and by "occasionally", I mean that after modding the game a bit myself, raiding simply stops working, and my generals dont devastate tiles, and I don't get the "RAIDING!" announcement the first time I do it.

I'm not sure what exactly I changed that caused this, because I've never touched anything related to raiding other than occasionally removing the province limit in the campaign_script to enjoy more raiding, but that didn't cause any issues

which file is suspect of causing such a problem? I just started a saka campaign, and normally what i do with barbarian factions is that i make raiding my main source of income initially, but alas, the generals dont even devastate the tiles they're on!

as of writing this post, im gonna post it and then go overwrite the files i got with the ones in the latest patch, that I think will 99% solve the problem, but I'd like to ask what could be causing this? cuz im very familiar with this issue, it pops up randomly every now and then, and I'd like to see if anyone knows about it or knows what could be causing it, plus in case anyone faces the same issue and searches on the forum, they could see this post and now they're not the first to face it.