View Poll Results: Vote at most one of each category

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  • [Benefits] The 5% deserve more income and bigger quotas of housing and whatelse than the rest

    0 0%
  • [Benefits] The 5% should have the same benefits as everyone else

    1 50.00%
  • [Education] College or univesity education should be enforced on everyone even if they can't do anything with it.

    1 50.00%
  • [Education] Kids can skip schools unpunished because what's the point?

    0 0%
  • [Immigration] Only foreigners having the quality as the 5% may be allowed to immigrate

    1 50.00%
  • [Immigration] All refugees are welcome and they should receive the same benefits as the rest of citizens

    0 0%
  • [Birth Control] No limit on the numbers of kids.

    1 50.00%
  • [Birth Control] A regular couple cannot be allowed more than 50 kids, to limit the spending of public handouts.

    0 0%
  • [Travel] The 5% should be forbidden to emigrate to other countries (e.g. offering 100 times more money)

    1 50.00%
  • [Travel] No travel restrictions

    1 50.00%
Multiple Choice Poll.
Results 1 to 10 of 10

Thread: 2100

  1. #1
    AqD's Avatar 。◕‿◕。
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    Default 2100

    Imagine you live in an almost perfect country in 2100, where most of jobs from doctors to movie storywriter have been replaced by advanced AI and robotics. Everyone is on welfare. The citizens spend their life hooked to VR and drugs, do pretend fun jobs like cooking cloned fishes in streets, or play mercenaries in poor war-torn countries. Free market is essentially gone as everyone is living off the government and there is simply nothing productive for them to do.

    You're among the 5% of citizens selected for top talents to go through extensive training and help running it, whether it's a post in government or a private business, if such a thing still exists.

    EDIT: While money is not very useful to most people, it still matters for very luxury things, for example: a real cattle farm, or a house in the form of a floating base in the sky, etc. If you want to have something crazy outside of VR, you need it.
    Last edited by AqD; January 12, 2025 at 11:01 AM.

  2. #2
    Gigantus's Avatar I am not special - I am a limited edition.
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    Default Re: 2100

    I lolled at the second birth control option (50 kids). Maybe you should clarify that kids are now grown in vats and are collected like postal stamps?

  3. #3

    Default Re: 2100

    The idea that AI will replace everything is just pure fantasy that doesn't really have any basis.
    The Armenian Issue

  4. #4
    mishkin's Avatar Dux Limitis
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    Default Re: 2100

    I cannot imagine a world where an elite does not take advantage of its power and exploit the general population.

  5. #5
    AqD's Avatar 。◕‿◕。
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    Default Re: 2100

    Quote Originally Posted by Gigantus View Post
    I lolled at the second birth control option (50 kids). Maybe you should clarify that kids are now grown in vats and are collected like postal stamps?
    If you have free nurses and everything paid by the state, why stop at 2? You can have 10, 20, .. doesn't matter.

    Quote Originally Posted by mishkin View Post
    I cannot imagine a world where an elite does not take advantage of its power and exploit the general population.
    How did George Washington exploit fellow white Americans? Have you visited Norway?

    Nevertheless, the poll is about what we would do in the best scenarios. No point to discuss the worse ones.

    Quote Originally Posted by PointOfViewGun View Post
    The idea that AI will replace everything is just pure fantasy that doesn't really have any basis.
    It's not about replacement.

    Technologies always helped humans to reduce boresome works so that we can spend time on something else.

    But humans never improved. Can a doctor learn to operate on 2 patients at once? A lawyer reading all materials in half the time? How would a truck or taxi driver even make any progress? It's only time before most of us run out of things that we can do better than our machines, whose upward potentials are infinite.
    Last edited by AqD; January 15, 2025 at 02:44 PM.

  6. #6

    Default Re: 2100

    Quote Originally Posted by PointOfViewGun View Post
    The idea that AI will replace everything is just pure fantasy that doesn't really have any basis.
    I understand where you're coming from. It's true that the idea of AI replacing everything is an exaggeration. However, AI is already having a significant impact in certain areas, like automating repetitive tasks, enhancing data analysis, and improving efficiency in various industries. While it's unlikely that AI will replace all human roles, it can certainly augment many aspects of our work and daily life. The key is to use AI as a tool to complement human creativity and problem-solving, rather than seeing it as a replacement for everything.

