Thread: SSHIP - General Discussion

  1. #6801
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    For appreciation of those who code themselves: this is how intricated and precise coding of recruitment of units should be at the of process: an example of one stage of city barracks for one faction:
    (currently, it's not finished, and for the castle barracks the work of re-coding the SSHIP 092 is at rather early stages)

    ;- Poland city barracks militia_drill_square ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        ;----- increases supply of the AoR unit (does not grow with urbanization level):
            recruit_pool    "Slavic Javelinmen"            0    0.04    0  0  requires factions { poland, } and hidden_resource poland and not event_counter POLAND4_LOCATION_OF_CRACOW 1
            recruit_pool    "Woodsmen"                    0    0.04    0  0  requires factions { poland, } and hidden_resource poland and not event_counter POLAND6_UNITED_KINGDOM 1
        ;----- melee ---------------------------- (UNfWE - with replacement of types of units and events) 
            recruit_pool  "EE Spear Militia"            2    0.15    3  0  requires factions { poland, } and not event_counter OSTSIEDLUNG 1
            recruit_pool  "EE Spear Militia"            2    0.18    3  0  requires factions { poland, } and event_counter OSTSIEDLUNG 1 and not event_counter POLAND5_COUNCIL_OF_LECZYCA 1
            recruit_pool  "EE Spear Militia"            2    0.13    3  0  requires factions { poland, } and event_counter POLAND5_COUNCIL_OF_LECZYCA 1 and not event_counter PAVISE_SHIELDS 1
            recruit_pool  "Pavise Spear Militia"        2    0.15    3  0  requires factions { poland, } and event_counter POLAND5_COUNCIL_OF_LECZYCA 1 and not event_counter PAVISE_SHIELDS 1
            recruit_pool  "Pavise Spear Militia"        2    0.24    3  0  requires factions { poland, } and event_counter PAVISE_SHIELDS 1 and not event_counter FULL_PLATE_ARMOR 1
            recruit_pool  "Pavise Spear Militia"        2    0.15    3  0  requires factions { poland, } and event_counter FULL_PLATE_ARMOR 1 and not event_counter MATCHLOCK 1
            recruit_pool  "Halberd Militia"                2    0.17    3  0  requires factions { poland, } and event_counter HALF_PLATE_ARMOR 1 and not event_counter MATCHLOCK 1
            recruit_pool  "Halberd Militia"                2    0.24    3  0  requires factions { poland, } and event_counter MATCHLOCK 1    
        ;----- missiles ------------------------- (UNfWE)
        ; beginning: only AoR
            recruit_pool  "EE Crossbow Militia"  1   0.10    2  0  requires factions { poland, } and event_counter OSTSIEDLUNG 1 and not event_counter MOUNTED_CROSSBOWS 1
            recruit_pool  "EE Crossbow Militia"  1   0.12    2  0  requires factions { poland, } and event_counter MOUNTED_CROSSBOWS 1 and not event_counter POLAND5_COUNCIL_OF_LECZYCA 1
            recruit_pool  "EE Crossbow Militia"  1   0.15    2  0  requires factions { poland, } and event_counter POLAND5_COUNCIL_OF_LECZYCA 1 and not event_counter PAVISE_SHIELDS 1
            recruit_pool  "EE Crossbow Militia"  1   0.12    2  0  requires factions { poland, } and event_counter PAVISE_SHIELDS 1 and not event_counter FULL_PLATE_ARMOR 1
            ;----- increases supply of the Baltic Crossbowmen from Hansa Teutonica building
            recruit_pool      "Lettish Crossbowmen"        0    0.07    0  0  requires factions { poland, } and not event_counter FL_is_crowned_ruler 1
            recruit_pool      "Lettish Crossbowmen"        0    0.10    0  0  requires factions { poland, } and event_counter FL_is_crowned_ruler 1
        ;--- AI support (Poland city barracks) ----------------------------------------------------
            ; so that it fields better quality armies (goal: to provide the player with better experience: stronger AI armies)
            ; added 1 time every 4 turns (leap_year_counter 3) so that the can be recruited in one moment thus creating stronger armies
            ;......... base value
            recruit_pool    "Smolensk Infantry"        1   0.001    2  0  requires factions { poland, } and not event_counter is_the_player 1
            recruit_pool    "Light Swordsmen"        1   0.001    2  0  requires factions { poland, } and not event_counter is_the_player 1
            ;......... if Poland has fewer than 20 settlements
            recruit_pool    "Smolensk Infantry"        0   0.124    0  0  requires factions { poland, } and not event_counter is_the_player 1 and not event_counter faction_size_huge 1 and event_counter leap_year_counter 1
            recruit_pool    "Light Swordsmen"        0   0.124    0  0  requires factions { poland, } and not event_counter is_the_player 1 and not event_counter faction_size_huge 1 and event_counter leap_year_counter 1
            ;......... mobilization of citizens if the AI is in trouble
            recruit_pool    "Smolensk Infantry"        0   0.375    0  0  requires factions { poland, } and event_counter is_the_player 1 and not event_counter faction_size_small 1 and event_counter leap_year_counter 1
            recruit_pool    "Light Swordsmen"        0   0.375    0  0  requires factions { poland, } and event_counter is_the_player 1 and not event_counter faction_size_small 1 and event_counter leap_year_counter 1
    and hier for another faction:

