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  1. #1

    Icon6 BASILEIA: Total War PROJECT 550-1461 (mod for M2TW-Kingdoms) --> Official News & Previews in Page 1


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    Basileia Total War Factions & Symbols:
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    -Christianike Autokratia tes Rhomaikes Anatoles (Byzantine Empire)
    2-Regnum Italiae (Goth Kingdom)
    3-Regnum Langobardorum (Lombard Kingdom)
    4-Regnum Siciliae (Kingdom of Sicily)
    5-Patrimonium Sancti Petri (Papal State)
    6-Marca de Monfrà (March of Montferrat)
    7-Repùbrica de Zêna (Republic of Genoa)
    8-Serenìsima Repùblica de Venessia (Republic of Venice)
    9-Imperium Romanum Sacrum (Holy Roman Empire)
    10-Magyar Királyság (Kingdom of Hungary)
    11-Srpsko Tsarstvo (Serbian Kingdom)
    12-Voievodatele Munteniei, Transilvaniei şi Moldovei (Voivodates of Wallachia, Transilvania and Moldavia)
    13-Bălgarsko Tsarstvo (Bulgarian Empire)
    14-Beçenek Khanlığı (Pecheneg Khanate)
    15-Avar Kağanlığı (Avar Khaganate)
    16-Khazar Kağanlığı (Khazar Khaganate)
    17-Imperium Romaniae (Latin Empire)
    18-Rhomaike Autokratia (Byzantine Rebels: Empire of Trebizond and Despotate of Epirus)
    19-Królestwo Polskie (Kingdom of Poland)
    20-Garğaríki ('Rus Principalities)
    21-Mongolın Ezent Güren (Mongol Khaganate)
    22-Türk Kağanlığı (Turkic Khaganates)
    23-Büyük Selçuklu Devleti (Seljukid Empire)
    24-Devlet-i Aliye-i Osmaniye (Ottoman Empire)
    25-Šāhanšāh Eranšahr (Sassanian Empire)
    26-Sakartvelos Samepo (Kingdom of Georgia)
    27-Principatus Antiochiaensis (Principality of Antioch)
    28-Regnum Hierosolimitanum (Kingdom of Jerusalem)
    29-Al-Khilafa (Caliphate)
    30-Al-Dawlah Al-Misryya (Egypt)
    31-Anexartites Igemonies (Rebels)

    Map and Unique Settlement Models Preview:
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    Aix la Chapelle / Aachen by Dak28

    Rome by Dak28 & _Tiberias_

    Kostantinoupolis by Dak28

    Antiocheia by Dak28

    Ierousalēm by _Tiberias_

    Merv by Dak28

    Baghdad & Ctesiphon by Dak28

    UI Buttons:
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    Northern Europe


    Eastern Europe



    Interview about Basileia Total War by Visengarda (Basileia: Total War Italia Team forum)

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    V: How did you get the idea of this game?
    Konstantinos XI Palaiologos: We are a group of people fond of Byzantine Empire. Too often, especially in the western culture, it is considered as a decadent empire; so we wanted to create something that can give it the prominence it deserves. That's the main reason why we created this game.

    V: So, actually, it's an hystorical game. Did you fit it in a specific period of time? Or do the game include the whole duration of the Byzantine Empire?
    K: We try to keep the project the more hystorical as possible. We secretly hope that maybe, in the future, this game will be used for educational purposes at school or even at university. The game wants to show social dynamics, politic and militar situations which were peculiar in the hystory of the nations during that ages. So, to answer to your question, yes it is. The game covers the whole duration of the Empire. The mod starts in 550 AD, when the Emperor Justinian Ist leaded the Italian Campaign in the period of the Greek-Gothic wars; and it ends in 1461 when Mistrà and Trebizond, the last two byzantine strongholds, were conquered by the Ottomans.

