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Thread: BC 2.4 Faction Preview: The Uyunids Of Al-Bahrayn

  1. #61

    Default Re: BC 2.4 Faction Preview: The Uyunids Of Al-Bahrayn

    Looks nice

  2. #62
    Ayyubid's Avatar Tiro
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    Default Re: BC 2.4 Faction Preview: The Uyunids Of Al-Bahrayn

    Is this coming out any time soon...?
    "I have fought in more than 100 battle . Do you see a space of the span of a hand on my leg, chest, arm which is not covered by some scar of the wound of a sword or an arrow or a lance? And here I am, dying in my bed, like cattle die. May the eyes of cowards never sleep."

    - Khalib Ibn Waleed

  3. #63

    Default Re: BC 2.4 Faction Preview: The Uyunids Of Al-Bahrayn

    Yes !

  4. #64
    Brivime's Avatar Ordinarius
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    Default Re: BC 2.4 Faction Preview: The Uyunids Of Al-Bahrayn

    How soon?

  5. #65
    Bernardius's Avatar Decanus
    Join Date
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    Default Re: BC 2.4 Faction Preview: The Uyunids Of Al-Bahrayn

    EB II is finally out! ...NOW!!!...

  6. #66

    Default Re: BC 2.4 Faction Preview: The Uyunids Of Al-Bahrayn

    Any updates..?

  7. #67

    Default Re: BC 2.4 Faction Preview: The Uyunids Of Al-Bahrayn

    Hello Byzantineboy, I'm interested in learning how to modd, could you please indicate some helpful informations? because i would help modding BC2.4
    Thank you so much ... by the way i think i can help you find the "EID SAID" from some unit's shields...

    Quote Originally Posted by Byzantineboy View Post
    BC 2.4 needed a very huge work, and a big part of the team is retired from modding.
    Wudang clown has kept the project alive, and worked, quite alone on it.
    Modding MTW2 means to sacrifice thousands hours, and is sometimes difficult to conciliate with real life, so please to be a little more comprehensive and patient.

    Another solution would be to learn modding (the community really needs gifted unit-makers, but you could also learn how create custom settlements, it would be really appreciated) and then help some mods (BC for exemple) to be released.

  8. #68

    Default Re: BC 2.4 Faction Preview: The Uyunids Of Al-Bahrayn

    Quote Originally Posted by koultouras View Post


    Historical Info (by Maximus_Trax)

    Bahrain, which literally means “the Two Seas”, has always been the focal point of many invading forces, since the dawn of the recorded history, due to its strategic position between the Arabian Peninsula and the Iranian coasts to the east. Throughout its ancient history, Bahrain was known to be the main centre of pearl trading in the Middle East. Because of this valuable asset, its fertile lands and fresh sources of water, the island has been recorded in various sources under names such as “the Pearl of the Gulf”, “the Paradise” or “Life of Eternity”.

    It is presumed that the Dilmun civilization, a trade partner and vassal of the more powerful northern Mesopotamian states, had been flourishing on the island, exerting its power and influence over limited portions of land inside the Arabian Peninsula, starting from around 2500 BC. The Assyrians conquered Bahrain in the 8th century BC, remaining under its direct influence until about 600BC, when the Persian Achaemenid dinasty managed to absorb it into their powerful empire. During the time of Alexander the Great, Bahrain was known as Tylos; taking into consideration the advice of its admiral, Nearchos, it appears that the legendary commander had even planned at some point to settle the islands with Greek colonists, as well as the eastern shores of the Arabian Peninsula. It is almost a certainty that Bahrain fell quickly to the rule of the Hellenistic Seleucid Empire for a few decades, following the pounding attacks of the Parthians around the year 250 BC. From the 3rd century BC until the 3rd century AD, as part of the Parthian Empire and its direct successor, the Sassanid Empire, Bahrain was seen as a vital link in the regional trade around the Arabian Peninsula and Persian Gulf.

