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Thread: TWC Tag Team Tournament TATW Quarter Final 2 2v2

  1. #1
    Dux's Avatar Warden of Westeros
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    Default TWC Tag Team Tournament TATW Quarter Final 2 2v2

    TWC and Hotseat Gaming Staff present



    This is the second edition of the TWC hotseat tag team tournament!

    The first was a huge success, but we are going to take this one to a whole new level!

    Team Gondor and Rohan:
    Joerock22 and Chieftain
    Team Mordor and Harad: Gimli and Ranger





    • Long campaign
    • Manage all settlements
    • M/M Difficulty
    • 21 turn limit
    • 36h per team, 18 per player


    • You may reload your turn as many times as you want
    • Turns must be taken within 24 hours. Extensions available upon request, but please try not to be late every time
    • Please PM or VM the next player in line


    • Players cannot capture any settlement outlined in black (i.e. out of bounds area). There is no restriction on where armies and agents can move. So armies and agents can move into out of bounds areas, but may not capture any settlements there


    • No Invasions
    • Losing both your capitals (as a team) means defeat.
    • Losing both your factionleaders in battle means defeat.
    • You may gift regions to another faction, but all units except one which appear as a result of the transfer must be disbanded immediately
    • No gifting settlements at risk of capture
    • No heroic victories
    • Battles against other players must be auto-resolved. Battles against the AI can be fought
    • Post screenshots of all battles against other players: deployment screen and results screen. I think this makes following a hotseat much more interesting. Note – you do not need to post screenshots for lopsided battles, i.e. 1,000 vs. 100, but please mention the battle in your post
    • No assassinations or sabotage. You may recruit assassins to act as (expensive) extra spies, but you may not use them for anything else
    • No surrounding armies with smaller stacks to deny a retreat. You are allowed to block bridges or river crossings
    • No mercenary transport ships
    • All crossings points of the Anduin are in play
    • Units defeated by a player coming after you in the turn order may not move or attack on your subsequent turn
    • The previous rule includes sieges – if defeated units retreat to a settlement and the enemy immediately lays siege, the defending army may not sally out on the turn immediately after the defeat, even if there are units inside the settlement which were not defeated. This is because the game engine prevents the sally where the defeated army comes later in the turn order
    • Bribing is allowed
    • Sallying from a settlement under siege is not allowed if it results in the settlement falling to the besieging force immediately thereafter (on your turn)
    • You are not allowed to lure an ambushing army a tile further to bring it in range of more of your forces
    • You are not allowed to siege a settlement for the sole purpose of denying a retreat into that settlement. You must instead allow the retreat and then siege the settlement
    • You may use siege engines (ballista, catapult, etc.) to attack a settlement immediately instead of sieging for a turn first


    • No destroying any buildings if the settlement is at risk of capture
    • Exterminating settlements is not allowed. You may sack or occupy
    • On the turn you capture an enemy settlement, you are only allowed to destroy inns and cultural buildings. This rule stays in effect until you have held a captured settlement for 3 turns
    • After you hold a captured settlement for 3 turns, buildings can be destroyed without restriction (provided the settlement is not at risk of capture)


    • Whether a spy may open the gates of a settlement depends on the size of the settlement’s garrison. If a settlement is defended by 720+ elves, 900+ men, or 1500+ orcs, then spies may NOT open the gates. If a settlement is defended by fewer than this number, then spies may open the gates without restriction
    • Note – Isengard must have 1500 soldiers in a settlement before it is safe from spies, even if some of those soldiers are dunlandings (men). This is because the standard unit size for Isengard is 250 across the board. Rhun, on the other hand, falls under the 900 man category because its standard unit size is 150
    • The purpose of this rule is to allow players to defend their settlement without fear of losing their garrison due to spies. Its justification is that settlement with more defenders have better surveillance and it would be harder for spies to operate. I also want to keep the rule simple, which is the reason for the hard limit. So basically if you defend a settlement with 6 full units worth of troops, you are safe from spies
    • Spies may open the gates against the Rebels (AI) without restriction

    Last edited by Dux; August 28, 2015 at 07:27 AM.

  2. #2
    Dux's Avatar Warden of Westeros
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    Default Re: TWC Tag Team Tournament TATW Quarter Final 2 2v2

    Gondor up!

    Please check if everything is correct.

    Also, please sent your password, makes subbing easier.
    Last edited by Dux; July 13, 2015 at 05:32 AM.

  3. #3
    Chieftain Khuzaymah's Avatar Domesticus
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    Default Re: TWC Tag Team Tournament TATW Quarter Final 2 2v2

    Rohan didn't get any additional territories?
    Most Promising Youngblood TATW: Chieftain Khuzaymah

  4. #4
    joerock22's Avatar Leader of Third Age HS

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    Default Re: TWC Tag Team Tournament TATW Quarter Final 2 2v2

    As I look at it, it seems that Good got 3 new territories (Golben Tolfalas, Henneth Annun, Cair Andros) while Evil got 4 (Barad Harn, Amon Eithel, Emyn Arnen, and Tir Ethraid). I'm going to ask that Good be granted one additional territory to make things even. Perhaps Derwath for Rohan?

