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Thread: Panem et Circenses

  1. #21
    chesser2538's Avatar Senator

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    Default Re: Panem et Circenses

    With the first round of events over, the break before the next event gives Antonius opportunity to speak with Cotta. Finding the man further down the senatorial section he moves to address the man. Ave Cotta, these games sure are a lively spectacle, before the next uproar of action begins I was wondering if we might have a word?

    Under the Patronage of the venerable General Brewster

  2. #22
    Trot's Avatar Vicarius Provinciae
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    Default Re: Panem et Circenses

    Quote Originally Posted by Pontifex Maximus View Post
    "Standing for office might be the next logical step, I think." He said "Perhaps Aedile, or Praetor?"
    "Both are logical next steps for my career, and present different challenges. As Praetor I can take a command in Asia and continue building my reputation." He pauses considering, "However as Aedile I can continue to build my reputation with the people of Rome."

  3. #23
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    Default Re: Panem et Circenses

    "So, when will the gladiators begin?" Gaius asked aloud "My money is on the Thracian."

  4. #24
    Trot's Avatar Vicarius Provinciae
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    Default Re: Panem et Circenses

    The battle would soon commence the Thracian armed and the Gaul were armed as is tradition. The Thraex bore a parmula and scia to battle the, but he was smaller and more lightly armored then the Gaul. The clash was spectacular the thraex initially using his superior mobility to get and edge on the Gaul. The thraex's scia sliced the leg unarmored leg of the Gaul and the man went down on one knee, but it was not the end for the mighty warrior, and he turns slamming his shield into the Thracian. The battle rages for many minutes the skill on display was clear to all. Both men took wounds on the arm and torso. Yet it would all come to an end quickly when the Thracian got the a clean hit on the other man's shoulder sending him staggering to the ground.

    The crowd was roaring at the display and Rusca rose listening to the cheers. Cheers of Mitte and Iugula could both be heard, but it was up to Mettius as arbitrator of the games to decided how the fight would end. In the end the cries of Iugula drowned out the opposition, and Mettius turned his thumb down. The thracian's sword runs the man through.

    Mettius stands addressing the crowd, "Tertraties fought valiantly and bravely. Next up we will see some of the finest racers in Rome compete for the entertainment of all."

  5. #25

    Default Re: Panem et Circenses

    Quote Originally Posted by Trot View Post
    He nods, "I doubt I will be in Rome next year, I intend to join with the campaign in Asia. The republic is threatened and they will need able commanders." Mettius says, "But that is for the future today we celebrate."

    "You shall do well, I think. The Legions could use someone of your piety."

    Quote Originally Posted by chesser2538 View Post
    With the first round of events over, the break before the next event gives Antonius opportunity to speak with Cotta. Finding the man further down the senatorial section he moves to address the man. Ave Cotta, these games sure are a lively spectacle, before the next uproar of action begins I was wondering if we might have a word?
    "Salve, Consul. Of course." Cotta rose and slightly raised his hands in the direction of his wife so she would know he would be gone. She glanced, she knew what it meant, and continued on watching the spectacles. Cotta walked a few steps away from his canopy area and spoke "A fine set of entertainment today."

  6. #26
    chesser2538's Avatar Senator

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    Default Re: Panem et Circenses

    I have a business venture for you, within the next year I intend to renovate and expand this arena. Seeing the state of it saddens me, are we not the greatest city in the world, our greatness should be shown. In times of war it is through our legions, in times of peace our works.

    Here is the plan of what my architect would suggest.

    The upper stands would be raised a level and the gates improved, Instead of one main gate there will be two major; one on each end. There will also be four minor; two on each side. I intend to have the four minor be named after the four greatest sponsors of their construction. The Primary one facing east will be the Fortuna Gate, and the westward one will be the Gate of Jupiter Optimus Maximus, so competitors may enter under the blessings of Fortuna, and leave victorious in the name of Jupiter.
    I have come to ask if you would act as a sponsor.
    Last edited by chesser2538; October 24, 2017 at 02:56 PM.

    Under the Patronage of the venerable General Brewster

  7. #27
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    Default Re: Panem et Circenses

    "Splendid!" Gaius announced at the result "And most tasteful if you ask me, too much combat tends to make one feel sick."

  8. #28

    Default Re: Panem et Circenses

    Quote Originally Posted by chesser2538 View Post
    I have a business venture for you, within the next year I intend to renovate and expand this arena. Seeing the state of it saddens me, are we not the greatest city in the world, our greatness should be shown. In times of war it is through our legions, in times of peace our works.

    Here is the plan of what my architect would suggest.

    I have come to ask if you would act as a sponsor.
    Cotta looks at the plans in detail. He liked sponsoring the arts and entertainment. It's what kept Rome happy, but also docile. He still remembered Carbo entering the city and causing fear Cotta had not seen for years. "How much do you ask, Consul?"

  9. #29
    chesser2538's Avatar Senator

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    Default Re: Panem et Circenses

    I already intend to sponsor half the required sum myself, other sponsors include Gaius Lepidus, and Mettius Rusca, both of which promise $5,000 Denarii. If you would contribute the same we would have this project funded. This would also ensure you a gate named in your honor.

    Under the Patronage of the venerable General Brewster

  10. #30

    Default Re: Panem et Circenses

    The Consul was a good man from is limited interaction, as would Rusca which he knew first hand. Cotta smiled and nodded "It shall be delivered to your residence. I look forward to attending the grand opening. It should be quite the spectacle."

    -5,000 from Cotta to Antonius

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