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Thread: Thera Submod is coming!

  1. #321

    Default Re: Thera Submod is coming!

    Quote Originally Posted by sullivanclan1 View Post
    ilovemetal... you do know that you can change how much money each factions earns by going into the descr_strat and changing the kings purse.
    I know, but it shouldn't be the players responsibility to balance out a mod. Besides, author might not be aware of this issue.
    Some factions work fine, but some don't (mostly the ones with single starting city).

  2. #322

    Default Re: Thera Submod is coming!

    Quote Originally Posted by ilovemetal View Post
    I know, but it shouldn't be the players responsibility to balance out a mod. Besides, author might not be aware of this issue.
    Some factions work fine, but some don't (mostly the ones with single starting city).
    I've made some modifications to the Dracules to my liking, and somewhere here, Boyar stated that he doesn't mind and encouraged us to add as many changes as we see fit. With some factions, I think that he intended to throw the player straight into the middle of a big war, backed by the new lore.

    For example, I think that, with the Romuli Republic, by the new lore, we are supposed to forcefully annex Paelopaea with 2 legions, suppress the gladiator uprising of Caposcia with 3 legions, skirmish or break free from the border mountains with one legion, reconquer the Vulcii with the loyalist legion and hold against the Minotaurs and Phobosians with another 2 legions; all within 2 turns.
    So if we defeat the provincial armies and start the sieges in the first turn, then take Pselopaea, Caposcia and Vulcii province (and maybe even Phobosia) by the second turn, the costs will go down and the economy will start to improve.
    In the first turn, with the starting budget, begin smart, agriculture and trade, and no recruitment, as there are enough troops to take the neighboring targets within 2 turns. Also, increase taxes.
    I personally love his system, to begin right from the start with so many military campaigns at once and to be on more fronts, varying from some bent on conquest to some in desperate defense. From the first turn, it makes you look a bit to the faction and to every generals, where are they positioned and what to do with them, as some are for besieging, some for open battle, some to reinforce and some to ambush or defend their position.
    Another awesome thing is how every province of Translavia is plagued by rebel zombies (red plague horrors) and you can stumble on them as you also fight with the rival factions.
    Last edited by Vlad Dracule; December 30, 2021 at 06:26 AM.

  3. #323

    Default Re: Thera Submod is coming!

    Ilovemetal, what is the faction of your campaign? Perhaps I could try to find a method to win the starting military campaigns and their caused economic problems, and stop the debt as quickly as possible and be of help with a guide.

  4. #324
    ggggtotalwarrior's Avatar hey it geg
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    Default Re: Thera Submod is coming!

    I’ve never played this submod but Thera V3 was my favorite mod nearly 10 years ago.

    Will check this out tomorrow
    Last edited by ggggtotalwarrior; February 14, 2022 at 11:58 AM.
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  5. #325

    Default Re: Thera Submod is coming!

    Is there a download link or is it on moddb or another similar site ?
    Under the protection of jimkatalanos
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  6. #326

    Default Re: Thera Submod is coming!

    Quote Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
    Is there a download link or is it on moddb or another similar site ?

  7. #327
    Virian's Avatar Civis
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    Default Re: Thera Submod is coming!

    I've been playing this submod a bit now. Now I only played the Dracule and Constanti Imperium and I noticed some weird stuff.

    With the Dracule, the recruitable general bodyguards are the Gunpowder unit, which fair enough is not a bad unit but still, why? At least conquering my island is easy with spammable units that get a lot of

    With the Constanti, my biggest issue is the horrific upkeep cost. Like holy , 7 settlements and I can't even keep up a single stack of troops without going bankrupt. It's so bad I'm forced to be constantly expanding and destroy my general units every now and then just to stay in the green and not lose 6-7 k gold a turn. Even if I start my turn with building roads, mines and ports it can still end up with me losing 4k gold a turn by turn 3 and most of my units have to be the lowest tier.

    Also the disloyalty mechanics make me want to spew blood as not only do my general constantly get me in the red but they can turn disloyal make my settlements revolt. Not sure if it's because I went into the red but damn does that hurt. especially when it affect my heir and now it take several turns to get him back into a city.

  8. #328
    Lord of the Drunk Penguin's Avatar Tribunus
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    Default Re: Thera Submod is coming!

    Great mod, Boyar!

