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Thread: SSHIP ver. 0.98 - April 25th, 2024 - DOWNLOAD HERE

  1. #861

    Default Re: SSHIP ver. 0.98 - April 25th, 2024 - DOWNLOAD HERE

    Nice! You guys always make my day when releasing a new version of SSHIP. This time though it'll take a couple of days before I try it out, Manor Lords completely absorbed me right now

  2. #862
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: SSHIP ver. 0.98 - April 25th, 2024 - DOWNLOAD HERE

    Quote Originally Posted by Waluk View Post
    Nice! You guys always make my day when releasing a new version of SSHIP. This time though it'll take a couple of days before I try it out, Manor Lords completely absorbed me right now
    I'd be very much interested in your opinions about the Manor Lord game! Share'm here with us.

  3. #863
    Nemesis2345's Avatar Semisalis
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    Default Re: SSHIP ver. 0.98 - April 25th, 2024 - DOWNLOAD HERE

    I played it too

    It's pretty fun and it has a lot of details and stuff , but the game has a lot of polishing to do, there are many Work in Progress ideas not implemented yet and the game definetely needs a balance patch as well, right now, making food is hard to impossible, farms seem to be bugged or very undernerfed .

    The other issue is that the AI simply moves and conquers regions too fast on the map , leaving the player with barely any good regions to get.

    But the game is developed by a single man , and he did a very good job at it , the visuals are stunning and the medieval atmosphere is unique imo.

  4. #864
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: SSHIP ver. 0.98 - April 25th, 2024 - DOWNLOAD HERE

    I've just bought it to support the development. Atmosphere is indeed a strong point of this game.

  5. #865
    Majkl's Avatar Miles
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    Default Re: SSHIP ver. 0.98 - April 25th, 2024 - DOWNLOAD HERE

    I will never be able to comprehend how one guy can do so much. That being said, please Jurand do not leave TW for another game. So many great modders abandoned M2.

  6. #866

    Default Re: SSHIP ver. 0.98 - April 25th, 2024 - DOWNLOAD HERE

    Hey, I want to start by saying that I really appreciate this project.

    That said, I recently downloaded the most recent version and am having issues. I have no idea what half of the buildings do now.

    To preface, I have played various versions of this game for literally thousands of hours, have played SS and earlier versions of SSHIP and play all manner of other complicated games. The issue is not in my ability to understand rules or mechanics. The information available in game is simply insufficient. Additionally, I have spent hours today trying to find online documentation for the changes, and I have come up rather short. All I have found is version history changes that summarize things in a sentence or less, not an actual explanation of how things work.

    There are too many buildings whose description does not actually say what it will do for that province. If a quarry is going to gain me money, it needs to say that in the description. If it will lose me money, it needs to say that. If a quarry is necessary to build later buildings, I need to know what those are. If the in-game descriptions cannot adjust to reflect variable changes, then frankly, those variable changes need to be removed. The whole point of a game like this is to make informed decisions. Now obviously the player can't expect to know everything about his opponents actions, but the player must be able to have a complete understanding of his own.

    There's also a lot of scripts that simply are not adequately explained, sometimes with things that I suspect the modders have taken for granted. For example, with the camp looting script, I have been unable to determine whether there is a difference between clicking the checkmark or clicking the 'x' to dismiss the message.

    I do understand that this is still being developed, and that there is a lot of work involved. I'm hoping that further clarifying such things is something that is a work in progress, but in the meantime I think it very important to provide a detailed explanation of all new mechanics in one place, whether it is on the forums here or as some kind of downloadable document.

  7. #867

    Default Re: SSHIP ver. 0.98 - April 25th, 2024 - DOWNLOAD HERE

    Don't know where to post this but I'm interested in helping out with SSHIP any way I can. I'm a long time Medieval II player played it for like a decade now and have thousands of hours, played with Stainless Steel and SSHIP for quite a long time too. I don't know how to code at all but am willing to learn. I am a good researcher and would be willing to do QA testing and research and making sure things are historically accurate and having good descriptions for units or helping with ideas for scripts. Anything else that is needed I'd be willing to learn quickly too! I have good knowledge on Byzantine history and medieval history in general, and have somewhat of a grasp on both French, Greek and Romanian as well if that is helpful somehow (probably Greek is useful the most as I've realized there is an attempt to transliterate unit and building names from Greek to Latin script)

    I have lots of free time unit college starts in late August so am looking to use some free time to help with that alongside my part-time job. Please let me know!