  7. #7
    Gigantus's Avatar I am not special - I am a limited edition.
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    Default Re: 2100

    If you have free nurses and everything paid by the state, why stop at 2? You can have 10, 20, .. doesn't matter.
    I referred to the 'no more then 50' option in connection with 'a regular couple' Given that under normal circumstances the children are either biological ones or adopted and would thereby automatically fall under the umbrella of 'hand outs' (eg it doesn't matter if the adopted ones would be with their biological parents or not) the logical conclusion would be that the restriction is in place because of artificially 'grown' children. They certainly wouldn't be all biological children to start with, 50+ children from a single woman?
    If there are no 'grown' children then it implies an extraordinary mount of children given up for adoption, which then would condemn the 'surplus' to 'foster home without parole' being recipients of state 'hand outs'. In other words: handouts as reason for child restriction isn't a valid reason, eg illogical.

    What did I miss? A life expectancy (and fertility to match) multiple times what it is today? I still have serious doubts that any woman is prepared to spend up to 70 years being pregnant even then.
    Last edited by Gigantus; January 15, 2025 at 10:48 PM.

  8. #8

    Default Re: 2100

    Quote Originally Posted by AqD View Post
    It's not about replacement.
    Technologies always helped humans to reduce boresome works so that we can spend time on something else.
    But humans never improved. Can a doctor learn to operate on 2 patients at once? A lawyer reading all materials in half the time? How would a truck or taxi driver even make any progress? It's only time before most of us run out of things that we can do better than our machines, whose upward potentials are infinite.
    Not really infinite. An AI without the proper tools can not perform on two patients at the same time as well. As far as I know, AIs are not capable of intuition as people are. That's an important differentiator for a lawyer. There are certain aspects that AIs won't have if they don't develop sentience. What AI can do is be a glorified search algorithm and given all of a patient's medical records suggest possible diagnosis for a doctor to consider, for example.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beckitz View Post
    I understand where you're coming from. It's true that the idea of AI replacing everything is an exaggeration. However, AI is already having a significant impact in certain areas, like automating repetitive tasks, enhancing data analysis, and improving efficiency in various industries. While it's unlikely that AI will replace all human roles, it can certainly augment many aspects of our work and daily life. The key is to use AI as a tool to complement human creativity and problem-solving, rather than seeing it as a replacement for everything.
    Certain jobs it can certainly replace. It could drive you around. Yet, for most examples I can also see a possibility of creating other jobs for humans given that they have to be supervised and taken care of. A taxi company with AI drivers would need a team of technicians and customer service workers that a normal taxi company would not employ.
    The Armenian Issue

  9. #9

    Default Re: 2100

    Quote Originally Posted by PointOfViewGun View Post
    Certain jobs it can certainly replace. It could drive you around. Yet, for most examples I can also see a possibility of creating other jobs for humans given that they have to be supervised and taken care of. A taxi company with AI drivers would need a team of technicians and customer service workers that a normal taxi company would not employ.
    You're right that AI can certainly replace certain jobs, like driving, but also creates opportunities in fields like maintenance and oversight, as you mentioned. It's a bit of a shift in the type of work we do, rather than a simple replacement. However, I think the challenge will be ensuring that workers can transition into these new roles through retraining and support. In the case of AI-driven jobs like taxi driving, it's not just about technicians and customer service—there may also be jobs in managing the data, designing systems, or even ensuring ethical use of AI. So, while some roles will definitely be impacted, I agree that there’s room for new roles to emerge. It’s just important to stay adaptable as the landscape changes.

  10. #10
    AqD's Avatar 。◕‿◕。
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    Default Re: 2100

    Quote Originally Posted by Beckitz View Post
    The key is to use AI as a tool to complement human creativity and problem-solving, rather than seeing it as a replacement for everything.
    What creativity and problem solving do most humans exercise everyday? Even the movies get duller!

    Quote Originally Posted by PointOfViewGun View Post
    As far as I know, AIs are not capable of intuition as people are. That's an important differentiator for a lawyer. There are certain aspects that AIs won't have if they don't develop sentience.
    Self-awareness makes poor slaves. What we consider intuitions are just a sum of certain knowledge and understanding accumulated during our decades of wasteful existence, and everything can be analyze and programmed, then cloned to millions of robots everywhere.

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