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Thread: IBRR Community Fixes (WIP)

  1. #1
    Lanjane's Avatar Artifex
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Russia, Moscow

    Default IBRR Community Fixes (WIP)

    I've compiled together the existing fixes for IBRR (made by MarcoAurelio82 and Abdülmecid I), plus created new assets as some were missing (like the PIPs for Arianism, for example).
    All the agents, diplomats and spies are now using models matching their UIs, I've created some new models.
    Ships are using Riczu's models.
    IBRR Community Fixes (WIP) file - Invasio Barbarorum: Ruina Romae mod for Rome: Total War - Barbarian Invasion - Mod DB

    The fixes are designed with non-scripted campaign in mind (so the construction times are rebalanced for 2tpy and script is disabled).

    Full changelog:

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    - Fixed all 55 models that caused crash on Steam RTW-BI engine
    - Fixed hand mesh for model Gaiiten_officer_gothic_warlord.cas
    - Fixed helmet mesh for model Gaiiten_unit_bulgar_turk_cavalry.cas
    - Fixed shield value typo for baiovari_warband
    - Fixed missing AP for axe_heerbann weapon
    - Fixed typos for a few strat resource lines in descr_strat (missing comma and bad grammar)
    - Fixed wrong legionary name for Transoxania region (Sughdia -> Sogdiana)
    - Fixed duplicate mercenary pool (two pools with the same name, Dacia)
    - Fixed regions Shahapivan and Locus_Vandali not being a part of any mercenary pool
    - Fixed wrong climate pixel colors on map_climates.tga
    - Fixed wrong heightmap pixels on map_heights.tga and regenerated hgt file
    - Fixed wrong river pixel colors on map_features.tga
    - Fixed missing slaves resource for all affected regions on campaign map (~40 regions)
    - Removed trade resources from descr_regions.txt (they do not belong here, should be in descr_strat)
    - Added mod version number display in main menu page
    - EzeckLupo fixed the duplicate characters bug causing the random campaign crashes. Requires a new campaign. Don't forget to delete the campaign cache (RWM file) by running campaign_map_reset.bat from the IBRR folder!
    - Simplified brick interface for Romans and Goths to make interface more readable
    - Corrected many typos in export_units.txt resulting in missing unit descriptions
    - Corrected some typos in export_desc_buildings.txt
    - Unlocked the lower noble Azat cavalry after Estates level 3 (previously they stopped being available)
    - Remade pips for Arianism, Buddhism, Maniheism, Judaism to be more consistent with the rest pips
    - Corrected alpha channel for Antes Horse Archers (now they match the UI)
    - Improved sounds for warhorns using Barbarian Empires: Siege of the West sounds
    - Improved Manuballistarii sounds using Medieval 1 TW crossbow sounds
    - Fixed Road Side Inn bonuses to not overlap with the road bonuses
    - Corrected the Road bonuses since they were using the values not properly recognized by the game
    - Fixed a few crashes related to wrong sprite paths in DMB
    - Fixed missing sprite for Tribal Fighters
    - Fixed wrong city flags over the city gates in battle (now all factions should have the correct flags)
    - Fixed missing weapon for roman stratmap lesser general model
    - Fixed broken texture for Antes Horse Archers (thanks Karakondzul for pointing out)
    - Fixed missing description for Antes Horse Archers due to the typo in export_units.txt
    - Fixed wrong placement of some stratmap resources resulting in trade not working (inaccessible tiles)
    - Fixed placement of some stratmap resources resulting in clipping with city or port models
    - Corrected a few wrong sprite links in DMB (hopefully this time no more sprite issues!)
    - Improved battlemap lighting, so the units will look more colorful (were too dark before) - see screenshots
    - Fixed wrong commentaries in barbarian_invasion_regions_and_settlement_names.txt (thanks to wypher)