  8. #868
    kostic's Avatar Domesticus
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    Default Re: SSHIP ver. 0.98 - April 25th, 2024 - DOWNLOAD HERE

    @pjb233 and @All:
    It is by reading the mod files - most of them can be read with the notepad - that players can start modding themselves, especially if English is a familiar language for them. Then, testing is necessary to verify the changes. The “coding” part is the most difficult and obscure for me. This is why I leave this one to the specialists!
    For SSHIP, @Jurand is the Director of Operations. The best is to suggest your modifications in the mini-mods thread before it decides whether or not to integrate it into the official mod.

    While testing the latest version with the Kingdom of Jerusalem, there are things that I would like to modify that are not my usual domain. I know that my friend @j.a.luna is already working on certain aspects but I would like to list some of my proposals here:

    1- Curiously, even in 1172 and after having constructed buildings for religious orders, it was still impossible to recruit Templar or Hospitaller knights. It is not normal.

    2- It is too easy to weaken an enemy by taking their cities only to destroy everything and make money. The ideal would be for the player to be able to completely destroy a few buildings (churches, mosques, etc.) and leave the others only damaged (as when this is done by an agent) to allow the AI ​​to more quickly redo and also so that the player earns less money this way.

    3- Sometimes armies seem blocked by cities and are forced to go back and forth without logic. If these are only armies returning from a crusade and are not at war with the country they pass through, a way should be found so that they do not stop every time they pass near a community.

    4- When the player is besieged, he can no longer attempt an exit at the time of the assault. His units immediately fled and returned to the city. This solution imagined by @Macaras to avoid the problem of attackers who abandon their rams, their ladders or their assault towers without being able to take them back afterwards, makes the defense of the sieges unsatisfactory because the door being quickly destroyed, the player cannot contain attackers unless they camp in the central square, which is neither intuitive nor realistic. To correct this problem, it would be enough to significantly increase the resistance of the doors to allow the player to fight on the walls for longer.

    5- An inconsistency remains with Muslim rebel bodyguards represented by “hirdsmenn” (Nordic warriors on foot). I think this should easily be fixed. Maybe with the file commanding the rebels?

    These are a few remarks, but I can say that for the moment this April version is very stable for me (only one CTD after the loss of a king in battle which was resolved by redoing the battle without losing the latter) .
    The 'BecomeFationLeader' bug can also be overcome with @Gigantus' method (see here) and naturally, SSHIP is still being worked on. Personally, I continue - when time allows - to improve the visuals of the units with the aim of ever more realism and historical precision.
    Last edited by kostic; May 15, 2024 at 04:10 AM.

  9. #869

    Default Re: SSHIP ver. 0.98 - April 25th, 2024 - DOWNLOAD HERE

    Hi kostic, currently i am spending a lot of hours in understand the EDB, EDU, battlemodels files... I will look at what you tell me and I will try to solve it, in addition to improving several other things.

    As a suggestion I would tell you that the Templars have many units and perhaps we should take one of them and transform it into a more generic one for the rest of the military orders.
    For example, I would tell you to create a unit called "Order Sergeants" simulating sergeant units of military orders.
    Perhaps the crusader sergeants can play that role (that's what I've done in the EDB for the rest of the Catholic factions).
    Or another option is to make sergeants for each of the military orders (Teutonic, Hospitalers and Santiago), this option is more laborious but would be better with small differences between them, since the sergeants almost always wore dark or brown tunics with their respective crosses and symbols.

    I hope at the end of May i can post my first versión of inmersive minimod.

    Sign the petition to remove hardcoded limits for M2TW

  10. #870
    kostic's Avatar Domesticus
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    Default Re: SSHIP ver. 0.98 - April 25th, 2024 - DOWNLOAD HERE

    Maybe that's what @Jurand wanted to do with the "frčres sergents démontés" unit for Jerusalem ? With this faction, it's the only unit that can be recruited - and templar squires - to represent the orders at present...

  11. #871

    Default Re: SSHIP ver. 0.98 - April 25th, 2024 - DOWNLOAD HERE

    Quote Originally Posted by kostic View Post
    Maybe that's what @Jurand wanted to do with the "frčres sergents démontés" unit for Jerusalem ? With this faction, it's the only unit that can be recruited - and templar squires - to represent the orders at present...

