in battle maps.

    Nice! Thanks Linke!

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