    ;- FRANCE city barracks militia_drill_square ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        ;----- Axe -> Guisarme ----------------------------
            recruit_pool  "Axe Militia"                1   0.11    2  0  requires factions { france, } and not event_counter HEAVY_MAIL_ARMOR 1
            recruit_pool  "Axe Militia"                1   0.13    2  0  requires factions { france, } and event_counter HEAVY_MAIL_ARMOR 1 and not event_counter TRANSITIONAL_ARMOR 1
            recruit_pool  "Axe Militia"                1   0.11    2  0  requires factions { france, } and event_counter HEAVY_MAIL_ARMOR 1 and not event_counter TRANSITIONAL_ARMOR 1
            recruit_pool  "NE Urban Militia"        1   0.11    2  0  requires factions { france, } and event_counter TRANSITIONAL_ARMOR 1 and not event_counter HALF_PLATE_ARMOR 1    
            recruit_pool  "NE Urban Militia"        1   0.13    2  0  requires factions { france, } and event_counter HALF_PLATE_ARMOR 1 and not event_counter FULL_PLATE_ARMOR 1
            recruit_pool  "NE Urban Militia"        1   0.15    2  0  requires factions { france, } and event_counter FULL_PLATE_ARMOR 1
        ;----- Spear -> Halberd ----------------------------
            recruit_pool  "Spear Militia"            1    0.15    2  0  requires factions { france, } and not event_counter HEAVY_MAIL_ARMOR 1
            recruit_pool  "Spear Militia"            1    0.13    2  0  requires factions { france, } and event_counter HEAVY_MAIL_ARMOR 1 and not event_counter TRANSITIONAL_ARMOR 1
            recruit_pool  "Urban Spear Militia"        1    0.15    2  0  requires factions { france, } and event_counter HEAVY_MAIL_ARMOR 1 and not event_counter TRANSITIONAL_ARMOR 1
            recruit_pool  "Urban Spear Militia"        1    0.19    2  0  requires factions { france, } and event_counter TRANSITIONAL_ARMOR 1 and not event_counter HALF_PLATE_ARMOR 1
            recruit_pool  "Urban Spear Militia"        1    0.12    2  0  requires factions { france, } and event_counter HALF_PLATE_ARMOR 1 and not event_counter FULL_PLATE_ARMOR 1
            recruit_pool  "Halberd Militia"            1    0.13    2  0  requires factions { france, } and event_counter HALF_PLATE_ARMOR 1 and not event_counter FULL_PLATE_ARMOR 1
            recruit_pool  "Halberd Militia"            1    0.19    2  0  requires factions { france, } and event_counter FULL_PLATE_ARMOR 1
        ;----- Missiles ----------------------------
            recruit_pool  "Peasant Archers"            1   0.15    2  0  requires factions { france, } and not event_counter lateran_council3 1
            recruit_pool  "Peasant Archers"            1   0.12    2  0  requires factions { france, } and event_counter lateran_council3 1 and not event_counter MOUNTED_CROSSBOWS 1
            recruit_pool  "Urban Crossbow Militia"  1   0.10    2  0  requires factions { france, } and event_counter lateran_council2 1 and not event_counter lateran_council3 1        
            recruit_pool  "Urban Crossbow Militia"  1   0.12    2  0  requires factions { france, } and event_counter lateran_council3 1 and not event_counter MOUNTED_CROSSBOWS 1
