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Thread: Who's still playing?

  1. #121
    Axalon's Avatar She-Hulk wills it!
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    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    As people here have obviously missed this stuff, I'll point it out yet again - Redux, RXB1003 is compatible
    with W7
    (64bit). It functions very well on that OS, and this includes much modern hardware as well....

    For info and downloads, see stickied Redux-thread in this very section....

    - A

  2. #122
    GeorgiBG's Avatar Miles
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    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    I run it with compatibility 98/ME and that's all. Also to mention that Im running the patched version BUT not MI expansion.

  3. #123

    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    Quote Originally Posted by GeorgiBG View Post
    I run it with compatibility 98/ME and that's all. Also to mention that Im running the patched version BUT not MI expansion.
    STW usually runs ok, it doesn't have the campaign map crashes or the slow loading problem of MTW - and if you have problems in battle (i.e. invisible units, etc) you can always resort to the, albeit ugly, software rasteriser.

    For MTW/VI, the "button fix" resolve the campaign map crashes:

  4. #124
    GeorgiBG's Avatar Miles
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    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    Quote Originally Posted by caravel View Post
    STW usually runs ok, it doesn't have the campaign map crashes or the slow loading problem of MTW - and if you have problems in battle (i.e. invisible units, etc) you can always resort to the, albeit ugly, software rasteriser.

    For MTW/VI, the "button fix" resolve the campaign map crashes:
    Yes I use it. But at all MTW its not so stable like STW in Windows 7 for me.

  5. #125
    Indefinitely Banned
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    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    Classic Total War games will always be on my playlist.

  6. #126

    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    Quote Originally Posted by Axalon View Post
    As people here have obviously missed this stuff, I'll point it out yet again - Redux, RXB1003 is compatible
    with W7
    (64bit). It functions very well on that OS, and this includes much modern hardware as well....

    For info and downloads, see stickied Redux-thread in this very section....

    - A
    Indeed it does! It eliminates all the slow loading problems on older operating systems. Almost instant loading times... absolutely ridiculous, something I only dreamed of years ago playing the game. Well done.
    The whole modern world has divided itself into Conservatives and Progressives. The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of the Conservatives is to prevent the mistakes from being corrected. - G.K. CHESTERTON

  7. #127

    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    Well, some may think I'm a deviant, but I totally enjoy the original MTW [and VI too]. Never mind the somewhat outdated graphics of MTW--it's the gameplay that made me like it a lot, plus the large parts played by the princesses, assassins, and emissaries. When Rome TW first went out, I didn't like the strategic map [so different from that of MTW] but later learned to love it too, when I got used to it. And I enjoy even more the mods of RomeTW. Then there's M2TW, and I didn't like it much at the start. Later I learned to detest it. M2TW's great graphics, for me, is but nice eye candy; but the gameplay is substandard and, historically [maybe I'm just a purist], starting the campaign too late in the world's history, the use of gunpowder weapons too early in the campaign, and the hectic race for one to reach gunpowder-level of technology in order to be on par with one's rivals is, for me a sour note. The only thing I like about M2TW is, you can train more than one unit at a time, but heck these units are very expensive! So, in summary, I love the classic TotalWars (STW, RTW, and MTW) but don't care much about M2TW and beyond. After all, I play to enjoy myself with games that have great gameplays, not to chase after what's new even if it sucks. Hawooh.
    Last edited by wumpus; June 01, 2012 at 04:12 AM.

  8. #128

    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    Hi to all,

    normally hanging around at the ORG and only occasionally looking in here I saw this thread. Thought "why not?" and registered.

    Played S:TW from the moment it was released, same with S:TW/MI, M:TW, M:TW/VI. Tried Rome - and hated the changes of the engine. Never tried anything newer and, reading comments of old-style players, that was well done. No eyecandy for me, please.

    After more than 10 years of playing vanilla M:TW and VI started to play mods (for M:TW/VI). First one was XL, but disliked the restrictions of (in vanilla) all-faction-available units. Then came to REDUX - and stayed with it. Great gameplay, completely new (and newly balanced) unit rooster, and for my beloved Danes, Norse in REDUX, an infantry that would chase those JHI around the globus ;-))

    So I´m a happy player who will stick to this game, due to several mods I haven´t tried yet, for sure another 10-12 years.

    greetings daigaku

  9. #129

    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    I only got medieval total war yesterday so yeah I'm still playing.
    The game.

  10. #130

    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    I play it once in a while, usually do medieval 2 though, that's my favourite out of the entire series ^^
    Wyrd bið ful aræd. Fate is fate.

  11. #131

    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    Hi, mr_president,

    which version did you get? Is it raw MTW, or MTW/VI? Which is your first faction to be played?

    curious greetings daigaku

  12. #132

    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    MTW/VI. Its takes ages to load though and frequently crashes but other then that great game.
    The game.

  13. #133

    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    Hi mr_president,

    not being too familiar with the community here, I only can recommend a visit to the ORG for remedy - loads of in-depth tips and info about all sorts of difficulties (had my share of that as well...)

    if you tend to play MODs as well, try REDUX - it seems to solve a lot of problems with newer OS and hardware, especially on win7/64bit ;-))

    happily playing along greetings daigaku

  14. #134
    Kylan271's Avatar Domesticus
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    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    Currently playing England via Viking expansion,yeah get crashes though,but better than MTW alone. The pain is the stupid vices and virtues,how many 'unhinged loons' do you have to get per faction? The merchent vice can't gain,even with 20 traders built-using cheat codes. Enjoy it as a chess game. Music quite good also!

