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Thread: "MTW2 Not Responding" or... "The Ayyubids are still thinking after an hour!"

  1. #1

    Default "MTW2 Not Responding" or... "The Ayyubids are still thinking after an hour!"

    Has this happened to anyone else? Thus far I have only played as Oman. Naturally, I end up at war with the Abbasids and Ayyubids at some point or another. On four separate occasions I had the game "hang" (not CTD) and unable to proceed. Typically it starts when I turn the tide on one of these factions and begin to make progress. For example, my armies progress from Yemen up to Mecca/Medina... I besiege Mecca (which is certain to fall) and then press the end of turn button. THe game goes through its usual processing faction by faction, then gets to the Ayyubids. It "thinks". And thinks some more. Over one hour later it is sill "thinking"...

    I finally tell windows to kill the game and start over. Its happened twice with the Ayyubids, once with Abbasids and once with Georgia (they had replaced the Abbasids in Mesopotamia). I usually play the campaign on VH/VH.

    Don't know if this is an MTW2 issue, BC, or my own personal fluke! Sadly, it never seems to happen when the Ayyubids or Abbasids have Oman (me) on the ropes!

  2. #2

    Default Re: "MTW2 Not Responding" or... "The Ayyubids are still thinking after an hour!"

    IS there a kingdom that is about to die at this time? Cause there is a known hording moment when one kingdom would destroy another where it can take quite awhile for the game to progress through. one person even said it took his puter 8 hours to get through it, my longest wait has been maybe 10 minutes or so it seemed. by hording moment i mean instead of actually killing the kingdom it would become a horde.

  3. #3

    Default Re: "MTW2 Not Responding" or... "The Ayyubids are still thinking after an hour!"

    Has never happened to me tbh and I've played till roughly 1230 as several factions (KoJ, Shahdom, ERE, Abbasids).

  4. #4

    Default Re: "MTW2 Not Responding" or... "The Ayyubids are still thinking after an hour!"

    generally i see it when either I or the mongols have defeated a faction and it hordes, 1230 what short campaign? do the mongols even kill KS by then?

  5. #5

    Default Re: "MTW2 Not Responding" or... "The Ayyubids are still thinking after an hour!"

    It's BC related, what version of BC do you have?

  6. #6

    Default Re: "MTW2 Not Responding" or... "The Ayyubids are still thinking after an hour!"

    I am running v1.05 and this typically happens after 1240. I cant say for certain whether a faction was about to horde. In both Ayyubid cases, the KOJ had been uprooted and a new crusade launched prior to the "hang". I am unsure of the Georgian and Abbasid cases?

    Not sure this computer qualifies as "slow" lol... I wil get specs though so y'all can compare
    Last edited by Pius VI VI VI; March 15, 2008 at 09:12 AM.

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