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Thread: Rome 2 > Medieval 3 Total War

  1. #81
    Live2sculpt's Avatar Senator
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    Default Re: Rome 2 > Medieval 3 Total War

    I'm awaiting the next Medieval title with much anticipation. For my part, Rome 2 is the test-bed for M3. If I thought that a mod on Rome 2 could do the job, I'd be all for it. But I won't be satisfied without medieval buildings assets and good voices. That would have to be ripped from the other Medieval title if it's to happen within the next two years, (and that would not be distributable). By that time there is reason to expect CA will have taken care of the matter themselves.

  2. #82

    Default Re: Rome 2 > Medieval 3 Total War

    Quote Originally Posted by Live2sculpt View Post
    I'm awaiting the next Medieval title with much anticipation...
    I wouldn't hold your breath. Relevant quote from this ( interview with the creative director:

    "I doubt we'll have the appetite to go back and visit anything a third time - I very much doubt we'll ever do that. I'll never say never, but that certainly wouldn't be high on our list, going back a third time."
    As much as I'd love Medieval 3, I don't think they'll be revisiting it for a while. Almost certainly it'll be a whole new era. Although that being said, after Rome 2 I'm not even sure if I want them to go back so soon because I don't want them ruining what would probably be the very last Medieval Total War title. Hopefully in the next title they manage to find a new direction for the series than where it is heading now, and then the title after that will be the Medieval 3 we want.

  3. #83
    General Maximus's Avatar Vicarius Provinciae
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    Default Re: Rome 2 > Medieval 3 Total War

    The next TW game is going to be Magical Abilities: Total War, that's for sure.

    I hope there won't be Medieval 3 soon, because the Warscape engine is horrible for melee-themed games. Unless they make a new engine completely, I don't wish to see my favorite game get a trashy sequel just like Rome II. RTW is still my favorite, I cannot describe how they just ruined my feelings. I don't want this to happen with Medieval II.

    The only possible appealing game they can now make properly with this is Empire II. Or they can focus on 19th century wars in Europe and elsewhere (that insignificant little civil war in Americas too probably), or they can focus on one of the world's largest wars, the Napoleonic war in a Napoleon II. This engine was made for gunpowder, it fits only those games.
    Last edited by General Maximus; September 22, 2013 at 10:58 PM.
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  4. #84

    Default Re: Rome 2 > Medieval 3 Total War

    We'll most likely see Total Warhammer, Then Empire 2 or Total War:Victoria or something in China.

  5. #85

    Default Re: Rome 2 > Medieval 3 Total War

    Quote Originally Posted by The Great Consul View Post
    They should do a Dark Ages: Total War, with Clovis and Charlemagne right up to the Norman invasion and the Viking raids.
    Dude Yes!... I've always kind of wanted this (The last kingdom? I think the mods name was... and the barb invasion for rome I were the closest thing) however the first is a bit too late being right where you wanted to end the game.... and the barb invasion ends as soon as it should begin....

    Anyways... Men hurling axes at each other... the first knights and paladins, spears being hucked, belt buckles, old chainmail. I'm totally down. Especially for throwing axe men and the long axed danish housecarl... men gutting eachother with long knives like the seax and wearing dear skin for armor.

  6. #86
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    Default Re: Rome 2 > Medieval 3 Total War

    Quote Originally Posted by The Great Consul View Post
    They should do a Dark Ages: Total War, with Clovis and Charlemagne right up to the Norman invasion and the Viking raids.
    This. But with the caveat that it should be well made.

    I don't see the point in modding Rome 2 to Medieval setting, wouldn't we just end up with Medieval 2? What's the advantage of using the Rome 2 engine?
    The game development business is one of bottomless greed, pitiless cruelty, venal treachery, rampant competition, low politics and boundless personal ambition. New game series are rising, and others are starting their long slide into obscurity and defeat.

  7. #87

    Default Re: Rome 2 > Medieval 3 Total War

    I will love medieval 3 for sure!

  8. #88

    Default Re: Rome 2 > Medieval 3 Total War

    I would prefere that C.A just remove most of hardcodes, release a bunch of modding tools, rather than another unmoddable* umpteeth trash. I'm just tired of their marketing campaigns, to be deceived at each opus, when mods can give a new life to their unfinished, crypto/pseudo-historical craps...

    *I means that we can hardly make a full conversion mod on Rome II, just change skins and stats isn't a satisfaction...

  9. #89
    General Maximus's Avatar Vicarius Provinciae
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    Default Re: Rome 2 > Medieval 3 Total War

    Quote Originally Posted by CannabisMaximus View Post
    Anyways... Men hurling axes at each other... the first knights and paladins, spears being hucked, belt buckles, old chainmail. I'm totally down. Especially for throwing axe men and the long axed danish housecarl... men gutting eachother with long knives like the seax and wearing dear skin for armor.