    V: How many (and who) are the factions involved in the game? Is it possible playng with all of them?
    K: By now there are 30 factions. They are; the Byzantine Empire, the Gothic Reign, the Longobard Reign, the Holy Roman Empire, the Papal States, the Reign of Sicily, the Republic of Genoa, the Marquiste of Monferrato, the Republic of Venice, the Reigh of Hungary, the Reign of Poland, the Serbian Empire, the Bulgarian Empire, the Volvoidships of Moldova Transylvania and Walacchia, the Avars' Khanate, the Pechenigs' Khanate, the Khazars' Khanate, the Varangians Principalities of Rus', the Mongolian Empire, the Turkish Khanates, the Seljuk Empire, the Ottoman Empire, the Reign of Georgia, the Eastern Latin Empire, the Principality of Antioch, the Reign of Jerusalem, the Sassanid Empire, the Caliphate, the Rebel Reigns of Byzantine Empire, Indipendent Countries.
    Our map stretch from the Rhine Valley out to the western part of the mountaigns of Karakoram; from the southern coasts of Sinai Peninsula to the Gulf of Finland.
    You can play two different kind of militar campaign:
    1) the "classical campaign" which is divided into 3 or 4 eras; in each era there are specific factions you can play with. This depends, on the hystorical period in which the campaign fits in.
    2) the "main campaign" which took (and still keep on taking) most of our efforts and care. We called it the "millenary Campaign" and it develops in a very particular way. The player can play only with the Byzantine Empire: it's a sort of "forced" campaign because it is based on events following the same chronology they had in history. The factions not present at the start-date will appear spawn. These spawn factions are controlled by the IA and their behaviour has to be the more hystorical as possible, so they have to reach realistic goals. Each of them had a peculiar part in hystory, so will be in the game too. We will make the spawn factions fight and conquer, invade and subdue peoples and their lands as it happened in hystory. Perhaps, only the player can change the hystory. But it will be a hard challenge for him.

    V: You said you hope that this game could become a sort of educational support.
    K: Well, yes.

    V: But you also said that the player can change hystory even if it will be very hard for him. So, in a certain way, the player has to follow a set course. I mean, we all know how the game ends, isnt' it?
    K: Well, not really. The player has to face many obstacles during the game, but if he will be more skillful than the strategists of that time, no one knows how it will really end.

    V: How can the "Fate", I mean the IA, prevent the player to change hystory? Why did you say that it will be hard for the player to change hystory?
    K: Because the IA tends to introduce many different obstacles, but each of them fits with hystory.

    V: You know, under Justinian Ist the Byzantine Empire was at its best. Its territory covered most part of the known world's maps. Playing with such a powerful empire gives many benefits, so the player can easly win, or so it seems. How did you balance the byzantin power?
    K: Believe me, it's not so easy dealing with such an empire. You need much money, efficent armies and so on....and often you can't have them when you really need them. I give you an example to make it more understandable. Short after Justinian's exploit the Empire had to face the Longobards, who tried to conquer the Italic peninsula. In the mean time the Avars and many other slavonic tribes kept on moving from the Danube river. In the East the Sassanide Empire was defeated and this was the first step that leaded to the ghastly arabian advance. Besides we have to consider various rebellions and internal riots, famine and inflation. Then, there was the Iconoclastic Crisis in the VIII° century. As you can see, this big Empire had its own problems. While the player is trying to work all these questions out, he also has to defend the Empire from few young and powerful reigns who had strong and well equipped armies.

    V: In the Total War Series the required conditions for the evolution of the game's framework were disappointing. Look at the evolution of the cavalry, for example; in mods such as Bellum Crucis the Byzantine Empire can play with the cataphract units in XIII° century, but we know that in that period they weren't part of the imperial armies anymore. Did you rectify this kind of drawbacks too?
    K: Yes, of course. Each age has a full equipped army; special units included. The evolutions are bound to the hystorical period in which you're playing. So if you want a more powerful army, you have to develop, and so to build, the buildings which allows you to recruit forces and pass to the next hystorical age. In the mean time you can't recruit forces from the previous hystorical age.