    I'm destroying EVERYONE with Mageocracy of Hadea.
    One question though:

    Does anyone else get this Weird Campaign Map Movement Bug where the character's movements die out in like 6 & 7 turns?
    This happens to agents and fleets as well.

    It means that after three battle victories, my character just becomes immobile or severely slow.
    How to fix this? thanks.

  9. #329

    Default Re: Thera Submod is coming!

    Hey, everyone!

    So I've dived a bit into the mod and... it kinda saddens me a bit that every other Thera iteration balances out of that thin line burrowed first by the First O'Neil,
    the line between fantasy and realism of Medieval II. I mean the Jotnarr chilling in the hills of Ysmir and Hadean monsters with the cult of Callisto and Dinosaurs of Mesomecala are
    wonky on their own, but they are still not as out of tune with the setting.
    In Redux version new additions to the Vashta in form of Skaven are breaking the immersion, really, at this point it looks like Planet War mod. Here the Money States are having a beef
    with alien-mamluks called Azari. (I may mistype their name, but anyway)
    And Klingongs, though being a easter-egg faction, have female models in bikinis with male bearded head models. I may not know the full lore of Star Trek, but damn...
    I also had a crash on initializing the battle with the plague horrors, they seem plausible.
    Another thing is the mish-mash of the factions on the Norselund: Man of Ysmir being Men of Valhalla smashed together with the people of Wotan and strenghthened with some new models
    and Pact of Iron being just a 5.99$ version of the Wotan plus some Ysmirr units.
    Again, with all the criticizms that I might throw against The Boyar or the Author of the Redux version I still like the fact that Thera is being invigorated and given new second life.
    Waiting for the updates on the Mini-factions mod.
    Last edited by Gomaflame; September 22, 2023 at 05:58 AM.

  10. #330

    Default Re: Thera Submod is coming!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gomaflame View Post
    Hey, everyone!

    So I've dived a bit into the mod and... it kinda saddens me a bit that every other Thera iteration balances out of that thin line burrowed first by the First O'Neil,
    the line between fantasy and realism of Medieval II. I mean the Jotnarr chilling in the hills of Ysmir and Hadean monsters with the cult of Callisto and Dinosaurs of Mesomecala are
    wonky on their own, but they are still not as out of tune with the setting.
    In Redux version new additions to the Vashta in form of Skaven are breaking the immersion, really, at this point it looks like Planet War mod. Here the Money States are having a beef
    with alien-mamluks called Azari. (I may mistype their name, but anyway)
    And Klingongs, though being a easter-egg faction, have female models in bikinis with male bearded head models. I may not know the full lore of Star Trek, but damn...
    I also had a crash on initializing the battle with the plague horrors, they seem plausible.
    Another thing is the mish-mash of the factions on the Norselund: Man of Ysmir being Men of Valhalla smashed together with the people of Wotan and strenghthened with some new models
    and Pact of Iron being just a 5.99$ version of the Wotan plus some Ysmirr units.
    Again, with all the criticizms that I might throw against The Boyar or the Author of the Redux version I still like the fact that Thera is being invigorated and given new second life.
    Waiting for the updates on the Mini-factions mod.
    The Slaver Malekates have the Arazi race as slave soldiers, not the Money States. It's like the Romuli and Constanti having the Lykans and Uruks and Reptarri, and It kind of completes the lore to have another race exploited by the Slaver factions. Perhaps it would have been better to split the bestial races from the start, one for each Slaver or Classical faction. Reptarri for Vashta, Lykans for Romuli, Uruks for Padmea or Hadeans, etc.
    The Pact of Iron and Men of Ysmirr are the other way around, first are Valhallans and last are Wotans and obviously Ysmirrites, former Wotans are independent rebels who can be recruited by the two factions and by almost any faction who conquers their territory.
    The Klingongs are fun to play, but many would like to se them replaced with a new faction, like Mondii.
    Overall I like Boyar's submod, somewhat it improves the original Thera, and makes it less chaotic, (Europa) Salia is the land of knights, Northern Bellika is land of mercantilism, the Slaver civilization is more orderly divided, and my favorite Translavia, now with the plague flavor, is awesome.

  11. #331

    Default Re: Thera Submod is coming!

    Has anyone found a solution to this? I've also been experiencing it and I can't play properly because of it.

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