            recruit_pool  "Urban Crossbow Militia"  1   0.15    2  0  requires factions { france, } and event_counter MOUNTED_CROSSBOWS 1 and not event_counter PAVISE_SHIELDS 1
            recruit_pool  "Arbalest Militia"        1   0.15    2  0  requires factions { france, } and event_counter PAVISE_SHIELDS 1 and not event_counter FULL_PLATE_ARMOR 1
            recruit_pool  "Arbalest Militia"        1   0.19    2  0  requires factions { france, } and event_counter FULL_PLATE_ARMOR 1 and not event_counter pike_and_shot 1
            recruit_pool  "Arbalest Militia"        1   0.15    2  0  requires factions { france, } and event_counter pike_and_shot 1    
        ;----- Spearmen --> Pike Miltia
            recruit_pool  "Sergeant Spearmen"    1    0.11    2  0  requires factions { france, } and not event_counter HEAVY_MAIL_ARMOR 1
            recruit_pool  "Sergeant Spearmen"    1    0.13    2  0  requires factions { france, } and event_counter HEAVY_MAIL_ARMOR 1 and not event_counter TRANSITIONAL_ARMOR 1
            recruit_pool  "Sergeant Spearmen"    1    0.11    2  0  requires factions { france, } and event_counter TRANSITIONAL_ARMOR 1 and not event_counter FULL_PLATE_ARMOR 1
            recruit_pool    "Pike Militia"        1   0.06    2  0  requires factions { france, } and event_counter PAVISE_SHIELDS 1 and not event_counter FULL_PLATE_ARMOR 1
            recruit_pool    "Pike Militia"        1   0.11    2  0  requires factions { france, } and event_counter FULL_PLATE_ARMOR 1 and not event_counter pike_and_shot 1
            recruit_pool    "Pike Militia"        1   0.15    2  0  requires factions { france, } and event_counter pike_and_shot 1
        ;----- LMaT-ArmouredS-Partisan: special in citiese for France to compensate the lack of AoR units that are present elsewhere
            recruit_pool  "Light Men at Arms"            1   0.08    2  0  requires factions { france, } and not event_counter HEAVY_MAIL_ARMOR 1
            recruit_pool  "Light Men at Arms"            1   0.06    2  0  requires factions { france, } and event_counter HEAVY_MAIL_ARMOR 1 and not event_counter TRANSITIONAL_ARMOR 1
            recruit_pool  "Armored Swordsmen"            1   0.06    2  0  requires factions { france, } and event_counter HEAVY_MAIL_ARMOR 1 and not event_counter TRANSITIONAL_ARMOR 1
            recruit_pool  "Armored Swordsmen"            1   0.10    2  0  requires factions { france, } and event_counter TRANSITIONAL_ARMOR 1 and not event_counter HALF_PLATE_ARMOR 1
            recruit_pool  "Partisan Militia"            1   0.06    2  0  requires factions { france, } and event_counter HALF_PLATE_ARMOR 1 and not event_counter FULL_PLATE_ARMOR 1
            recruit_pool  "Partisan Militia"            1   0.14    2  0  requires factions { france, } and event_counter FULL_PLATE_ARMOR 1
        ;--- AI support (france city barracks) ---------------------------------------------------- (UNfWE)
            ; so that it fields better quality armies (goal: to provide the player with better experience: stronger AI armies)