    V; But this allows the backward factions to use technologies they never knew in hystory, isn't it?
    K: No, it isn't. You can recruit forces only if your faction has the opportunity to do it in that specific hystorical period. The IA controlled factions are programmed to born/win or to be defeated/destroyed as it happened in hystory. However they are allowed to recruit mercenary forces to supply their lacks.

    V: Anything else about this game?
    K: We try to be the more hystorical as possible. Each faction has its own hystorical governament, with its own hystorical background. Regular armies are distinct from those who raid; there are some malus for regular armies in enemy's territory and much more...We are still working on many of different things, so we will find these and other surprises in the final mod

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    -Byzantine Empire
    -Byzantine rebels: Empire of Trabzond & Despotate of Epirus
    -Kingdom of Georgia

    -Ostrogothic Kingdom
    -Kingdom of the Lombards
    -Papal States
    -March of Montferrat
    -Republic of Genoa
    -Republic of Venice

    Northern European:
    -Holy Roman Empire
    -Kingdom of Hungary
    -Kingdom of Poland

    Eastern Europe:
    -Serbian Empire
    -Romanian Voivodeships
    -Bulgarian Empire

    -Pecheneg Khanate
    -Avar Khaganate
    -Khazar Khaganate
    -Mongol Empire
    -Turkic Khaganates
    -Seljuq Empire
    -Ottoman Empire

    -Kingdom of Sicily
    -Latin Empire of Constantinople
    -Principality of Antioch
    -Kingdom of Jerusalem

    Middle Eastern:
    -Sassanid Persian Empire

    Some New Features:
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    -new recruitment system
    -to have the firearms you need to check specific resources in addition to build new buildings
    -new special agents: farmer, woodsman, collector, doctor
    -If the enemy garrison commander accepts the proposal of surrender, the enemy surrenders and you get the settlement without a shot being fired.
    -the buildings will have a maintenance cost per shift, but some will also economic rents.
    -new buildings: warehouse. Conclude commercial treaties with the Italian republics will unlock the new building 'warehouse'. This will give bonus to reputation and business with these and give you the opportunity to recruit as mercenaries some special Italian units, but will decrease public order.
    -Religion: generals and family members follow the religion of the family in which they were born, but can convert to other faiths. This influence on public policy governing the settlement and who command the loyalty of the troops. If a family member becomes a faction leader of a faith different from that officer of the State, may decide whether to declare its status as a new religion, with its consequences.

    Eras short campaigns
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    1. 551-629:
    -Byzantine Empire
    -Avar Khaganate
    -Sassanid Empire
    -Volga Bulgarians
    -Frankish Kingdom
    -Ostrogoth Kingdom
    -Turkish tribes

    2. 629-1029:
    -Byzantine Empire
    -Sassanid Empire
    -Holy Roman Empire
    -Avar Khaganate
    -Lombard Kingdom
    -Bulgarian Empire
    -Khazar Khaganate
    -Kingdom of Georgia
    -Pechenegh Khanate
    -Principality of Raška
    -Turkish tribes
    -Republic of Venice
    -Marquisate of Montferrat

    3. 1095-1203:
    -Byzantine Empire
    -Holy Roman Empire
    -Bulgarian Empire
    -Kingdom of Hungary
    -Kingdom of Poland
    -Pechenegh Khanate
    -Khazar Khaganate
    -Kingdom of Georgia
    -Seljuq Sultanate
    -Marquisate of Montferrat
    -Republic of Venice
    -Republic of Genoa
    -Kingdom of Sicily
    -Kingdom of Jerusalem
    -Principality of Antioch
    -Turkish tribes
    -Principality of Raška