    In the 4th century and 5th century AD, Bahrain became a major centre for the Nestorian faith, a marginalized Christian denomination, due to its followers who were branded as heretics by the Byzantine authorities. The Nestorians regarded Bahrain as a safehaven because of the large geographical gap between the islands and the Empire. The two bishoprics of Bahrain are known to have existed survived at least until 835 AD. Other religious movements included Judaism, Zoroastrism and even a native ancient cult dedicated to the pagan god Awal, from which has derived the name of Awal, another term for Bahrain used for more than 800 years.

    Bahrain embraced the newly-created Islamic faith in 629 AD, in the seventh year of hijra, following the arrival in the region of Al-Ala’a Al-Hadrami, a Yemeni emissary sent forth by the Prophet Muhammad to convince Munzir Ibn Sawa al Tamini to abandon his old belief. The advent of Islam didn’t restrict the Bahraini trade, and so, by 750, under the reign of powerful Abbasid Caliphs of Baghdad, the local merchants greatly enriched themselves by acting as middlemen between the greatest city on earth and the Chinese and South Asian markets.

    This golden age ended abruptly when the mystical Ismaili sect of the Qarmatians took over Bahrain in 899 AD. Its propaganda relied on equalitarism and reason, yet judging by its brutal actions it was clear that this fanatical breed of anarchists was constantly seeking to disrupt the traditional ways of Islam. For decades, a massive wave of terror swept across the Abbasid lands. In 927, the Qarmatians almost succeded to conquer Baghdad, and no later than three years later they sacked the holy cities of Mecca and Medina, desecrating the Zamzam Well and taking the Black Stone to Al-Hasa, holding it for ransom until 958. At the height of their power, during the middle of the 10th century, the Qarmatians even collected tribute from the Abbasid and Fatimid Caliphs. Under their rule, Bahrain was the seat of Mahdi-Caliph from Isfahan who imposed Zoroastrian practices, abolishing the law of Sharia. Despite the utter defeat of the Qarmatians at the hand of the Abbasid forces in 976, Bahrain broke away from their yoke only in 1058, when Abd-al Uhlul al Awwam succeded in restoring the rights of Islam in the islands after a revolt, paving the way for the Arab dinasty of the Uyunids (a tribe which gradually abandoned the nomadic ways of life) and their overlords , the Seljuks of Irak.

    The new rulers of Qatif, Yahia ibn Abbas and his son Zakariyya, a great city north of Bahrain, held control over the islands until 1076, when Abdullah al-Uyuni, the first and the most important ruler of the dinasty, defeated the latter in battle and annexed the rival territory. The Seljuks rallied themselves on this occasion with the Uyunid ruler to face the emir of Qatif and the remnants of the Qarmatian forces in battle. Soon, the cunning Abdullah al-Uyuni felt that it was the time to distance himself from the Seljuks in order to gain more autonomy in his political affairs. At the time of his death, the territory of Bahrain was comprised of three major areas: al-Hasa (or Hufuf), a powerful citadel in the Arabian Peninsula and the last stronghold of the Qarmatians; Qatif, a thriving city to the north; Bahrain and its islands.

    After the death of Abdullah al-Uyuni (1122 AD), the glorious ruler of Bahrain for almost half a century, these regions were passed to his son, Abu Sinan Mahommed, who continued his father’s policies toward consolidating the country’s economical and social stability. He appointed his closest relatives in positions of power, a situation which in time led to unwanted rivalries among the member of the dinasty for decades, and internal instability which culminated in a pitched battle in 1143. Abu Sinan died on that occasion, leaving the allegiance of his people divided between two rulers. The inhabitants of Qatif, along with the city guards, acknowledged Gharir ibn Muhammed as their lord, while the people of al-Hasa remained loyal to the eldest son of Abu Sinan, Ali Ibn Abdullah, the rightful heir to the Uyunid throne. Angered by this event, Gharir ibn Muhammed, the nephew of Ali Ibn Abdullah, levied his armies in order to invade al-Hasa and its mainland territories. Fearing the worst, Ali Ibn Abdullah raised the loyalist troops in an attempt to intercept the invading hosts, and distributed food supplies among its citizens to prevent any war-time famine. The opposite forces met outside the palace of Al-Sulaymate in a battle which sealed the fate of Ali Ibn Abdullah; captured during the fight, the unfortunate lord was executed by the very hands of his nephew, who suceded him as Abu Feras Gharir both as amir of Qatif and al-Hasa.