            ; added 1 time every 4 turns (leap_year_counter 3) so that the can be recruited in one moment thus creating stronger armies
            ;......... base value
            recruit_pool    "Light Men at Arms"        0   0.001    0  0  requires factions { france, } and not event_counter is_the_player 1 and not event_counter HEAVY_MAIL_ARMOR 1
            recruit_pool    "Armored Swordsmen"        0   0.001    0  0  requires factions { france, } and not event_counter is_the_player 1 and event_counter HEAVY_MAIL_ARMOR 1 and not event_counter HALF_PLATE_ARMOR 1
            recruit_pool    "Sergeant Spearmen"        0   0.001    0  0  requires factions { france, } and not event_counter is_the_player 1 and not event_counter FULL_PLATE_ARMOR 1
            recruit_pool    "Pikemen"                0   0.001    2  0  requires factions { france, } and not event_counter is_the_player 1 and event_counter FULL_PLATE_ARMOR 1
            ;......... if france has fewer than 20 settlements
            recruit_pool    "Light Men at Arms"        0   0.124    0  0  requires factions { france, } and not event_counter is_the_player 1 and not event_counter HEAVY_MAIL_ARMOR 1 and not event_counter faction_size_huge 1 and event_counter leap_year_counter 1
            recruit_pool    "Armored Swordsmen"        0   0.124    0  0  requires factions { france, } and not event_counter is_the_player 1 and event_counter HEAVY_MAIL_ARMOR 1 and not event_counter faction_size_huge 1 and event_counter leap_year_counter 1
            recruit_pool    "Sergeant Spearmen"        0   0.124    0  0  requires factions { france, } and not event_counter is_the_player 1 and not event_counter MATCHLOCK 1 and not event_counter faction_size_huge 1 and event_counter leap_year_counter 1
            recruit_pool    "Pikemen"                0   0.124    0  0  requires factions { france, } and not event_counter is_the_player 1 and event_counter MATCHLOCK 1 and not event_counter faction_size_huge 1 and event_counter leap_year_counter 1
            ;......... mobilization of citizens if the AI is in trouble
            recruit_pool    "Light Men at Arms"        0   0.375    0  0  requires factions { france, } and not event_counter is_the_player 1 and not event_counter HEAVY_MAIL_ARMOR 1 and event_counter faction_size_small 1 and event_counter leap_year_counter 1
            recruit_pool    "Armored Swordsmen"        0   0.375    0  0  requires factions { france, } and not event_counter is_the_player 1 and event_counter HEAVY_MAIL_ARMOR 1 and event_counter faction_size_small 1 and event_counter leap_year_counter 1
            recruit_pool    "Sergeant Spearmen"        0   0.375    0  0  requires factions { france, } and not event_counter is_the_player 1 and not event_counter MATCHLOCK 1 and event_counter faction_size_small 1 and event_counter leap_year_counter 1
            recruit_pool    "Pikemen"                0   0.375    0  0  requires factions { france, } and not event_counter is_the_player 1 and event_counter MATCHLOCK 1 and event_counter faction_size_small 1 and event_counter leap_year_counter 1
    Last edited by Jurand of Cracow; May 16, 2023 at 04:28 PM.