    So you mean that the freres sergeants demontes are the sergeants for all the Catholic factions? Do you know if they have a generic model for the 4 military orders or they only have templar symbols... Currently they are only available for the Jerusalem faction and they would have to be modified so that they are available for all factions, currently only the crusader sergeants are available for all factions.I'll see how I can modify all this.

    Sign the petition to remove hardcoded limits for M2TW

  12. #872
    b0Gia de Bodemloze's Avatar Europa Barbarorum Dev
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    Default Re: SSHIP ver. 0.98 - April 25th, 2024 - DOWNLOAD HERE

    Quote Originally Posted by kostic View Post
    @pjb233 and @All:
    It is by reading the mod files - most of them can be read with the notepad - that players can start modding themselves, especially if English is a familiar language for them. Then, testing is necessary to verify the changes. The “coding” part is the most difficult and obscure for me. This is why I leave this one to the specialists!
    For SSHIP, @Jurand is the Director of Operations. The best is to suggest your modifications in the mini-mods thread before it decides whether or not to integrate it into the official mod.

    While testing the latest version with the Kingdom of Jerusalem, there are things that I would like to modify that are not my usual domain. I know that my friend @j.a.luna is already working on certain aspects but I would like to list some of my proposals here:

    1- Curiously, even in 1172 and after having constructed buildings for religious orders, it was still impossible to recruit Templar or Hospitaller knights. It is not normal.

    2- It is too easy to weaken an enemy by taking their cities only to destroy everything and make money. The ideal would be for the player to be able to completely destroy a few buildings (churches, mosques, etc.) and leave the others only damaged (as when this is done by an agent) to allow the AI ​​to more quickly redo and also so that the player earns less money this way.

    3- Sometimes armies seem blocked by cities and are forced to go back and forth without logic. If these are only armies returning from a crusade and are not at war with the country they pass through, a way should be found so that they do not stop every time they pass near a community.

    4- When the player is besieged, he can no longer attempt an exit at the time of the assault. His units immediately fled and returned to the city. This solution imagined by @Macaras to avoid the problem of attackers who abandon their rams, their ladders or their assault towers without being able to take them back afterwards, makes the defense of the sieges unsatisfactory because the door being quickly destroyed, the player cannot contain attackers unless they camp in the central square, which is neither intuitive nor realistic. To correct this problem, it would be enough to significantly increase the resistance of the doors to allow the player to fight on the walls for longer.

    5- An inconsistency remains with Muslim rebel bodyguards represented by “hirdsmenn” (Nordic warriors on foot). I think this should easily be fixed. Maybe with the file commanding the rebels?

    These are a few remarks, but I can say that for the moment this April version is very stable for me (only one CTD after the loss of a king in battle which was resolved by redoing the battle without losing the latter) .
    The 'BecomeFationLeader' bug can also be overcome with @Gigantus' method (see here) and naturally, SSHIP is still being worked on. Personally, I continue - when time allows - to improve the visuals of the units with the aim of ever more realism and historical precision.
    1) About these, I see from the edu:
    ownership all
    era 1 jerusalem, france

    ownership all
    era 0 jerusalem
    era 1 jerusalem
    era 2 jerusalem

    I am not sure what this era means.
    From EDB it's more clear:

    ;------------------ KNIGHTS TEMPLAR: available in - France, Aragon, England, Jerusalem - ------------------

    ; Holy Land: instantly
    recruit_pool "Knights Templar" 1 0.05 2 0 requires factions { jerusalem, england, france, hre, pisa, venice, sicily, spain, portugal, aragon, poland, hungary, } and event_counter order_recruitment_enabled 1 and hidden_resource jerusalem

    ; France: lateran_council3
    recruit_pool "Knights Templar" 1 0.05 2 0 requires factions { jerusalem, england, france, hre, pisa, venice, sicily, spain, portugal, aragon, poland, hungary, } and event_counter order_recruitment_enabled 1 and event_counter lateran_council3 1 and hidden_resource france

    ; England: BATTLE_HATTIN
    recruit_pool "Knights Templar" 1 0.05 2 0 requires factions { jerusalem, england, france, hre, pisa, venice, sicily, spain, portugal, aragon, poland, hungary, } and event_counter order_recruitment_enabled 1 and event_counter BATTLE_HATTIN 1 and hidden_resource england and not hidden_resource france