  15. #135

    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    Still play it often. The Campaign map is sluggish but apart from that everything works quite well.
    Quote Originally Posted by A.J.P. Taylor
    Peaceful agreement and government by consent are possible only on the basis of ideas common to all parties; and these ideas must spring from habit and from history. Once reason is introduced, every man, every class, every nation becomes a law unto itself; and the only right which reason understands is the right of the stronger. Reason formulates universal principles and is therefore intolerant: there can be only one rational society, one rational nation, ultimately one rational man. Decisions between rival reasons can be made only by force.

    Quote Originally Posted by H.L Spieghel
    Is het niet hogelijk te verwonderen, en een recht beklaaglijke zaak, Heren, dat alhoewel onze algemene Dietse taal een onvermengde, sierlijke en verstandelijke spraak is, die zich ook zo wijd als enige talen des werelds verspreidt, en die in haar bevang veel rijken, vorstendommen en landen bevat, welke dagelijks zeer veel kloeke en hooggeleerde verstanden uitleveren, dat ze nochtans zo zwakkelijk opgeholpen en zo weinig met geleerdheid verrijkt en versiert wordt, tot een jammerlijk hinder en nadeel des volks?
    Quote Originally Posted by Miel Cools
    Als ik oud ben wil ik zingen,
    Oud ben maar nog niet verrot.
    Zoals oude bomen zingen,
    Voor Jan Lul of voor hun god.
    Ook een oude boom wil reizen,
    Bij een bries of bij een storm.
    Zelfs al zit zijn kruin vol luizen,
    Zelfs al zit zijn voet vol worm.
    Als ik oud ben wil ik zingen.

    Cò am Fear am measg ant-sluaigh,
    A mhaireas buan gu bràth?
    Chan eil sinn uileadh ach air chuart,
    Mar dhìthein buaile fàs,
    Bheir siantannan na bliadhna sìos,
    'S nach tog a' ghrian an àird.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jörg Friedrich
    When do I stop being a justified warrior? When I've killed a million bad civilians? When I've killed three million bad civilians? According to a warsimulation by the Pentagon in 1953 the entire area of Russia would've been reduced to ruins with 60 million casualties. All bad Russians. 60 million bad guys. By how many million ''bad'' casualties do I stop being a knight of justice? Isn't that the question those knights must ask themselves? If there's no-one left, and I remain as the only just one,

    Then I'm God.
    Quote Originally Posted by Louis Napoleon III, Des Idees Napoleoniennes
    Governments have been established to aid society to overcome the obstacles which impede its march. Their forms have been varied according to the problems they have been called to cure, and according to character of the people they have ruled over. Their task never has been, and never will be easy, because the two contrary elements, of which our existence and the nature of society is composed, demand the employment of different means. In view of our divine essence, we need only liberty and work; in view of our mortal nature, we need for our direction a guide and a support. A government is not then, as a distinguished economist has said, a necessary ulcer; it is rather the beneficent motive power of all social organisation.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfgang Held
    I walked into those baracks [of Buchenwald concentrationcamp], in which there were people on the three-layered bunkbeds. But only their eyes were alive. Emaciated, skinny figures, nothing more but skin and bones. One thinks that they are dead, because they did not move. Only the eyes. I started to cry. And then one of the prisoners came, stood by me for a while, put a hand on my shoulder and said to me, something that I will never forget: ''Tränen sind denn nicht genug, mein Junge,
    Tränen sind denn nicht genug.''

    Jajem ssoref is m'n korew
    E goochem mit e wenk, e nar mit e shtomp
    Wer niks is, hot kawsones

  16. #136

    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    Amazing game (MTW1), the voices and music complete it perfectly. After playing it again for a few days I thought I'd try RTW again, I managed half an hour of Rome, poor in comparison. Thinking about this game, its a contender for my favorite pc game of all time...

  17. #137
    Basileos Leandros I's Avatar Writing is an art
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    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    Same here, MTW is probably my favourite PC game of all time.
    Ja mata, TosaInu. Forever remembered.

    Total War Org -

    Swords Made of Letters - 1938. The war is looming over France - and Alexandre Reythier does not have much time left to protect his country. A finished novel, published on TWC.

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  18. #138
    Faenaris's Avatar Son of Dorn
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    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    Same here. My MTW playtime eclipses all the time I spent playing the other TW's combined. Hours upon hours upon hours. Sadly, I no longer have the time to play much, but I do try to sneak in the odd hour here and there.

    I too can recommend MTW Redux. Runs like a charm and quite a challenge! And if you want a more 'traditional' MTW playthough, have a look at MTW XL. Both are awesome.
    Son of Acutulus, member of The House of the Wolf / Signature by King Mong

  19. #139
    Squiggle's Avatar Primicerius
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    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    I still play it but invariably I spend my time dreaming about "what ifs" for the viking campaign, if it was actually made decently with a proper amount of kingdoms/viking ai etc.
    Man will never be free until the last King is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.
    ― Denis Diderot
    As for politics, I'm an Anarchist. I hate governments and rules and fetters. Can't stand caged animals. People must be free.
    ― Charlie Chaplin

  20. #140
    Basileos Leandros I's Avatar Writing is an art
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    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    I loved the detail of fortified villages in Viking Invasion, it made it much more "medieval", and more connected to the rural aspect.
    Ja mata, TosaInu. Forever remembered.

    Total War Org -

    Swords Made of Letters - 1938. The war is looming over France - and Alexandre Reythier does not have much time left to protect his country. A finished novel, published on TWC.

    Visit ROMANIA! A land of beauty and culture!

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