  2. #6802

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    I'm not sure if I hit the right topic for this post.

    If you want the AI ​​Factions to be more successful when capturing rebel settlements, change the following file "descr_campaign_db" in the following way;

    From this;

    <min_capture_percent float="10.0"/>
    <max_capture_percent float="40.0"/>
    <lopsided_thresh float="2.5"/>
    <lopsided_hn_mod float="1.5"/>
    <separation_missile_add uint="2.5"/>
    <naval_sink_modifier float="50.0"/>
    <naval_sink_offset float="1.0"/>
    <naval_sink_max float="80.0"/>
    <sally_att_def_draw_divisor float="1.75"/> <!-- sally battles equal draw if attacker lost and (no of attacker troops) > (no of defender troops)/divisor -->
    <use_new_sett_autoresolve bool="true"/> <!-- do we use the new settlement autoresolve -->
    <switchable_defence_exposed bool="true"/> <!-- can unit switch exposed state during autoresolve -->
    <gate_defence_num_oil_attacks int = "0"/>


    <min_capture_percent float="10.0"/>
    <max_capture_percent float="40.0"/>
    <lopsided_thresh float="2.5"/>
    <lopsided_hn_mod float="1.5"/>
    <separation_missile_add uint="2.5"/>
    <naval_sink_modifier float="50.0"/>
    <naval_sink_offset float="1.0"/>
    <naval_sink_max float="80.0"/>
    <sally_att_def_draw_divisor float="1.75"/> <!-- sally battles equal draw if attacker lost and (no of attacker troops) > (no of defender troops)/divisor -->
    <use_new_sett_autoresolve bool="false"/> <!-- do we use the new settlement autoresolve -->
    <switchable_defence_exposed bool="true"/> <!-- can unit switch exposed state during autoresolve -->
    <gate_defence_num_oil_attacks int = "0"/>

    The result is as follows;


    However, there is still a problem with some things;

    1. Sicily has no idea how to carry out any kind of invasion.

    2. Portugal is weak.

    3. Dublin remains intact.


    All Factions have also been moved to "fortified stalin" if that means anything to you, and the label maritime_catholic has been added to Sicily.

    *If uploaded pictures are not working please guide me how to set them up correctly. Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by CIvIIIFan; May 24, 2023 at 11:52 PM.

  3. #6803

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    I often get bad construction traits, do anyone know why? like sloppy builder etc, even though I complete buildings with that general in the settlement? Also sometimes I get lazy, too comfortable trait? Well if generals are administrative minded isn't it obvious to stay in settlements?