    - Regenerated sprites for all units to solve the corrupted sprites issue
    - Fixed crashes related to the missing graphics and texture/sprite references for pseudo-mercenary units
    - Fixed wrong references for the battle banners
    - Fixed positions of rebel armies of Kat and Gurganj
    - Added missing sound for "Storm from the East" event
    - Made underlays for the stratmap settlements transparent (removed big ugly white squares)
    - Fixed missing rebel garrison in Gades
    - Fixed wrong position of the Vandal fleet (they were stationed in the rebel docks)
    - Replaced Spy, Assassin and Diplomat models with the correct ones (matching the UI) for all factions
    - Made new models for spies for Arabs and Berbers
    - ERE diplomat replaced with SAI model
    - Alan diplomat replaced with Fall of Rome model
    - Replaced all strat ships with Riczu's models
    - Created new model and UI for roman spies
    - Toned down aggressive red color of Rhamik's uniform
    - Fixed missing city icons in the settlement list for Nomad culture
    - Balance: improved battlemap movement modifiers based on Robbe Aert's realism system
    - Balance: halved construction times (since 4tpy script is disabled, and now the game is 2tpy)
    - Merged all fixes by MarcoAurelio82, except for the Transoxanian Infantry and Yemeni Infantry (the different fix will be made)
    - Fixed wrong event text when Sassanid player destroys other faction
    - Added proper victory and lose videos for all factions
    - Fixed and improved dozens of unit localisation issues
    - Fixed and improved city and region names
    - Fixed missing and wrong trait descriptions
    - Fixed and improved building descriptions
    - Added missing UI items
    - Corrected graphic bugs with UI items
    - Fixed missing roman names
    - Corrected recruitment issues
    - Fixed missing Arianism pips in the UI
    - Fixed white background for Buddhism, Judaism and Maniheism pips in the UI
    - Fixed duplicate slave trade building in Sigan region (need to start a new campaign or demolish a duplicate in your current game manually)
    - Improved battlemap lighting
    - Cosmetic: Added banner overlays for stratmap
    - Cosmetic: Added new custom loading bar from Barbarian Empires: Hellenistic Legacy
    - Cosmetic: Added better campaign sea textures
    - Cosmetic: Added better unit selection markers from Barbarian Empires: Hellenistic Legacy
    - Fixed invisible unit sprites for Pâyghân-î-gund-î-Pâdûspân and other units using this model
    - Fixed wrong merc sprite syntax in DMB
    - Fixed unit lethality (set to 1)
    - Fixed offset for the faction leader portrait TGA for the Franks in the campaign
    - Rebalance: Changed "horde" formation to "square" in EDU
    - Rebalance: Changed "impetuous" morale to "normal" to improve combat
    - Rebalance: Changed 0 turns recruitment to 1 turns in campaign
    - Fixed typo in win conditions resulting in WC not working for Berbers, Lombardi, Burgundii and Hephtalites
    - Problematic campaign script turned off
    - Fixed wrong sprite references for kavulsahr_kidarra_payghan
    - Added campaign_map_reset.bat file to clean map.rwm
    - Added Start IBRR.bat - a convenient bat to launch the mod
    Last edited by Lanjane; July 23, 2024 at 02:45 AM.
    Don't run too far, you will have to return the same distance.
    - Biblical Proverb
    Nobody will try to figure it out if you are made of glass or of metal. They'll treat you the same way.
    When you show your strength, you'll find a company of those who want to steal it from you, but your weakness, you'll be all alone with it.

    - Winter Voices

    Lanjane's Barbarian Empires * Barbarian Empires: Hellenistic Legacy * Extended Cultures V * Rome - Total Realism 8 * Lanjane's Mini-Workshop * Rome: Total Music

  2. #2

    Default Re: IBRR Community Fixes (WIP)

    Great job!

  3. #3
    Lanjane's Avatar Artifex
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Russia, Moscow

    Default Re: IBRR Community Fixes (WIP)

    _TotalWar_ thank you!