    I remember those units: Frankish Throwing Axeman, Celtic Woad Raider, Paladin and Gothic Huscarl in that order, if I am right.

    God, that brings nostalgia. Even though I am still playing that game frequently, it has some special feel to it that no game has ever managed to recreate.

    A mod for Medieval 2 that comprises of the units from that game would be good.
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  10. #90

    Default Re: Rome 2 > Medieval 3 Total War

    Judging by the direction CA has been taking in the past few games, it may very well be that Medieval III makes Rome II look like a masterpiece in comparison.

  11. #91

    Default Re: Rome 2 > Medieval 3 Total War

    Quote Originally Posted by theDaedricPrince View Post
    Sheogorath, is that you?

  12. #92
    AnthoniusII's Avatar Μέγαc Δομέστικοc
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    Default Re: Rome 2 > Medieval 3 Total War

    I wrote it many times ago and i will once more.
    Rome 2 is not just a re-make of RTW1.
    Rome 2 is the finall test of features and animations started to develop since Empire TW.
    Rome 2 will -when all issues will be fixed- the basis of many future DLCs with simple additions of already made ones in this game or previus ones.
    Map is ready and only settlements can be changed in possition to follow each DLC's requirements.
    Animations are already made.
    So over Rome 2 you must expect major DLCs like
    Barbarian Invasion 2
    and maybe a dlc that will connect the era of barbarian invasion with Medieval 3.
    What will be Medieval 3?
    Actually a DLC (maybe stand alone like Napoleon TW or may not).
    Map is ready.
    All animations are ready and tested in Shogun2 and Empire TW.
    With those of Rome 2 you have Medieval 3.
    All CA has to do is new "models" and textures.....
    TGC in order to continue its development seak one or more desicated scripters to put our campaign scripts mess to an order plus to create new events and create the finall missing factions recruitment system. In return TGC will give permision to those that will help to use its material stepe by step. The result will be a fully released TGC plus many mods that will benefit TGC's material.

    TGC settlements previews.
    Adding MARKA HORSES in your mod and create new varietions of them. Tutorial RESTORED.

  13. #93
    General Maximus's Avatar Vicarius Provinciae
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    Default Re: Rome 2 > Medieval 3 Total War

    Nope, CA still has to add back a lot of features. And they should really remake the campaign map. The coastlines look like some 10 year old noob with no skill at all designed them for CA, drawing boxes throughout the coasts like a 4-year old's homework. The whole map is full of corridors, this worked in Shogun II (due to Japan being a country of hills and mountains) but not in Rome II. There is no need for CA to force our army's paths.

    But this engine is a flop altogether, so even if they fix the game as best as they could, it will still lack a lot of things and features. They should just ditch this engine and create a new, proper one that actually works for melee-themed games.
    सार्वभौम सम्राट चत्रवर्ती - भारतवर्ष
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  14. #94
    Hrobatos's Avatar Praeses
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    Default Re: Rome 2 > Medieval 3 Total War

    He is right. From this map, its only a step forward to Med3. Even mod could do it, all one needs is model importer/exporter. Just renamed provinces, bit redrawn maybe, some new units and new faction icons. Bucn of DLC some maybe as expansions and other as standalone games are possible. Dark Ages, Viking Invasion, Barbarian Invasion etc etc. Anything meleee and in Europe basicly.

  15. #95

    Default Re: Rome 2 > Medieval 3 Total War

    I want a Medieval 3 with an advanced Feudal political system havings its effect on recruitment of units and such, with optional starting dates(earliest being somewhere around Dark Ages, for maximum viking plunderin' climax).
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  16. #96
    General Maximus's Avatar Vicarius Provinciae
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    Default Re: Rome 2 > Medieval 3 Total War

    For that to happen, only creating a new engine would do the work.
    सार्वभौम सम्राट चत्रवर्ती - भारतवर्ष
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  17. #97

    Default Re: Rome 2 > Medieval 3 Total War

    Next will be some game like they did after Empire>Napoleon, maybe Ceasar, Alexander. If not, Medieval 3 is sure.
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  18. #98
    Holger Danske's Avatar Comes Limitis
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    Default Re: Rome 2 > Medieval 3 Total War

    And what at the odds CA will waste time and reasorces on that when all they need to do is hire Brian Blessed for some video hype...

  19. #99

    Default Re: Rome 2 > Medieval 3 Total War

    Quote Originally Posted by Holger Danske View Post
    And what at the odds CA will waste time and reasorces on that when all they need to do is hire Brian Blessed for some video hype...

    so very true....

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