  4. #6804
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by vazda View Post
    I often get bad construction traits, do anyone know why? like sloppy builder etc, even though I complete buildings with that general in the settlement? Also sometimes I get lazy, too comfortable trait? Well if generals are administrative minded isn't it obvious to stay in settlements?
    BadBuilder - maybe your generals don't go to school beforehand?
    ;======================================================================== BAD Builder
    ;----- BadBuilder Living --------------
    ; remember: levels(points) 1(2),2(4),3(6) 
    ; this is the place where all traits will appear in context of "BuildingQueueIdleDespiteCash"
    ; it is very likely situation in the SSHIP as there're always buildings you don't want to build
    ;------------------------------------------ Not building while staying 6 turns: 1%
    Trigger Builder_Not_Building_Uneducated
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement
     Condition IsGeneral
           and BuildingQueueIdleDespiteCash
           and TimeInRegion > 5
           and RemainingMPPercentage > 95
           and Trait Wantschool < 1	   
           and RandomPercent > 80
     Affects BadBuilder 1 Chance 5 
     Affects Drink 1 Chance 2
     Affects Gambling 1 Chance 2
     Affects Slothful 1 Chance 2
    ;------------------------------------------ Slothful not building while staying 6 turns: 1%
    Trigger Builder_Not_Building_Slothful
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement
     Condition IsGeneral
           and BuildingQueueIdleDespiteCash
           and TimeInRegion > 5
           and RemainingMPPercentage > 95
           and Trait Slothful > 0
           and RandomPercent > 80
     Affects BadBuilder 1 Chance 5 
     Affects Slothful 1 Chance 2
    ;------------------------------------------ Drinker not building while staying 6 turns: 1%
    Trigger Builder_Not_Building_Drinker
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement
     Condition IsGeneral
           and BuildingQueueIdleDespiteCash
           and TimeInRegion > 5
           and RemainingMPPercentage > 95
           and Trait Drink > 2
           and RandomPercent > 80
     Affects BadBuilder 1 Chance 5 
    ;------------------------------------------ Insane not building while staying 6 turns: 1%
    Trigger Builder_Not_Building_Insane
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement
     Condition IsGeneral
           and BuildingQueueIdleDespiteCash
           and TimeInRegion > 5
           and RemainingMPPercentage > 95	   
           and Trait Insane > 0
           and RandomPercent > 80
     Affects BadBuilder 1 Chance 5
    ;------------------------------------------ Generous not building while staying 6 turns: 1%
    Trigger Builder_Not_Building_Generous
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement
     Condition IsGeneral
           and BuildingQueueIdleDespiteCash
           and TimeInRegion > 5
           and RemainingMPPercentage > 95	   
           and Trait Generous > 0
           and RandomPercent > 80
     Affects BadBuilder 1 Chance 5
    ;------------------------------------------  Corrupt not building while staying 5 turns: 1%  (note: no trigger for Embezzler)
    Trigger Builder_Not_Building_Corrupt
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement
     Condition IsGeneral
           and BuildingQueueIdleDespiteCash
           and TimeInRegion > 5
           and RemainingMPPercentage > 95
           and Trait Corrupt > 1
           and RandomPercent > 80
     Affects BadBuilder 1 Chance 5
    ;------------------------------------------  Very Corrupt not building while staying 3 turns: 10%
    Trigger BadBuilder_Not_Building_Corrupt
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement
     Condition IsGeneral
           and BuildingQueueIdleDespiteCash
           and TimeInRegion > 2
           and Trait BadBuilder < 2        ; doesn't make him the worst builder
           and Trait Corrupt > 2           ; only for highest levels of bad traits
     Affects BadBuilder 1 Chance 10
    ;------------------------------------------  Very Angry not building while staying 3 turns: 10%
    Trigger BadBuilder_Anger
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement
     Condition IsGeneral
           and BuildingQueueIdleDespiteCash
           and TimeInRegion > 2
           and Trait BadBuilder < 2
           and Trait Anger > 2
     Affects BadBuilder 1 Chance 10
    ;------------------------------------------ Heavy Drinker not building while staying 3 turns: 10%
    Trigger BadBuilder_HeavyDrink
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement
     Condition IsGeneral
           and BuildingQueueIdleDespiteCash
           and TimeInRegion > 2
           and Trait BadBuilder < 2
           and Trait Drink > 4
     Affects BadBuilder 1 Chance 10
    ;======================================================================== Builder Education
    ;----- Builder Education ------------------
    ; having advance education is very conducive to getting GoodBuilder
    Trigger Builder_GBC_Unschooled             ; Unschooled is likely to make big mistakes, and then replicate them
     WhenToTest GovernorBuildingCompleted
     Condition IsGeneral
           and Trait Western_Edu < 1
           and Trait Eastern_Edu < 1
           and Trait Greek_Edu < 1
           and Trait Pagan_Edu < 1
           and Trait Military_Edu < 2
     Affects BadBuilder 1 Chance 30
    Lazy - should occur rarely, the biggest probability is for FL when you refuse to spend money on a tournament
    Trigger great_tourney_refused_leader
    WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

    Condition CharacterIsLocal
    and IsFactionLeader
    and I_EventCounter great_tourney_false > 0

    Affects Slothful 1 Chance 50

  5. #6805

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Can something be done to prevent fast ai expansion? As a player who likes to play long campaigns, I feel that once you hit turn 200 or so, only a couple of large empires dominate the map. So you'll see the byzantines on the baltic shore, the danes at the alps and portuguese at the english channel. This is not necessarily SSHIP problem, but rather a base M2 one. Perhaps some sort of civil war like script for the ai, that could trigger if they exceed 20 or 30 provinces?