    Fixes updated.
    The main thing is that I've regenerated sprites for all units to solve the corrupted sprites issue (transparent sprites) of original mod. Now everything should work fine.
    It is recommended to delete IBRR/data/sprites before applying this patch - to save some space (around 200 Mb)
    Other updates:
    - Fixed the crashes related to pseudo-mercenary units: Abasgian warrior, Levy Spearmen (Jund), Greuthungi Lancers, Sarmatian Argaragantes, Transoxanian Nomad Tribal Spearmen
    These units are not mercenaries, but the original devs used them as pseudo-mercenaries in descr_mercenaries file, resulting in game crashes when some factions hire these units.
    - Fixed wrong links to battle banners (i.e. routing banners for the Sassanids, and others)
    - Fixed wrong commentaries in barbarian_invasion_regions_and_settlement_names.txt (thanks to wypher)
    Don't run too far, you will have to return the same distance.
    - Biblical Proverb
    Nobody will try to figure it out if you are made of glass or of metal. They'll treat you the same way.
    When you show your strength, you'll find a company of those who want to steal it from you, but your weakness, you'll be all alone with it.

    - Winter Voices

    Lanjane's Barbarian Empires * Barbarian Empires: Hellenistic Legacy * Extended Cultures V * Rome - Total Realism 8 * Lanjane's Mini-Workshop * Rome: Total Music

  4. #4
    Lanjane's Avatar Artifex
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Russia, Moscow

    Default Re: IBRR Community Fixes (WIP)

    More updates

    - Simplified brick interface for Romans and Goths to make interface more readable
    - Corrected many typos in export_units.txt resulting in missing unit descriptions
    - Corrected some typos in export_desc_buildings.txt
    - Unlocked the lower noble Azat cavalry after Estates level 3 (previously they stopped being available)
    - Remade pips for Arianism, Buddhism, Maniheism, Judaism to be more consistent with the rest pips
    - Corrected alpha channel for Antes Horse Archers (now they match the UI)
    - Improved sounds for warhorns using Barbarian Empires: Siege of the West sounds
    - Improved Manuballistarii sounds using Medieval 1 TW crossbow sounds
    - Fixed Road Side Inn bonuses to not overlap with the road bonuses
    - Corrected the Road bonuses since they were using the values not properly recognized by the game
    - Fixed a few crashes related to wrong sprite paths in DMB
    - Fixed missing sprite for Tribal Fighters
    - Fixed wrong city flags over the city gates in battle (now all factions should have the correct flags)
    - Fixed missing weapon for roman stratmap lesser general model
    - Fixed broken texture for Antes Horse Archers (thanks Karakondzul for pointing out)
    - Fixed missing description for Antes Horse Archers due to the typo in export_units.txt
    - Fixed wrong placement of some stratmap resources resulting in trade not working (inaccessible tiles)
    - Fixed placement of some stratmap resources resulting in clipping with city or port models
    Don't run too far, you will have to return the same distance.
    - Biblical Proverb
    Nobody will try to figure it out if you are made of glass or of metal. They'll treat you the same way.
    When you show your strength, you'll find a company of those who want to steal it from you, but your weakness, you'll be all alone with it.

    - Winter Voices

    Lanjane's Barbarian Empires * Barbarian Empires: Hellenistic Legacy * Extended Cultures V * Rome - Total Realism 8 * Lanjane's Mini-Workshop * Rome: Total Music

  5. #5

    Default Re: IBRR Community Fixes (WIP)


    ""- Fixed the crashes related to pseudo-mercenary units: Abasgian warrior, Levy Spearmen (Jund), Greuthungi Lancers, Sarmatian Argaragantes, Transoxanian Nomad Tribal Spearmen
    These units are not mercenaries, but the original devs used them as pseudo-mercenaries in descr_mercenaries file, resulting in game crashes when some factions hire these units."""