    ; Aragon: HEAVY_MAIL
    recruit_pool "Knights Templar" 1 0.05 2 0 requires factions { jerusalem, england, france, hre, pisa, venice, sicily, spain, portugal, aragon, poland, hungary, } and event_counter order_recruitment_enabled 1 and event_counter HEAVY_MAIL_ARMOR 1 and hidden_resource aragon and not hidden_resource france

    ;------------------ KNIGHTS HOSPITALLER: available in - Pisa, Venice, Papal_States, Sicily, Hungary, Jerusalem - after ORDER_KNIGHTS_HOSPITALLER_MILITARISE -----------

    recruit_pool "Knights Hospitaller" 1 0.05 2 0 requires factions { jerusalem, } and event_counter order_recruitment_enabled 1 and event_counter hospitallers_recruitment_enabled 1

    recruit_pool "Knights Hospitaller" 1 0.05 2 0 requires factions { england, france, } and event_counter order_recruitment_enabled 1 and event_counter hospitallers_recruitment_enabled 1 and hidden_resource pisa or hidden_resource venice or hidden_resource papal_states or hidden_resource sicily or hidden_resource hungary or hidden_resource jerusalem
    recruit_pool "Knights Hospitaller" 1 0.05 2 0 requires factions { hre, } and event_counter order_recruitment_enabled 1 and event_counter hospitallers_recruitment_enabled 1 and hidden_resource pisa or hidden_resource venice or hidden_resource papal_states or hidden_resource sicily or hidden_resource hungary or hidden_resource jerusalem
    recruit_pool "Knights Hospitaller" 1 0.05 2 0 requires factions { scotland, denmark, norway, } and event_counter order_recruitment_enabled 1 and event_counter hospitallers_recruitment_enabled 1 and hidden_resource pisa or hidden_resource venice or hidden_resource papal_states or hidden_resource sicily or hidden_resource hungary or hidden_resource jerusalem
    recruit_pool "Knights Hospitaller" 1 0.05 2 0 requires factions { pisa, venice, sicily, } and event_counter order_recruitment_enabled 1 and event_counter hospitallers_recruitment_enabled 1 and hidden_resource pisa or hidden_resource venice or hidden_resource papal_states or hidden_resource sicily or hidden_resource hungary or hidden_resource jerusalem
    recruit_pool "Knights Hospitaller" 1 0.05 2 0 requires factions { spain, portugal, aragon, } and event_counter order_recruitment_enabled 1 and event_counter hospitallers_recruitment_enabled 1 and hidden_resource pisa or hidden_resource venice or hidden_resource papal_states or hidden_resource sicily or hidden_resource hungary or hidden_resource jerusalem
    recruit_pool "Knights Hospitaller" 1 0.05 2 0 requires factions { poland, hungary, } and event_counter order_recruitment_enabled 1 and event_counter hospitallers_recruitment_enabled 1 and hidden_resource pisa or hidden_resource venice or hidden_resource papal_states or hidden_resource sicily or hidden_resource hungary or hidden_resource jerusalem

    ;------------------ TEUTONIC KNIGHTS: available in - HRE, Poland, Jerusalem - after ORDER_TEUTONIC_ORDER_FOUNDED ------------------

    recruit_pool "Ritterbruder" 1 0.05 2 0 requires factions { jerusalem, } and event_counter order_recruitment_enabled 1 and event_counter teutonic_knights_recruitment_enabled 1

    recruit_pool "Ritterbruder" 1 0.05 2 0 requires factions { england, france, } and event_counter order_recruitment_enabled 1 and event_counter teutonic_knights_recruitment_enabled 1 and hidden_resource jerusalem or hidden_resource sicily or hidden_resource hre or hidden_resource poland
    recruit_pool "Ritterbruder" 1 0.05 2 0 requires factions { hre, } and event_counter order_recruitment_enabled 1 and event_counter teutonic_knights_recruitment_enabled 1 and hidden_resource jerusalem or hidden_resource sicily or hidden_resource hre or hidden_resource poland
    recruit_pool "Ritterbruder" 1 0.05 2 0 requires factions { scotland, denmark, norway, } and event_counter order_recruitment_enabled 1 and event_counter teutonic_knights_recruitment_enabled 1 and hidden_resource jerusalem or hidden_resource sicily or hidden_resource hre or hidden_resource poland
    recruit_pool "Ritterbruder" 1 0.05 2 0 requires factions { pisa, venice, sicily, } and event_counter order_recruitment_enabled 1 and event_counter teutonic_knights_recruitment_enabled 1 and hidden_resource jerusalem or hidden_resource sicily or hidden_resource hre or hidden_resource poland
    recruit_pool "Ritterbruder" 1 0.05 2 0 requires factions { spain, portugal, aragon, } and event_counter order_recruitment_enabled 1 and event_counter teutonic_knights_recruitment_enabled 1 and hidden_resource jerusalem or hidden_resource sicily or hidden_resource hre or hidden_resource poland
    recruit_pool "Ritterbruder" 1 0.05 2 0 requires factions { poland, hungary, } and event_counter order_recruitment_enabled 1 and event_counter teutonic_knights_recruitment_enabled 1 and hidden_resource jerusalem or hidden_resource sicily or hidden_resource hre or hidden_resource poland