    Also, can the rebel army next to Henneth Annun be moved? If you fast forward to turn 2 you'll see him standing directly in the path to the settlement so nobody can reach it. I don't think that was the intention here.

    Finally, because of these issues and because it's turn 1, I'm requesting an extension to play my turn. It should be up no later than 24 hours after this post (or close to it). I'm going to send Chieftain a draft turn with ideas and I'm sure we'll discuss strategy in the interim.
    Last edited by joerock22; July 12, 2015 at 06:51 PM.

  5. #5
    Chieftain Khuzaymah's Avatar Domesticus
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    Default Re: TWC Tag Team Tournament TATW Quarter Final 2 2v2

    Quote Originally Posted by joerock22 View Post
    while Evil got 4 (Barad Harn, Amon Eithel, Emyn Arnen, and Tir Ethraid).
    5, (+Ammu Khand)
    Most Promising Youngblood TATW: Chieftain Khuzaymah

  6. #6
    Dux's Avatar Warden of Westeros
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    Default Re: TWC Tag Team Tournament TATW Quarter Final 2 2v2

    Ah I see now I made a mistake. I should have used the descr_strat of 2v2v2, where rohan gets derwath, thoronburg and that other settlement at the Anduin. I will fix it shortly. As to that rebel army, that is unfortunately a script, I can do nothing about that, other than adjusting the script, but that would mean you will have to download new files.

  7. #7
    Dux's Avatar Warden of Westeros
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    Default Re: TWC Tag Team Tournament TATW Quarter Final 2 2v2

    New save and new map, see op.
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  8. #8
    Chieftain Khuzaymah's Avatar Domesticus
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    Default Re: TWC Tag Team Tournament TATW Quarter Final 2 2v2

    Could you not use the 'move_character' command to move them out of the way? It's possible for factions, but not sure for rebels.. Worth a try though, I'd say.
    Most Promising Youngblood TATW: Chieftain Khuzaymah

  9. #9
    Dux's Avatar Warden of Westeros
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    Default Re: TWC Tag Team Tournament TATW Quarter Final 2 2v2

    Yes I could, next turn I will.

  10. #10
    joerock22's Avatar Leader of Third Age HS

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    Default Re: TWC Tag Team Tournament TATW Quarter Final 2 2v2

    Now Gondor starts out allied with Mordor and at war with Rohan. Probably from using the descr_strat from the other game, since Harad is now before Mordor in the turn order as well. Starting out with diplomacy this way is actually a huge disadvantage for Mordor, since he can't attack me until he gets a diplomat to break the alliance. In the interests of fairness I'll wait for a new save.

  11. #11

    Default Re: TWC Tag Team Tournament TATW Quarter Final 2 2v2

    Thanks, if I remember correctly Mordor can't build a diplomat straight away either
    Last edited by *Ranger*; July 13, 2015 at 05:40 PM.

  12. #12
    Dux's Avatar Warden of Westeros
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    Default Re: TWC Tag Team Tournament TATW Quarter Final 2 2v2

    Sigh. Sorry guys :/

  13. #13
    joerock22's Avatar Leader of Third Age HS

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    Default Re: TWC Tag Team Tournament TATW Quarter Final 2 2v2

    It's okay. I have a feeling that once this gets going it will move pretty quickly.

  14. #14
    Dux's Avatar Warden of Westeros
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    Default Re: TWC Tag Team Tournament TATW Quarter Final 2 2v2

    New save
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  15. #15
    joerock22's Avatar Leader of Third Age HS

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    Default Re: TWC Tag Team Tournament TATW Quarter Final 2 2v2

    I will get this done tonight. Sorry, after this first turn I should be on time for the most part.

  16. #16
    Dr Mac's Avatar Vicarius
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    Default Re: TWC Tag Team Tournament TATW Quarter Final 2 2v2

    Hey guys, I'm your new admin, message me if you need me
    Last edited by Dr Mac; July 16, 2015 at 01:09 PM.

  17. #17
    joerock22's Avatar Leader of Third Age HS

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    Default Re: TWC Tag Team Tournament TATW Quarter Final 2 2v2

    Muster the garrisons, unfurl the sails, and go forth brave Gondorians to glory and conquest!


  18. #18
    Chieftain Khuzaymah's Avatar Domesticus
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    Default Re: TWC Tag Team Tournament TATW Quarter Final 2 2v2

    The Lords of Gondor gave us these lands to live on. For many years we lived in peace, but now war is upon us. "Oaths you have taken, now, fulfil them all, to Lord and Land!" Eomer speeches as the armies all around the Riddermark are assembled. To our brothers, to Gondor! To War!!

    Harad up
    Most Promising Youngblood TATW: Chieftain Khuzaymah

  19. #19

    Default Re: TWC Tag Team Tournament TATW Quarter Final 2 2v2

    Harad's Turn is done, hopefully Gimli is back so he can take his turn. If not I will do it before the deadline.

    Sorry its taken so long, Gimli isnt back yet.

    Last edited by *Ranger*; July 19, 2015 at 03:27 PM.

  20. #20
    joerock22's Avatar Leader of Third Age HS

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    Default Re: TWC Tag Team Tournament TATW Quarter Final 2 2v2

    The first blow against the enemies of the West is struck at Barad Harn. A small victory, but a harbinger of things to come.



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