    This is 100% my fixing at least for 3 units out of 5 (not sure about Jund Spearmen and Sarmatian Argargantes, that I have fixed about the wrong Cartabian Cricle: I should check, but I'm totally sure about the 3 other units you name). And I have correrted some other units "mixed in a wrong way" related in some way with Greuthungi Lancers: some goths lancers in .txt coding files were messed up: it's an important correction related to this units (also about crash bugs).

    I have also made a very deep work (historical and bug fixing) regions and settlements names (you name it in another post here), also fixing a bug about two cities with the same name (Ceaserea: I have separated them in the script) and probably also some regions scripted more than one time for cities. And I have corrected some borders regions maps too.
    I have also made a tons of othes fixing/updates (also about copies of units in recruitemente system; a very deep work (and related to bugs) about King/heirs/generals starting campaing now fixed for almost all factions (I have also fixed "culture" error scripts in this kind of work); fixed missed or wrong graphic works etc. etc.
    I'm not sure what you have used about my work (considering what I have quoted here above). But for sure, what I have named about mercenaries has been corrected by me. I would understand it (what you have used), so I can take what I think is useful from your patch, without to lose my improvements (when I play). And if you have used a lot of my work, credits should be given in a right way.
    Last edited by MarcoAurelio82; November 03, 2023 at 07:08 AM.

  6. #6

    Default Re: IBRR Community Fixes (WIP)

    Quote Originally Posted by MarcoAurelio82 View Post

    ""- Fixed the crashes related to pseudo-mercenary units: Abasgian warrior, Levy Spearmen (Jund), Greuthungi Lancers, Sarmatian Argaragantes, Transoxanian Nomad Tribal Spearmen
    These units are not mercenaries, but the original devs used them as pseudo-mercenaries in descr_mercenaries file, resulting in game crashes when some factions hire these units."""

    This is 100% my fixing at least for 3 units out of 5 (not sure about Jund Spearmen and Sarmatian Argargantes, that I have fixed about the wrong Cartabian Cricle: I should check, but I'm totally sure about the 3 other units you name). And I have correrted some other units "mixed in a wrong way" related in some way with Greuthungi Lancers: some goths lancers in .txt coding files were messed up: it's an important correction related to this units (also about crash bugs).

    I have also made a very deep work (historical and bug fixing) regions and settlements names (you name it in another post here), also fixing a bug about two cities with the same name (Ceaserea: I have separated them in the script) and probably also some regions scripted more than one time for cities. And I have corrected some borders regions maps too.
    I have also made a tons of othes fixing/updates (also about copies of units in recruitemente system; a very deep work (and related to bugs) about King/heirs/generals starting campaing now fixed for almost all factions (I have also fixed "culture" error scripts in this kind of work); fixed missed or wrong graphic works etc. etc.
    I'm not sure what you have used about my work (considering what I have quoted here above). But for sure, what I have named about mercenaries has been corrected by me. I would understand it (what you have used), so I can take what I think is useful from your patch, without to lose my improvements (when I play). And if you have used a lot of my work, credits should be given in a right way.

    Thank you and Lamjane for your hard work. It's really impressive.

    I will install it when you have the definitive version, because I have many campaing begun already.

    On other hand, I'm wondering if it could be possible to change the recruitment of the unique region mercenaries (like the Chosroid units of Albania and Georgia) by AOR units to recruit in sentlements? Maybe in "mercenary barracs"? Personally, I think it would have more sense and make more feasible to use them in campaing.

  7. #7

    Default Re: IBRR Community Fixes (WIP)

    I get a CTD in a lot of battles as WRE, but not all of them. The loading bar will load go part of the way and then CTD, no error or anything, i've had this problem in two campaigns fighting Visigoths and ERE, and I reinstalled the fix, to no avail. Im playing on Steam

  8. #8

    Default Re: IBRR Community Fixes (WIP)

    I think I found the problem, the patch file for the steam version that stops the CTD ( dosen't seem to be compatible with the community fixes, any idea how to fix this?

