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Thread: Curia Hostilia, Consulate of Clarus/Caelinus

  1. #181
    Winter's Avatar Civitate
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    Default Re: Curia Hostilia, Consulate of Clarus/Caelinus

    ooc: The save needs to be passed all the way around before I can update.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rebel Jeb View Post
    Hah, you're always so helpful to threads Winter. No wonder you got citizen!

  2. #182
    Indefinitely Banned
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    Default Re: Curia Hostilia, Consulate of Clarus/Caelinus

    Aquila, the point is that the regions bordering us are not controlled by the Gallic Kings. They can launch no organized invasion and sustain it. They are similiar to the Gauls but they are not Gauls. They would not attack us.

    Would you men have a legion sit on the border while we are fighting Carthage? Once they have been given ample time to hire new mercenaries they will be back in Sicily. For men who claim to want to expand the empire and widen our borders, you sure do come up with queer proposals of doing this. It sounds more like paranoia than strategy.

  3. #183

    Default Re: Curia Hostilia, Consulate of Clarus/Caelinus

    OoC: Is there any Latin term for the Straw Man fallacy? It would be applicable right about now.

    Ic: My dear Scipio! I proposed no such thing, and I will never propose that we levy a legion so that it may idly "sit on the border." When I do propose we train a legion--and I have proposed no such thing--you can be sure I intend to use it immediantly! If you wish to debate me, debate my statements, not those that you have pulled out of a hat and shoved into my mouth.

    Now, what shall we do about the public unrest in Tarentum?

  4. #184

    Default Re: Curia Hostilia, Consulate of Clarus/Caelinus

    Was not it the stated role of the Proconsul to gain dominion over all Sicily? How are you intending to achieve this?
    Senator Lucius Artorius Cato (34)

  5. #185
    Dayman's Avatar Romesick
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    Default Re: Curia Hostilia, Consulate of Clarus/Caelinus

    "I agree with the Praetor, there is no legitimate threat from the Gauls from the north. Unless they begin to raid our lands again, Roman authority is not undermined."

  6. #186

    Default Re: Curia Hostilia, Consulate of Clarus/Caelinus


    Lepidus is a respected statesman, but he is rapidly becoming an old man. His victory over the traitors at Rhegion shall never be forgotten, but he is no longer a military commander. It is my opinion that we will have to wait for a new proconsul before gaining dominion over all of Sicilia.

    Mind you, I hope he will prove me wrong, but I would not wager on it if I were you.

  7. #187

    Default Re: Curia Hostilia, Consulate of Clarus/Caelinus

    Now I do not propose a war in the north but if you say there is no reason that I must correct. Have you all forgotten about Allia? Of Brennus? Of those Fateful words "Vae Victus"?
    Repent Today for tomorrow We die
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  8. #188
    Dayman's Avatar Romesick
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    Default Re: Curia Hostilia, Consulate of Clarus/Caelinus

    "Senator Niger, may I remind you that Praetor Scipio defeated a force of marauding Gauls not three years ago. It will be years before the Gauls forget Rome's power."

  9. #189
    Indefinitely Banned
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    Default Re: Curia Hostilia, Consulate of Clarus/Caelinus

    And may I remind the senate that plenty of slaves fought along side those Gauls, we might as well declare war against our slaves if Gaul is to be attacked as well.

    The legion, once retrained, will march on Sardinia. The islands must be ours or we have not struck a blow to our enemies. Consider the Hydra.

  10. #190

    Default Re: Curia Hostilia, Consulate of Clarus/Caelinus

    Senators, we have already discussed this. You all agreed that we should attack the Punic isles first. Thus we shall do that.
    ooc: nevermind the whole business with save mix-ups and building program for now.
    IC: Thus I am drafting a new motion. This shall be on the Legion, the command of the new campaign, and getting to the isles.
    Every time you :wub:, god kills another kitten.
    If you're gonna hire Machete to kill the bad guy, you better make damn sure the bad guy isn't YOU!

    'I understand, and I take the light into my soul. I will become the spear of Khaine. Lightning flashes, blood falls, death pierces the darkness.' , Dhrykna.

  11. #191

    Default Re: Curia Hostilia, Consulate of Clarus/Caelinus

    Of course of course as I said I give only a reason Consul

    Niger turns toFlavus and Sicipio

    And yes we fight a Hydrabut who said we fight only one? The Gauls have been wounded true but not Mortally. You know me I all ways take the defensive option and as you all know the best defense is a good offense
    Repent Today for tomorrow We die
    -Dark Angel Battle Cry

  12. #192
    Xavier Dragnesi's Avatar Esse quam videre
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    Default Re: Curia Hostilia, Consulate of Clarus/Caelinus

    The Gauls must be left as they are for the moment. Though they beat us at Allia and burnt most of Rome, that was over a century ago, and under the leadership of one king. They are different now, split into seperate tribes each ruled by their own magistrates. If we wanted to strike back, we should have done so decades ago. But currently, we are at war with Carthage, and though you speak of more than one Hydra, dear Tribune, we can only kill one Hydra at a time.

  13. #193
    Indefinitely Banned
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    Default Re: Curia Hostilia, Consulate of Clarus/Caelinus

    Niger, do not propose foolishness like that. Why would we even consider attacking Gaul? three years have passed since I fought them, in that time we have had a spy stationed on the border and he has reported nothing. No word has come from the watchtower men of Gallic armies either. With one legion you would have us fight two wars.

  14. #194

    Default Re: Curia Hostilia, Consulate of Clarus/Caelinus

    Marcus stands up to talk and does so in a calm manner.