  6. #6806

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Can something be done to prevent fast ai expansion? As a player who likes to play long campaigns, I feel that once you hit turn 200 or so, only a couple of large empires dominate the map. So you'll see the byzantines on the baltic shore, the danes at the alps and portuguese at the english channel. This is not necessarily SSHIP problem, but rather a base M2 one. Perhaps some sort of civil war like script for the ai, that could trigger if they exceed 20 or 30 provinces?
    This is not the case in SSHIP, the AI expansion is much slower. I never saw byzantines on the Baltic shore or anything like this. The only exception is Mongols, who spread much faster, but there is 'series of rebellions' script for them and other mechanism that should slower/stop their expansion after reaching some point.

  7. #6807

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Oh but it does happen. You just have to play for 200+ turns. Played a campaign with England, stopped at turn 300, when Portugal conquered all of Iberia, southern France and most of HRE. On my previous playthrough with HRE, Byzantines conquered everything between Novgorod and Cairo. Prior to that I played with France, where the Papal state owned all of Italy, southern HRE, all of the Balkans and even some of Anatolia. Don't have any of the saves since I just installed the new version. It's just something you notice on longer campaigns.

  8. #6808

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Oh but it does happen. You just have to play for 200+ turns. Played a campaign with England, stopped at turn 300, when Portugal conquered all of Iberia, southern France and most of HRE. On my previous playthrough with HRE, Byzantines conquered everything between Novgorod and Cairo. Prior to that I played with France, where the Papal state owned all of Italy, southern HRE, all of the Balkans and even some of Anatolia. Don't have any of the saves since I just installed the new version. It's just something you notice on longer campaigns.
    I mean - since I guess the version 0.97+.. The Papal State stays always one city state, doesn't conquer anything, that has been at least since I started modding AI, maybe like a year or two ago. The same with these great empires, I am testing campaigns like 150- 200 turns in hotseat mode all the time and I never observed such big empires. It may happen that Spain or Moors conquer the whole Iberia and a part of France, or that HRE conquers big part of France and Venice, but not much more. I think you played an old version, try the new one, you will see that the expansion is much slower.

  9. #6809
    Wallachian's Avatar Citizen
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Bucharest, Romania

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by Macaras View Post
    I mean - since I guess the version 0.97+.. The Papal State stays always one city state, doesn't conquer anything, that has been at least since I started modding AI, maybe like a year or two ago. The same with these great empires, I am testing campaigns like 150- 200 turns in hotseat mode all the time and I never observed such big empires. It may happen that Spain or Moors conquer the whole Iberia and a part of France, or that HRE conquers big part of France and Venice, but not much more. I think you played an old version, try the new one, you will see that the expansion is much slower.
    What labels or features do you use to make the Papal States not conquer anything and stay passive? Is there anything special you do to keep them that way?

  10. #6810

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Yes we use the simplest way possible - copy and paste . I mean Papal State has its separate ai label - copied for the original vanilla one. The other factions have some conditions to never attack papal state, and avoid excommunications. So excommunications happen, much less frequently than before, but attacking papal states - never.

  11. #6811
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by Waluk View Post
    Oh but it does happen. You just have to play for 200+ turns. Played a campaign with England, stopped at turn 300, when Portugal conquered all of Iberia, southern France and most of HRE. On my previous playthrough with HRE, Byzantines conquered everything between Novgorod and Cairo. Prior to that I played with France, where the Papal state owned all of Italy, southern HRE, all of the Balkans and even some of Anatolia. Don't have any of the saves since I just installed the new version. It's just something you notice on longer campaigns.
    @Waluk, you know that I'm collecting saves to analyse possible turn of events in the game and to report on the results. A few of your games are reported here. If you'd be kind enough to upload the saves from the recent games of yours, this would be great.

  12. #6812

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Remind me please which button to click, in the family tree screen, to choose next heir?

  13. #6813
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Oct 2012

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by Waluk View Post
    Remind me please which button to click, in the family tree screen, to choose next heir?
    The engine will ask you once you lose FL or the current FH.

  14. #6814
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    Jul 2015

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    What's the best for you in collecting feedbacks for the test phase ? sould I stay with my may 17th campaign as england (turn 120) or woud it be better if I switched to the june version ?

