Imagine you live in an almost perfect country in 2100, where most of jobs from doctors to movie storywriter have been replaced by advanced AI and robotics. Everyone is on welfare. The citizens spend their life hooked to VR and drugs, do pretend fun jobs like cooking cloned fishes in streets, or play mercenaries in poor war-torn countries. Free market is essentially gone as everyone is living off the government and there is simply nothing productive for them to do.
You're among the 5% of citizens selected for top talents to go through extensive training and help running it, whether it's a post in government or a private business, if such a thing still exists.
EDIT: While money is not very useful to most people, it still matters for very luxury things, for example: a real cattle farm, or a house in the form of a floating base in the sky, etc. If you want to have something crazy outside of VR, you need it.