    The string of bloody successions didn’t end here unfortunately because after only a few months later it was Abu Feras Gharir’s place to be ousted through murder by his nephew, Al Fadal ibn Abdullah, and the nobiliary clique behind him, the real power in charge since the ruler was under-aged.
    Another scion of the Uyunids, Al-Hassan ibn Abdullah, secured the throne of Bahrain (mainly Qatif and the island of Awal) by overthrowing the family of Al Fadal ibn Abdullah. His 11 years-long reign was marked by prosperity, while maintaining a strong military position in the region. Following the battle of Sitra, he foiled the attempt of Qabs ibn Kirzaz ibn Saad ibn Qaysar, king of Qays, to invade the island of Awal. In 1154 AD, after the death of Al-Hassan, the emirate was meant for his three surviving sons, Shukr, Ali, and Al-Zayr, but again, internal strife occured when their cousin, Gharir ibn Mansour Al Uyyun, rebelled and grabbed the power for himself, holding it for seven years when he was murdered by Hajras ibn Mohamed ibn Alfadl, a temporary successor to the throne.

    In the year 1161 AD, Shukr ibn Al-Hassan along with his two brothers as co-rulers managed to inherit their father’s throne, at the death of Hajras ibn Mohamed ibn Alfadl. The peaceful reign of Shukr ibn Al-Hassan and his brothers was in many ways similar to that of their father, in terms of economical prosperity and internal cohesion. Shukr ibn Al-Hassan died in 1179, after having ruled for 18 years; his brother Ali followed him to the throne but he soon succumbed at the hand of Al-Zayr, the youngest of the three brothers. The power struggle which shook the very foundations of the emirate ended only when Imad-adin Mohamed ibn Abi Al-Hassan Ahmed banished Ali along with his closest relatives. For a long time, the three main provinces of the emirate had been governed separately. The deep instability was fueled, as always, by the adversity within the Uyunid dinasty. Faithful to his plan of creating a more centralized state, the new ruler of Bahrain captured Qatif and the island of Awal in 1191, while al-Hasa fell in 1202.

    The rule of the Uyunids lasted until 1235, when the Atabegs of Fars occupied the islands for a short period of time. Soon, the Usfurids, another mainland Arab dinasty and former Uyunid allies, would install themselves as the new reigning dinasty, after conquering much of the eastern Arabia.

    1. Al Mushat

    Unit Info "Mushat" is an Arabic term which can be translated as "infantry". Their
    formation is a dependable and skilled company to use it as a front unit
    in order to attack the enemy, not to mention that it was one of the most
    popular and important units in the Arabic armies. It should be noted
    that the origins of this type of formation derives from the Arabs who
    settled in cities and not from the Bedouins. Also worthy of note is the
    fact that the Islamic armies commanded by Prophet Muhammed during the
    rise of Islam were actually comprised of such "Mushat" units. That shows
    that even though the Islamic and other Arabic armies were strong
    because of their powerful cavalry, still the Mushat formation was
    something that they depended upon during the battles.

    In game Screenshots

    2. Al Ramaha

    Unit Info "Al-Ramaha" means "spearmen". An excellent formation to counter cavalry units.
    This type of unit uses a popular type of spears in the Arabic world,
    known as the "Khat Remah" or the "Qatifian Remah", which was one of the
    best and most used spears in Arabia.

    In game Screenshots

    3. Al Rumat

    Unit Info "Al-Rumat means "archers" in English, a type of formation which has played a
    big role in many wars. As any other archer units, al-Rumat are using
    bows and arrows while keeping a safe distance, mostly behind the main
    army or on hills where they can take a better aim at their targets.

    In game Screenshots

    4. Bahraini Nobles

    Unit Info Bahrain has always been the homeland for the popular Sheikhs ministers
    and knights, local Bahraini Nobles who used to rule the land in the name
    of the Bahraini Sultan or emir, the main sovereign of the land. Also,
    the Bahrani Nobles were known to use the finest and most excellent
    weapons available in the Arab world. Because of their impressive feats
    of arms, they gained popularity in many places around the Arab lands
    such as Iraq, Oman, Gulf islands, Hijaz, Najd and even al-Sham.