    4. 1204-1461:
    -Byzantine Empire
    -Holy Roman Empire
    -Marquisate of Montferrat
    -Republic of Venice
    -Republic of Genoa
    -Kingdom of Sicily
    -Kingdom of Hungary
    -Kingdom of Poland
    -Mongolian Khanate
    -Turkish tribes
    -Vojevodate of Wallachia
    -Kingdom of Serbia
    -Bulgarian Empire
    -Latin Empire of Constantinople
    -Despotate of Epirus and Empire of Trebizond
    -Kingdom of Georgia
    -Seljuq Sultanate
    -Ottoman Sultanate
    Last edited by lolIsuck; March 05, 2015 at 04:32 PM. Reason: Updated with working pics

  2. #2
    AnthoniusII's Avatar Μέγαc Δομέστικοc
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    Default Re: BASILEIA: Total War PROJECT 550-1461 (mod for M2TW-Kingdoms)

    That is a huge task you started.
    CBUR project will suport with anything that can give/advice.
    I sugest to "brake' the mod in diferent eras campaigns as part of the same mod.That way you can finish an era and continue to the next one...
    TGC in order to continue its development seak one or more desicated scripters to put our campaign scripts mess to an order plus to create new events and create the finall missing factions recruitment system. In return TGC will give permision to those that will help to use its material stepe by step. The result will be a fully released TGC plus many mods that will benefit TGC's material.

    TGC settlements previews.
    Adding MARKA HORSES in your mod and create new varietions of them. Tutorial RESTORED.

  3. #3

    Default Re: BASILEIA: Total War PROJECT 550-1461 (mod for M2TW-Kingdoms)

    Glad for your collaboration and friendship, dear AnthoniusII

    Answering your sugest:
    You can play two different kind of militar campaign:
    1) the "classical campaign" which is divided into 3 or 4 eras; in each era there are specific factions you can play with. This depends, on the hystorical period in which the campaign fits in.
    2) the "main campaign" which took (and still keep on taking) most of our efforts and care. We called it the "millenary Campaign" and it develops in a very particular way. The player can play only with the Byzantine Empire: it's a sort of "forced" campaign because it is based on events following the same chronology they had in history. The factions not present at the start-date will appear spawn. These spawn factions are controlled by the IA and their behaviour has to be the more hystorical as possible, so they have to reach realistic goals. Each of them had a peculiar part in hystory, so will be in the game too. We will make the spawn factions fight and conquer, invade and subdue peoples and their lands as it happened in hystory. Perhaps, only the player can change the hystory. But it will be a hard challenge for him.
    I would want to be useful of the occasion in order to ask to all modders here in TWC one thing: we actually have not a unit designer, we need your permission to use some of your units in our mod...I refer mainly to the staff like Rusichi, Tatar Invasion, East of Rome, Latinokratia, Tsardoms, Bulgaria TW, bohemia TW, Baltic Crusades, Stainless Steel, Pro Deo et Rege, Broken Crescent, Deus lo Vult teams...and everyone who had realized a mod in which had a faction present in BTW roster...

    We are not jealous of our job, anyone wants will be able to use freely the material of Basileia TW because we know how much is fundamental to help itself mutually between modder, above all when it is worked to great and important plans much that they go beyond the single dimension of the game, but it is not had enough specialist working on the plan. It' s for that we ask the possibility to others modder to use their job, in order to render them part of a plan that we want it becomes very more than a simple video game and we hope that the success of Basileia TW it is a stage for those who they will only collaborate also accepting to leave us to use own creations.

    I'm sorry for my not perfect english, but I hope It's quite easy to understand

    Last edited by Konstantinos XI Palaiologos; January 12, 2010 at 03:41 AM.

  4. #4

    Default Re: BASILEIA: Total War PROJECT 550-1461 (mod for M2TW-Kingdoms)

    no one interested to collaborate at the project?

  5. #5
    Horsa's Avatar Artifex
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    Default Re: BASILEIA: Total War PROJECT 550-1461 (mod for M2TW-Kingdoms)

    Quote Originally Posted by Konstantinos XI Palaiologos View Post
    no one interested to collaborate at the project?
    Send them PMs...

  6. #6
    Hrobatos's Avatar Praeses
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    Default Re: BASILEIA: Total War PROJECT 550-1461 (mod for M2TW-Kingdoms)

    Why not include Croatia?