  9. #9

    Default Re: IBRR Community Fixes (WIP)

    basically, the Sagitarii Graves and VIsigothic heavy cavalry aren't assigned a model, if you could fix, I woyld greatly appreciate it, this is truly a wonderful addition to the mod and this is my only technical issue i've had so far.

  10. #10

    Default Re: IBRR Community Fixes (WIP)

    Specifically, the Gothic Cnithe and Horde Gothic Cnithe are the problem, if someone here could please direct me to their locations in the descr_model_battle.txt file so I can give them another units model, I would greatly appreciate it

  11. #11

    Default Re: IBRR Community Fixes (WIP)

    I found a work around for the Sagitarii Graves, using the regular roman archer model for them, hower, the Gothic Cnithe and Horde Gothic Cnithe are the problem, if someone here could please direct me to their locations in the descr_model_battle.txt file so I can give them another units model, I would greatly appreciate it, I have looked all over and can't find it.

  12. #12

    Default Re: IBRR Community Fixes (WIP)

    Alr so a reinstal of the mod fixed the Gothic Cavalry problem but the Sagitarii graves still caused a CTD and I had to give them a new model myself

  13. #13
    Lanjane's Avatar Artifex
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Russia, Moscow

    Default Re: IBRR Community Fixes (WIP)

    Hello guys.

    I found a problem specific to Steam BI exe, it doesn't appear for CD version of the game. This mod was affected by this issue too but I fixed the problem.

    The problem: if the unit model has more than 11 meshes in it, the game (Steam BI) will crash the battle. While CD version of BI works fine, it just won't show the objects past the limit of 11 (the unit may lose some of its parts like scabbards, heads, weapons etc. randomly).

    I have manually reviewed all 262 models used by the mod and found 55 that are affected by this issue. I have merged some meshes and re-rigged them so units now no longer crash Steam BI.

    Updated the IBRR Community Fixes on Moddb.

    The full changelog:

    Updated Community Fixes to v15 (21/07/2024)
    - Fixed all 55 models that caused crash on Steam RTW-BI engine
    - Fixed hand mesh for model Gaiiten_officer_gothic_warlord.cas
    - Fixed helmet mesh for model Gaiiten_unit_bulgar_turk_cavalry.cas
    - Fixed shield value typo for baiovari_warband
    - Fixed missing AP for axe_heerbann weapon
    - Fixed typos for a few strat resource lines in descr_strat (missing comma and bad grammar)
    - Fixed wrong legionary name for Transoxania region (Sughdia -> Sogdiana)
    - Fixed duplicate mercenary pool (two pools with the same name, Dacia)
    - Fixed regions Shahapivan and Locus_Vandali not being a part of any mercenary pool
    - Fixed wrong climate pixel colors on map_climates.tga
    - Fixed wrong heightmap pixels on map_heights.tga and regenerated hgt file
    - Fixed wrong river pixel colors on map_features.tga
    - Fixed missing slaves resource for all affected regions on campaign map (~40 regions)
    - Removed trade resources from descr_regions.txt (they do not belong here, should be in descr_strat)
    - Added mod version number display in main menu page
    Don't run too far, you will have to return the same distance.
    - Biblical Proverb
    Nobody will try to figure it out if you are made of glass or of metal. They'll treat you the same way.
    When you show your strength, you'll find a company of those who want to steal it from you, but your weakness, you'll be all alone with it.

    - Winter Voices

    Lanjane's Barbarian Empires * Barbarian Empires: Hellenistic Legacy * Extended Cultures V * Rome - Total Realism 8 * Lanjane's Mini-Workshop * Rome: Total Music

  14. #14

    Default Re: IBRR Community Fixes (WIP)

    Hi Lanjane,

    I can confirm, I can now load a custom battle with Sagittari Graves and Gothic Chnite. Well done!


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