  15. #6815
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Oct 2012

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by JB59114 View Post
    What's the best for you in collecting feedbacks for the test phase ? sould I stay with my may 17th campaign as england (turn 120) or woud it be better if I switched to the june version ?
    I'd think that the June version has fixed some many significant details that it's better to use the June one. But the question is: what would give you more player's satisfaction? :-)

  16. #6816
    Khevsur's Avatar Senator
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    Kingdom of Georgia

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    @Jurand of Cracow

    I saw that there are guns in wars. Should I make concept art on Georgian units with Guns ?

    There was a Guns in Georgia in the 16th century
    Georgian Medieval Shields By Khevsur

  17. #6817

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Hey guys I've been playing as KoJ recently, and I've been enjoying it thoroughly. But I wish to make a small suggestion, as KoJ i've allied with Georgia, and around turn 30-40 I've captured the armenian rebel fortress to the north east of Malatya, as I wanted to gift it to Georgia to help them a bit, but apparently Georgia sees this as a core province which meant that it wanted to go to war with me, so every time I wanted to gift it to them they refused, which is a bit weird, considering i'm offering it for free, my reputation was mixed and our relations were bad, but either way the AI should be accepting a free settlement from player, at least that's what I think. In my game I've left the settlment to rebel and is in the hands of the Seljuks now, hoping that the Georgian AI will decide to take it. P.P this is not the version from June

  18. #6818
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Oct 2012

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by sklvboris View Post
    Hey guys I've been playing as KoJ recently, and I've been enjoying it thoroughly. But I wish to make a small suggestion, as KoJ i've allied with Georgia, and around turn 30-40 I've captured the armenian rebel fortress to the north east of Malatya, as I wanted to gift it to Georgia to help them a bit, but apparently Georgia sees this as a core province which meant that it wanted to go to war with me, so every time I wanted to gift it to them they refused, which is a bit weird, considering i'm offering it for free, my reputation was mixed and our relations were bad, but either way the AI should be accepting a free settlement from player, at least that's what I think. In my game I've left the settlment to rebel and is in the hands of the Seljuks now, hoping that the Georgian AI will decide to take it. P.P this is not the version from June
    The issue is @Macaras'
    Upload a save :-)

    Quote Originally Posted by Khevsur View Post
    @Jurand of Cracow
    I saw that there are guns in wars. Should I make concept art on Georgian units with Guns ?
    There was a Guns in Georgia in the 16th century
    Well, this might be useful in the future when we'd get to creating such a unit.

  19. #6819

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by sklvboris View Post
    Hey guys I've been playing as KoJ recently, and I've been enjoying it thoroughly. But I wish to make a small suggestion, as KoJ i've allied with Georgia, and around turn 30-40 I've captured the armenian rebel fortress to the north east of Malatya, as I wanted to gift it to Georgia to help them a bit, but apparently Georgia sees this as a core province which meant that it wanted to go to war with me, so every time I wanted to gift it to them they refused, which is a bit weird, considering i'm offering it for free, my reputation was mixed and our relations were bad, but either way the AI should be accepting a free settlement from player, at least that's what I think. In my game I've left the settlment to rebel and is in the hands of the Seljuks now, hoping that the Georgian AI will decide to take it. P.P this is not the version from June
    Yes I think ai should accept the gift, I hope the settlement will be valued more realistically, but this is something I am changing now so it’s not even in the June version. It will be in the next one..

  20. #6820
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Playing with the june version as the fatimids.
    Noticed that you can recruit a lot of assassin early on.
    Unfortunalty all of the muslim faction (zengids, abbasids even the seljuks who are my allies) have begun to target me specifically.
    Evrery turn my settlements are sabotaged, cost me almost 9k per turn to repair every building, almost unplayable.
    I know that the muslim world was very unstable for this time period and the assassin could represent the influence the hassassin had at the time.
    But imo, we should reduce the availabilty of this type of agent for the reason I evoked.

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