  7. #7

    Default Re: BASILEIA: Total War PROJECT 550-1461 (mod for M2TW-Kingdoms)

    because croatia will be sooner achieved by Reign of Hungary, like Bohemia and Lithuania, Croatia i's present in our mod but it will be a reign achieveable by some factions conquering the Croatian regions, 'cause we have no much historical proves to create the reign of croatia like an independent faction...and the faction slot are limited...sorry

  8. #8
    MathiasOfAthens's Avatar Comes Rei Militaris
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    Default Re: BASILEIA: Total War PROJECT 550-1461 (mod for M2TW-Kingdoms)

    Very ambitious project. I highly suggest your split it up into eras as Antonius suggested. Release the eras independently, to attempt to remain focused on one whole grand campaign as you have envisaged is very hard to do.
    Obviously your first era would be 550 and be much easier to do if you limited it to fewer factions as possible.
    Try ERE, Sassanid Persians, two arab factions with similar unit models, goths and Vandals, and maybe one more faction round Romania. 7 Factions at the minimum.
    The combat and military changes from this era to the arab wars a century later were drastically different, working and releasing the first era independently would better portray that. .

  9. #9

    Default Re: BASILEIA: Total War PROJECT 550-1461 (mod for M2TW-Kingdoms)

    The different material for the different campaigns is only in coding-scripting, so when we have ready the rest of the material (map, units, models, buildings) we can release both campaigns in the same time because the material is the same...

    the first era, from Justiniane I to Eraclius I, is the most difficult to realize because there are no much other mods who works on this period...and RTW Barbarian Invasion is too early...

  10. #10
    Hrobatos's Avatar Praeses
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    Default Re: BASILEIA: Total War PROJECT 550-1461 (mod for M2TW-Kingdoms)

    check this and please rethink about croatia, it existed since cca 600 as frankish vasal, since 870 until 1102 as free
    it would be very nice to see and play with croatia in awesome mod like this
    also before 600 croats were in Belochrobatia (white Croatia) that was in today south Poland, western Ukraine, parts of Czech and Slovakia, capital was Krakow, Belochrobatia, later smaller, existed until 12 century, when they were conquered by Kievan Rus

  11. #11
    NikeBG's Avatar Sampsis
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    Default Re: BASILEIA: Total War PROJECT 550-1461 (mod for M2TW-Kingdoms)

    BTW still exists? I thought it died out after some failed merge. That's great news then, I'm looking forward to seeing it finished!
    I'll speak with the BGTW team and I suggest you also check the works the Tzardoms team is releasing, which can cover much of your late campaign.

  12. #12

    Default Re: BASILEIA: Total War PROJECT 550-1461 (mod for M2TW-Kingdoms)

    Thanks friend...glad for your interest...suggested by my friend AnthoniusII I'm taking diplomat contacts with some mods to ask the permission to use their units...

    We have used the Basileia Total War name, but this is a totally new work, born inside the Medieval Total War Italy forum, with some of Bellum Crucis of our coding-scripting headmaster is The Housekeeper, one of the best italian modders ( Bellum Crucis, Machiavello...)

  13. #13

    Default Re: BASILEIA: Total War PROJECT 550-1461 (mod for M2TW-Kingdoms)

    Quote Originally Posted by Hrobatos View Post

    check this and please rethink about croatia, it existed since cca 600 as frankish vasal, since 870 until 1102 as free
    it would be very nice to see and play with croatia in awesome mod like this
    also before 600 croats were in Belochrobatia (white Croatia) that was in today south Poland, western Ukraine, parts of Czech and Slovakia, capital was Krakow, Belochrobatia, later smaller, existed until 12 century, when they were conquered by Kievan Rus

    "Established in 925, it ruled as a sovereign state for 150 years; its participation was marked in various conflicts with the Venetians, Bulgarians, Magyars and, occasionally in an opposition against the Pope. 1102, after a period of time definded as a succession crisis for the Trpimirović Dynasty, the kingdom lost its full-scale sovereignty by the creating of a personal union with the Kingdom of Hungary. The Croatian kingdom de jure existed until 1918."

    that's the reason to no introduce the kingdom of Croatia in our faction list.

    in case we can insert Croatia in some of our small campaigns
    Last edited by Konstantinos XI Palaiologos; January 13, 2010 at 10:41 AM.

