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Thread: Archer experience

  1. #1
    Olifantenstaart's Avatar Civis
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    Default Archer experience

    The 'experience' system works simple. If a unit has slaughtered a lot of foes in battle, the unit gets better at killing. Infantry and cavalry both get higher melee attacks, which makes sense.

    But now... Archers. These dudes are made to kill from distance, they seldom get to use their swords. Neverteless, archers also get a higher melee attack, NOT a better accuracy/range/ranged attack.

    Tell me, does this makes sence to you guys?

    Offcourse I know that the TATW developpers are not to blame here, it's silly kingdoms Kingdoms who's the baddy!
    That's why I have the following question: is it possible to change the expercience for archers so they get a better ranged attack in stead of melee attack? Or both better, if you want so.


  2. #2

    Default Re: Archer experience

    They get slightly improved accuracy... and an arrow is still an arrow, a bolt is still a bolt. Skill can only do so much...

  3. #3
    Vifarc's Avatar Senator
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    Default Re: Archer experience

    Quote Originally Posted by Olifantenstaart View Post
    Guys... quit whining and open your Medieval II Total War\mods\Third_Age\data\export_descr_unit file. In this file, you can change your attack, defence, cost, abillities, ... of all units.
    Want some fun? Change your elven archers' missile attack in, let's say 90. Now go to custom battle, have 1 unit of your new & improved archer facing those orc-hordes. Count the bodies. It's nearly a 1 shot = 1 kill

    Have a good time!

  4. #4
    Olifantenstaart's Avatar Civis
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    Default Re: Archer experience

    Quote Originally Posted by JonSnow View Post
    They get slightly improved accuracy... and an arrow is still an arrow, a bolt is still a bolt. Skill can only do so much...
    When you hit some enemies with your bow, it seems to make more sense to improve the ranged attack then the melee attack.. But as I already told, improving the range and accuracy would still be preferable. Now the accuracy changes almost next to nothing.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Archer experience

    firing speed could increase with experience

  6. #6

    Default Re: Archer experience

    Experience bonuses are hardcoded, accuracy makes sense and is actually very effective on top of the melee boost... JAL, close this if you would be so kind.

  7. #7
    Haldir's Avatar Miles
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    Default Re: Archer experience

  8. #8
    Louis Lux's Avatar Into the Light

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    Default Re: Archer experience

    From experience I noticed that archers with more chevrons will kill much more with ranged attack, so the accuracy bonus is not next to nothing.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Archer experience

    I remember this thread was pretty much resolved before the big wipe. People have now repeated all the info and it doesn't really look like there's much else to be said.

    Thread scuttled.

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