    Senators, i realize your concerns are in the interests of the republics best, and i applaud your efforts i really do. I admit that i have been, short in temper lately. This has been trough my wish to do what is best for the republic, and have a more effective term. I was aggravated by the quaestor problems, among others as well as the apparent randomness of some senators.

    I will say again, that while i certainly understand that some, nay many of you including myself are aggravated at the Gauls, Epirotes and Carthaginians. The situation still remains that they pose no immediate threat to our republic. We are waging war on Carthage, we are despite our martial skill a weak nation when compared to the rest of this world.

    We must rebuild, we must gain strenght, we must take care of Carthage. Only then can we take our place as a truly powerfull nation, only then can we avenge past misdeeds.

    I urge you senators, look past your parties or personal alliances! look to Rome!

    Let us not discuss foolish notions of war with Epirote at this point, nor the gauls. The gauls are barbarians, true! but we need to focus on the bigger threat!

    We have decided to retrain the legion and take the punic isles, we do not need to worry about Syracuse, it is in the hands of the Pro-Consul of sicily.

    Does this senate feel that Corsica and Sardinia should be put under the authority of the Sicilian Pro-Consul?

    Marcus sits again, awaiting answer from the senators.

    OoC: Sorry it got so long! i got lost in writing
    People will believe a lie because they want it to be true; or they're afraid it's true.
    Given proper motivation, almost anyone will believe almost anything. Because people are stupid, they will believe a lie because they want to believe its true, or because they're afraid it might be true. Peoples' heads are full of knowledge, facts and beliefs, and most of it is false, yet they think it all true. People are stupid; they can only rarely tell the difference between a lie and the truth, and yet they are confident they can, and so are all the easier to fool.

  15. #195

    Default Re: Curia Hostilia, Consulate of Clarus/Caelinus

    Quote Originally Posted by Winter View Post
    ooc: Yes I am, I'm just pointing out that he shouldn't know about the garrisions etc. Its fine though.

    Titus stands to speak

    I like the quaestor's plan with one exception. Why are we upgrading auxiliary army infrastructure in Arretium? When was the last time Arretium was anywhere near a front in a war? Is there no economic improvement that could benefit the city?
    OOC: Nope I'm afraid. I chose that building because I had some money left, no economical buildings seemed to be available, and that was the only city that did not have a building in construction. I also thought it could give some reflection of Herrenius's personality since he is supposed to be a bastard who wants the military to get stronger, so that was my attempt to reflect that...

    Quote Originally Posted by Sir James the Good View Post
    Gratin Storage increases population growth, nothing else. Which is fine I suppose, especially for a high public order/low population city such as Arpi. I just wanted to clarify that it doesn't increase income.
    OOC: yeah, I know, but there was no other building we could afford that could give us extra income, but the building improvement that becomes available once the grain storage is built does bring us extra cash, so I just put it there so we could get the new building later.
    Last edited by Ozy; December 19, 2008 at 01:10 PM.

  16. #196

    Default Re: Curia Hostilia, Consulate of Clarus/Caelinus

    Decimus groans,

    "I am not an idiot, I understand that the legion must be used for the Punic Isles, the last part of the proposal, should have been clearer I suppose, I meant the legion be stationed there after it is finished with its duties. The other 2 parts of the motion remain valid, however, we need our best men with our legion NOT guarding cities! And we need lower level troops guarding cities!"
    Caeso Decimus Crassus (32)

  17. #197

    Default Re: Curia Hostilia, Consulate of Clarus/Caelinus

    I fully agree senator.
    People will believe a lie because they want it to be true; or they're afraid it's true.
    Given proper motivation, almost anyone will believe almost anything. Because people are stupid, they will believe a lie because they want to believe its true, or because they're afraid it might be true. Peoples' heads are full of knowledge, facts and beliefs, and most of it is false, yet they think it all true. People are stupid; they can only rarely tell the difference between a lie and the truth, and yet they are confident they can, and so are all the easier to fool.

  18. #198

    Default Re: Curia Hostilia, Consulate of Clarus/Caelinus

    You have a good point there senator Decimus, our fighting men are better off serving in the Legion or in zones where revolts or disturbances are likely.
    Every time you :wub:, god kills another kitten.
    If you're gonna hire Machete to kill the bad guy, you better make damn sure the bad guy isn't YOU!

    'I understand, and I take the light into my soul. I will become the spear of Khaine. Lightning flashes, blood falls, death pierces the darkness.' , Dhrykna.

  19. #199
    Elendil of Númenor's Avatar Campidoctor
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    Default Re: Curia Hostilia, Consulate of Clarus/Caelinus

    Celsus raised his brow - he expected the consuls to strike back on Crassus with the usual pointlessness.

    "All right. I think we have debated enough without really taking action. When will we start our campaign? When will we raise the fleet, build the buildings? Move our Legions? Who will be going to Carthage after the annexation of the Punic Isles?"

  20. #200

    Default Re: Curia Hostilia, Consulate of Clarus/Caelinus

    The motions have been voted on, we need only wait for the legion to reach Capua and retrain, the fleet will start being built when the legion arrives in Capua.

    Then we need only select a consul to lead the campaign, i propose an quick and easy senate vote on it.
    People will believe a lie because they want it to be true; or they're afraid it's true.
    Given proper motivation, almost anyone will believe almost anything. Because people are stupid, they will believe a lie because they want to believe its true, or because they're afraid it might be true. Peoples' heads are full of knowledge, facts and beliefs, and most of it is false, yet they think it all true. People are stupid; they can only rarely tell the difference between a lie and the truth, and yet they are confident they can, and so are all the easier to fool.

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