  14. #14
    Hrobatos's Avatar Praeses
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    Default Re: BASILEIA: Total War PROJECT 550-1461 (mod for M2TW-Kingdoms)

    you wont include it, thats ok but until 925 Croatia had two principalities, and both were frankish vasals until 870, later free, in 925 they "united" meaning Magyars killed one duke another, Tomisalv defeated Magyars and become first king of Croatia
    when i comes with things that are not facts( years etc) wikipedia is not good source,

  15. #15

    Default Re: BASILEIA: Total War PROJECT 550-1461 (mod for M2TW-Kingdoms)

    So, I repeat, the informations that we have about Croatia reveals that this faction hasn't the minimum requirement to waste a slot for it in the main campaign. In case we introduce it in one of the short campaigns.

  16. #16
    Hrobatos's Avatar Praeses
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    Default Re: BASILEIA: Total War PROJECT 550-1461 (mod for M2TW-Kingdoms)

    ok you wont include it, htat is ok, but please dont be talking around that it wasnt free state, and kingdom, that is wrong, it was

    The Croats arrived in what is today Croatia in the seventh century. They organized into two dukedoms: the duchy of Pannonian Croatia in the north and the duchy of Littoral Croatia in the south. The biggest part of Christianization of the Croats ended in the 9th century.
    Croatian duke Trpimir I (845–864), founder of Trpimirović dynasty, fought successfully against Bulgarians, and against the Byzantine strategos in Zadar. He expanded his state in the east to the Drina River. The first native Croatian ruler recognized by a pope was duke Branimir, whom Pope John VIII called dux Croatorum in 879.
    Kingdom of Croatia (925-1102)

    The first King of Croatia, Tomislav (910–928) of the Trpimirović dynasty, was crowned in 925. Tomislav, rex Croatorum, united the Pannonian and Dalmatian duchies and created a sizeable state. He defeated Bulgarian Tsar Simeon I in battle of the Bosnian Highlands. The medieval Croatian kingdom reached its peak during the reign of King Petar Krešimir IV (1058–1074).
    Following the disappearance of the major native dynasty by the end of the 11th century in the Battle of Gvozd Mountain, the Croats eventually recognized the Hungarian ruler Coloman as the common king for Croatia and Hungary in a treaty of 1102 (often referred to as the Pacta conventa).

  17. #17

    Default Re: BASILEIA: Total War PROJECT 550-1461 (mod for M2TW-Kingdoms)

    I haven't said that, I said only that in our mod the credentials of Croatia are insufficient to recieve a faction slot in Basileia TW main's a 1000 year long and many other factions had much importance on the whole map and in the entire playable period.

  18. #18
    Hrobatos's Avatar Praeses
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    Default Re: BASILEIA: Total War PROJECT 550-1461 (mod for M2TW-Kingdoms)

    than i misunderstanded, i am sorry, what you said in TGC, if you wont make it, than dont make it at all,

  19. #19

    Default Re: BASILEIA: Total War PROJECT 550-1461 (mod for M2TW-Kingdoms)

    there are many factions that I like to insert playable in our mod, but we haven't a game who give us the chance to do all what we want...if we have a game more moddable we can do a lot of new modifications to give much realism to the mod...and more factions slot are one of this things...I like to insert playable Croatia, Bohemia, Lithuania, Armenian Cilicia, each one italian city and each one principality and duchy of HRE, each one turkish lordships...but we cannot insert all.

  20. #20

    Default Re: BASILEIA: Total War PROJECT 550-1461 (mod for M2TW-Kingdoms)

    soon some map previews...

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