    In game Screenshots

    5. Uyunid Amirs

    Unit Info This unit is formed from knights pertaining to the ruling dynasty of the Uyunids.
    The historical sources mention them as being brave and brutal in wars.
    In the past, their ranks provided some the finest military leaders of
    the Qaramitah State, predating the Uyunid rule. The Uyunid Emirs have
    proven their skills in many battles that took place in Iraq, al-Sham and
    many other parts of the Arab territories. The Uyunid Emirs were the
    direct successors of the Qaramitah rulers and the ones who actually put
    an end to their arbitrary rule in Bahrain. Uyunid Emirs were so popular
    in Arabia that their leaders were once called "Za'eem Al-A'arab" which
    means "the Leaders of the Nomads", iterating how much glory and prestige
    the Uyunid emirs have achieved in time. They are also famous for ruling
    over many Arab areas such as some parts of Iraq, al-Sham, Najd and
    last but not least, the whole Bahrain.

    In game Screenshots

    6. Al Jund

    Unit Info "Al-Jund" means "the soldiers" in Arabic. It is one of the best-suited units
    to be used in the first ranks of the army, very capable of sustaining
    high damage during the first clashes. Its members usually use swords
    that are made in Yemen, Iraq and even India. This battalion is known for
    its brutality in battles and their high experience in wars.

    In game Screenshots

    7. Al Haras

    Unit Info The al-Haras unit fields the finest soldiers and knights or even slaves
    who have been raised in the palace. Al-Haras usually use defensive
    weapons such as the popular "Khat Spears" to protect and guard the
    sultan or emir. Al-Haras is considered to be one of the most important
    units in the army and that's because they take on the role of protecting
    and escorting the Sultan or emir during the battles to guard him.

    In game Screenshots

    Unit Cards

    Models and Textures/ Preview Art :

    ALFAJI: Roster Concept & Unit Info Descriptions
    Maximinus Thrax : Historical Info
    Broken Crescent Development Team: Shields' Textures
    Lord_Calidor: Spear Models and Textures

    Special Thanks:
    TGC team for letting me use parts of my TGC work.
    Ruschichi Mod for letting me use parts of their work.
    sumskilz and _Capper_
    jermagon for translating stuff from Arabic into English


    Yeah it's good and very very well done, something that i don't like is that they are far more powerfull and have overpowered units you practically can't play with Oman sultanate or the Abassids ... please tweak them in a new patch .

  9. #69

    Default Re: BC 2.4 Faction Preview: The Uyunids Of Al-Bahrayn

    Hi Moorafrica, in the newest patch for Buff and Shine (soon to be released) this will be addressed.

  10. #70

    Default Re: BC 2.4 Faction Preview: The Uyunids Of Al-Bahrayn

    Quote Originally Posted by WeekendGeneral View Post
    Hi Moorafrica, in the newest patch for Buff and Shine (soon to be released) this will be addressed.
    Hi thank you very much for that, i'm already using your mod Buff and Shine and i must say it is more realistic !! will keep an eye for the patch release have a great day my friend.

  11. #71

    Default Re: BC 2.4 Faction Preview: The Uyunids Of Al-Bahrayn

    Permission for using this units models and textures

    I already posted a thread asking permission but I got no response so I thought Asking directly from the model's creator would be handful

  12. #72
    AnthoniusII's Avatar Μέγαc Δομέστικοc
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    Default Re: BC 2.4 Faction Preview: The Uyunids Of Al-Bahrayn

    Quote Originally Posted by TheEmperorRafik View Post
    Permission for using this units models and textures

    I already posted a thread asking permission but I got no response so I thought Asking directly from the model's creator would be handful
    Koultouras rarely visits TWC. But you can find him in TWHELLAS
    TGC in order to continue its development seak one or more desicated scripters to put our campaign scripts mess to an order plus to create new events and create the finall missing factions recruitment system. In return TGC will give permision to those that will help to use its material stepe by step. The result will be a fully released TGC plus many mods that will benefit TGC's material.

    TGC settlements previews.
    Adding MARKA HORSES in your mod and create new varietions of them. Tutorial RESTORED.

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