    ;------------------ KNIGHTS OF SANTIAGO: available in - Portugal, Spain - after ORDER_SANTIAGO_KNIGHTS_FOUNDED --------------------

    recruit_pool "Knights of Santiago" 1 0.05 2 0 requires factions { jerusalem, } and event_counter order_recruitment_enabled 1 and event_counter santiago_knights_recruitment_enabled 1 and not hidden_resource aragon and hidden_resource spain or hidden_resource portugal
    recruit_pool "Knights of Santiago" 1 0.05 2 0 requires factions { england, france, } and event_counter order_recruitment_enabled 1 and event_counter santiago_knights_recruitment_enabled 1 and not hidden_resource aragon and hidden_resource spain or hidden_resource portugal
    recruit_pool "Knights of Santiago" 1 0.05 2 0 requires factions { hre, } and event_counter order_recruitment_enabled 1 and event_counter santiago_knights_recruitment_enabled 1 and not hidden_resource aragon and hidden_resource spain or hidden_resource portugal
    recruit_pool "Knights of Santiago" 1 0.05 2 0 requires factions { scotland, denmark, norway, } and event_counter order_recruitment_enabled 1 and event_counter santiago_knights_recruitment_enabled 1 and not hidden_resource aragon and hidden_resource spain or hidden_resource portugal
    recruit_pool "Knights of Santiago" 1 0.05 2 0 requires factions { pisa, venice, sicily, } and event_counter order_recruitment_enabled 1 and event_counter santiago_knights_recruitment_enabled 1 and not hidden_resource aragon and hidden_resource spain or hidden_resource portugal
    recruit_pool "Knights of Santiago" 1 0.05 2 0 requires factions { spain, portugal, aragon, } and event_counter order_recruitment_enabled 1 and event_counter santiago_knights_recruitment_enabled 1 and not hidden_resource aragon and hidden_resource spain or hidden_resource portugal
    recruit_pool "Knights of Santiago" 1 0.05 2 0 requires factions { poland, hungary, } and event_counter order_recruitment_enabled 1 and event_counter santiago_knights_recruitment_enabled 1 and not hidden_resource aragon and hidden_resource spain or hidden_resource portugal

    Also which is this bug:
    These are a few remarks, but I can say that for the moment this April version is very stable for me (only one CTD after the loss of a king in battle which was resolved by redoing the battle without losing the latter) .
    The 'BecomeFationLeader' bug can also be overcome with @Gigantus' method (see here) and naturally, SSHIP is still being worked on. Personally, I continue - when time allows - to improve the visuals of the units with the aim of ever more realism and historical precision.

    Link doesn't work.
    Under the Patronage of Veteraan.
    Proud member of Europa Barbarorum 2 team, developer of EBNOM, developer of EB 1.21, developer of Diadochi Total War, developer of Hegemonia City States and creator of one modpack for Megas Alexandros.

  13. #873
    kostic's Avatar Domesticus
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    Near Lyon in France

    Default Re: SSHIP ver. 0.98 - April 25th, 2024 - DOWNLOAD HERE

    The above link has been corrected.

