Looking forward to the new version, got some questions.

Will some existing factional units get overhauled/changed?
, some were masterpieces to look at... some were clearly not. I hope they get an update. I can point out some specifics if you want.

Balance wise, spearmen tend to be useless against charging cavalry - that kind of defeats the idea of spears. The only way to fight lancers was to stop them somehow, then move in spearmen - or counter charge them with cavalry of your own.
I liked the idea that there is a significant upkeep difference between levies and elites, but some elites cost too much. It just doesn't pay off to have them. In my current Roman campaign for example, I use Kontratoi pikemen (who are definitely not the strongest unit out there) because they get the job done and I can have a lot of them for the price of 1 cavalry unit. Lol, kind of like Imperial Stormtroopers from Star Wars

All in all, I am having great fun with the mod and I look forward to the next version. This wasn't an ungrateful rant, I was just looking to help improve the game. I am not a modder of any sorts, and I am busy (busyish) with studying, but I would like to help out if I can. If you still need beta testers, send me a PM.

Have a nice day!