    Otherwise I don't understand why I can't recruit Templar or Hospitaller knights in the Kingdom of Jerusalem...
    Holy Land: instantly
    recruit_pool "Knights Templar" 1 0.05 2 0 requires factions { jerusalem, england, france, hre, pisa, venice, sicily, spain, portugal, aragon, poland, hungary, } and event_counter order_recruitment_enabled 1 and hidden_resource jerusalem
    Does the problem come from "event_counter order_recruitment_enabled 1 "?
    In my list of events, I don't see this one:
    ;---------------------------- HISTORICAL DATES (for reference while coding) ------------------

    Events essential for historical evolution of the Catholic armies (state for 098):
    ; early_era
    ; 16: lateran_council2 : crossbow forbidden by papacy---------1140
    ; 40: HANSEATIC_LEAGUE----------------------------------------1152
    ; 90: lateran_council3----------------------------------------1177
    ; 110: battle_hattin------------------------------------------1187
    ; 140: HEAVY_MAIL---------------------------------------------1202
    ; 170: lateran_council4---------------------------------------1217

    The same goes for the Knights Hospitaller; "event_counter hospitallers_recruitment_enabled 1"
    where does this event fit in the above list?
    Or does the problem come from the EDU on the armour_ug_levels line whose first number is 11, which corresponds to the "heavy mail" event????

  14. #874

    Default Re: SSHIP ver. 0.98 - April 25th, 2024 - DOWNLOAD HERE

    Quote Originally Posted by kostic View Post
    The above link has been corrected.

    Otherwise I don't understand why I can't recruit Templar or Hospitaller knights in the Kingdom of Jerusalem...

    Does the problem come from "event_counter order_recruitment_enabled 1 "?
    In my list of events, I don't see this one:
    The same goes for the Knights Hospitaller; "event_counter hospitallers_recruitment_enabled 1"
    where does this event fit in the above list?
    Or does the problem come from the EDU on the armour_ug_levels line whose first number is 11, which corresponds to the "heavy mail" event????
    It is a difficult issue, maybe Jurand or @Gigantus can help us about military order recruitment in sship, some days ago i was reviewing this and in my Game at the beginning of the game is possible recruit templars, maybe is due to your reputation, if is low the event counter no reach the level 1 and is nlt possible recruit them, i changed also in templar sergeants the "templar_recruitment" for "order_recruitment" because all military orders have this event...
    What I do see as wrong is waiting until the "heavy mail" event, around the year 1190 or 1200, to have Templars in Iberia. Templars and Hospitallers were already installed in Iberia since around 1140. King Alfonso I the Battler bequeathed his property to these orders when he died in 1134 because they already fought alongside him in Iberia. I think that from the beginning of the game the Templars should also be available at least in Iberia, and later the Hospitallers and Santiago.I will try to change this in my minimod, as well as add the Turcopolos as auxiliary troops in Jerusalem and that the Catholic factions can recruit in addition to knights, recruit sergeants of the military orders anywhere, not just for Jerusalem. I also think that the Templars have too many units, I think their units and those of Jerusalem should be reviewed in the future. For now I hope that Gigantus can look at the files for the "military orders" building and confirm when it is possible to build them in Europe and when it is possible to recruit such units as arranged.

    Sign the petition to remove hardcoded limits for M2TW

  15. #875
    kostic's Avatar Domesticus
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    Default Re: SSHIP ver. 0.98 - April 25th, 2024 - DOWNLOAD HERE

    Templar and Hospitaller knights can't be recruited with a bad reputation? Interesting! Indeed, the friend who runs my campaign has decided to ignore reputation and chooses to pillage and even raze certain opposing towns to the ground to get more money. As a result, most of our reputations fall somewhere between " despicable " and " deceitful "...
    I've been trying in vain to get him to listen to the advantages of keeping a good reputation, but perhaps this is an argument worth hearing !

    I'll have to take a look of the religious orders' units...
    Last edited by kostic; May 15, 2024 at 11:31 AM.

  16. #876

    Default Re: SSHIP ver. 0.98 - April 25th, 2024 - DOWNLOAD HERE

    Why does the latest version from April 27 crash every 5-6 turns?

  17. #877

    Default Re: SSHIP ver. 0.98 - April 25th, 2024 - DOWNLOAD HERE

  18. #878

    Default Re: SSHIP ver. 0.98 - April 25th, 2024 - DOWNLOAD HERE

  19. #879

    Default Re: SSHIP ver. 0.98 - April 25th, 2024 - DOWNLOAD HERE

    i wonder as well. current version is unplayable.
    i hope a new version gets pushed soon that also fixes things like the civil war system

  20. #880

    Default Re: SSHIP ver. 0.98 - April 25th, 2024 - DOWNLOAD HERE

    Dont know what the people above are talking about. I've been playing a Roman campaign and experienced only one crash in about 250 turns so far, and that was after a battle where I killed the king and heir and must've messed something up, I guess. But perhaps its something you installed wrong? On the version previous to this I experienced a ton of crashes but now its minimal.

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